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May 06, 1967 - Image 3

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PAGE T E .."



New York Paper
Stops Publication
World Journal Tribune Attributes
Shutdown to Union Harassment

Chinese Posters Indicate Mao
Prepared To Bargain With Liu

NEW YORK (P)--The fledgling
World Journal Tribune ceased
publication yesterday after only
eight months of existence, attri-
b ting its death to union harass-
Ant and a new and higher wage
pattern in the industry.
"The thing that has brought us
to this day is the intransigence of
the unions," declared the after-
noon and Sunday newspaper's
president, Matt Meyer. The World
Urge Moves
To Punish
Draft Critics
Armed Services Committee yester-
day challenged Justice Depart-
ment failure to prosecute Stokely
Crmichael and other antidraft
,campaigners for inflaming youths
against military service in Viet-
The department's respnse was
prompt. Asst. Atty. Gen. Fred
Vinson told committee men, "No
one, has been prosecuted, under
Se law because the department
feels there have been no viola-
Rep. F. Edward Hebert (D-La),
brought up Carmichael's activities
after Chairman L. Mendel Rivers
(D-SC), said public officials ap-
peared to be reluctant to prose-
Alte draft dodgers, card burners
and makers of "disgraceful, in-
flammatory speeches that hamper
enforcement of the draft."
Carmichael Speech
Hebert cited a Carmichael speech
to several hundred college students
Iho echoed his chant: "We aren't
going! Hell no!
Vinson replied that in the judg-
ment of the Justice Department
that was not a violation of the
law ;which bars obstruction to
military recruiting.
Vinson volunteered his personal
winion that Carmichael's utter-
ance was "outrageous," but added
that any law dealing with utter-
ance must be read in the First
Amendments guarantees of free
speech and dissent.
Batting Average
Vinson rejected Rivers' infer-
*ce that the Justice Department
has been easy on draft dodgers,
saying the government's "batting
average this year has been .975."
Hebert shot back: "But your
batting average in prosecuting
people for violating this law ob-
structing recruiting is .000. Why
*sn't been anybody prosecuted
Vinson's reply was also "no" to
Rivers question whether anybody
has been "charged with counsel-
ling to refuse or, evade military
Difficult to Prosecute
Vinson explained, that it was
exceedingly difficult to prosecute
general statements made to a gen-
eral audience under past Supreme
Court decisions that "general ex-
pressions of opinion are under the
umbrella of the First Amend-
Vinson made a distinction be-
tween such utterances and efforts
to urge inductees not to report.
He said several indictments have
been brought for such urging in
which free speech was only part
of the, issue.
a Vinson won committee approval,
however, when he testified the
Justice Department would appeal
a lower court's ruling that the
recent law making it a crime to
burn draft cards was unsupport-
Cassius Clay
4 Vinson declined specific com-
ment on the case of prizefighter

Cassius Clay. But he said that a
draftee's refusal to step forward
for induction - the unfrocked
heavyweight champion did just
that-is "unquestionably an in-
dictable offense."
Vinson said under questioning
that Clay could be prosecuted in
a few months but that if his law-
yers use all the technicalities the
appellate process could stretch out
for a year or so.
Under committee urging, Vinson
reed to try to work out language
r changes in the Selective Serv-
ice law that would deter inflam-
matory antidraft utterances, with-
out violating First Amendment

