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July 14, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-14

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Partly Cloudy;
Diminishing Winds

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom




six PA


An Editorial...
We are confident that the Regents, at their meeting to-
morrow, will act wisely in setting the level of expected tuition
increases-for both in- and out-of-state students. It is obvious
to those concerned with the University's future, that exception-
ally large hikes would be deleterious to the excellence of this
institution; it is equally clear that the state Legislature has no
business impinging on the autonomy of the Regents in attempt-
ing to force out-of-state tuition hikes.
Now is the time for the governor and the members of the
Legslature-Republicans and Democrats alike-to wake up to
the reality that tuition increases are not the way to meet reve-
nue needs. On the contrary, if the state wants to safeguard one
of its most precious assets-the University--it must provide nec-
essary appropriations from state monies, rather than handing out
an austerity budget that fails to account for the growth, size
and level of services provided by the University. In the past
decade, enrollment has risen about 43 per cent, while the gen-
eral fund budget in real dollars (adjusted for inflation) has
gone up by about 35 per cent. In short, enrollment has vastly
outstripped the University's capacity to run itself. Yet the Leg-
islature this year decided to drastically cut Gov. Romney's re-
quest for the University. This cut is particularly deplorable in
light of $180 million in additional revenues to be provided by
the new state income tax.
The state lawmakers who forced this crisis on the Univer-
sity did not take into consideration the ill effects of tuition
increases. Big budget surpluses seemed to them a more attrac-
tive goal than adequately financed higher education.
They have served their constituents poorly. For if the
University abides by the Legislature's guidelines, out-of-state
students would be forced to bear the impossible burden of a
$650-$750 hike with less than two months' notice before the
beginning of the fall semester. This would almost certainly stop
large numbers of students from applying or continuing their
studies in the future. These same non-residents, however, add a
diversity and sophistication which markedly enhance the Uni-
versity's international reputation, contributing a disproportion-
ately high percentage of the honor students and fellowship win-
ners here.
Bearing this in mind, the Regents must consider the fol-
lowing fundamental questions:
-Whether the University can trim its projected operating
budget, rather than implement excessive tuition increases.
-Whether out of state increases should be substantially
higher than in-state increases because of Romney's income tax.
-Whether the hikes should be permanent or temporary, con-
tingent on exploration of alternate sources of revenue and a
possible change of attitude in Lansing.
A tuition hike for both residents and non-residents is im-
minent and the question becomes one of how to distribute the
load. While the decision is for the Regents to make, we urge the
maintenance of the current ratio of resident to non-resident fees
... approximately 3 to 1.
The University must adjust its operating budget accord-
ingly, even if cuts must be made-at least for the time being.
Finally the Regents should assure the University communi-
ty that any tuition hikes will be temporary, pending the acquisi-
tion of additional operating monies.
We hope the Regents will also realize that tuition increases
are not the ultimate answer to financing highe'r education. Their
present actions can only be considered as a temporary bailing-
out effort which must be handled with prudence and restraint.






JOHN GARDNER,' Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare received a warm reception yesterday as he urged increased federal
interaction with universities. Former German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard and his translator were seated to his right. Gardner received
a standing ovation after his speech and University President Harlan Hatcher delivered closing remarks.

Gardner Advocates Reluctant Universities
Take L d h led ershi Don Society's Problems

