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July 11, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-07-11

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TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1967




l AH(V L

"UN To Impliment
Observation Plan
Egypt Agrees To Cooperate; Eban
To Announce Israeli Decision Today

McNamara Doubts Indications
Of North Viet Troop Build-Up

By The Associated Press
Security Council decided early
yesterday to send military ob-
servers to the Middle East cease-
fire line and Secretary-General
U Thant said Egypt had agreed
to stationing UN observers on
its side of the line.
In Jerusalem, the Israeli gov-
ernment refused to disclose its'
decision on the plan but said
Foreign Minister Abba Eban will
leave for New York today to de-
Arab Talks
A i
This Week
By The Associated Press
BEIRUT, Lebanon-Arab lead-
ers, disappointed by the failure of
other nations to agree on solution
to the Middle East crisis, look for-
ward with varying degrees of en-
thusiasm to a proposed Arab sum-
mit conference at which they will
try to agree on one themselves.
Whether the meeting proposed
for July 15 will turn out to be an-
other inter-Arab squabble or, as
Jordan's King Hussein hopes, "a
new turning point" in Arab his-
tory, remains in doubt.
But holding the summit, the
first since September 1965, has
gained new urgency as more and
more Arab leaders feel a need to
promote an image of unity, chart
future policy and tell their people
what to expect after the cata-
strophic war with Israel.
Twelve Soviet warships steamed
into Egyptian ports yesterday, and
a Soviet admiral said the ships
were "ready to cooperate with the
Egyptian armed forces to repel
any aggression."
At about the same time, King
Hussein of Jordan arrived un-
expectedly in Cairo, pointing to
4 the possibility of the meetings
starting this week.
Originally called by Sudan and
eagerly backed by Jordan, the
summit was postponed last month
pending the outcome of the debate
in the United Nations General As-
Iraq's minister of Arab Union
affairs, Abdel Rabzak Mohieddin,
was optimistic about the meeting
despite the inevitability of dis-
agreements. Writing in a Bagh-
dad newspaper Friday, he said, "It
is better that all speak frankly
and openly instead of saying one
thing and really feeling different-
Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia and
Tunisia have made no official
pronouncements on the summit,
and Egypt apparently is pessimis-
tic about the prospects.

liver Israel's position on posting
of the observers. They are ex-
pected to agree.
Israeli guards on the cease-
fire line yesterday turned back
Arab refugees trying to return
to the west bank of the Jordan.
The Israelis had announced that
the refugees could return to their
homes in occupied territory, but
evidently administrative proced-
ures were not complete.
The refugees-more than 150,-
000 fled into Jordan during and
after the June war-must have
identity papers, health and cus-
toms clearance and be checked
for security.
Fighting flared for the second
straight weekend between Israeli
and Egyptian forces along the
Suez Canal-the cease-fire line.
Forces battled in the air and
on the ground along the Suez
Canal in what appeared to be
the most serious clash between
them since the six-day war.
Israeli air force jets had at-
tacked Egyptian positions in Port
Said and Port Fuad at the Medi-
terranean entrance to the Suez
Canal and that Egyptian planes
engaged them in air combat.
The clash came at Ral El'ish on
the east bank, site of three skirm-
ishes last weekend which broke
the cease-fire of June 10.
Israel captured nearly all of
Egypt east of the canal in the
Arab-Israeli war but Port Fuad,
a seacoast city at the canal's
north entrance still is in Egyptian
An Egyptian communique said
the Israelis attempted to rush1
tanks and armored cars through
the narrow roads parallel to the
canal heading for Port Fuad. It
said Egyptian shelling destroyed
one tank and three armored cars.
Israeli soldiers at Qantara have;
said Egyptian commandos try al-
most nightly to sneak across the
canal to sabotage Israeli positions.

