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July 15, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-15

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See editorial page


Sil r igan


Clearing trend;
warmer over weekend

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


NAACP 'Young Turks' Demand
Overhaul of Governing Body




BOSTON (M)-About half the a chair, those remaining adopted
delegates to the National Associa- an emergency resolution prepar-
tion for the Advancement of Col- ed by the New York delegation
ored People convention staged a calling for closer contact with
rebellion yesterday, staying in a the people.
darkened .ballroom after adjourn- Impassioned Speech
ment to call for an overhaul of The impromptu action came
its governing body. shortly after an impassioned
The militant New York state speech by a 23-year-old member
conference, largest single state of the board brought the working
delegation at the convention, fol- session to its feet to recommend
lowed its "Young Turk" presi- I'more youth on the board of direc-
dent Donald Lee of Buffalo in re- tors.
fusing to move after Chairman "We believe in the NAACP and
Matthew Perry called for adjourn- are tired of seeing other organi-
ment. zations steal the angry young Ne-
"If you adjourn, we will not groes, steal the militants," shout-
leave," they shouted. Perry ad- ed Alfred Williams, of East Lans-
journed. The lights and micro- ing, Mich.
phones were turned off. But about Williams, a prime mover be-
500 delegates, including most of hind some of the more militant
the younger members, stayed in youths at the convention, persuad-
their seats, chanting "we shall ed delegates to adopt a resolution
not be moved." calling on the board to increase
By the light of a single televi- youth members from three to 17.
sion camera, with Lee standing on "We'll make you a new organ-


Late World News
By The Associated Press
NEWARK, N.J.-The death toll rose to seven in three straight
nights yesterday in this riot-torn city. Three Negroes and a white
policeman were killed as a curfew originally called for at midnight
was moved up to 10 p.m., without apparent effect.
Democratic Gov. RichardJ. Hughes said a third of the city
was under seige, cordoned off by police and National Guardsmen
in the grip of what he termed "criminal insurrection." Over 700
arrests have failed to quell sniper duels between police and rioting
Street mobs built up in size before sundown after day-long
looting. Bullets whizzed around the heads of firemen battling fire
in a four-story brick building near a housing project..
THE FIRST MEETING of the International Atomic Energy
Agency ever to be held at a U.S. university begins Monday, July 17
at the University. More than 70 papers will be presented at the
three-day meeting by nuclear scientists and engineers from 25
countries, including the United States, the Soviet Union, Yugo
slavia, Poland, Israel, Japan, and Germany.
The talks in the symposium on neutron thermalization and
reactor spectra will be simultaneously translated into French,
Spanish, Russian, and English.
Prof. M. V. Kazarnowski of the Gosudestvenii Institut in
Lebedeva, Moscow, is one of eight Russian participants in the
program. The other Russian scientists are from the I. V.
Kurchatov Atomic Energy Institute in Moscow. At the conclusion
of the meeting, Prof. Paul F. Zweifel of nuclear engineering
department will present a summary and some suggestions for
future research.
VIETNAM SUMMER PROJECT will hold a second community
workshop on Monday, July 17. Canvassing of the Pittsfield Village
area will follow an orientation session at the Unitarian Church,
1917 Washtenaw, at 7:00 p.m. Open House will be held at Viet-
nam Summer headquarters at 516 Oswego on Sunday, July 16,
from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.