Dorm Fee Hk
Also Considered
All. State-Supported Schools Receive
Drastically Reduced Appropriations
The Regents will meet in a special session at 9:30 tomorrow
morning to work on the University's 1967-68 budget.
In allocating the University's financial resources, they will con-
sider both a tuition increase and room and board fee increases for
the residence halls.
The $59.1 million state appropriation approved in Lansing Wed-
nesday leaves a deficit of $4.7 million from a minimum University
operating budget of $83.2 million, which includes student fees and
a small amount of other revenues.
The Legislation figures the University can make up the $4.7 mil-
lion difference with an increase in non-resident tuition of about
$650 a year.
However, the University's original request for state funds was
$74.6 million, an increase of $16.5 over last year's appropriation of
$58.1 million. Included was an estimated $5.9 million to maintain
existing programs and cover a 6.2 per cent enrollment increase to
bring total enrollment to 38,307.
The remaining $10.6 million was
to cover faculty and non-aca-
demic staff salary increases and Ti re
other areas that have suffered as .J 10
a result of low state appropria-
tions over the last five or six lMinorit
The $4.7 million deficit points
to a tuition increase of about
$122 per student, in-state and cruiter
te out-of-state, just to maintain cur-
. rent levels of University opera-
ed tion. To make up the other $10.6 B
million would mean approximately The University Personnel Office
$280 more in across the board announced yesterday it is creating
rt tuition hikes. two new positions "to strengthen
d- Additional Revenue its affirmative action towaN mi-
ng The Regents will determine how nority group members."
ty much additional revenue is needed Personnel Officer Russel W.
he after studying the possibilities for IReister said he is planning to
in program cuts and setting salary appoint a new staff member in the
nt levels, and decide whether to office's employment section to be
maintain the current three to one "particularly concerned with re-
ht ratio between non-resident and cruiting personnel among minority
by in-state tuition or increase it with groups, making contacts with in-
or a larger increase in out-of state ner-city high schools and predom-
er- ees.inately Negro colleges."
Lm The residence halls must face In addition, the office has hired
s- rising food costs and an eleven Clyde W. Briggs, a Negro, as man-
de. per cent salary increase to bring ager of training and counseling.
University wages to a competitive He will take office on August 1.
level with other local firms. The Reister said employing a Negro
cost per student has been esti- in a counseling capacity will be
mated at $39. beneficial because "a Negro mem-
Vice-President for University ber of the staff who feels he has
Relations Michael Raddock said been discriminated against because
yesterday that the University is of race may feel that a mem-
V in a "time bind" on the tuition ber of his own race would hear his
increase question since fall class- complaint more objectively."
es start earlier than those at any "While Briggs will not be work-
m other college or university in the ing exclusively with minority
state and students will have to be group members," Reister said,
if notified before the term begins "this is where we need a more
ea at the end of August. concentrated effort."
ay Despite fiscal reform, all of Briggs' duties will include:
at Michigan's state supported schools -Determining training needs
o- and colleges will receive appro- and providing programs to help
priations drastically below Gov. upgrade current staff, and helping
George Romney's recommenda- to qualify prospective employes
ael tions and their own budget re- who might not otherwise be eligi-
n- quests. ble.
a Legislators explain that the Uni- --Counseling individuals about
a versity was hardest hit because opportunities open in University
ne its out-of-state enrollment is high- employment.
. est in both percentage (25 per -Keeping minority groups ad-
n- cent) and number (9,243), thus vised of training programs and

ur enabling it to raise more by a employment opportunities.
it non-resident tuition increase. Initially, according to Reister,
We Michigan State University re- new training programs will be ar-
ou ceived $56.7 million instead of ranged as far as possible through
at $59.4 million recommended by the already operating facilities such as
governor, while Wayne State Uni- high schools, Washtenaw Commu-
ild versity received an appropriation nity College, business schools and
or of $33.8 million instead of $33.8 possibly the Washtenaw County
million. economic opportunity program.

The universities must urge their
brightest and best young men to
"imperil their souls" in the field
of human leadership, John Gard-
ner, Secretary of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare said yesterday at
the Sesquicentennial Conference
Gardner identified poverty, the
cities, and the lot of the Negro
as "grievous domestic problems"
in which universities have a stake,
but with which they are ill-fitted
to cope.
Gardner told the gathering of
administrators and faculty from
several colleges that "the academic
world must produce educated lead-
ership in every area of our nation-

al life." But "administration, pol- involvement. He noted that while versity, who have made defini
itics and leadership are areas the their motives are admirable strides to change the situatio
academic man now holds in very changes have been "largely un- But he added that the interactit
low esteem," he noted. predictable and unintended." is going to have to be strengthen(
Unconsciously, professors com- Gardner explained that the and taken much more seriously.
municate this aversion to their division of the university and the This banquet progam was a pa
brightest students, he observed, government will continue in this of a three day Conference inclu
and as a result each generation is arrangement. "The university must ing five topic sessions rangi
"brilliant in scientific advance, always be a haven from the pres- from the "Role of the Universi
but is limited in the art of sures of society - a haven for in Cultural Development" to t
changing human institutions." dissent, debate, reflection and "Role of the State University
He added that many university creative thought," he emphasized. Providing Services to Governme
people who should have an im- hand the Public."
portant interest in human prob- W have to believe tht hu-
lems "barely understand them or man intelligence is equal to the The Conference will end tonig,
are "debating alternatives left be- task," he said and claimed this with a convocation delivered1
hind five years ago." improvement "will require the best Ludwig Erhard, former chancell
"We need to be told how to and most disciplined minds avail- omaty IdwileRepublc ofkG
build a better society," h ttd able." many. It will be held in Rackha
and athettniersitiesy,"shulsadtHe noted that there are already Auditorium where University Pre
and the universities should adopt frontrunners, many at the Uni- ident Harlan Hatcher will presit
a role which "seeks solutions in,
the business of changing human
But the federal government is
the only agency capable of mobil-
izing talent, energy and resources,
on the scale necessary to achieve u
these purposes, Gardner explained. v i11tant Stu ent Rol
"Mutually respecting relation-
ships" between the government

