'U' TOWERS POLICY: ADMIRABLE PRECEDENT See editorial page Biu :43Latt]y CLOUDY High-82 Low-60 Scattered showers; cooling in afternoon Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 43S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1967 SEVEN CENTS SIX PA( U, COIRMS FALL TUITION HIKE ACADEMIC FREEDOM: Proposals for Student Rights Meet With Limited Enthusiasm l Increase Level By RICHARDSON McKELVIE Reaction to a recept statement issued by representatives of five leading college organizations on the academic freedom of students ranged from mixed enthusiasm to general indifference. The statement issued by repre- sentatives of , the American As- sociation of Colleges (AAC), the American Association of Univer- sity Professors (AAUP), the Na- tional Association of Student Per- sonnel Administrators, the Nation- al Association of Women's Deans 'R and Counselors and the .National Student Association (NSA) tenta- tively includes provisions urging: -A list of due process require- ments guaranteeing the student's right to defend himself in disci- plinary actions. -The right to attend college without regard to race, to invite speakers of students' own choos- ing, and to have complete free- dom of off-campus action with- out fear of university punishment for the violation of civil laws. -Protection of students from "arbitrary and prejudiced" grad- ing by professors. -A free student press, at best legally and financially autonomous from the university. Praising the statement, Student Government Council Executive Vice-President Ruth Bauman said "the statement seems significant especially in its specifics such as the free student press section.". However, she continues, "the general tone is vague-it implies good things- but can easily be worked around. As a statement of philosophy, it is a step in the right direction; as a statement of policy, it seems to have little meaning." 'Unnecessary' But Dean William Haber of the. literary college called the report unnecessary. "I never heard of a problem arising at the University where a student's rights particularly in re- gard to defending himself were infringed," Haber said. He added that,in principle, most of the pro- visions prevail here. Similarly, Dean Gordon Van Wylen of the engineering college felt there existed a "wholesome interaction between the students and faculty in the engineering college." In regard to freer student pro- NEWS WIRE Late World, News By The Associated Press ISRAEL REPLIED to the United Nations last night on a General Assembly demand that it rescind its annexation of Old Jerusalem, but the reply was not made public. The last announced position of Israel was that unity of Jerus- alem - the Israeli new part and the formerly Jordan held Old City - "is irrevocable," The reply was in a five page letter sent by Ambassador Gideon Rafal, head of the Israeli delega- tion, to Secretary General U Thant. A VIETNAM STUDY COURSE will be presented on four successive Tuesday evenings, tonight through August 1, at the Wesley Foundation Lounge of the First Methodist Church. The series of public lectures and discussions is sponsored by the Interfaith Committee for a Conference on Religion and Peace, in cooperation with Vietnam Summer. Prof. David Singer, of the Political Science department will speak on "U.S. Foreign Policy and Social Revolutiops" in tonights session. Prof. Eric Wolf of the Anthropojogy department, will speak next week on "Historical, Cultural and Sociological Background of Vietnam." Prof. David Wuffel, from the University of Missouri will discuss "The History of U.S. Involvement: Major Turning Points" on July 25. Walter Goldstein, visiting Professor from the School of Inter- national Affairs; at Columbia University will speak on "The Strategy of Containment and Future Conflicts in Southeast Asia" on August 1. The meetings are open to the public. A $1 registration fee may be sent to the Interfaith Committee at 2235 Parkwood, Ann Arbor, or paid at the first meeting. tests which could be a result of these provisions, Van Wylen said "there is a more creative and re- sponsible approach to solving problems than protesting." On the racial provision, he said recruit- ment of Negro engineering stu- dents requires more effort be- cause "they are motivated toward the social sciences." Vice President for Student Af- fairs, Richard Cutler, offered no comment of the statements. Pleasant, But Irrelevant But John Manning, associate dean of the Literary College at- tacked the statements. "The doc- ument appears to be pleasant, but irrelevent and perhaps just sym- patetic to the issues of today." Manning adds, "It is basically silly to assume that any national effort to endorse these proposalsj based on philosophic compromise is going to eventually have any impact on individual colleges." I"Specificly, howepver, she con-j tinues, "I agree to the student free press" A spokesman of both the AAC and the National Associations of