PAGE TWO 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TWO '(HE MICHIGAN DAILY f67 ":ifV liiX V% IV aa 1aIUt MUSIC Frager Opens Rackham Series With Impressive Technical Skill ArabRearmamentDims Peace Hope By CHARLES TIMBRELL c Malcolm Frager, who presented1 the first recital of the Univer- sity's Summer Concert Series int Rackham Auditorium Friday eve-s ning, is a pianist of impressivei technical and musical accomplish-f ment, and the winner of several prestigious piano competitions.i One would therefore have likedt to have heard him play a pro-1 gram of greater dimensions than he offered on this occasion. He opened with the Beethoven F major Sonata (Op. 10, No. 4),I which he played with grace and' ease and with the appropriate 1 amount of humor and fleet-finger-l ed work for the short last move-l mentr Thisunpretentious and rarely-played work was well serv- ed by Frager's light, clearly ar- ticulated playing. The Schumann G minor Sona- ta, which followed, was the cen- tral work of, the program. Frager played with color, ex- citement, nervous energy and great attention to pianistic detail. On the other hand, some of the big-a ber sectional cadences in the first movement were. unconvincingly abrupt, and the superabundant' lyricism of the slow movement, was not completely realized. The. Brahms Waltzes are good. after-intermission fare, and Mr. Frager played them with a great deal of style, color and rhythmic flexibility, capturing the spirit of both Hungary and "alt Wien." The variety and sensitivity of his? playing were most convincing, and, helped to obliviate any doubts one may have felt in the Schumann. I The pianist closed with a Prok- + ofieff group. The charming Pre- Mihalovici pieces. lude from Op. 12 again demon- Her relaxed and strated Mr. Frager's tonal sensi- ism in six chopir tivity. The March, from the same some of his most d set, was played with appropriate sound easy, patri irony, and the program conclud- C minor and F rr ed with the over-familiar Third Op. 10 and the G m Sonata. Here Frager played with Op. 25. requisite bite and precision, al- though the performance could had hoped forb have benefitted from a more lan- guishing treatment of the con- sameness of much trasting moderato sections. the minature natu In short, Mr. Frager displayed gramming and a good, solid honest pianism pianistic slips. throughout. Hopefully when he returns to Ann Arbor we shall have the opportunity to hear him in a rather more challenging oe l program.,b Monique Haas, who presented the second recital of the series last evening was. paradoxically en ( least satisfying in her French selections. flexible pian- etudes made difficult writing cularly in the najor etudes of inor etude from s less than one ecause of the of her playing, are of her pro- few too many Seci Associated Press News Analysis received no encouraging indica- Israel. The Arab nations do not WASHINGTON - Rapid Soviet tions from Soviet Premier Alexei recognize Israel's right to exist. delivery of fighter planes, tanks N. Kosygin during their confer- U.S. officials also concluded and other modern arms to Arab ences at Glassboro, N.J. ' from the Glassboro talks that the nations during the past month U.S. officials say Kosygin fol- Soviet Union would have no prob- has sharply discouraged Johnson lowed privately the same hard lem working for a end to the administration hopes of negotiat- line on the Middle East crisis state of war which has existed ing an international agreement to which he took publicly at the between Israel and its Arab limit arms levels in the Middle United Nations, neighbors since Israel was estab- East. Nevertheless, administration of- lished in 1948. U.S. officials say they have not ficials found some reason for post edfin 1948. given up all hope of discussing Glassboro hope because there are Refugee Problem this problem with the Soviet gov- Arab-Israeli issues on which the Neither, it was said, would the ernment but that in the light of United States and Soviet Union Soviets object to finding some Soviet actions since the Arab- were shown to have somewhat workable solution for the problem Israeli war ended last month the similar positions. of more than a million Arab refu- prospect does not look very Kosygin made clear to the gees from Israel. promising. President-as he said publicly- It was also indicated at Glass- The issue is understood to be that the Soviet government recog- boro that Moscow would go along one on which President Johnson I nizes the existence of the state of with some kind of arrangement -- --- ---- _ __ __._... to assure international access to waterways in the area, apparent- jj- J B llsly referring to both the Suez , Tax Bills Ton Canal and the Gulf of Aqaba. j j] k r ! I ' : k i i } t :.''',.. 