Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNrVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS WheO pt 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed ix The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID KNOKE The Palestinian Problem: The Arab View Vietnam Power Politics: Night of the GeneraIs IN VIETNAM, General Ky's withdrawal as a presidential candidate in favor of Lt. General Nguyen Van Thieu, a move looked on by some as a step toward a less militaristic government, is actually likely to produce a more united front against the civilians of the country. Ky, in fact, was forced into taking the vice- presidential spot by 50 of his colleagues who make up the Vietnamese Armed Forces Council, and who are the real power behind the throne at this time. Ky was made to subordinate himself to Thieu not because he was too militar- istic, but because his campaign methods were too blatantly illegal for his fellow generals to tolerate. Thieu is no less a military man than Ky, but he does have a certain amount of political sophistication lacking in the younger, more flamboyant man. Thieu and Ky have been running the country together for the past two years, and while they definitely are not friends, they do share a common goal, the continued military control of Vietnam, and at least generally agree on the means to that goal, which include the continued military presence of the United States. BEFORE KY was "persuaded" to run with Thieu, there was some chance that the two military leaders would divide the voters, particularly the important 600,000 man uniformed army, and that the only serious civilian contender, Tran Van Huong, might be able to muster enough support to win. This thought, was not palatable to either Ky or Thieu, since Huong is running on a platform in direct opposition to military control of the government. The new alliance be- The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier ($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Summer Editorial Staff LAURENCE MEDOW.................... Co-Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ...................Co-Editor MARK LEVIN........... Summer Supplement Editor NIGHT EDITORS: John Gray, Wallace Immen, David Knoke, Elizabeth Turner, Lucy Kennedy. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Copi, Jill Crabtree, Jenny Stiller. ANDREW LUG................... Review Editor Summer Sports Staff DAVID KNOKE ......................... Sports Editor Summer Business Staff SAMUEL OFFEN ................Business Manager ED NEUBAUER.......... ...... Advertising Manager STEVE ELMAN ............... Circulation Manager ASSOCIATE ADVERTISING MANAGERS: Erica Keeps, Marilyn Parker, Naomi Goldberg. tween Ky and Thieu, however, effectively eliminates Huong. The only other man who might have a chance to win is Major General Duong Van Minh. Minh was instrumental in the overthrow of the old Diem regime, and he gained a great deal of popular sup- port. Minh, however, is out of the coun- try, and the Armed Forces Council re- fuses to let him back in, labeling him as a "security risk." Since Minh is cam-- paigning against "police state tactics," it is probably the council's personal job se- curity that is at stake. Since Minh evi- dently won't get back in the country, a victory by Thieu and Ky is almost inevit- able. It is interesting to note that although Ky could probably win the election with- out Thieu or the council, and Thieu is not anxious to have to control Ky after the election, they are nonetheless sticking together, exactly as President Johnson "asked" them to during the recent talks at Guam. THE ONE THING that, unfortunately, stands out from the whole episode is that while Thieu may be a better poli- tician than Ky, he is no less dependent on the U.S. administration, and he is no more a choice of the village peasant. The only thing likely to change after the election on September 3rd will be the amount of candor shown by the ruling forces. Sooner or later, we may hope, the people of South Vietnam may get an elected government in which the civil- ian population chooses the candidates. Until then the military can certainly ex- pect no more support from the peasants than they are now receiving, and we can expect the war to go on, and on, and on.... -JIM FORSYTH Rapprochement? "IF WAR makes sense only as an exten- sion of politics by other means, then Israel's victory will make political sense only if it leads to a new era of friendly . relations with Nasser." -BEN GURION The Weekly, June 12, 1967 HAVE great respect for Nasser. Nas- ser is a patriot. We should make an effort to talk with him. If Nasser agrees to talk, we should give up the Sinai. Without Egypt, no other Arab state will talk. -BEN GURION New York Times, June 18, 1967 -from I. F. Stone's Weekly, July 3, 1967 By IMAD KHADDURI Daily Guest Writer Fifty years ago, with the signing of the Balfour Declaration, the seeds of the Zionist movement in Europe began to ferment into one of the