Student Personnel Administra- tors, had no comment on the ac- tual content, since it is still being changed, but sees a basic need to adopt these forthcoming state- ments as official policy of colleges and universities in the country. Account for Diversities "One of the difficulties in adopt- ing a series of provisions," the spokesman said, "is to make them relevent to the diversities of any college community." A member of one of the national associations, NSA, said one of the aims at the meetings of the five associations is to give the students of small liberal arts institutions freedom from censorship. It it equally hopeful that other groups and organizations of college com- munities will accept these pro- posals. particularly the small reli- gious institutions, he added. Howard University Another representative of one of the associations who did not wish to be named, asserted that the recent dismissal of several pro- fessors and students at Howard University promoted the ideas in the first proposal. Similarly, the "speaker-ban" law in such states as North Carolina and Illinois pro- moted part of the second state- ment. Reasons behind endorsing these provisions result from the earlier Berkeley demonstrations and spe- cifically from an article in the American Association of Univer- sity Professors Bulletin of the Winter of 1965 issue supporting academic freedom. Since the article in the Bulletin was published, there have been many . reactions among college leaders to its views. For this as well as other reasons, the five na- tional college organizations are now engaged in drawing up pro- posals initially concerned with stu- dent academic freedoms. -Associated Press Three of the eight Republican congressmen who proposed a step-by-step de-escalation of the war in Vietnam met with newsmen yesterday in Washing ton to discuss the proposal. The co-signers are (left) Rep. Richard Schweiker (R-Penn); F. Bradford Morse (R-Mass); and Robert Stafford (R- Vermont)., Hfouse Members Su*bmit Vietolcy Alternatives By LUCY KENNEDY Instead, they proposed in a news steps that would not put the North Congressman Marvin L. Esch conference yesterday that the ;Vietnamese at a military disad- (R-Ann Arbor), joined'seven other United States should halt all vantage. House Republicans yesterday in bombing in North Vietnam north' Examples given by the group of proposing a diplomatic alternative of the 21st Parallel for 60 days. measureable and equivalent de- to the administration's present If during that time the North escalatory steps by the North Viet- policy in Vietnam. Vietnamese Government undertook namese govprnment might include: The group said the administra- a similar step toward de-escala- the cessation of shipments to and tion's war policy now is "unyield- tion, the United States would im- from specific military supply de- ing and inflexible-rigidly insisting mediately halt all bombing in pots in the southern portion of that the first concrete step toward North Vietnam north of the 20th North Vietnam; the erection of de-escalation be taken by North parallel for 60-days-and so forth barriers on and the non-use of Vietnam." They did not, however, through five steps. specific supply routes in North agree with either set of the admin- The decision on what would con- Vietnam and Laos, and the release istration's critics ("those who stitute a "similar de-escalation of U.S. prisoners of war. would bomb more and those who step" would be made by private Rep. F. Bradford Morse (R- would bomb less"). diplomatic interests and would be' RepksBaforMre r- _____ _______Mass.), spokesman for the group, said if this plan bf small steps yy pi were successful, "a spirit of con- Wilkins Says Sum- ner Riots fidence might emerge" between the United States and Hanoi which 4? X could lead to peace negotiations, M!lust Not Become 'Fixtures a similar staged de-escalation in a7 1ll Suth Vietnam or both. differences are being worked out in conference committees. Over the weekend, Senate mem- bers of the conference committee reportedly agreed on a figure of .$59.1 million for the University. However, a House conferee said last night that the House will stand firm on its figures, which follow Gov. George Romney's rec- ommendations, and fight for in- creases. The size of the tuition increase depends on the Legislature's final figure. A decision is thought un- likely until the end of this week, however, since Senate represent- atives to the conference committee will not be in Lansing until Thurs- day. The University's original budget request submitted last spring was $74.4 million, an increase of 16.5 million over last year's appropria- tion of $57.9 million. Included was an estimated $5.9 million to main- tain existing programs and cover a 6.2 per cent enrollment increase of 2,244 students to bring enroll- ment to 38,307. The $62.2 million appropriation approved by the House would meana shortage of $2.6 million, or about $35 