-Associated Press
UAW PRESIDENT Walter Reuther, held his han d to his face as he talked with UAW Vice Presi-
dent Leonard Woodcock before delivering union demands to auto company officials as new con-
tract talks began in the General Motors building in Detroit yesterday. GM Vice President Louis
G. Seaton, with glasses, sat accross from him.
UA W Opens Bargoni~ng;
Cals or ProfiShrn

SAIGON tAP)-Secretary of De-
fense Robert S. McNamara is
doubtful of U.S. intelligence re-
ports that the North Vietnamese
are sharply building up their man-
power in South Vietnam and feels
the Communists are only replacing
men lost in battle, a qualified in-
formant said yesterday.
The report tended to cloud
whether Washington would agree
fully to major U.S. troop rein-
forcements in Vietnam as request-
ed by the U.S. Command.
The informant said McNamara
believed that aside from North
Vietnamese units which crossed
the demilitarized zone from time
to time for in and out attacks,
enemy troop strength had not in-
creased significantly in the past
six to nine months.
U.S. intelligence reports an in-
crease of 10,000 men, the equiva-
lent of an enemy division, in the
past three months alone. McNa-
mara was said to feel the enemy
was only able to replace his battle
casualties now and could not build
new units.
Infiltration still probably was
running about 7,000 men a month,
according to U.S. intelligence esti-
mates made public here. They also
report three new divisions had
been committed to the fighting
by North Vietnam in recent
To meet the challenge of these
new divisions reported by intel-
ligence, the U.S. Command has
been forced to reshuffle troops,
totaling nearly two divisions.
The secretary's views were made
known after McNamara had com-
pleted spot checks of the military
situation in the Vietnamese coun-

tryside and prepared for final
talks with the U.S. Command on
the troop increase request and
other matters.
Before he leaves today, McNa-
mara also will discuss war prob-
lems and needs with Lt. Gen.
Nguyen Van Thieu, the chief of
state; Premier Nguyen Cao Ky;
and Gen. Cao Van Vien, the de-
fense minister.
McNamara was understood to be
unhappy with Vietnamese per-
formance on the battlefield and
in pacification of the countryside.
Whether he will confront the
Saigon general with his opinions
directly or leave them to the U.S.
Command here is unknown.
During two days of field trips,
McNamara received reports rang-
ing from optimistic to glowing by
U.S. field and corps commanders.

This led some to wonder how Gen.
William C. Westmoreland, the U.S.
commander in Vietnam, could
justify his reported request .of
100,000 to 140,000 additional troops
for his 466,000 man command.
It was believed, however, that in
intimate executive sessions be-
tween McNamara and key mem-
bers of Westmoreland's command,
the rising Communist threat in
Vietnam had been spelled out in
During his trip yesterday to the
Mekong delta McNamara was told
that Viet Cong units still were
operating openly from Cambodia,
that U.S. intelligence on the ene-
my's plans and movements was
spotty, that despite a massive U.S.
Navy effort, guns and ammuntion
were still being smuggled to the
enemy from the area.

Congress Blasts Johnson's
'Support of Congo Uprising

By The Associated Press
DETROIT-A bonus based on
profits-to top off a guaranteed
annual income-was added to de-
mands yesterday by the United
Auto Workers Union as it open-
ed new contract negotiations with
the largest of the nation's auto-
makers, General Motors Corp.
UAW President Walter P. Reu-
ther termed his surprise proposal
"equity sharing," to differentiate
it from profit sharing, and he'll
take it to Ford Motor Co, today
and to Chrysler Corp. tomorrow.
There was no immediate re-
sponse from General Motors re-
garding Reuthers' surprise, but
GM, along with other members of
the Big Three, repeatedly has re-

jected past union profit sharing
A guaranteed annual income al-
ready topped= what Reuther had
described as the union's "longest
and most ambitious" set of de-
mands in history. Many foresee in
that item alone the likelihood of
Under a guaranteed annual in-
come, Reuther says a worker must
know at the beginning of a year
what his income will be for the
next 12 months, any layoffs not-
Reuther's surprise addition came
at a news conference just before
he entered the closed bargaining
room, where he spent the next
three hours and 20 minutes broad-