3 7 Ia as The group of three preludes and WASHINGTON (ID)-Congress three etudes of Debussy was mar- returned from a 10 day recess yes- 'red by excessive pedal and was terday facing the prospect of stay- rather cavalier in regard to text- ing in session until well into au- ual niceties. tumn if it is going to clean up the Careless execution marred thej work laid out for it. preludes, particularly "Feux d' Two major pieces of legislation artifice." The closing Ravel -an increase in Social Security "Tombeau de Couperin" had par- benefits and a boost in income ticularly 'nice moments in the taxes-apparently holds the key to Prelude and Higaudon,. Fast how long the 1967 session will run. tempi marred the Forlane of its The session has not been too bitter-sweetness, and the Minuet productive so far, and congression- of its grace. al leaders concede that many bills, In the Webern Variations Miss including several of President Haas gave more atteition to color Johnson's urgent recommenda- and sonority than linear and can- tions, will fall by the wayside. onic details, but the work was Expect Passage more rewarding than the bombast But there is every expectation of the preceding Messiaen and that the Social Security and tax - - --bills will be put through, even S though this means sine die ad- ,%ATC ]T d, journment cannot come before The two major U.S.-Soviet I C problems on the Middle East are ess convenes theArteMosco's new supply of arms to C n res - with no sign as to where it will end-and Soviet in- ployes which removes some-but Commission's varied activities. The sistence that Israeli forces with- not all-of the secrecy surround- only dispute involved in this is a draw from conquered Arab terri- ing these lists. It provides in- protest against location of a $300 tory in advance of a general peace creases for most emplbyes. million accelerator project at Wes- settlement. -Authority to consolidate the ton, Ill., because of a lack of fair Withdrawal Needed now separate special allowances housing laws in the state and Officials here reaffirmed the granted to each senator for long area.U..psto thtarne ns distance telephone and telegraph Truth in Lending U.S. position that arrangements expenses. -A truth in lending bill which for withdrawal must be part of a peace settlement. The most ser- would require full disclosure of in- Iec etlmn. h.os e- -A directive to operate the terest csts and rates on consumer ous problem foreseen by Wash- Capitol air conditioning system trts andres ncdnumer ington authorities is the ultimate around the clock. It has been loans and credit, including most disposition of the part of Jerusa- closed down eight hours daily and installment buying. lem captured from Jordan by part of the weekend.A bill permitting citizens of i catrdfo Jranb Aart of the weekend. the Virgin Islands to elect their Israel during the week long con- AdditionalPolicegenIflict that began July 5. -Funds to hire 46 additional governor, now appointed by the -policefficedsforhpecadi president with Senate confirma- Israeli leaders have said they police officers for the special Capi- tion. intend to hold onto the Old City tol police force. One pressing problem to be dealt though they would recognize the Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, with is a bill to head off a threat- (D-Mont), put the legislative ened nationwide rail strike." money bill on the top of his list House and Senate conferees held for Senate action this week. three fruitless sessions just before After expected speedy approval the recess in an attempt to recon- of the Senate funds and additional cile differences in strike bills pass- fringe benefits, Mansfield is ask- ed by each body. Six unions in- ing action on: volved in the dispute have agreed -A $2.6 billion annual author- to hold off a strike as long as thef ization for the Atomic Energy matter is in conference. S- ----~--~presents interests of religious groups in its holy places. During the brief