ization if you can't do it your-
self," he said. "There are new
trends in civil rights . . . these
sentiments are not peculiar to
youth, but are particularly felt by
Williams' speech made before
the convention officially adjourn-
ed, amended a proposed resolution
which had merely called for a
study on whether more young peo-
ple should be onthe board, and a
report to the 1968 convention.
The two actions came in a day
of swift maneuvering in which
executive director Roy Wilkins
suspended P]iiladelphia branch
President Cecil Moore, and the
"Young Turks" formally charged
United Auto Workers with using
union money to pay delegate ex-
penses in an attempt to take over
the convention.
Moore's suspensionwas' asked
Thursday by five Philadelphia
delegates on grounds that he used
the Philadelphia office for per-
sonal gain, was careless with
branch finances, and made "ra-
cist attacks on people."
At a news conference Dr. Eu-
gene Reed of New York state, a
spokesman for the "Young Turks,"
disassociated his group from
Moore, and said they support Roy
Wilkins but not the board of di-
A flyer circulated by his group
among the delegates said the Unit-
ed Auto Workers were paying the
expenses "of a large numbr of
dlegates" to "prevent NAACP from
taking a strong position on cer-
tain key issues, particularly .
discriminatory practices of seg-
ments in organized labor."
The flyers suggested that the
UAW go on record opposing dis-
crimination in the building trades
unions, eliminate "its lily-white
policy of selecting regional direc-
tors," and name more Negroes to
its executive boards.
The resolution, sponsored by
New York's delegation, asked for
a convention committee to recom-
mend ways of 'giving the member-
ship a greater voice in the policy
making' and to get more local
area representation on the board.
The Daily will publish an ex-
tra edition this afternoon fol-
lowing the Regents' decision
on a tuition hike. The free edi-
tion may be picked up at var-
ious places on campus.
It was also asked a battery of
attorneys be named to revise the
constitution "to correct the above
mentioned deficiencies."
"Non-functioning members must
be removed from the national
board," it said, "the void which
exists between the association and
the grass root masses must be


FORMER WEST-GERMAN Chancellor Ludwig Erhard, center was conferred
of civil law by University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday.
Edhrdgas Univei
Need Bri~dge with P

Tuition Boostl
iWould Support,
SAbility-To- Pay
U' Regents Meet on Tuition Today;
Wayne State To Consider Hike Also
4 Vice President for Academic Affairs Allen Smith last night
told WXYZ-TV that the University would raise tuition costs as
much as $300 for the year starting in September. Smith said due
to the budget cut there is "no alternative but to raise the tuition
Two members of Michigan State University's Board of Trustees
have indicated that they will "wholeheartedly oppose" any tuition
increase for in-state students at MSU.
C. Allan Harlan and Don Stevens, both Democrats, said that
despite the inadequacy of the Legislature's MSU appropriation, they
would oppose any such increase unless it was tied to an ability-td-pay
-Daily-Robert Sheffield Both said, however, they would "reluctantly" favor an out-of-state
an honorary doctor tuition increase.
The University Board of Regents is meeting this morning to con-
sider the budget and a substantial tuition hike is expected. Regents
were not available last .night to comment on the possibility of an
Q 1 "ability-to-pay" tuition increase at the University.

) ltics

A polarity will always exist be-
tween the universities and gov-
ernment, but bridges of under-
standing must be 'cultivated, ac-
cording to Ludwig Erhard, former
Chancellor of West Germany.
He said conflicts will continue
to arise because of the tension
between the realms of thought
and those of power.
Erhard spoke as an educator
at he convocation which ended
the three-day sesquicentennial
conference on "the University and
the Body Politic." His speech was
in German, and was translated
by Prof. 'James K. Pollock, of
the Political Science department,
who worked with Erhard shortly!
after the wvar.
Warning that mass demonstra-
tions must not be considered in
every case a stronger weapon
against the compulsion of author-
ity, Erhard said "the actual situ-
ation implies at least a readiness,
if not a necessity, to come to a
mutual understanding" between
government and the universities.
He described a "gulf that sepa-
rates intellectual grasp and po-
litical decision," which has dis-
rupted century-old democracies
(the United States and Great
Britain). He said that ideas are
about to penetrate from the Com-
munist world and developing na-
tions which "if brought to their
logical conclusion would disrupt
our political, social and economic
The danger with accepting
these policies, said Erhard, is that
totalitarian states "have a sad
reputation that while they are
generous in supporting science,
learning and research in a finan-
cial way, they do this just as
long as and only in those fields
where intellectual activity does
not disturb or endanger the aims

