U' AND LEGISLATURE: TIME FOR CHANGES See editorial page SirFA au A& 4 ir :43a.t tu SUNNY LOW-52 High-84 Continued warm, little chance of rain Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 41S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1967 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PA STUDENT RIGHTS: National College Associations Support Academic Freedom WASHINGTON, D.C. -- C.P.S. -Representatives of five national organizations have agreed to a tentative statement on the aca- demic freedom of students. The statement endorses such rights as a student role in policy- making and due'process for stu- dents in disciplinary cases. The five organizations are Am- erican Association of Colleges (AAC), the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), the National Association of Stu- dent Personnel Administrators, the National Association of Wo- men's Deans and Counselors, and the National Student Association (NSA). The statement was pre- pared by one representative from each group and must be agreed to by each organization's mem- bership. Perhaps the most signficant thing about the statement is the agreement of the American As- sociation of Colleges represent- ative. The AAC is composed of small liberal arts colleges, where the abridgement of student rights is often most extensive. NEWS WIRE By The Assoeiated Press L4NSING - House Republicans yesterday proposed a 5 per cent increase in appropriations to education, but said the in- crease would depend on Senate approval of a 3-cent-per-pack hike in the state cigarette tax. "It's as simple as this: No cigarette tax - No increase in school aid," said Rep. Clifford Smart, (R-Walled Lake) chairman of the House Education Committee. He said the education appropriations plan, which has the backing of a majority of House Republicans, "goes with the supposition the Senate will pass the cigarette tax." The House already has approved the cigarette tax increase, but Senate majority leader Emil Lockwood, (R-St. Louis), has said Senate Republicans don't want to levy the increase unless an emergency situation comes up. The Senate, in adjournment since last Saturday after ap- proval of the State's first income tax, was due to return to work in Lansing today. * * * * LANSING - A controversial bill to liberalize Michigan's abortion laws will be examined at a public hearing in Lansing Aug. 21, the bill's sponsor, Sen. John McCauley, (D-Wyandott4), said yesterday. The bill would allow termination of a pregnancy if it was determined to be necessary to the physical or mental health of the mother or if there was a risk the child would be born with a physical or mental ;defect in the case of a pregnancy caused by rape or incest. McCauley said he expects experts from many fields to testify in support of the bill, which is being considered by the Senate judiciary committee. Several states have enacted bills similar to his, McCauley said, including California, Colorado and North Carolina. THE UNIVERSITY REGENTS are tentatively scheduled to meet Tuesday, July 11 to act on the 1967-68 budget. The meeting is set for 2 p.m. in the Regents Room of the Administration Building. The July 21 meeting has been canceled, and Regents will meet again Aug. 8. No August meeting had been scheduled previously. Remaining meetings are to be Sept. 15, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, and Dec. 15. UNIVERSITY SCIENTISTS may probe the bottom of Lake Michigan in a research submarine again next year, according to A. Geoffrey Norman, vice president for research. Norman said recently he was "confident" that the University can find sources of support funds. The institute of Science and Technology's Great Lakes Research Division recently completed a two-week study of the lake bottom, utilizing the General Dynamics Star II sub- marine. WASHINGTON, D. C., (CPS) - The dismissal of 14 stu- dents and five faculty members by Howard University has drawn the attention of both the American Association of University Professors and the American Civil Liberties Union. Howard, which also suspended three other students, said the students and faculty members were "disruptive of the basic edu- cational process of the University." There were several demon- strations at Howard earlier this year, including one against Selective Service Director Lewis B. Hershey. Thomas Truss of the AAUP said his organization has only begun to investigate the Howard case. The faculty members in- volved have filed a complaint with the AAUP. The AAUP's first step will be to go to the Howard administration and attempt to resolve the ' case. If that fails, the organization may consider further investigations and evenually possible blacklisting. Some of the major provisions of the report include: -A long list of due process re- quirements in major cases, in- cluding putting the burden of proof on the college and guar- anteeing the student's right to defend himself. -The right to attend college without regard to race, to invite speakers of students' own choos- ing, and to have complete free- dom of off-campus action without fear of university punishment for the violation of civil laws. -Protection of students from "arbitrary and prejudiced" grad- ing by professors. -A free student press. When- ever possible, the statement says, student newspapers should be legally and financially autono- mous from the university as a separate corporation. When this is not possible, the statement ur- ges a student press sufficiently autonomous to remain a vehicle for freedom of inquiry and ex- pression. It