war, Israel knocked out the Egyptian air force, made up of Soviet planes, and destroyed huge quantities of Soviet supplied Egyptian armor. Replacement Figures Figures here show that by air and sea lift and by some direct flights of combat aircraft,.Moscow already has replaced about 150 MIG fighter planes for the Egyp- tians. More than 300 were destroy- ed in the war. The Soviets are reported to have replaced about 100 armored vehicles out of 500 desrtoyed. The first replacements were made with airlifted deliveries and some supplies sent in by ships. R e p o r t s reaching Washington now indicate future deliveries will be primarily by ship. Soviet Aid An article in a Soviet weekly, "Life Abroad," gave the Soviet public its first official information last Friday on the massive Soviet military aid being sent to Arab countries. The magazine said that, "Thanks to the Soviet Union the Arab countries are able in a brief period of time to replace their losses to a considerable degree." U.S. offlicals said the initial proposal for a ceiling on arms supplies covering both the Arab states and Israel had been read by the Soviets originally as in- tended to freeze levels as they existed at the end of the war. That would have tipped the Arab- Israeli balance of power to Israel. Officials said, however, that was not the U.S. intent, and the So- viets have been so informed, The aim, it was said, is to try to level off arms supplies at a point which will give Israel. Egypt and the other Arab countries a sense of defensive security. Officials fully familiar with the Glassboro conference said that apart from the Middle East crisis, Johnson and Kosygin made pro- gress in trying to agree on a treaty to ban tlw spread of nu- clear weapons. And they at least did not lose ground on trying to curtail the nuclear missile race. Some American officials gained the impression that the Soviets eventually would discuss with the United States the possibility of avoiding a bace in the develop- ment of costly new anti-ballistic missile systems, although no date was set for beginning the talks. Kosygin' reportedly also told Johnson the Soviet government would ratify a U.S.-Soviet con- sular convention which the U.S. Senate ratified in March. The two also talked about the problem of getting new embassy buildings in each other's capiltal and discussed cultural exchanges between the two countries. I Stbcco o ds Smur ggl Tobacco Goods Smuggling LANSING (/)-A house trailer toting 7,800 cartons of untaxed cigarettes into Michigan has led state authorities on a smuggler hunt via Asheville, N.C., news- papers. The cigarette tax division of the Michigan Department of the Treasury placed ads this week in th2e North Carolina papers, offer- ing cash rewards for information leading to the arrest of persons transporting untaxed cigarettes into Michigan. Smugglers bring the cigarettes into the state for sale without the 7-cent-per-pak state tax. "We had smi.gglers come into the state recently with cigarettes' out of North Carolina," explained David Parker, division director. "They had 130 cases .- with about 60 cartons per case-in a trailer." Parker termed the haul "sizeable compared with the usual run of 10 to 15 cases." Parker declined to reveal how Michigan authorities found out about the contraband. Michigan investigators in North Carolina decided to place the ads, the first ever used by the division, "as a sort of fishing expedition," to see if they could turn up more- smugglers, he said. The division probably will con- tinue similar ad placement in papers throughout the country, Parker said, if the North Carolina pilot program proves worthwhile. He refused to say whether the ads turned up more North Caro- lina-to-Michigan smuggling activ- ities, but added, "I think the ad idea might contnue." Michigan law provides the cigar- ette tax division may pay rewards up to 10 per cent of the retail value of a given contraband sei- zure and the vehicle with which the cigarettes are transported. October, as key legislators now ex- pect. In addition, Congress must pass 20 more regular money bills to run the government in the current financial year which began a week ago. Only two of these have been sent to Johnson so far. And it probably will act on legis- lation to extend several programs; now in operation, even though some are highly controversial. Anti-Poverty