of the state and political pur-
poses of the group in power."
But the university must not
try to become "institutionalized
power in itself," he explained, "in
other words the service of truth
means more and something better
than domination or material
It should Erhard concluded,
be the task of the university to
give new and original thought to
Keep Tuit
Fle-miung 1A
"Those of us who believe the
cause of democracy is best served
by maintaining tuition and fees
in public institutions at as low
a level as possible must pin our
hopes on convincing state legisla-
tors of the validity of our posi-
tion," said 'Robben W. Fleming,
President-elect of the University,
at yesterday's Sesquicentennial
conference "The Support of High-
er Education."
He explained that the answer
to the tuition problem must be
found between the extremes of
free tuition and full cost reim-
"The opportunity for an educa-
tion is so valuable to the nation
that the cost to the student must
never be placed beyond the reach
of the common man," said Flem-
However, Fleming, chancellor at
the University of Wisconsin who
becomes President-designate in
September, did not relate his
topic to the Legislature's cut in
the University's requested budget
which may force a tuition hike.
He said his policy is to decline to

Newport Mistakes Traditional
Folksingers as Representative

the relationship and to enhance
its standing beyond mere techni-
cal knowledge.
Ehard was conferred an honor-
ary doctor of civil laws degree. by
University President Harlan Hat-
cher. Honorary doctor of law de-
grees were given to Michigan's
Gov. George Romney and John
Gardner, secretary of Health, Ed-
ucation and Welfare at the con-
vocation as well.
1on- Low
answer questions in public about
the University until he knows'
more about the University's situa-
Fleming suggested that one
means of keeping the cost of edu-
cation down to the level o. the
common man might be a gradu-
ated tuition system that would
"remit or scale down the tuition
for students who come from low-
income families."
"It would not be an invasion of
privacy to ask students for figures
on their families' ability to pay,"
said Fleming, "and the benefits
of such a system to the state
would outweigh costs which would
not be too great."
Fleming also attacked the im-
balance of federal financial aid
which he said have gone to the
physical sciences "with the con-
sequence that the social and eco-
nomic problems of man are re-
ceiving very modest research at-
He pointed out that in the
decade 1953-63 federal support to
state schools grew by seven per
cent, the identical amount that
state support to the same institu-
tions declined.,
Since state financial aid is used
largely for undergraduate study,
he said additional sources of funds
are needed in order to avoid un-
due reliance on teaching assist-
ants for undegraduate courses.
Holgar Johnson, president of
the Council of Financial Aid to
Education, concurred with Flem-
ing in this last point. "There is
still a great impact to be made
upon the business community for
support of higher education, pro-
vided a good case can be made,"
he- said. "This is especially true
among alumni."
Paul Miller, assistant to the
secretary of education, HEW, the
second speaker in the session,
commented on the new education
acts which he said are creating

MSU officials have called the
legislature's appropriation about
$5.5 million short of their needs
for the next academic year.
Unider an ability-to-pay system,
students would be charged tuition
according to their family income.
Students from families with less
than a $5,000 annual income would
pay the current rate of tuition.
$358.50 per year. Students from
higher income families would be
forced to pay tuitions of up to
$1,000 yearly.
MSU administrators have voiced
opposition to such a system on the
grounds that it would "drain off
superior students from higher in-
come families" if MSU alone adop-
ed it.
The Board of Trustees were In
a 4-4 deadlock at their last meet-
ing on June 30 over approval of
a budget which incorporated a
straight tuition hike for in-state
students. Four of the board's five
Democratic members voted against
the proposal, favoring the "abil-
ity-to-pay" system. According to
Harlan, "there will be no retreat
by the Democratic members of the
board" at their meeting next Fri-
day, when they will try to reach
agreement on the MSU budget.
Refused Comment
Wayne State University Gover-
nor E. J. Forsythe refused to com-
ment on the possibility of a tui-
tion hike for WSU. The Board
of Governors is holding private
meetings this week to try to work
out an agreement on the budget
before their official meeting next
Forsythe said that the WSU ap-
propriation, $33.5 million instead
of the requested $33.8 million, was
"going to hamper our operation."
Forsythe added that his feelings
about the Legislature's freeze on
out-of-state enrollment were "am-
Mostly Local
"Most-90 per cent-of our stu-
dents are from the local area.
However, we have hoped to at-
tract more national and inter-
national students in the years
WSU's Student-Faculty Council
has passed a resolution "strong-
ly rejecting" any "proposal to im-
pose further financial demands"
on the student body.
In Lansing, Edwin Novak, presi-
dent of the State Board of Edu-
cation, called the Legislature's ap-
propriations for the state's univer-
sities "severely below essential lev-
Novak said that any resultant
tuition increases "are actually in-
creases in taxes-consumer type