Communists Riot in Hong Kong;
Plan Overthrow of British Rule

By The Associated Press
HONG KONG-Communist led
mobs of Chinese rampaged in the
streets of Hong Kong yesterday'
in the third straight day of anti
British disorders in this 126 year
old colony on Red China's door-
They burned streetcars, buses,
cars and trucks, knifed a trolly
driver, smashed store fronts and
threw acid, bottles and rocks at
The original incident occurred
on Saturday, as five police were
killed and 13 wounded before the
gurkhas troops rescued 86 police
who had barricaded themselves in

an office and 80 others in a gov-
ernment building behind it.
Six hundred Gurkha regulars
patrolled the streets on Sunday,
and reports were that over 1,000
Communists Chinese had crossed
the border within 24 hours.
Sunday's clash began in the
heart of Hong Kong when the
patrol stopped to investigate a
crowd of pro communist chinese
demonstrators distributing leaflets
and blocking traffic.
Demonstrators attacked and one
policeman was killed. Police open-
ed fire on the crowd, fatally
wounding three Chinese.
In London, the British govern-

Nigerian Troops Claim Victories;
U.S. Refuses Request for ,Assistance

ment accused Red China of
thrusting its armed forces-either
regular soldiers or militia men-
into the initial outburst on Sat-
urday, raising fears that Peking
may be planning to seize the 400
square mile colony, made up of a
peninsula on the mainland and a
batch of off shore islands.
The new violence, which has re-
sulted in 11 deaths, follows riots
and demonstrations in May that
stemmed from clashes between
police and Chinese workers on
strike against artificial flower fac-
tories of Kowloon pennsula. Those
demonstrations lasted 11 days but
failed to generate any great fol-
lowing from Hong Kong's 4 mil-
lion Chinese, 98 per cent of the
Last night's disorders appeared
well organized.
The British Commonwealth Sec-
retary Herbert Bowden went be-
fore the House of Commons in
London yesterday with the report
that Red Army troops or militia-
men took part in the attack.
"For the first time demonstra-
tors from over the border had been
supported by Chinese militia, if
not the Chinese army," he said.
Bowden was asked by members
if he felt Red China was preparing
a takeover of Hong Kong-and
whether Britain means to stand
firm in the colony until its lease
to rule it runs out in the 1990s.
He sidestepped any direct an-
swer, saying merely: "We will ac-
cept our full responsibilities in
Hong Kong."

ly outlining union objectives tol
company bargainers.
"What we're proposing," he said,
"is that workers be given the same'
consideration-no more, no less-
than the executives and the stock-
holders. That the workers get a
basic salary just like the execu-
tives and that that represent a
first increment of his equity.
"Then after the year is over,
and we know exactly what the
size of the profit pie is, based upon
the contribution of workers, stock-
holders and executives, then the
worker shall be entitled to the
second increment to supplement
his basic salary-just as the exec-
iutive gets his bonus to supple-
ment his basic salary."
Louis G. Seaton, GM vice-
president for personnel, hinted the
corporation is agreeable to a wage
increase, but he didn't say how
much either.
The Detroit News reported,
meanwhile, that a poll of UAW
members showed they place the
guaranteed annual income pro-
posal a pbor third in their pref-
erences in this summer's contract
talks. Wages ranked first, with re-
tirement program improvements-
earlier retirement emphasized-a
distant second.
Seaton said earlier the auto in-
dustry cost-of-living clause, which
increased wages 18 cents hourly
during the current three-year
pacts, must be given full recogni-
tion in negotiating a new con-
He said government statistics
show that only about three million
of the nation's work force of 70
million have cost-of-living wage
GM workers were described by
Seaton as being in the top third
income group in the United States
with an average wage, "including
cost-of-living allowances and many
fringe benefits," of $4.68 per hour.
Reuther is also carrying to the
bargaining table a demand for a
substantial wage increase, but has
not yet said what size income or
what size increase he is demand-
Reuther said details would be
laid on the table tomorrow and
disclosed publicly at that time.