took the drafting committee almost a year to iron out the disagreements between the groups. NSA's representative on the com- mittee, National Affairs Vice President Ed Schwartz, said NSA and the AAC were usually on op- posite sides of most of the argu-' ments, with the AAUP somewhere in the middle. Schwartz said the committee clashed over two ma- jor points. The AAC wanted to include sev- eral satatements that student rights and freedoms would vary from campus to campus. The other organizations though this might be used as an escape clause to ignore the recommendations of the statement. Finally, all references to this were dropped except one and it was changed to read that pro- cedures "may vary from campus to campus, but the minimal stan dards of academic freedom of stu- dents outlined (in the statement) are essential to any community of scholars." The second disagreement was over the tone of the statement. Schwartz said certain portions seemed almost condescending to students, such as a statement that 'Students should exercise .their freedom with responsibility and maturity." There was no mention of the student role in decision- making. Schwartz told the group that NSA could not support the docu- ment in that form. As a result the tone was changed, including the dropping of the word "maturity" from that one passage. Schwartz says there are a lot of loopholes in the statement which will have to be plugged. But he called the statement "a significant step forward, consid- ering the organizations involved." He says he will recommend that NSA approve it at its National Student Congress this summer. One key to ironing out the doc- ument's problems, according to Schwartz, is a committee which would be established to interpret it and apply its provisions to in- dividual cases. The committee will consist of one representative from each of the five organizations. But an even more important question is whether college ad- ministrators will accept the state- ment. Earlier this year, a survey by the magazine College Manage- ment of the reactions of 225 col- lege presidents to the AAUP draft statement on student freedom showed that most presidents agree basically with student freedoms but fewer were able to go along with specific applications such as a completely free student press or a free student choice of speakers. -Associated Press PROTESTS DELAY SPEECH Congo Asks End To Mercenaries Ambassador Says Foreign Troop Seek To Depose President Mobut UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (MP)-The Congolese government cal on the Security Council on last night to urge all member natic to forbid recruitment of mercenaries by "an international Maf allegedly seeking to overthrow President Joseph D. Mobutu. The appeal was made at an urgent meeting of the 15 nati council called at the request of Congolese Ambassador Theod Idzumbuir. Idzumbuir told the council that two planeloads of mercenar landed Wednesday at Kisagani, formerly Stanleyville, to aid die dent Congolese groups in trying to replace Mobutu with a "m Secretary of State Dean Rusk spoke to the Lions International Convention in Chicago yesterday amid Anti-Vietnam War banners and protesters. These protests delayed the start of his speech con- cerning the affairs of state. QUOTE ATTORNEY GENERAL: City-Student Group To Debate Voter Registration Procedure By JILL CRABTREE Student voter registration will be the topic of debate for the first meeting of a city-student liason committee scheduled for next Tuesday, Roy 'Ashmall, Graduate Assembly president, said yester- day. Students attending the meeting will include Ashmall, SGC presi- dent Bruce Kahn, '68, Tom Van Lente, Grad, member of the Stu- dent Advisory Board on Housing, and SGC member Mike Koeneke. They will meet with represent- atives of the City Attorney's and City Administrator's offices. The meeting is partially intend- ed as an orientation session to de. termine what type of city person- "In any event," Ashmall said, "we will attempt to introduce leg- islation on the state level to clarify the vagueness in existing registration laws." He commented that opponents of student voter registration argue increased student voice would "turn Ann Arbor into a one party government." "All students are not Democrats by a long shot," he said. "More student voting may well bring about a stronger two- party system, because students are a new field for capture." "People forget that there is still a requirement that voters be 21 years of age or over. This elimi- nates 60 per cent of all University students right away. If the other 40 per cent wanted to take over the city, they would have done so in 1817." The students also plan to ask that a standard complaint form for housing code violations be made available to the public. In recent city elections, mem- bers of Student Government Coun- cil, the Student Housing Associa- tion and other University student groups have urged students who ar eeligible to vote, to go to the city clerk's office to determine their status. The students carried on large voter registration campaigns for the elections held last spring and summer, primarily directing the campaigns at graduate students. docile leader" who would bei agent for colonialist interests. He carefully avoided naming t countries where the recruiting w allegedly taking place except say they were in Western Euro He said only France had tall steps to halt such recruitme since the Congolese governme complained to the council lI fall. Rallying Point ' At that time, he recalled; had said the