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July 14, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-14

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FRIDAric JULY x4, 1967




1 :7uL 1i1;Y,

*Arab Bloc Insists
Israel Surrender
Claim to Old City





Agree on Need for Troops


delay over initial peace moves in
Suez sector, the U.N. General As-
sembly heard Arab and Commun-
ist delegates voice new demands
yesterday that Israel be compelled
to give up the Old City of
A U.N. spokesman said no ob-
servers would be sent to the Is-
raeli-Egyptian Suez front until
final agreement is worked out on
their nationality and just where
they will be stationed.
Lt. Gen. Odd Bull, Norwegian
commander of the U.N. Palestine
truce supervisory organization,
conferred with Egyptian officials
in Cairo and planned new talks
Cairo Parley
To Consider
June Defeat
CAIRO (A')-The four most bel-
ligerent Arab nations opened 'a
summit conference in Cairo yes-
terday to discuss means to erase
the consequences of last month's
war with Israel.
Meeting in secret session in the
Presidential Palace were President
Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt,
President Noureddin Atassi of
Syria, President Abdel Rahman
Aref of Iraq and President Hou-
ant Boumedienne of Algeria.
Ahmed Mahgoub
They are expected to be joined
today by Prime Minister Moham-
med Ahmed Mahgoub of Sudan,
who is flying from New York,
where he attended the UN General
Assembly meetings on the Middle
East crisis.
These five are the Arab leaders
most determined to carry on the
war against Israel until the con-
sequences of the defeat in the
June war are eradicated.
Nasser,' however, is reported to
favor building up the Arab ar-
mies to a maximum of prepared-
ness before launching what is oft-
en called "the second round" of
this fight against Israel.
Boumedienne and Atassi appear
to be pressing for an immediate
resumption of military operations
against Israel, and Aref and Mah-
goub may side with them.
King Hussein of Jordan met
with Nasser and Boumedienne in
Cairo early this week but is not
included in the second Arab sum-
mit meeting.
Socialist Syria regards mon-
archist Jordan with suspicion, and
before the war with Israel was ad-
vocating the overthrow of Hus-
sein. That suspician was not eras-
ed when Hussein made up with
his old enemy, Nasser, signed a
mutual-defense treaty, then join-
ed in the war against Israel.
As a militant Socialist, Bou-
medienne is considered cool to-
ward Hussein. He did not' attend
the first meeting between Nasser
and Hussein this week but enter-
ed the joint talks later.
Atassi was the last of the four
leaders to arrive in Cairo, landing
yesterday morning.

today with the Israelis in Jerus-
Bull is trying to get agreement
on a 25-man observer force, in
accord with a consensus reached
in the Security Council Monday.
Both countries have agreed to
accept observers.
In the 122-nation assembly,
delegates from the Communist
and Arab countries threw their
support behind a Pakistani reso-
lution deploring Israel's refusal to
rescind measures taken to put
Jerusalem's Old City under its
control. The resolution called also
for the Security Council to take
the necessary measures to ensure
compliance with the resolution.
A vote on the Pakistani resolu-
tion is not likely until early next
Most delegates predicted the
resolution would be approved in
the assembly, but some believed
Israeli moves to assure access to
the holy shrines might influence
the vote.
Official Israeli sources said in
Jerusalem that Israel and the
Vatican were near agreement that
special status should be given to
the holy places. Msgr. Angelo
Felici, Vatican undersecretary for
extraordinary affairs, was wind-
ing up a week of discreet diplo-
macy in Jerusalem, including a
meeting with President Zalman
Syrian Ambassador George J.
Tomeh, who described himself as
a Christian Arab, asserted that
Jewish control over the holy
places was unacceptable to Mos-
Soviet Union
Meanwhile, Party General Sec-
retary Leonid I. Brezhnev and
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin re-
turned yesterday to the Soviet
Union after attending the East
European summit conference in
The Soviet-bloc leaders, at the
end of the two-day secret meeting
issued a statement demanding
that Israel withdraw from Arab
territory conquered in the June
war. But it made no threat of a
"resolute rebuff" if Israel refused.
The same East European leaders
made this threat in a statement
after a Moscow meeting June 9.