most complex political and human problems of this century, the Arab-Israeli conflict. After many years of bitter dis- pute and terrorist activities, this issue caused three major wars in the past twenty years in the Mid- die East while offering no signs of peace at all. On the contrary, it grimly points to bigger and more dangerous wars. It is an un- fortunate fact that the American people have been, in a sense, de- nied the opportunity to objec- tively examine the roots of this problem. The American Zionist and Jewish power and influence, mainly in the so-called liberal Eastern establishment, have suc- ceeded in acquiring a complete monopoly over the mass commun- ication media which has effec- tively omitted facts and distorted the Arab point of view. The Zion- ist movement h a s exploited American Jewish emotional in- volvement in the s i t u a t ion through this distortion and gross misrepresentation of the Arab people's rights and goals in order to gather huge amounts of money (more than $3 billion in the past twenty years)sthat is constantly sent over to Israel. It is only when war errupts in the Middle East that many Americans feel the lack of basic knowledge about this issue, and recognize the bias of their massmedia, With this in mind, I shall try in this article to present sensibly the Arab point of view of the Palestinian prob- lem and its effects on the Arab people and their national strug- gle. I do hope that the reader will not consider as a weakness the presentation of one point of view as being mindless of the total problem or the Zionist point of view. The Arab point of view is to be heard in full if any objec- tive understanding of this prob- lem is desired. I shall not dwell on the detailed history of this problem for that is rather lengthy and is very ade- quately presented in numerous books. I shall attempt rather to clear up the complexity by de- fining what the problem is and what it is not. * First, it is a legal problem dealing with the rights of a dis- placed people; namely, the more than one million Arab refugees that were and still are the main consequences of the creation of the state of Israel. The Arab Palestinians' right of land owner- ship was denied to them by the use of force which led to their exodus, and the partition of their land by the U.N. (which the Arabs do not regard as a legal land giver) under the pressure of the Western world and giving it to foreign Zionists. An objection can be raised here that terrorist activities and force were used by both sides. Let it be apparent (and this argument holds in other cases) that the Palestinians were resisting in self- defense of their homes and land on which they lived for thirteen continuous centuries against the aggression of foreigners to that land, who, once arriving there, were in turn forced to fight for their own existence. But it was the Zionists, with the support of the West, who thrust themselves into Palestine against the interests and rights of the inhabitants and, therefore, causing this in- human confrontation. 0 Second, it is a human-psy- chological problem dealing with the right of men to determine their destinies in the light of forced submission into a state of "refugees" after the loss of their land. There is some truth that the Arab refugees are being used as a "political football" by some Arab states. But this political move should not obscure the brotherly efforts of the Arab states and the human feelings of the refugees themselves. Many Arab states have done more than their share in alleviating the plight of the refugees by building cities for them, or granting them citizenships, or helping them es- tablish themselves through educa- tion and work. Despite these ef- forts, the highly proud and na- tionalistic feelings of the wronged Arab refugees (which is a diffi- cult emotion for the Americans to grasp) is a sufficient force that convinces them to reject the idea of absorption in any other area that their land their homes. After all, how can the Zionists, who themselves have been waiting to return to the "promised land" for two thousand years, expect the Palestinians, after only twenty years, to forget their land and be established elsewhere - especially after their ruthless treatment and expulsion? 