rallying point for t mercenaries was Portuguese A gola. He did not say that Angi was the point of origin for t groups reported to have arrived the Congo on Wednesday. The current troubles in the Co go coinside with the kidnappi of ex-Premier Moise Tshombe flight over the Mediterranaen 1 weekend and his continuing c tention in Algeria for possibleE tradition to the Congo. A former provincial secession in the Congo, Tshombe is unc death sentence for treason if is returned there. In excile he u suspected to plotting with forei forces to return to power. Ambassador Idzumbuir charg that the opposition to the Mobu government was based on the!; that it had broken up a monop "Favorable to s o m e forei groups" and the fact that the g ernment was making refor which would put it on a sou basis. He said the recruitment of m cenaries was being carried openly in some countries with t backing of "clubs of old m members of the wide internatio conspiracy which has ramifi tions all over the world." Soviet Ambassador Nikolai Fedorenko and U.S. Ambas, dor William B. Buffum ma brief preliminary statements a declared they would speak fu on the charges later. Serious Situation Fedorenko said he regarded t situation described by Idzuib as a serious one. He referred the recent U.N. debate ont Middle East and declared: "' forces of aggression must not condoned. The Security Coup must pay attention to this fa must draw the relevant conc sions, must take necessary m( sures to put an end to these for of aggression." Buffum said the United Sta had readily agreed to the urg meeting. "These charges, he said,"s indeed serious ones, and they( serve our very careful consid ation." He said interference by c country in the internal affa of another "cannot be count anced." He asked that the C golese government ascertain1 full facts and submit them to1 council. Mali's ambassador, MoussaI Keita, linked the alleged aggr sion against the Congo with1 Middle East conflict. an ' he TFC Panhel to pe 1 en. Encourage nts ast Participation he By LUCY KENNEDY he Although the Big Ten Inter- kn- Fraternity Council - Panhellenic ola Conference passed a modified ver- the sion of the recommendations reso- in lution passed by the n University's Panhellenic President's Council n- last spring, according to the pres- ng ident of the University's Panhel, in Ginny Mochel, '68, many schools ast were primarily concerned with the de- more superficial aspects of Greek ex- life. "Many of the Big-ten schools ist attending the conference were der most concerned about getting ad- he ditional participation in Greek- vas sponsored events or about expand- gn ing the Greek system at their schools," Miss Mochel commented. ged "The delegates from the Uni- utu versity and the University of Wis- act consin agreed that these were im- oly portant areas, but we were puzzled ign by the other schools comparative ov- lack of concern over the discrim- ims ination issue," she said. nd Previous Resolution Last spring's Panhel resolution er- said recommendations from alum- on na, which are necessary for mem- the bership in many sororities, "are en, of questionable value," and can nal be used in a discriminatory man- ca- ner. As a result, it encouraged the conference to reconsider the whole T. procedure. sa- The resolution passed by the Big ade Ten Conference was less pointed. nd It condemned discriminatory Illy clauses or mechanisms of dis- crimination in national constitu- tions and urged nationals to elim- inmate them chiefly because they the bring administrative and student uir body criticism. the Wisconsin the The final resolution was pre- he sented by Wisconsin delegates. be Sororities and fraternities at. Wis- consin are faced presently with act, an administrative ultimattm re- lu- quiring them to agree that no one ea- outside of their university (par- ces ticularly alumni) will participate inselection of their members. tes Second Resolution ent A second resolution was passed by the conference stating that are Greeks must take an active inter- de- est in their environment, in the er- university community and in the. affairs of the nation, and must one provide leadership in encouraging airs discussions on critical issues. en- This resolution was passed by on- the conference in response to the the question, "Why be a.Greek?" This the was considered an important top- ic of the conference because dele- Leo gates felt they were having trou- es- ble explaining the rationale for the being a Greek to people inside the system and out. nel should regularly attend com- mittee meetings. Permanent stu- dent representatives will be elected by petition in the fall. "But we are going to hit them with concrete proposals right away," Ashmall said. The main body of their planned statement on student registration will be a fact sheet including legal definitions of residence and opin- ions handed down by the state at- torney general in cases involving disputed residence. Ashmall said that main prob- lem students have had in the past in getting registered involve an- swering a question on where they intend to go after finishing col- lege. "Many students just don't know what they are going to do after college," Ashmall said. "If they say as much, it is assumed they plan to return home, and many times they are not registered be- cause of this." The attorney general opinion} quoted in the student's state- ment says that, "Where the stu- dent has no intention of return- ing home but is uncertain as to the place of his future residence, it is generally held that he may vote at the college