Journal Tribune was losing money
at the rate of $8.4 million a year,
he said, and no one had shown any
interest in buying it.
First published after a 140 day
strike last year, the World Journal
Tribune closed in the midst of a
new round of New York newspaper
wage negotiations in which a pat-
tern of a 21 per cent wage increase
over three years already has been
Within hours of the WJT's de-
cision, negotiators for the print-
ers' union and the New York
Times reached tentative agreement
Friday on a three year contract
caling for pay increases of over
21 per cent, cost of living adjust-
ments and a reduction in hours.
The settlement is basically the
same as one reached last Friday
with the Daily News.
'Totally Impractical'
"It is totally impractical for the
World Journal Tribuneto assume
this increased burden," Meyer
said. He added that the decision
to kill the paper was made Wed-
nesday night.
Meyer set circulation of the
World Journal Tribune at 700,000
daily and 900,000 Sunday. It was
the third in size of four Manhat-
tan dailies, and seventh in the
size among afternoon newspapers.
The closing threw 2,600 persons
out of jobs. '
It left Manhattan with a single
afternoon newspaper of general
circulation, the tabloid New York
Post. Two morning dailies, both
with Sunday editions, remain in
the field, the Times and the Daily
News. A generation ago the city
had 12 metropolitan dailies.
Two Great Empires
The death of the World Journal
Tribune also erased after more
than 70 years the last vestiges in
New York of two great newspaper
empires. The paper was born out
of the merger of the Hearst organ-
ization's Journal American and
the Scripps Howard World Tele-
gram & Sun.
Nationally known columnists
who lost their only New York out-
let with the demise of the World
Journal Tribune included Red
Smith, Walter Lippman, Jimmy
Breslin, Walter Winchell, Bob
Considine, Jim Bishop, Joseph
Alsop and William Buckley.
Meyer said in his statement an-
nouncing the end of the paper
that a 21 per cent wage increase
pattern set at the Daily News by
the AFL-CIO International Typo-
graphical Union would add $10.5
million in payroll costs over three
years to an operation already
losing $700,000 a month.
'Pay or Shut Down'
Meyer quoted the president of
the local printer's union, Bertram
A. Powers, as declaring: "All they
can do is pay or shut down."
Powers said the closing was a
complete surprise to him and
added: "I believe the difficulties
this paper experienced were
among the owners. I'm convinced
there will be another paper to take
its place in the afternoon field.

-Associated Press
A SPECIAL FORCES CAMP at Lang Vei near the Laotian border of Vietnam was attacked by a
Viet Cong battalion yesterday. Also near the Laotian border, U.S. Marines completed their 12-day
campaign to capture strategic Hill 881.'
Marines Win12-Day HBattle,
Successfully Scr il81

HONG KONG (P)-Wall posters
in Canton claim Chairman Mao
Tse tung has offered to let Liu
Shao Chi keep Red China's pres-
idency if Liu will publicly confess
his sins against Mao and promise
to support Mao in the future.
Chinese travelers from Canton
said the posters were put up there
in the last two days.
The posters were reported sign-
ed and posted by pro Mao Red
Guard and revolutionary rebel
units, but the nature of the posters
created skepticism and doubts
among China experts in Hong
The travelers said some of the
posters specifically claimed that
Mao had told his followers in Can-
ton he was prepared to make a
deal with Liu on the presidency
in order to settle their bitter power
struggle feud.
Too Much Support
Other posters were reported to
claim that Mao was making the
offer because he had decided that
Liu had too much support for Mao
to overcome.
Despite reports of increasing op-
position to Mao in the provinces,
some China experts found it hard
to believe that Mao would admit
defeat. They were inclined to be-
lieve anti Maoists had faked the
posters in an effort to create dis-
sension and doubt.
If that is the case, the anti-I

Maoists have at least partly suc-
ceeded, the travelers said.
They reported Canton buzzing
with reports and rumors that Liu
supporters, who are in command
of most provincial government
Gits, were backed by a majority
of China's peasants and some