NAACP Meets To Chart
Course of Future Action

WASHINGTON - President
Johnson's sending three American
manned transport planes to the
Congo touched off angry reaction
in Congress yesterday.
Democrats as well as Repub-
licans blasted the move. Some
members expressed fears of a Viet-
nam type involvement in Africa.
Refugees and foreign diplomats
said yesterday they believed the
latest Congo uprising began when
Katangan troops learned of the
arrest of their hero, Moise Tshom-
be, in Algiers. '
At least that was the situation
they found in Bukavu, capital of

BOSTON (M)-The National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People organized itself
yesterday for a week long meeting
aimed at determining the future
course of its civil rights program.
Executive Director Roy Wilkins
set the tone of the NAACP talks
when he told a news conference
Sunday that there is a contest
"between those who say they be-
lieve in law and order and those
who say the only way to make you
believe in law and order is to riot."
More than 2,000 delegates Jam-
med Boston's War Memorial Gar-
den to hear Wilkins key note
speech last night.
Johnson Undecided
Delegates seemed sure that Pres-
ident Johnson would fly in Tues-
day night to make a major civil
rights speech. But the White
House said yesterday that no deci-
sion had been reached on the in-
vitation to address the nation's
oldest and largest civil rights
Wilkins, 66, chief NAACP ex-
ecutive officer since 1955, predicts
there will be more racial riots un-
less the white community does
more to help Negroes with jobs,
housing and economic.security.
Many delegates echo this warn-
ing. A few militant delegations
disagree over what role Negro
leaders should play.
There have been several such
challenges to the NAACP leader-

ship in the past, each easily beaten
back by the delegates.
Nevertheless, a variety of con-
troversial resolutions have been
submitted by several branches.
The resolutions screening com-
mittee, may never let them reach,
the convention floor for debate
Friday, but they indicate dissatis-
faction with the recent direction
of the NAACP, particularly its
stand on record against "black
Greenwich Village Branch
The greatest single number have
been submitted by New York City's
Green which Village Chelsea
Their list complains of inade-
quate NAACP support for Negroes
in Sunflower County, Miss., op-
posing Sen. James Eastland (D-
Miss),; a lack of "vigorous and
imaginative leadership often on
vital issues and at crucial times,"
and a lack of support for the
Model Cities program.
"We feel that the time has come
when the national office and the
main official Wilkins must be re-
strained from unwarranted at-
tacks, on other civil rights leaders,"
the branch said in one proposed

Kivu Province, one of two places
where The Congo government re-
ported an uprising in the eastern
Congo last week.
The other is Kisangani, formerly
Stanleyville, in the northeast
where President Joseph L. Mobutu
said yesterday that mercenaries
still held the airport and that uni-
versity professors, women and
children and perhaps a score of
European news men were being
held as hostages there.
Mobutu asserted last Wednesday
that foreign mercenaries landed
at Kisangani, and Congo radio
said they also were dropped on
Bukavu. Congo broadcasts linked
the reported invasion to an at-
tempt to overthrow Mobutu and
restore Tshombe to power.
The state department disclosed
Sunday that Johnson had sent
three big C130 Hercules transport
planes and about 150 men to give
logistic support to President Jos-
eph Mobutu's Congolese govern-
ment in its effort to put down a
mercenary led rebellion. The mer-
cenaries reportedy are committed
to former President Moise Tshom-
The U.S. servicemen were de-
scribed as including mechanics
and paratroopers assigned to
guard the planes. Their roles were
desribed officially as noncombat-
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana said he was
"shocked, surprised and dismayed"
by the President's action.
"I thought we had learned our
lesson and would not again be
come involved in African affairs,'
Mansfield told newsmen.
At least 11 seriously wounded
men were reported taken from the
plane at Kariba to the Rhodesian
capital of Salisbury last weekend.
In another development, the Al-
gerian government and ruling par-
ty newspapers proposed Saturday
that a court be established to try
Tshombe for "crimes against Afri-
ca." One termed him a "merce-
nary of crime, valet of imperial-
ism" and called for an "African