-Associated Press
ARAB SUMMIT CONFERENCE, opened yesterday in Cairo, included, left to right, Presidents Houari
Boumedienne of Algeria, Abdel Rahman Aref of Iraq, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, and Nur Eddin
Atassi of Syria.
-- - -- - - - - - - - - -- -----------
Hong Kong Rioting Continues
As rits Squads Seek Calm

WASHINGTON (A -- President question of McNan
Johnson said yesterday he and his er, who were prese
key advisers, including Gen. Wil- too.
liam C. Westmoreland, "have McNamara sai
reached a meeting of the minds" could be met wit
on the need for additional troops draft calls and wi
in Vietnam. the present one-ye
Westmoreland, the U.S. com- of duty in Vietna
mander in Vietnam, was an over- Westmoreland
night guest at the White House, have made treme
He joined Johnson at an im- militarily, that th
prompty news conference and as- has achieved its
serted, "I am being provided forces the Communists
as I have recommended."
No Figures Given
Neither he nor Johnson would ~ ~ .
give any figure on the number of
additional troops to be sent to the
fighting front. Each emphasized
this will be determined after con-cutioswhSuhVena
cultations with South Vietnam
and other allies in the conflict, SAIGON 0P)-U
who will be asked to boost their gaged elsewheref
manpower contributions. threw their weigh
He added that Westmoreland, day into theI
Secretary of Defense Robert 'S. against the Nor
McNamara and Army Gen. Earle build-up on the
G. Wheeler, chairman of the Joint tively stabilized fx
Chiefs of Staff, were agreed on itarized zone.
troop needs. But he said: "We Three waves of1
cannot today give you any specific slashed at enemy
figure."~ zone whose fire
The news conference, held in a for the death of
sitting room in the President's Americans killed
living quarters, obviously was in- third highest we
tended to counter growing specu- war.
lation that a split might be devel- Explo.
oping within the administration The enemy posi
on the question of troop reinforce- border buffer terr
ments. dug in. It remai
To emphasize solidarity, John- whether the explo
son asked Westmoreland if the high-flying, eight
general agreed with the "meeting fortresses were a
of the minds" statement. tive than the day-
"Yes sir," the Vietnam com- fire of American;
mander replied. er-bombers. Silen
Johnson then asked the same weapons has prov

nara and Wheel-
nt. They agreed,
d troop needs
thout increasing
ithout extending
ar limit on tours

meet their goals, and that "t
enemy has not won a single sig
ficant victory in the past year."
Since McNamara returned Tu
day ight from his ninth insp
tion trip to Vietnam, he has be
pictured as feeling that perha
better use might be made of Am
ican troops already in that coi
try. This led, as much as anythi
to speculation of disagreeme



said "we
ndous progress"
e United States

objectives, that between McNamara and We
have failed to moreland.

52 Bombers Renew
tarized, Zone Attacks

U "
t l

.S. B52 jets, en-
for two months,
ht again yester-
American drive
rth Vietnamese
war's one rela-
ront, the demil-
the aerial giants
gunposts in the
was responsible
mnany of the 282
last week, the
kly toll of the
tions within the
itory are deeply
ned to be seen
sives lost by the
-engine Strato-
ny more effec-
-to-day counter-
guns and fight-
cing the enemy
ed to be quite a

HONG KONG OP)-Communists
bombed a police station, fought a
brief skirmish with police, and
stoned a brigade of firemen yes-
terday as heavily armed riot
squads patrolled this British col-
ony, ravaged - by antigovernment
terrorism for the past four days.
Early yesterday a bomb was
lobbed from a passing car into
the police compound, damaging
several vehicles but causing no in-
Police fired a single shotgun
blast at about 100 teenagers at-
tacking them on one of the main
streets of Kowloon, across the har-
bor from Hong Kong island.
Crowds Dispersed
Authorities quickly dispersed a
crowd that was throwing stones
at fire fighters trying to put out
an apartment blaze.
Hong Kong authorities yester-
day lifted the dusk-to-dawn cur-
few they had imposed on the
colony for the past two nights.
Brief demonstrations involving
a few hundred persons broke out
periodically and ended quickly.
Police arrested two persons dem-
onstrating with a crowd in front
of a Communist-run department