Program In this category are foreign aid, the anti-poverty campaign, the elementary and secondary school act, and highway beautification. Pending Senate business is a $45 million fund to pay salaries and other expenses for this end of Congress during the fiscal year which began July 1. They were added to the annual' legislative money bill which the, I a Pr Cecto fa 7'I:ern GOOcn LAST 3 DAYS Positively Ends Thursday 23 t RODGERS. HAMMERSTEIN$ ROBE.RT WISE7 %vOOiC I Universities Bid For Young Harlem Scholar NEW YORK 0P) - Like thou- And his final decision, to go to sands of other high school seniors, Yale, meant tossing away a total Robert Cottrol of East Harlem of $38,000 worth of scholarship spent a lot of time this spring money he couldn't use. checking the mailbox looking for Robert, 18, was graduated from bulky envelopes. Charles Evans Hughes H i g h "I was very nervous," he says. School. "If it was a thick envelope, it Yale had been the first to offer i HIGH NOON The original psychological western starring: GARY COOPER KATHY JURADO GRACE KELLY Friday and Saturday 7:00 and 9:05 P.M. Architecture Auditorium -STILL ONLY 50c NOW SHOWING IN THE TRADITION OF "DEAR JOHN" IA WOman makes "Dear John" look like a fairy tale. Would you believe 'Virginia Woolf looking like a Sunday go-to-meetin'?" -World Journal Tribune Show Times: Mon. thru Thurs. 7-9 hn Arbor, Michigan z10 S. Fifth Avenue 761-9700 would mean they had turned me jdown. If it was very thick, that House approved June 1 carrying meant forms to fill out. It meant $228 million. I had been accepted." Included in the Senate addition As it turned out, Robert's mail- are: box disgorged such a steady' -A new payroll schedule for the stream of "very thick" envelopes more than 3,000 Senate aides, staff that his dilemma became: "Which members, clerks and other em- scholarship shall I accept?" Robert a scholarship, a $2,400 a' year stipend plus a $400 part time job and a $200 loan. For two summers he had at- tended special classes for high school students selected from across the country and brought to, Yale for college level work. Rapid Succession Then, in rapid succession, hes learned he had won the National Merit Achievement Scholarship and the New York State Regents Scholarship, both $1,500 a year; $3,000 a year scholarships from{ both Columbia and Wesleyan Uni- JLANDREWS"CHRITOPERPLUMMER RICHARD HAYDNI; l 10* llf ELEANOR PARKER;- S~tENPI IROBERT WISE I RICHARD RODG;ERS OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN11 III EST LEHMAN Matinee 2 P.M.-$2.00 Night 8 P.M.-$2.50 Dr b DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ...... . ... ... .,......,.t...... . .......... ... :::o::::r.i^:":: ::::.::v .aro . v"::.: :::::::::v:r:".. Sc::.::: ::" ::.: :: ::. v:.,...........r..r.at4......,..^. .. t . ...%...... .... . . . . .P...,...r... .......t.............t ...............4 ::"::.,":r:::::.,,.: :,. ....:." :... :::: .:o:: .... n .,.,.,..t........ . . . . . . .... .................. ........,... " :v.:w : ..4:..:" :+ :.: :. ... ..::::: : .: Sv 'w :. GALA GRAND OPENING The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility, Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding . publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and. Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more ixformation call 764-9270. TUESDAY, JULY 11 Day Calendar Audio-Visual Education Center Film Preview - "The Innocent Years" and OR1GAI"N I ZATION NOT ICES USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- NOUNCELVENTS is avaliable to officially recognized and registered student or- ganizations only. Forms are available in Room 1311 SAB. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Wed., July 12 at 8:15 p.m. at Hillel Founda- tion, 1429 Hill St., Prof. Hillel I. Shuyal of the Hebrew University will deliver a firsthand report on the recent events in Israel. * * * "Sun Flight": Multipurpose Room, Un- Chaffin, Industrial Engineering, thes- Kofi A. Sekyl. senior state attorney, versities; and a $2,000 a year dergraduate Library, 1:30 p.m. is.: "The Development of a Prediction Attorney General's Office, Accra, Ghana, scholarship from Cornell Univer- Model for the Metabolic Energy Ex- July 12-15. sity. Linguistics Institute Forum Lecture- pended During Arm Activities," Wed., Soemantri Hardjoprakoso, secretary The handsome, 6 foot 2 Negro Prof. Edward