' By The Associated Press
LAGOS, Nigeria-Hard fighting
was reported yesterday from the
strategic town of Nsukka, 15 miles
south of the Nigerian Biafran
border, as federal authorities here
cfaimed Nigerian troops were ad-
vancing deeply into the secession-
ist state of Biafra.
The reports put Nsukka - a
key point on the main road to the
Biafran capital of Enugu, 49 miles
to the south-into its, third day
of siege. This indicated strong re-
sistance from Biafran rebels who
have concentrated almost a bat-
talion there. Nsukka formerly was
the home of the University of
Federal authorities here also
claim the capture of three eastern
Nigerian border towns - Obolu,
Obudu and Gakem.
Fifth Day
But Biafra also was claiming
success in the fifth day of fight-
ing between federal Nigeria and
rebel Biafra.
The Johnson administration re-
jected a request for military aid to
Nigeria yesterday after an angry
outburst in Congress greeted the
sending of three U.S. transport
planes to The Congo.
Asked if the U.S. policy of sup-
port for the "territorial integrity
and unity" applied to Nigeria,
press officer Robert J. McCloskey
said at a press conference, "Sure."
"We're concerned by develop-
ments in Nigeria. We hope the two
sides will take the necessary steps
to end the fighting."
The federal Nigerian govern-
ment was reported to have asked
for help from several countries,
including the United States and
the Soviet Union.

capital about 400 miles southwest
of the fighting area. Diplomats
said troops at road checks have
tried to search cars with diplo-
matic license plates because of a
report that fake plates are being
manufactured in Biafra.
Lt. Col. Odumegwu Ojukwu pro-
claimed the new state of Biafra
on May 30 after months of feud-
ing with Maj. Gen. Yaku bu Go-
won, head of the federal military
The region includes about 14
million of Nigeria's 56 million
George Thomas, British Com-

monwealth minister of state, and
Nigerian representatives continued
discussions about the federal
blockade on Bonny, the export
center for Eastern Nigerian oil-
Tankers have been banned from
sailing into Bonny since Wednes-
day night.
The embargo on that port
threatens to cut off Britain form
10 per cent of her oil supply. That
would deepen a fuel crisis set off
by the boycott that oil producing
Arab nations started against Brit-
ain and the United States after
the Arab-Israeli war last month.






World"News Roundup

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John-
son and the U.S. military com-
mander in Vietnam, Gen. William
C. Westmoreland, will be getting
together within the next few days
at a time when key decisions are
upcoming on troop manpower and
financing for the Vietnam war.
The White House said yesterday
that no definite date has been set
for Johnson to see the general or
for a session with Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara upon
his return from a trip to Vietnam.
* * *
WATERLOO, Iowa - Embitter-
ed white storekeepers cleaned up
debris yesterday in the wakerof
a Negro riot and vowed to pro-
tect themselves as Waterloo offi-
cials conceded trouble could break
out again.
Mayor Lloyd Turner pledged to

the abdomen of Gov. Lurleen Wal-
lace of Alabama yesterday, and
one doctor said "we see no cause"
why she should not make a com-
plete recovery.
If the governor remains in the
hospital more than two weeks, she
will have been away from Ala-
bama longer than the 20 days
specified in the state constitution.
After. that time, the constitution
provides that the lieutenant gov-
ernor shall assume the duties of
governor until the chief executive
States lifted restrictions yester-
day on travel to Lebanon, leaving
only eight countries still under
the ban imposed at the time of
the Israeli Arab war.

The countries where the ban
still is in effect are Algeria, Iraq,
Jordan, Libya, Sudan, Syria,
Egypt and Yemen. The State De-
partment said yesterday restric-
tions on these countries "will be
lifted as soon as conditions war-
* *
NEW YORK - Another major
Christian denomination yesterday
joined the growing ranks of those
calling for a worldwide agreement
among churches setting a fixed
date for Easter.
The appeal was sounded at the
biennial governing convention of
the Lutheran Church Missouri
Synod, the avowedly conservative
wing of American Lutheranism
with a membership of 2.8 million.

Wednesday-Saturday, 8 P.M.
Sunday, 7 P.M.





ME Yehudi

f '


Soloist, Yehudi Menuhin
Soloist, Hephzibah Menuhin


SYMPHONY NO. 44 ..............Haydn



CONCERTO GROSSO .............Handel
SUN., VIOLIN CONCERTO .............Mozart
JULY 16 VIOLIN & ORCHESTRA ......Blackwood
SYMPHONY NO. 29 .............Mozart



1 1111





.... Purcell

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