town." Ashmall said the students plan to ask the City Administrator and the City Attorney to instruct the City Clerk to follow the Attor- ney General's directive. If the administrators feel they cannot comply with this request in the light of present law, Ash- mall said an alternate procedure will be decided on by the city- student committee. t y i 1 i i 1 1 Council on Education Observes 50th Year By JOHN GRAY to carry on special activities and The observance of the 50th an- research projects related to edu- niversary of the American Coun- cation. Annual dues range from cil on Education, scheduled to last $75 to $600, depending on the one year, will begin next October type of institution and its enroll- when the council's annual meet- mIenaddition to its other activi- ing convenes in Washington. ties, ACE issues a great number The University has not yet pick- of educational publications year- ed its representatives to the meet- ly, including the well-known Edu- ing. Although President Hatcher cational Record. has attended the annual meetings Discussion Topics regularly, his calendar this fall The 50th annual meeting of the prohibits his taking the time for council will be concerned with the the trip to Washington. President- question, "whose goals for higher elect Fleming is not yet sure education?" The president of the whether he will attend or not, council, Logan Wilson, says that Council History{ the theme "recognizes that the The council, a cooperative orga- aims and roles of each of the nization of educational institu- five main constituencies of high- tions, was founded in January, er education - students, faculty, 1918 in order to coordinate the administrators, trustees and per- services which education could sons from public life - change contribute to the government dur- as the functions of higher educa- ing the national crisis brought on tion shift and expand. The prob- by World War I. By March, 1918 lem involves not merely competing there were 14 members of the visions of true purpose, but also council, then known as the "Emer- competing preferences as to priori- gency Council on Education." By ties, means, and forms of gov- July, the members had convinced ernance by which aspirations are each other that they had more considered, articulated and legis- than a transient purpose to serve, lated." I INCREASE IN NEGRO MEMBERS: Hershey Denies Racial Inequality Exists Among Local Draft Board Personnel and so the ACE was born. Since its founding, ACE has been a center of cooperation for the improvement of education at all levels, with emphasis on high- er education. The council numbers among its members some 1200 colleges, junior colleges and uni- versities,and about 300 education- al associations and affiliated or- ganizations. Among these organi- zations are the University, the Boy Scouts of America, the Amer- ican Dietetic Association, the Brooklyn Public Library and the Masters School for Girls in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Services Throughout its 49 years of ex- istence, the ACE has been per- forming services of lasting value to American education. ACE founded the two commissions which were merged in 1948 to form the Educational Testing I SP~riepcraftor and conroller of 'U' Faculty Salaries Experience Relative Drop 'Over Past. Year By JENNIFER ANNE RHEA Although the University faculty salaries received an "A" or "AA" rating in each professional rank in the 1966-67 survey conducted by the American Association of Uni- versity Professors, the University's ranking on the list of institutions with average salaries of $10,000 and above for full-time faculty members fell from a 1965-66 posi- tion of 17th to a 1966-67 ranking of 21st out of some 936 reporting institutions. According to the AAUP "Econ- college, stated that the decrease in ranking could be primarily ac- counted for by "the lack of finan- cial aid being received by the University from the state that can be allocated for increases in fac- ulty salaries and compensation. The money just isn't there. That's all there is to it." In addition to the faculty salary ratings, the AAUP report also stated that the University had an average compensation figure for full-time faculty of $15,060, an average and minimum index grade of compensation of "A" and "B" tion in 1966-67 rose &.8 per ce: over the figure for the previot year. However, the AAUP stated thf the increase "represents a cor siderable drop from last year's re( ord figure of 7.3 per cent," an that the increase "will not suf-' for the achievement of the do bling goal"-the 1957 recomme dation of President Dwight Eiser hower's Committee on Educatic Beyond the High School that fa ulty incomes 'be doubled within decade. The 1966-67 year is the thi By RON KLEMPNER Special To The Daly WASHINGTON - Gen. Lewis Hershey, head of the Selective Service System, denied yesterday that Negroes are being kept off draft boards. South Dakota are two states that don't have a single Negro on the local boards, because we just can't find them." Hershey went on to say, "Our' department was one of the 'first to eliminate a person's race on our spect for our courts-even though upon the job being done by women at times it has been difficult." in the armed forces in Israel, He suggested that "Congress where all must serve: "The Is- should decide what the guide- raelis have a pretty good system lines should be, and the courts of getting their women into the should merely abide by them." armed services-I bet the women Hershey made these comments ksome of the men . l l ,