About 1000 left-wing workers
gathered in a union hall yesterday
but dispersed after a brief meet-
ing without incident.;
Three Arrested
Three persons were arrested in#
police raids in the small ruralX
fishing village of Tai Po where"
terrorists bombed and severely
damaged a rural committee
building Wednesday.
Wednesday night, as Hong Kong
began to recover from a night .of
violence and destruction. riot
squads, undercover agents and sol-
diers forced their way into the
quarters where large stores of
two pro-Communist union head-
weapons and propaganda material
were uncovered. Police arrested
about 40 suspected agitators in
the two raids.
Water Rationing
The issue which, at least par-
tially stimulated the violence, was
the colonial government's an-
nounced severe water rationing;
policy chiefly because Red China1
had not yet announced if it would
resume, its sales of water to the
Wednesday night's terrorist hit-
and-run attacks, the most violent

in four days, caused widespread!
damage to public transportation
vehicles and left two persons dead
and several injured.
Also, late that night, some mobs
began breaking open water pipes
and letting the precious water flow
down gutters.
The night of terror followed a
statement by Hong Kong's colon-
ial secretary, D. R. Holmes, that
"Hong Kong may well be enter-
ing a new phase of terrorism."

De Gaulle Appeals to Continental Europe
To Assert Freedom from U.S. Dominance

Coigo Military Revolt Ends;
Mercenaries Flee Kisangani
KINSHASA, the Congo (A')-The when they left Kisangani, Radio
military revolt in the eastern Kinshasa said. It reported the
Congo appeared ended yesterday mercenaries were headed toward
nine days after it began. Rebel Bunia, 35 miles to the northeast
white mercenaries fled Kisangani, near the border with Uganda.
and 28 Americans and Europeans The Belgian radio correspondent
they had held as hostages there in Kinshasa, however, reported the
were found safe, the Red Cross mercenary column was moving to-
reported. ward Punia, 180 miles south of
The Congolese government re- Kisangani.
ported that loyal troops had seized If so, it could follow one road
complete control of the northeast to Kindu, 120 miles south of Punia,
city, formerly called Stanleyville, or to Bukavu, capital of Kivu pro-
including the airport. The city was vince 190 miles southeast of Punia.
reported quiet, Mercenaries
Hostages White mercenaries with Katan-
The Red Cross said there was gan soldiers also staged a mutiny
no indication whether the merce- at Bukavu the day of the Kisan-
nary troops had taken other Euro- gani uprising July 5.
peans as hostages with them when It was widely believed the twin
they quit Kisangani in about 30 uprisings were linked to the kid-
trucks during the night. The naping of ex-Premier Moise
Congo radio said they had. Tshombe and his detention in Al-
According to earlier reports, giers. The Congo is trying to
more than 150 Europeans, includ- extradite Tshombe, underdeath
ing 2 visiting journalists, were held sentence on treason charges.
hostage in Kisangani, along with The Katanga troops always have
21 Americans. The Americans were been loyal to Tshombe, who tried
missionaries and professors and to break the mineral-rich pro-
students of the Congo Free Uni- vinceakayhfrm iner es- ofc h e
versity. vince away from the rest of the
The hostages had been reported Congo when it got mdependence-
under guard in a downtown hotel. from Belgium in 1960. Some lead-
But when the first Red Cross team ers of the Kisangani mutiny were
arrived in Kisangani, it reported known to be friends of Tshombe.

Though the hotspot sector had
been relatively quiet for 72 hours,
A m e r i c a n military authorities
consider it is there that Hanoi's
high command will attempt to
mount one of two" major offen-
sives that seem to be in the wind
this summer. The other would be
in the central highlands, a per-
ennial area of conflict.
Northern Corps
U.S. Marines form the principal
bar to {Communist ambitions to
take over the northern 1st Corps
area. U.S. Army soldiers stand
watch in the highlands.
Intelligence reports list three
divisions of North Vietnamese
regulars, perhaps 35,000 men in
the zone area. Nine regiments,
which could mean 15,000 or 20,-
000 men, are estimated to be at
jungle bases along the frontiers
of Laos and Cambodia for a new
drive into the central highlands.
The B52 attacks were their first
in the zone since May 11. Their
long absence from that area ap-
parently was due in part to the
threat from North Vietnamese
surface-to-air missiles.
SAM Sites
Some SAM sites had been de-
tected in the area and knocked
out in the interval. Though B52s
fly out of range of most anti-
aircraft guns, the missiles might
be able to hit them.
Elsewhere across South Viet-
nam, only light, sporadic fighting

was reported by the U.S. Com-
It has also been reported from
near the Cambodian border that
troops of the U.S. 4th Infantry
Division had searched without
success for 10 missing comrades
who were part of a company cut
up by a 1,000-man North Viet-
namese force Wednesday.
Outnumbered Americans
Lt. Col. Corey Wright of Oma-
ha, Neb., commander of the par-
ent battalion, said the outnumber-
ed Americans had killed 110
North Vietnamese troops by body
A U.S. artillery battery, appar-
ently firing in support of the 4th
Division troops, wounded three
Montagnard tribesmen when a
shell exploded prematurely Wed-
nesday over their village in the
The original
Friday and Saturday
7:00 and 9:05 P.M.
Architecture Auditorium