per student per term, to cover existing programs and increased enrollment commit- ments. For example, no money was al- located for the Residential Col- lege although the staff has al- ready been hired to prepare for the fall opening of the college. Executive Vice-President Mar- vin I. Niehuss described the House version as "a very minimal budg- et" on Saturday and added, "I don't think it's going to meet the University's needs for faculty in- creases and salary increases. It would about take care -of, enroll- ment increases, which we now ex- pect to be eight or nine per cent." Committee to Fight Over Senate Plan By WALLACE IMMEN The Senate half of the legis- lature's six-member conference committee on the appropriations budget went fishing yesterday, leaving behind a plan ti give the University $59.1 million. A storm appears to, be brewing over the figure and an amendment which asks a freeze in non-res- ident enrollments. The House members have given notice they will fight the plan, but cannot take action until' the Senators come back from a retreat in Craw- ford County on Thursday. The group had added an amend- ment to freeze out-of-state enroll- ment "at a level not exceeding 5 per cent more than the school's 1966-67 non-resident percentage." The University currently has a 25.6 per cent non-resident enroll- ment. Rep. George Montgomery (D- Detroit), a member of the com- mittee said the House members are preparing to ask for.Romney's original requests to state-support- ed schools "and we hope for much more," he added. The 14 conference committees were chosen at random by Rep. Robert Waldron and consist of three members each from the House and Senate. Agreement ap- peared close yesterday on other sections of the state budget and Waldron predicted it would filially balance at a level of about $1.1 bil- lion for the new fiscal year. I Not Yet Decided Postpone Regents Meeting Pending Legislative Appropriations Decision By LAURENCE MEDOW Co-Editor and MARK LEVIN A University vice president confirmed yesterday that the Uni- versity will raise tuition for the fall. However, he would not speculate on the size of the increase. "We haven't set the level of the increase," the vice president ex- plained. He commented that state appropriations were inadequate to maintain present levels of University services and said additional reyenues had to be secured. The Regents were expected to act on the tuition increase and the University's fiscal 1967-68 budget at a special meeting this after- noon but University officials announced yesterday morning that the meeting had been postponed, probably until sometime next week. They have been waiting for the Legislature to -agree on higher edu- cation appropriations. A higher education budget bill passed by the House last Friday would provide $62.2 million for the University, compared to $58.6 mil- lion in the Senate version. They TEACH-OUT: Vietnam Summer Project Tak In Communities Throughout A By The Associated Press Roy Wilkins, executive secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo- ple told the NAACP convention in Boston last night, "the riot tech- nique . . . must not become a fix- ture of summer life." But riots continued yesterday, with a flare up of looting and window smashing in Tampa, Flor- ida and an uneasy truce in Water- loo, Iowa. Efforts to bring racial peace to Tampa had been stepped up yes- terday but a new outbreak of loot- ing and window smashing by young Negroes was reported. James Hammand, director of the city's commission on human relations, said he was negotiating with police to enlarge the city e eHold lichigan In a pilot project of door-to- door campaigning in a 14-block area of Detroit, workers found that 60-70 persons said they would be willing to attend meetings at homes in their area and more said they would be willing to take the literature. (About half the resi- dents were not at home.) Neighborhood Programs About five homes were found in which residents said such meet- ings could take place. The Viet- nam Summer people are present- ly helping local residents to take of 90 businesses to a mass meet- ing today to discuss employment of more Negroes. Waterloo police, in an effort to avert a repetition of Sunday night's Negro riot, announced a 10 p.m. curfew for "all young per- sons" would be strictly enforced. Mayor Lloyd Turner said the curfew applied to all young per- sons in the city. Meanwhile, Wilkins told the opening session of the 58th an- nual convention of NAACP that "our group cannot make solid progress as a result of the actions' of a riotous few." His remarks were in a prepared speech. Wilkins said congressmen who refuse to enact legislation such as the civil rights bill of 1967 "are creating the atmosphere in which an outbreak of violence can occur. Wilkins issued a call to all civil rights groups to "exploit the breakthroughs that have been opened up." And he gave credit to militant Negro leaders for shaking up some Negroes and whites who "badly needed the treatment." "In this connection the real service of militants should not b underestimated," he said, " . . . in spite of the raucous activity, their table but will change a limited war to a total war. Joining Esch and Bradford in the proposal were Reps. John R. 