WSU Faces
Shortage of
Vital. Funds'
President Keast Lap,
Blame on Legislature;
Tuition Hike Nears
Wayne State 'University is faced
with "an extremely serious prob-
lem," said WSU President William
R. Keast last night. He deemed the
1967-68 appropriation "so far be-
low Wayne's needs to operate at
curent levels, let alone to assume
extra responsibilities, that strong
measures are needed to align the
university's resources and respon-
"In my, personal opinion," Keast
continued "tax reform in Michigan
is essential. But if the legislature
had acted so that the taxes could
be collected in June rather than
October then at, least Governor
Romney's budget could ,have been
WSU was allocated $33.56 mil-
lion, a $1.2 million increase over
last year. Romney had recom-
mended a $1.5 million increase.
Keast felt that the only accept-
able aproach to the problem of
low appropriations was a tuition
increase. He said that he felt any
other actions would be either un-
fair to the students or would de-
feat the goal of a tiniversity.
Keast was unable to discuss spe-
cific figures until after the WSU
Board of Governors meeting next
Wednesday and. Thursday, but he
stated that there were several al-
ternative schemes prepared for
submission to them. He did say
that all present plans call for stif-
fer increases for out-of-state, stu-
"My greatest single concern,"
said Keast "is to ensure education-
al opportunities at Wayne will not
be reduced for those whose finan-
cial condition is marginal. The
tuition hike must be accompanied
by commensurate student-aid pro-
Keast declined to comment on
the affects the out-of-state stu-
dent freeze would have on WSU,
but said "it would be dreadful if
this resulted in a set of parochial
institutions with no one but Mich-
igan residents as students." Only
4 per cent of the WSU student
body are non-Michigan residents.

NEWPORT, R. I. - This year
the directors of the Newport Fes-
tival decided to emphasize the
traditional,. rather than popular,
contemporary performers because
contemporary artists receive more
exposure through television and
records than the traditional

The Chung Minh Kun group
followed the gospel singers. Com-
posed of native New Yorkers of
Chinese descent, the four players
were upstaged by a female vo-
calist who was probably the sex-
iest girl yet to appear on the
Newport stage.
It is hard for me to offer any
critique of the Chinese music it-
self, because I lack background
knowledge of the subject. But
George Wein, the official emcee
of the festival said the group pos-
sessed "impeccable musicianship."
But he's not an expert either.
Direct from the Lower East Side
of Yesteryear came Theodore
Bikel. He sang about the Mid
East crisis with a Zionist slant,
did a song "Hard Times" that
blasted the war-mongering gen-
erals and finished with an up-
tempo Hebrew love song, accom-
panied by Ralph Rizner, a Festival
director, on mandolin.
Though his jokes were stale,
Bikel is a good performer and
received enthusiastic response
from the audience which clapped
in rhythm with his numbers.

on- the big names for the Festi-
val's success.
This year they have obviously
omitted a number of contempor-
ary folk artists. They did not have
Phil Ochs, Eric Anderson. Patrick
Sky, Tom Rush or any other sec-
ond-generation balladeers on the

The following figures represent a view of the University's
undergraduate fees as compared to current levels at other col-
leges and universities in the state.
The Regents will take action this morning on raising tuition
for next year.
Increases at many of the other schools are also expected

. 1


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