PAGE TWO T RE 311CHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. JULY 14. 1967 THEATRE Duerrenmatt's 'Physicists:' Two Viewpoints ,W Jk'V&",rAAL W %J A A'T, A 0" 4 0 By RICHARD KELLER SIMON # ample, when the audience should Fr'ederich Duerrenmatt's "The be listening to his "Song of Sol- Physicists'" is worth seeing despite onion" and digesting it, It Is dis- a less than satisfactory production tracted by his mad antics on stage. by the University Players. Kathy Ferrand played the frau- James Coakley's direction sacri- lein doktor to an ovation on open-j fices credibility too often for night. But this play has no necessary laughs - a technique roam for the mad soliloquy to By CHRISTOPHER DIONE Real" and "After the Fall"). With: Friedrich Duerrenmatt's "The this production of one of Duerren- Physicists" is parody farce, bur- matts most popular works, he has lesque, and serious "message" play again made surprisingly worth- all in one, in the dual garb of ab- while entertainment out of some surdist and realist theatrical long-winded rhetoric, uneven hi- styles. If there is a reason for the larity, and much precious am- plays failure to create an integral biguity. but they trap themselves by kill- ing the nurses who complicate their "missions." In the end, they have to contrive to be mad in order to escape prosecution. The major figure, Johann Wil- helm Mobius, offers a rational antidote to this ridiculous dilemma that "the duty of a physicist today is to remain unrecognized." This is such a commonplace "truth" nowadays that we suspect the dra- matist of putting us on. which may give the actors some- the audience which won her the !impact on the audience at Lydia thing to work for, but which de- applause. The doktor must re- Mendelssohn, it is the contrivance prives the play of its power. "The main calm in her madness. Only of disparate conventions in Duer- Physicists" is not a farce with a then is it truly frightening. renmatt's writing, not the execu- message tacken onto the ending. Much of the Players' failure to lion of the production by the Uni- It is a consistent, unfied, percep- establish the mood of the play versity Players. tive comedy of manners in the lies in the set, a set which goes Director James Coakley has a grotesque tradition. It must be out of its way to prevent the right talent for turning suspect pieces charming and horrible at the same atmosphere f r o n developing, of dramatic literature into thea- time-not first slapstick, then in- Duerrenmatt's stage directions trical successes (like "Camino credible, then a parody of itself., carefully specify that the location Most importantly it must be be- is a converted villa, built in a lieveable enough so that the audi- grand former era. It has a large ence pays careful attention to fireplace (not working), an im- eer y ar efuln. ttenposing portrait in a "heavy gild- ery orspmutkhen.noghed" frame and a "ponderous"~ The actors must have enough chandelier. One wall has many ' faith in the play to perform it lage wrdw a assdo= 0 R eflecti realistically. The play is funny, overlooking a terrace and park. but in order for the, audience to L. H. Stillwell's set, in contrast, take is seriously, the actors must isBy ANDY SACKS first take it seriously themselves s more like a broom closet than special To The Daily a spacious villa. The key to . Duerrenmatt is NEWPORT, R. I.-The theme of mood. "The Physicists" presents trouble with Act I-they have lost Thursday night's program was intelligent polite people with ex- faith in Duerrenmtt's ability to the topical song, and the 1,000 cellent table manners and fine! hold an audience-and' they rush people that came out in -the cold tastes in haut cuisine but, who are, through the dialogue, going no- foggy night were treated to some- underneath, selfish, bungling, con- where They substitute slapstick thing less than the traditional ex- niving, and often capable of s e mur- antics(deadbnurses are treated citing music ofsNewport. ders. The contrast is between the; as sides of beef) for an under- The topical song has most like-' gentlemanly conduct of everyday standing of the play. ly seen its heyday and the direc- affairs and the insane reality that tors of the festival were fighting increasingly breaks through the Bill Moore (as the police in- a losing battle in this respect surface. 