Stankiewicz, University July 12, Room 214 West Engineering, at general. Department of Education and of Chicago, "Opposition and Hierarchy 110 a.m. Chairman, W. M. Hancock. Culture, Djakarta, Indonesia, July 12- youth, whose father is a photog- ,in Morphophonemics": Rackham Lec- 17. rapher and whose mother is an ture Hall, 7:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for John Hugh - -~employe of the National Council : McNeill, Pharmacology; thesis: "Drug -eI Center for Japanese Studies and CIC Interactions on Amine Uptake and of Churches, was born in a vet- Asian Language Institute-Richard K. Phosphorylase Activation," Wed., July erans' housing project on North Beardsley, professor of anthropology, 12, Room 6314 Medical Science Bldg., ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brother Island in the East River "Japanese 'Religions and Their Social at 10 a.m. Co-Chairmen, T. M. Brody, FSEE Applications-For next test, Au- Functions Today": Aud. A, Angell Hall. MSU, and M. H. Seevers. gust 12, are due Wed, July 12. Appli- and reared in Queens and East 8:30 p.m. cations available at Bureau of Appoint- Harlm. Doctoral Examination for Piergiorgio ments. School of Music Degree Recital-Bar- Luigi Enrico Uslenghi, Physics; thesis: Peace Corps Test-Given next Sat., Finding time for sports and bara Irons, Organ: Organ Studio 2110, "Electromagnetic Scattering from Ra- July 15, 1 p.m., Downtown Post Of- girls only "occasionally," Robert School of Music, 8:30 p.m. dially Inhomogeneous Media," Wed., fice, Main at Catherine Sts. Appli- is interested in "American foreign July 12, Room 629 Physics-Astronomy cations at Bureau, complete and take School of Music Sonata Recital - Bldg, at 3 p.m. Co-Chairmen, Otto to test. policy, underdeveloped nations, Wallace Berry and Gustave Rosseels: Laporte and V. H. Weston. * * * and helping Negroes and other School of Music Recital Hall, 8:30 p.m For further information please call 764-7460, General Division, Bureau ofpeople who nave been disadvan- r lForeign Visitors Appointments, 3200 SAB. taged. The following foreign visitors can be Dept. of Political Science and Cen- reached through the Foreign Visitor 1 ter for Russian and East European Programs Office, 764-2148. Studies: Presents Dr. Jerzy Wiatr, of Executive Development Study Team, the Institute of Philosophy and So- Japan Productivity Center, Tokyo, Ja- ciology, Polish Academy of Sciences, pan, July 9-13. speaking on "Political and Social Trans- Matthew S. Mendis, first secretary, formation in Postwar Poland" at 4:10 Embassy of Malaysia, Malaysia, July p.m. on Wed., July' 12, in the Sixth 11-14. Floor Conference Room of the Insti- Aftab Ahmad Khan, minister, Em- tute for Social Research Bldg. I bassy of Pakistan, Pakistan, July 11-15. Victor Quintanilla, interested in History Make-up Examinations and teaching of English as a foreign lan- Language Examinations: Will be held guage, linguistic research, from Colom- Fri., July 14, 4-6 p.m., in Room 429 bia, South America, July 11-18. e-.... MI1 -- ..- .- -- 429 bia, yr.....,-f Ji-.. -aza i + ofr I- TOMORROW ::. ;..;;; + >-: #1 Deutscher Verein, Will sponsor kaf- feestunde: kaffee, kuchen, konversa- tion, Wed., July 12, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Michigan Christian Fellowship, A stu- dent panel featuring "Questions $o Christians," will be sponsored at the Michigan Union in Room 3K, Tues., July 11, at 7:3 p.m. Mason Hali. Please consult your in- structor for the make-up examinations and then sign the list in the History Office, 3601 Haven Hall.{ Doctoral Examination for Don Brian HURRY ~s HURRY st m .. Ferenc Hont, interested in theatre (playwright). President, Hungarian ITI Centre. Hungary, July 12-14. Dr. Anandjee, dean of law, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, July 12-14. 2 Days!I-. 'I IS JAMES BOND ACADEMY AWARD WINNER, "An extraordinary film. -New York Times "Extraordinary. I urge you to seeTHE WAR GAME:" -The New Yorker i z }k 3 7 DIAL 8-6416 Based on the exciting best-seller. IAN f[EMING'S Starmng LEE ERNEST CHARLES JIM JOHN RICHARD MARVIN HIRANINE BRONSON BROWN CASSAVETES JAECKEL GEORGE TRINI RALPH ROBERT TELLY CUNT ROBERT KENNEDY LOPEZ MEEKER RYAN SAVAIAS WALKER WEBBER Sceowplay F y oducedb yDractedby MTROCOLOR NUNNALLY JOHNSON ardLUKAS HELLER "T1sti KENNETH HYMAN ROBERT ALDRICH FOX VILLAGE THEATRE I I - .m , I I