0 Third, it is a national-terri- torial problem dealing with the territorial integrity of Palestine and geographic continuity of the Arab home-land which Israel has disrupted. The argument that the Zionists "deserve" that land for turning it from a backward and economically poor land into a pro- ductive modern state is as invalid and unjustified to the Arabs as it would be to the Americans if the Russians would take over back- ward and starving Appalachia, de- veloping it and thence advancing a territorial claim over it. " Fourth, it is a security prob- lem because Zionist Israel is ne- cessarily expanionistic as a result of continued immigration, inter- nal growth, and "self-defense" wars with the Arabs as clearly evident from the recent conflict. The hostility that leads to such aggressive a n-d expansionistic "self-defense" wars is forced up- on the Arabs (in the sense of a previous argument) and is de- liberately perpetrated by Israel and the West in refusing to recog- nize and effectively deal with the wronged rights of the Arabs under the cover of the advice, "let us forget the past and prepare for the future." They are, in fact, asking that the Arabs forget their rights. This the Arabs will not do, especially at this revolutionary stage of their national struggle, and will, therefore, in turn re- fuse to accept the justification for Israel's existence and will con- tinue to consider it as an aggres- sor state supported by the West- ern powers. O Fifth, it is an ideological problem. Arab nationalism, in its secularism, in its belief in the equality of all human beings, and its renunciation of racial pre- judices can not accept a theo- cratic state and an ideology based upon the concept of a "chosen people" which regards an act of depriving a million people of their property a foremost goal. The value systems of Arab na- tionalism and Zionism are dia- metrically opposed. * Sixth, it is an anti-imperial- istic problem dealing with the colonial encroachment of West- ern interests upon the basic rights of the Arab people. A his- torical analysis of the develop- ment of the problem should clear- ly blame the West for the exist- ence of hostility and war in the Middle East-whether in offering a piece of land it did not own to foreigners against the rights and interests of the inhabitants of that land; or in trying to clear its conscience for its persecution of the Jews by making the innocent Palestinians pay for and carry the burden of the crimes of the West; or in trying to secure the Jewish vote and succumbing to Zionist pressure in avoiding to recognize and to ignore the rights of the Arabs. The Arab people are still very sensitive and hostile to Western imperialism and the co- lonial evils it has brought them- whether in Aden at present, in Algeria until a few years back, in the clear aggression against an Arab state in 1956, in helping es- tablish a hostile foreign state on Arab soil, or in the partition and dominance of the Arab nation by the Western powers, after assur- ances to the contrary, at the end of the First World War. Neither food nor military aid can oblite- rate these facts. All of the tech- nology and benefits of the capi- talist system cannot compensate for its inherent inhuman, aggres- sive, and imperialistic premises. THE PALESTINE problem is definitely not the following: First, it is not a religious strug- gle, The problem is neither Arab- Jewish nor Moslem-Jewish. The powerful machine of Zionist prop- aganda tries to picture it as such in order to arouse Jewish support throughout the world to Israel and to exploit any Christian pre- judices against Islam. The Arabs are not against the Jews but against the Israelis and Zionists among the Jews and the gentiles. There should emphatically be a clear disitnction between Judiasm and Zionism, for such a distinc- tion exists in reality. The Pales- tine problem is a struggle between Arab nationalism and modern militant Zionism. It is equally against the secular nature of the Arab nationalist movement that we should accept making the Palestine question a Moslem-Jew- ish one. Palestine is an integral part of the Arab homeland and its people an indivisible part of the one Arab nation. That is how we identify it. We welcome the sup- port and sympathy of all those who believe in the justice of our cause regardless of their religion. Turning a national struggle into a religious one or vice-versa is only self-defeating and reac- tionary. Secondly, the Arab-Israeli strug- gle is not a racial one. Neither the Arabs nor the Israelis are distinct races, for both are a mixture of many races. Third, it is not merely a refugee problem; and if it were, we should not forget that the Palestinian refugees are unique. There are undoubtedly millions of refugees in the world: East Europeans, Cubans, Hungarians and Chinese for example. In none of these other cases, however, was the ma- jority of the population uprooted and displaced by deliberate and ruthless acts of terrorism, as was the case in Palestine. There is still a Cuba dwelt by Cubans, and there is still a Hungary dwelt by Hungarians,, no, matter how free or oppressed they are. But in the case of Palestine, we note two distinct facts: First, the refugees from this country are 80 per cent of the total Palestine population- before any serious immigration took place. Also, in the case of the other refugees, the poplation remained in the country and the country remained in the posses- sion of its people. But the Pales- tinians were deprived of their land. They were, as a people, de- nied the right of national exist- ence in their homeland. No other refugees are in such a situation. And because of the above two rea- sons, the Palestine refugee prob- lem