'The play must establish anstein) give the only two out- They will probably be fighting the a mood of almost off handed 'lei- standing prformances capturing same battle for the duration of the sure, of well bred people who take the meaning and Intent of the festival because everyone on the their material comfort quite mat- play. William Haushalter (as New- island realizes that the folk music ter of factly. These people can en- ton) comes close to this standard boom is over; but still people come joy the veal Cordon Bleu in spite, at times, only to become too much with their guitars and banjos, and of the fact that every possible bad of a Restoration comedy fop at if they are not postponing the thing has just happened to them. other times. Maureen Anderson death of the folk music craze at No character can ever lose con- (as Frau Rose) is acting in exag- least they are having a good time. trol of himself in this play. Mo- gerated farce. The reality of her The topical song concert was bius must at all times look and problem must realistically -bubble not always so topical or interest- sound as reasonable as the po- out of her, not be flaunted about ! ing. Perhaps the directors of the lice inspector. Fred Coffin plays in a self-conscious bizarre hys- festival do not book their best Mobius in the wrong style. For ex- teria. performer's for Thursday night's ihe plot is a deilberate parody of the "well-made" mystery, but it rotates on a real issue-the guilt' of nuclear physicists (and, by ex- tension, humanity) who aren't i s z equal to the moral aemands made 1 e From the labored argument on them by their discoveries. This which leads the characters to a "message" emerges by paradox. realization of this paradox, Coak- Three physicists in a Swiss sana- ley attempts to isolate the farcical torium, initially pretend to be mad,s m f y d as a means of unifying audience impressions. He reminds his cast, " e most of whom are probably in- trigued with the "message," that this is comedy. The more respon- sive members play for the comedy throughout, some brilliantly, oth- MALCOLM MOOS, Pr C h a n g es ers hesitantly, crowd at a mornings Katherine Ferrand is astonish- with several other bus ing Fraulein Doktor Mathilde von viding Services to Go concert, because the crowds are Zahnd, the hunchbacked, female sentations, ending ton small until the weekend begins. psychiatrist-director of the sana- cellor of the Federal Re J. D. Williams, who was recently torium. released from jail on bond (he Fred Coffin portrays Mobius was charged with murder) opened with undeniable skill, utilizing an Seeger. They did traditional cl pitches and tones, but the persond a a and-response numbers from the of Mobius remains obscured by fields and prisons of the South but the other two comic pretenders, their renditions were nothing spa- Newton and Einstein. rren i ir ogram Officer-In-Charge, at the Ford Foundation is pictured before a sizable session of the Sesquicentennial Major Conference held yesterday. Moss, along sinessmen and educators, d iscussed "the Role of the State University in Pro- 'vernment and the Public. The conference is slated for another round of pre- ight with a convocation to ,be presented by Ludwig Erhard, former chan- epublic of Germany. 'U' President Observes 10S on Nationo fllee cial. Hedy West, recently returned from England, came out in a ping and yellow mini-skirt with black fish-net stockings and sang a protest song called "Farm Re- lief Blues." Her attire seemed to weaken her case. She also did two political protest numbers, one from SDS and one from the YAF. Civil Rights Songs Whatever magic quality the civil rights song had a few years ago was gone from Miss West's per- formance. I'm not sure that it was the fault of the performer, though. In the last years we have NAACP Leader Wilkins Urges Stricter Enforcement of Rights been so deluged with protest songs of all kinds that they seem to have lost their sting, especially when the lyrics are dull. Miss West apologized for leaving the aud- ience after these songs, explain- ing that she prefered not to de- part on such a cynical note. If the protest song is not dead it could probably use more solid The performances of Miss Fer- rand, Coffin, Victor Lazarow (Einstein) and William Haushal- ter (Newton) are excellent enough to dispel any impatience with the play's often tiresome progress. William Moore misses the chance for an outrageously funny char- acterization of Voss, the super- typical Swiss police inspector who lapses into a most un-Swiss atti- tude. Margaret Albright is pos- sibly too strident as the rigid head nurse, and Marsha Fleisch- er, as Monika Stettler, damages a transitional scene for .Mobius by loving him too inoffensively. The expanded-chested brutes who play the Fraulein Dokstor's musclemen aren't funny, and they should be. Her most impressive scent con- tains an impossible combination of objectives: a fantastic spoofI of the "mad-woman-fiend-in-' control-of-nuclear-secrets" dis- closure, an absurdist-farcical plot' twist, and a serious statement about the perversity of a deform- ed female. "I can love