BONN (P)-President Charles de
Gaulle of France appealed to West
Germany and other continental
European countries yesterday to
assert their national identities and
escape any domination by the
United States.
Britain, he said, could only be-
come truly European by changing
its way of life, especially its re-
lations with the United States.
Until that comes about, de Gaulle
wants Britain kept out of the
European Common Market.
He insisted that the United
States is an old friend and that
nothing he said was meant to be


World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Senate and
House conferees failed Thursday
to break a deadlock on legislation
to head off a nationwide rail
strike. But they called on six shop-
craft unions and railroads man-
agement to refrain from a strike
or lockout pending resumption of
talks Monday.
Reacting to a union threat to
strike after. midnight Saturday in
the absence of legislative agree-
ment, the conferees urged the
unions and management "that in
the national interest, there will
be no strikes or lockouts pending
resumption of the conference
Monday afternoon."
There was no indication the
conferees had made any progress
but Rep. Harley O. Saffers, (D-
Va), said "there is still hope."
9 * * *
DETROIT- QP) - Urging the
United Auto Workers to bargain
"in light of the realities" of a
lack of profits, American Motors
Corp. yesterday became the fourth
and last major U.S. automaker to
begin contract talks with the

There were indications the
UAW would not be as stern in
its demands at AMC as it will be
with the Big Three - General
Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and
Chrysler Corp.
JERUSALEM - A foreign Min-
istry official said Thursday Israel
will let "tens of thousands" of
Arab refugees return to the oc-
cupied west bank of the River
Jordan as rapidly as possible after
Aug. 10.
That is the deadline date for
applications from those wishing
to return to their west bank
homes. An estimated 100,000 to
150,000 fled across the Jordan in
and after the six-day war.
The return will be coordinated
by the International Red Cross,
said Michael Comay, a Foreign
Ministry adviser.
Only, those Arabs deemed se-
curity risks, such as former Pal-
estine Liberation Organization
members, will be refused read-
mittance, Israeli officials said.

hostile. He explained that he
wanted to keep the American alli-
ance as long as there was a
threat from the Soviet Union.
But he urged an effort at un-
derstanding and cooperation with
Communist countries and said this
had led France to take positions
opposed to the United States on
Vietnam and the Middle East.
De Gaulle came to Bonn for
two days with six of his top cab-
inet ministers. It was part of an
attempt to revive the 1963 friend-
ship treaty, which he signed with
the late Konrad Adenauer just a
few days after he vetoed Britain's
first bid to join the Common Mar-
During the three years that
Ludwig Erhard was chancellor, the
treaty had little effect. The two
governments are still far apart on
many basic issues. Bpt the treaty
provides that a major meeting be
held every six months, and de
Gaulle brought this one to a cli-
Phone 434-0130

max with major presentation on
world affairs.
Although the meetings were held
behind closed doors, de Gaulle's
statement was relayed to news-
men in detail by Roger Vaurs,
chief spokesman for the French
Foreign Ministry.
De Gaulle began by noting that
the dominant fact in the world
today is the enormous power of
the United States. He said there
were two ways that Europeans
could respond. The first was to
accept American hegemony and
become a part of it. This he called
the easy, comfortable way.
No Hostility
The second way, he said, was,
"without hostility to the United
States, to safeguard our national
De Gaulle also made his vow
to maintenance of the American
"So we do not disapprove in
any way of the physical presence
of the United States in Europe,"
he added.


there was no trace of any host-
The first Red Cross report listed
those hostages found safe as 13
European newsmen and 15 Amer-
icans and other Europeans.
A Red Cross plane returned to
Kinshasa with 30 wounded soldiers
and a group of European women
and children.
The white mercenaries had some
European hostages with them







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