cannot be solved financially. It does not only deal with a loss of property, but with a loss of national existence. HAS THE LATEST war, in fact, solved any of the basic issues? As far as the Arabs are concerned, the answer is a definite no. A minor military victory does not justify Israel's existence to the Arabs. Neither does it deal with the rights of the Palestinian refu- gees, nor did it convince us of Israel's intention or willingness in securing peace in the Middle East. On the contrary, the Arab people have lost more land, more Arabs are being expelled from their land (350,000 Arabs in Gaza are being moved to the western bank of the river Jordan), and the ex- pansionistic fervor and technique (the use of napalm) of Moshe Dayan blunt all appeals for peace and mutual tolerance. Several people here have been thinking about different ways to achieve stability and peace in the area, such as a de-Zionized state of Israel, mutual economic trade, etc. .. . I want to point out one thing in this regard. It has been several decades now that the Zionists and the Arabs have been telling their people that their cause is completely right and jus- tified and that the other is com- pletely wrong, forgetting to men- tion and emphasize at least the human tragedies of the other side being confronted with the more menacing political issues. As a result of that, deep and entrench- ed feelings of hate have been constantly growing in both sides. I ask, how can sympathy and tolerance that leads to under- standing and peace develop under such circumstances? As an ex- ample of the prejudices and hate, I offer the American Zionists and the effect of their biased propa- ganda on the American Jews. I am especially critical of the American liberal attitudes (such as the New Republic), in refusing to even recognize the Arabs' rights, on their biased and un- peaceful stand on this issue; and for that matter, their unethical double standard of international morality. The Vietnamese doves, such as Sen. Jacob Javits, Sen. Wayne Morse, and many Jewish liberals have converted into Mid- dIe Eastern hawks during the recent crisis. The Americans should, therefore, examine and correct their dilemma before ask- ing the Arabs and Israelis for peace and understanding and the prevention of a nuclear Third World War. Finally, have the Arabs really lost this war? Militarily, yes, for the time being: but they have won themselves. This crisis has cer- tainly shocked the Arab intellec- tuals and the Arab people in lift- ing the mask of pompus rhetoric and in recognizing the internal weakness in the very structure of existing Arab society that led to such a defeat. It has gravely demonstrated the wasted energy caused by the friction and petty quarrels among the progressive political parties themselves while neglecting the basicissues and goals that they all seek, social- ism, freedom, and unity. It brought into realization the use of the vital power that the Arabs have in their oil which sustained their enemies. It has pointed to- ward the urgent need for a more radical revolution and a faster rate of progress for the Arab masses, for their own welfare and strength and in order to rapidly reach the advanced standard of the modern and technical world today. Whether the Arab intel- lectuals, who have the main re- sponsibility in instigating'and im- plementing the now apparent needs and forces for radical change among the masses, will move or not depends on the cur- rent atmosphere in the Arab lands. I am very encouraged by several signs from the ,10,000 Arab students who are studying in the U.S.A. and Canada, and I do know that the Arab revolution is well in progress for the past several decades though its path needs some radical changes by the Arabs themselves. * 9, IRAN VAN DINHaw-- Number Two Man Will Try Harder In principle, Brigadier General Nguyen Cao Ky (who prefers to be addressed as Vice Air Marshal) has never been No. 1 in the "National Leadership Committee," the ruling military junta, since the June, 1965 coup d'etat which brought him into power. He was and still is the Executive Director-that is, the Prime Minister. General Nguyen Van Thieu, the leader of the Committee, is No. 1 or Chief of State. But through shrewd political machinations, General Ky dominated the political scene both nationally and internationally during the last two years. In three encounters with President Johnson, at Honolulu, Manila and Guam, he stole the show from his superior who is good only at behind-the-scene maneuvers and does not talk much. At the Guam meeting in March 1967, General Ky presented President Johnson with the Constitution of South Vietnam and promised the American leader that he would keep the ARVN (Army Republic of (South) Vietnam) united, and the junta in harmony. However since May 1967, in his drive-first unofficial, then open-towards the Presidency to which he felt entitled, he forgot the Guam promise. His noisy and illegal campaigning (according to the Electoral