NO ONE!" she screeches, and the hush in the audience attests to a real point. But then she turns grotes- quely, a Vincent Price madness in her face, and says: "on-ly ... humanity.." Coffin succeeds, insofar as the script allows, in giving us a strong,; seriously humanist hero-victim,j but he can't compete against the comedy of Newton, the Restora- tion fop munching an apple. There are some technical faults; mis-cued lights, over-large de- tectives' hats, wall portraits too small to be seen past the 10th row, plastic toy revolvers, slips too often. By JILL CRABTREE "The uses of the University have become everybody's business," according to Elvis Stahr, president of Indiana University and speak- ., n i fr~o!-nt A - nfk i~r n '- - - National student organizations, women's associations, political parties and teachers' groups cam- paign for alterations of univer- sity policies and practices." TrAMP Functin than teaching. He suggested, "We might even dare to introduce a new concept of the matching grant -matching support for teaching with support of research." er at Yesterday afternoons session a rp i u All this pressureuaccsesiin to Sepulveda's speech concerned of the three-day Sesquicentennial All this pressure, according to the special problems faced by uni- Conference on "The University Stahr, has produced imbalanceseA ithe faculty's triple function of versities in Latin America, which and the Body Politic."hyn are "side by side with the govern- "Among the games people play teaching, research and public serv- ment-or sometines in opposition today, the one which seems to ice. Ito it-the only dynamic instru- make the mythical Top Ten most He cited the neglect of un- often is "What the University dergraduate education resulting imenthe c delgossiblef thor secur- Could Be Doing for Us." And peo-'from these pressures, and said, plc on' wate imemaiingin The pertinent question we ask strata, thebte r utilization and ple don't waste time mailing in ourselves now is whether our uni- the fairest distribution of national Or so it appears to one who tend versities are changing from the wealth, and the establishment of the suggestion box," Stahr said. creature of scholars to an amorph- the more democratic and more The theme of the topic session ous amalgamation of the uses just political regime." at which Stahr spoke was "Pres- which various private student, 'Prey' of Politicians sures on the University: Oppor- faculty and administrative groups He said that because of this tunities and Dangers." Other par- have been able to urge success- special function Latin American ticipants in the conference in- fully. universities have in the past, been cluded Cesar Sepulveda, former Stahr said one thing that would the "prey" of politicians seeking dean of law at the National Uni- aid the nation's universities in power, and have had to jealously versity of Mexico; Leonard Wood- solving the problem of too many guard their autonomy. cock, vice-president of the United pressures would be for the "edu- Auto Workers Union, and James cational leadership" to make a He noted the state could reduce 0. Wright, president of the Fed- comphehensive statement of the the university's budget, suppress eral-Mogul Corporation. problem to the public. its freedom, and silence or threaten Included among the pressures on Creative Approach student and faculty leaders. In- today's university which Stahr He speculated, "If the creative ternal pressuies from withi cold listed in his speech were indus- approach to problems which typi-;attempts to "capture" factions try and commerce's interest -in fies research orientation were ap-w.u. research, manpower development plied to the problems generated withi the university, and stimulation of economic by pressures, what substantial Sepulveda called for "corpora- growth. progress toward resolution of our tive representation" within the "Socially conscious individuals difficulties might we make!" political organization, but he expect the university to study and Stahtr noted that it is always warned that safeguards to the uni- make recommendations for solv- easier for a university to receive versity's autonomy should be in- ing problems of water polution. outside support for research rather icluded. I %WW W-ML N-.F.JLJL k--l %,A N-F -IL.JL % &- X-/ L. j 4r id BOSTON (P)-Civil rights lead- er Roy Wilkins yesterday called on President Johnson to do "a little cracking down" on officials who frustrate enforcement of civil rights legislation. "The administration s h o u 1 d summarily act," instead of going through a "continual process of persuasion," the executive direc- tor of the National Association fdr the Advancement of Colored People said in an interview. He said the President has "charted a way to go" in propos- ing civil rights legislation. "The administration's heart is in the right place, but as Negroes say down South, 'It do poorly,'" Wilkins said. Convention Wilkins' views, expressed during a lull in the NAACP's 58th annual convention, echoed concern about "reluctant" state and federal civil rights law enforcement. This re- luctance has been a chief topic during the convention's first three days. It ends tomorrow. "I think the President has charted a way to go in his mes- sages to the Congress, in his pro- posals of legislation," Wilkins said. "I feel definitely that the Con- gress had not always lived up to the presidential standard, and that even after enactment, offi- cials in some of the bureaus and agencies have thrown either light or heavy roadblocks in the way. Cracking Down "We do not regard this as a blanket condemnation of the ad- mirnistration, knowing the prob- lems of bureaucracy. We would like to see a little cracking down by the administration on the peo- ple who fail to follow clearly de- fined policy," he said. - Wilkins did not leave the mat- ter entirely up to the government. Effective enforcement, he said, is "largely a matter of policing by the people. They're not self-en- forcing. Any chapter of the NAACP that has a law against discrimination in housing and does not become active in enforc- ing that law in every possible viyI is derelict in its duty."I The 66-year-old executive d?-I rector, who has held his present] post since 1955, said he is confi-1 dent the civil rights movement is successfully f i n d i n g its wayi Newark Of fi through what he called "a Gran- support from the artists. For no sition period." one should ever apologize for It is moving from "an era of singing them. knocking down the crude bar- The New Lost City Ramblers riers and roadblocks" to one "illu- turned in an excellent performance strated by the problem of enforce- of blue-grass music, playing some ment, and one where community of their old standards that were involvement is a crucial factor," coincidently topical. They weret he said. polished and musically adept as "The poverty program is an usual, example of the type of thing the :Judy Collins highlighted the Negro has to adopt wholesale," # evening. She opened with a very he said, emphasizing not the fed- slow version of the Beatles' "In my eral money but that, under it, Life" and Bruce Langhorn sup- local communities were forced to plied an excellent second-guitar become involved in deciding what accompaniment. Leonard Cohen's they needed and how best to go "Suzanne'' was her next number. about getting it. Her sensitive treatment of this' song was beautiful and perhaps " her performance will never again Wtits Probebe equaled. r 1' Or 4 ATEF Recent Negro Flare-up 1:05-3:05-5:10 7:15-9:25 NEWARK (A') -- Mayor Hugh Addonizio met here yesterday with his special task forces on community problems. The discus- sion followed a rock-throwing disturbance by more than 200 Ne- groes at a police station Wednes- day night. James Threatt, head of the city's Human Rights Commission, said the two-month-old task force, made up of some 30 members from civil rights groups, labor and business, would meet to investi- gate the factors leading to the in- cident and discuss corrective measures. The disturbance started with the arrest of a Negro cab driver, John W. Smith, 40, who police said was tailgating a patrol car and then passed it on the right hand side. Police said when the two pa- trolmen stopped Smith, he be- came abusive and struck the officers. About half an hour after Smith -was locked up in the 4th Precinct station, police reported, the Ne- groes gathered outside the sta- tion, charging police brutality. By midnight, they began throw- ing rocks, bricks, and at least one gasoline-filled bottle, against the police station. Nearby store win- dows were smashed and several stores were looted. Before the trouble subsided, seven persons were arrested besides Smith. In a news conference yesterday, Addonizio said the incident was not a "riot." He said according to the report of Police Director Dominick Spina, it was only "a difficult situation" and "an iso- lated incident." The mayor said he was satisfied with the way the police handled the situation. "Scarface" Capone_ You've heard of a"abyFace"Nelson-and now "Legs" meet "No-Nose" "Knock-Knees" Hope Diller You all know Sherdock Holmes- You've heard of Forget Helen Of Troy- make way for The Cat Burglar-say hello to Todayits "Bull-Dog" "Pussycat" Jill of Winters Shirley Eaton St.John aE ti HOPE ENTERPRISES presents E~iJJLVJ~ I!JUII Fourteen Famous Swingers Give You The Do's And Dont's For The Man With A Roving Eye And The Urge To Stray! 4 0.1 IV UWIRU ~. o I