'Dellenback (R-Ore.), Frank J. Horton (R-N.Y.) Charles Math- ias, Jr. (R-Md.), Charles A. Mos- her (R-Ohio), Richard S. Sch- weiker (R-Pa.), and Robert T. Stafford (R-Vt.). National Engineering Academy 'Plans Sesquicentennial Meetig youth patrol on a permanent basis. Steady escalation of the war The commission invited owners will not, the group feels, force North Vietnam to the negotiating By ANN MUNSTER The National Academy of Eng- ineering will hold its third au- tum meeting here, September 21-22, as part of the University's Sesquicentennial celebration and consider the topic "Engineering for the Benefit of Mankind." Nine distinguished speakers, most of whom are engineers and members of the Academy, will ex- amine the outlook for the next three decades for developments in energy, materials, structures, fluid Alvord and Francis Fisher on "In- strumentation for Mechanical Engineers," Professor Edward Ep- stein on "Satellites for Weather Observations," Professor Emmet Leith on "Fundamentals of Len- seless Photography," Professor Bertram Herzog on "Time-Shar- ing Computers: Their effect on Engineering Use of Computers," Professor Walton Hancock on "Predicting Human Performance Professors Harm Buning and Les- lie Jones on "Upper Atmosphere and Space Activities." An evening session will be held featuring Dean Gordon 'Van- Wylen, who will discuss the status and goals of the college. Professor J. G. Eisley will talk about trends in undergraduate education and Associate Dean Norman Scott will discuss trends irl graduate edu- cation. By DAVID KNOKE The Vietnam Summer Project is off to a strong start in half a dosen Michigan communities. That assessment of the com- munity-organizing "t e a c h-o u t" movement against the war in Viet- nam comes from George A. White,' '65, full-time field secretary for the state-based project. Vietnam Summer was organized earlier this year by war opponents in the New York-Boston and Ber- keley-San Francisco areas. Rev. Martin Luther King announced the program in a speech at the Spring Mobilization march to New York in April. Since' that time, hundreds of communities have begun their own projects. with over 4,000 volunteer ical, informal discussion, door-to- door and draft information cam- paigns. The Ann Arbor Vietnam Sum- mer committee purchased the city library's old bookmobile for $300 and is paying off the cost in $25 shares. The bookmobile has been repainted bright yellow and put into almost continuous use in a "peacemobile" project that tours shopping centers, fairs and parks in neighborhoods where literature is passed out or door-to-door can- vassing is going on. The "peacemobile" went to Yp- silanti on the morning of July 4th and took part in the parade. Over 1500 leaflets with the theme "Sup- port Our Boys: Bring Them Home" were passed out. Sur- The door-to-door campaign has over three dozen persons working to contact people for mailing lists and organize neighborhood dis- cussion groups on the war. "Thiryt persons may not sound like much," said White, "but with careful planning, they can cover an awful lot of ground in a short time." Last night, a mass meeting at the Unitarian Church ended with dividing up the crowd into small units, giving general orienta- tion on canvassing and leafletting door-to-door in the Burns Park area. Good Coverage Detroit's Vietnam Summer pro- ject got underway two weeks ago at a press conference to announce its opening which was given good shock techniques, and their over- mechanics, radio astronomy. sys- simplification of complex issues, they have shaken up Negroes and whites . . . their service outweighs their disservice." Wilkins again criticized the concpet of "black power" by say- ing "the important thing is not the color of any other abstract at- titude of power, but the effective exercise of power for good pur- tems-and designs, and environ- mental and biological engineer- ing. All of the Symposium sessions will be open to the public and each talk will be followed by comments from one or more of the participants. Engineering Convocation The College of Engineering will over the direction of their neigh- poses." hold its convocation September borhood's effort, and other neigh- He said progress on civil rights 21. Augusus B. Kinzel, founder of borhoods are being contacted in a was ".undeniable, but painfully in- the Academy of Engineering and similar tactic. adequate." its first president, will be one of Lansing has "one of the best- The chief executive officer of the main speakers. Kinzel is now organized projects in the state," the oldest and largest civil rights' president of the Salk Institute