VOICE Members Claim Need
For More Open Questioning

Members of Voice Political
Party, claiming they did not re-
ceive sufficient time for discus-
sion of questions, interrupted yes-
terday morning's Sesquicenten-
nial Conference on the Role of
the University in Research.
Eric Chester, '65, said that Vice
President for Research A. Geof-
frey Norman, the conference mod-
e'rator, had previously promised
one-third of the conference. time
for open participation by written
questions or questions for the
When the questioning period
extended beyond the session's
scheduled end, Norman said he
could not devote additional time
to questions from the floor. Sev-
eral Voice members in the aud-
ience raised shouts of protest.
Classified Research
Of the few questions raised dur-
ing the twelve minute participa-
tion period following speeches by
panel members, several centered
on the University's classified re-
search. Norman admitted that
classified resarch on infra-red
search devices being done at Wil-
low Run Labs were for Vietnam
as well as other applications.
When Stan Nadel, '66, asked if
the research were also valuable
for killing people, Lee A. Du
Bridge, president of California
Institute of Technology, was pro-
vnked o , lo "vs.

ident, University of Deleware,
James Webb, adminstrator of
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Arthur S. Flem-
ming, president, University of
Oregon and Lawrence Hafsted,
vice president and director, Re-
search Laboratories, General
Motors Corporation.
The panelists' remarks centered
around the problem of research
versus teaching in universities. Du
Bridge definied a university as
distinct from a college by saying
that it must have a graduate
school and, "Graduate study and
research are the same thing."
He said that university research
must have one of three qualif-

ications to justify itself; educat-
ional experience for graduate stu.
dents, scholarly opportunity for
faculty, or public service. He said
further that open critical discus-
sion except when the university is
performing classified public ser-
Campus Based Research
Perkins said that "Teaching is
the academic man's first moral
obligation and should be his love."
However he felt that campus
based research is a self-justifying
activity equal to teaching. He said
that the second world war had
given impetus to research in uni-
versities because of their exten-
sive research then.

and the universities he described
as the "desirable direction for the
future." He then pointed to a re-
cently-formed Advisory Commit-
tee on Higher Education chaired
by Dr. Clark Wescoe, president of
the University of Kansas, to iden-
tify ways of supporting effective
means of communication between
the two agencies.
Vital Concern
A vital concern in the study
will be the existing government-
education relationship, the in-
fluence of aid to higher education
and means of improving it, he
But, he said, many may claim
that scientific and technological
advances have, in fact, radically
changed human institutions and
advocate minimal governmental.

Edward Litchfield, chairman of
the board of the Smith-Corona
Marchant, Inc., told an audience
of 100 participants at the Sesqui-
centennial Conference that he be-
lieves "students are probably the
most important element" in help-
ing determine the role of state
universities. They "should be re-
sponsibly militant" in attempting
to achieve their goals," he add-
Litchfield's remarks came dur-
ing the question and answer per-
iod of a "topic session" on "the
role of the state university in
providing services to government
and the public."
Participating in the topic ses-
sion were Litchfield, University
Prof. James K. Pollock, political
science; John W. Lederle, presi-
dent of the University of Massa-
chusetts; Malcolm Moore, officer-
in-charge of the Ford Foundation,
and Joseph Satterwaite, consult-
ant to the administrator of NASA.
Public Service
Lederle, the first speaker, was
critical of emphasis on public serv-
ice at the expense of the teach-
ing and research functions of the
He said "the university increas-
ingly is being pulled into the vor-
tex of public problems at the risk
of repudiating completely its po-
tential for critical and objective
Lederle concluded "a university
cannot be all things to all men.
Given adequate resources, public
service might well become an equal

called for verbal questions fro
the floor.
Michael Zweig, Grad, asked
the panel if it felt "that the id
that the university is in some w
compelled to perform services
government request is not a t
talitarian tendency."
'U' Service
Zweig also asked if the pan
felt a university could "in co
science" perform services for
government that was acting in
way the university did not condo
"such as waging war in Vietnam
Satterwaite replied by wo
dering "what the response to yo
question would be if you asked
at the University of Peking. V
are fighting in Vietnam so y
will have the right to ask th
Moos commented that he "wou
not compel anyone to work f
the government."

----------- I

School of Music To Present Four
Concerts of Contemporary Music

By FRED MORDEN the Horace H. Rackham School of
The first of four concerts by Graduate Studies which has helped
the School of Music Composition to sustain a group of highly skilled
Department will be presented at musicians and to procure manu-
8:30 p.m., Saturday, July 15 in the script and performance materials.
Recital Hall, School of Music. When asked about the changing
TseitaltHalliSchooldf"usc.nm-roll of the twentieth centurycoi-
The series is entitled "Contem- poser, Prof. Wilson said that "in
porary Directions" and as Asso- the twenty-odd years since the
ri A. 'rn FPCCn,. CC.n,.ra R lWi nn -_ _.-.- - _

Live performance, then bec(
the composers most impor
means of realizing his own
ceptions. Along with his search
"greater flexibility," the comi
has developed new forms of r
tion which differ radically :
the symbols used for the past

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