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
spokesmen said yesterday there
has been no change in the De-
fense Department's two month old
plan to call to active duty 31,000
reserves who are not fulfilling
their military obligations.
The Pentagon announced Feb. 15
that reserves who are failing to
make weekend drills would be or-
dered to active duty for up to two
At that time, the Pentagon said
the first men would be called up
in July. This schedule still holds.
The action will put into uniform
an estimated 15,000 to 25,000 Ar-
my, 3500 to 4000 Air Force, 2000
Marine Corps and 100 Navy Re-
serve personnel.
leans States Item said in a copy-
right story yesterday that Dist.
Atty. Jim Garrison will seek to

show that Lee Harvey Oswald
was an undercover agent who aid-
ed the cause of anti-Castro Cubans
"Garrison's investigation is said
to have taken a definite trend to-
ward what are believed to be in-
dications that persons employed
by the CIA were responsible for
Kennedy's death," the newspaper
States denied yesterday that U.S.
planes deliberately attacked a
British flag freighter in Haiphong
Harbor on April 25. It suggested
thQ ship may have been hit by
North Vietnamese antiaircraft fire.
North Vietnam charged that
American planes shot up the ship
during an April 25 raid on Hai-
phong, the country's principal
port. Half a dozen Chinese crew-
men were reported injured.

army units, and that Mao was
afraid to risk a show down.
One Hong Kong Chinese, re-
turning from three weeks in Can-
claimed "more than half of the
ton and outlying rural areas.
pcople of Kwangtung Province are
against Mao, and for Liu."

SAIGON (JP)-U.S. Marines won tem of bunkers found to stretch
their final objective yesterday in between the frontier and the hills
the Battle of the Hilltops, a bloody, 861, 881 South and 881 North.
12 day campaign that officers said Rounding out the military pic-
foiled a Communist plan to wipe ture were sporadic skirmishes in
out the forward American com- other parts of the country and
mand post at Khe Sanh. strikes by U.S. jet squadrons at
Leathernecks secured the last of Communist targets on both sides
three key peaks-Hill 881 North_ of the border.
where North Vietnamese regulars Radio Hanoi said there was a
had massed menacingly above Khe heavy attack on Hanoi and its
Sanh, seven miles from the Lao- vicinity and that the North Viet-
tian border and 12 miles south namese shot down seven planes. It
of the demilitarized zone between reported several pilots were cap-
North and South Vietnam. tured.
Independent confirmation was
Resistance by battered regi- lacking and there was no imme-
ments of North Vietnam's 325th diate comment by American au-
bivision ebbed to a flurry of shots thorities in Saigon.
which wounded seven Marines. Although the Marines finally
The occupation was completed at had taken the high ground in the
2:35 p.m. area of Khe Sanh, the outlook was
With the enemy cleared from for more bitter fighting along the
the field, there was speculation the demilitarized zone.
survivors had pulled back into Gen. William C. Westmoreland,
Communist controlled eastern Laos commander of American forces in
via an elaborate, log covered sys- Vietnam, visited the scene and
Ambhassador's Report Says
Viet Situation Encouraging

said: "I don't think the battle
is necessarily over."
"But the enemy has been set
back and has suffered tremendous
casualties," he said. "The Marines
hit them before they had a chance
to prepare the area."

SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (')-Pres-
ident Johnson received a first re-
port yesterday from his new am-
bassador to Vietnam, a lengthy
document describing the election
situation as encouraging and the
spirit of dedication as hearten-
Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker
noted also a reduction in prices, a
lessening of congestion in the port,
of Saigon, and a decrease in cas-
ualties and kidnapings of Vietna-
mese civilians.
Bunker took over his post April
25. The report was No. 1 in a
weekly series, in the pattern of
his predecessor, Henry Cabot
White House press secretary
George Christian told newsmen the
report was not significantly dif-

ferent from those Lodge had been
turning in.
Bunker told Johnson that 8,948
members were chosen from 12,719
candidates for 984 councils in vil-
lage elections April 30. He said
2,511,455 voters turned out, or 77
per cent of all those eligible, con-
siderably more than the govern-
ment expected.
The ambassador said the Viet
Cong were unable to disrupt the
elections but were a factor in
them, with threats to kill candi-
dates who were elected.
He said, Christian reported, that
the elections indicated about half
the rural population lives in vil-
lages now sufficiently secure to
allow establishment of elected vil-
lage governments. There are about
2500 villages in the country.

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