Laws, the campaign begins only on Aug. 3) and his eagerness to secure votes through the military commanders and district police chiefs under the control of his close associate, feared and hated General Nguyen Ngoc Loan, alarmed both his colleagues in the junta and in the U.S. Embassy-in Saigon. Ky knew about this. But his friend, General Loan had re- assured him that he had the control of the situation. Another friend of Ky's, Bu Diem, whom has been, since January, the Ambassador of South Vietnam in Washington, only recently assured him of com- plete U.S. backing. But Diem just spent few weeks in Saigon to give the final touch and needed advice to Ky's plan for elected. Ky agents were spreading the important news that the Pentagon, the White House and the State Department were behind the Vice Air Marshal. Wash- ington, of course, denied this in due time. WHILE KY was using government facilities to advertise himself as the leader of the "government of the poor" (people in South Viet- nam say that this title is apropos since the regime has impoverished everyone), General Thieu was working hard behind the scenes. He discreetly contacted the Corps Commanders (four in all), the Division Commanders (10 in all) and convinced them that Ky was going to damage the unity of the army. Finally, when KY declared himself a candidate, Thieu decided that he also will run. A battle between the No. 1 and No. 2 men in the junta thus began. Ky's Department of Information headed by General Nguyen Bao Tri, a fellow Northerner, censored Thieu's speeches and statements; General Loan's agents harassed Thieu henchmen. The Army was definitely split and Wash- ington was worried and angry-Ky had broken the Guam promise. On June 19, Ambassador Bunker, who had known how to handle the Dominican Republic generals, asked Thieu, Ky and General Cao Van Vien, Chief of Staff of the ARVN, to come to his house for lunch. During the conversation, Ambassador Bunker reminded Ky of the Guam promise, expressed his disgust for General Loan's arbitrary arrests and machinations and conveyed to the triumvirate Washing- ton's concern about the division within the ranks of the ARVN. He also told the Vietnamese generals that Washington would give preference to no one in the presidential race. Thieu was happy. He immediately signaled Washington neutrality to his friends who at the same time have also been aware of criticism by the U.S. press of Ky's illegal campaigning. On June 25, the Corps and Division commanders and senior officers in the junta met in Saigon. Ky made a last-ditch attempt to isolate Thieu. He asked his friend, General Le Nguyen Khang, Third Corps Commander to move his troops for some military exercises around Saigon. To his great surprise, Khang did not comply to the order. Ky's battle was lost. He had no choice but to step down and on June 30, publicly consented to run as Vice President on the ticket of General Nguyen Van Thieu, the Chief of State. THE AFFAIR IS closed at least for the time being. But as No. 2, and having lost his face, Ky will try harder to regain his power. Al- ready, after his tactical and forced retreat, Ky has called for unity anr sarifice -He mnve nnw with cautionn hut is not finished vet. He h.- r\; a + k~r ? . Krt ti , S Y t V .'. Letters to the Editor SDS and Middle East As a fraternal delegate to the 1967 SDS Annual Convention from the University Christian Move- ment, I wish to register my en- thusiasm for the seriousness and sophistication shown by the For- eign Policy Workshop's critical approach to the Middle East ques- tion, and particularly to the dom- inant role (direct or via the UN) that our America played before, duringuand after the 1948 parti- tion of Palestine. Only a radical organization like SDS could dare consider the five points raised (re: Daily issue of June 28) in the face of an enor- mously distorted U.S. press that encourages and "documents" the kind of replies in your "Letters to the Editor" (June 30) that claim "Israel embodies the very ideal of democracy in the Middle East." I WOULD emphasize a point which is of extreme importance- perhaps even of some urgency for a group such as SDS which with some reason sees trends of Hitler- ism in our present system. As one living in New York and working in the national offices of major American Protestant churches, Dr. Levy (a Jewish dermatolog- ist who refused to train men bound for Vietnam)-"If they won't fight our war in Vietnam, why should we fight their war in the Middle East?" Dr. Levy is my kind of American-he is our hero at this time of national madness. Vietnam is not our war! The crisis in the Middle East is not an Arab-Jewish conflict; it is a struggle between Arab nationalism and modern militant Zionism. Although SDS didn't pass a res- olution, my disillusionment with SDS will remain negligible beside the fears I harbor for the future of America. -Henry Bucher, Jr.^ Field Secretary University Christian Movement *1 . 1. (II e Y yr LR aI t { r (~!l 4 "z s : ' I