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Sir i4au
Partly cloudy, little
chance of showers
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
SDS Passes Resolution
Seeking Vietnam Pull-out
By BETSY TURNER Neither of these meetings would I command, regardless of the
and JOYCE BURCH be directly affiliated with SDS, I group's political ideology."
Tax Bill
The Plenary Session of the Na- but would probably include SDS
T enal Convention of Students for members as participants. Egleson
a Democratic Society yesterday said later that, "Neither the place,
passed a policy resolution calling time, or individuals have been spe-
passed a oicmresolutond calg cifically chosen. The meetings are
for an immediate United States
withdrawal from Vietnam. still in the planning stage." Both
The resolution stated, "SDS meetings will be private and are to
holds that the position of 'Stop
the Bombing' and 'Negotiations
now' are not in the best interests
of the Vietnamese or the Ameri-
can people. . . . ,The U.S. has no
right in any way to determine thet
future of the Vietnamese. There-
fore, we must call for an imme-
diate U.S. withdrawal."
The initial session, designed to
consider policy statements, open-
ed with remarks made by Nick
Egleson, national president of SDS.
After reporting on his recent trip
to Hanoi, Egleson also mentioned
suggested trips to both Hanoi and
oe maimy eaucationai.
The Plenary then began debatej
concerning relations with other
left organizations. After citing nu-
merous examples of what was felt
unfair treatment received by left
groups who opposed government
policy-such as the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee
and the Revolutionary Action
Movement-a resolution. was pass-
ed stating:
"We contend that whenever the
Left in the government feels that
some Left groups is so dangerous
tha th 'vrm" te +al
Prague where meetings would be Unat ine government must att ck
held with the North and South and destroy it, we will support
Vietnamese resistance forces. that group by all means at our
SGCf Pans Include
Draf t Cousein
The Convention also passed a
resolution stating that it does not
support the National Mobilization
Committee's plan for another
March on Washington to be held
in October. "We feel that these
large demonstrations which are
just public expressions of belief-
can have no significant effect on
American policy in Vietnam."
The Women's Liberation work-
shop presented and had approved
a resolution which provided a pro-
gram which including: 1) tre
creation of communal child care
centers; 2) the dissemination of
birth control information and de-
vices to all; 3) the assumption of
an equal share of household work
by every adult member; 4) Male
members protested discrimination
whe nthe women refused to allow
them to present their analysis of
the women's position. The wo-
men had stated previously that
they held "colonial relationship
to menn" - against whom a fight
for independence must be fought.
One woman defended this position
saying that, "it is not for the op-
pressor to decide what the pos-
ition of thee oppressed is."
CBS filmed audience and
speakers as the convention pro-
ceeded with discussion on the
Anti-Draft resolutions. A hotly
debated amendment was proposed
which stated that, "The SDS en-
courages chapters and draft re-
sistence unions to aid servicemen
in disseminating information a-
bout conscientious objection and
the war in Vietnam. We will also
aid them in opposition and dis-
ruption within the Army as well
as aid servicemen who wish to
determinate their association with
the Army by joining the under-
ground." Debate was still con-
tinuing at 1:00 a.m. this morn-
'Midnight Session
Brings 62-44 Vote
Upper Chamber Convenes Today;
Must Beat Fiscal Deadline Tonight
The state House of Representatives placed its approved version
of Gov. George Romney's fiscal reform package before the Senate
yesterday, but talks quickly bogged down.
With the deadline closing in, early yesterday morning, the House
had passed 62-44 a compromise tax package worked out in bi-partisan
conference Wednesday.
In a midnight session, twenty Democratic votes were finally
corralled and the bill was passed with only a minor change from the
terms drawn up in bipartisan caucus on Wednesday. The personal
exemption had been raised by $200, to $1,200.
The vote was delayed while sev-
Student Government Council
plans for the fall include a draft
counseling service that will provide
information on draft status and
various ways to fulfill a military
commitment as a conscientious ob-
SGC presdent, Bruce Kahn, '68,
said the counseling service is plan-
ned to "alleviate confusion and
bring together all information on
armed service opportunities."
The counseling service would in-
volve an office with one staff
member available for consultation
every day plus other counselors for.,
students. If a full volunteer staff
cannot be arranged, operating ex-
penses for the service will be paid
from SGC's budget.
Workshop Planned
Several students have already
volunteered to serve as counselors,
and a workshop in the problem of
draft deferment and conscientious
objection is planned for early
August. The workshop set up in
conjunction with local Friend's
Service Committee C h a i rm a n
Ralph Kerman, will be conducted
as a retreat.
In addition to giving legal in-
formation to conscientious object-
ors, the service will deal with these
people in a manner established by
draft counseling services run by
Friends and other religious groups
In other counseling services,
counselors have found it necessary
to determine if someone is sin-
cerely a conscientious objector by
asking them questions such as "so
you think you could never kill?"
Avoid the Draft
The service also hopes to pro-
vide information on other ways
to avoid being drafted for active
duty in addition to conscientious
Some problems of student de-i
ferment from the draft are pres-
ently handled through the Univer-
sity's office of certification. The
main functions of this office, how-
ever, are to give information upon
student request to local draft
boards on whether someone has
student status or not.
Larry Katz, an administrative
assistant in the office of regis-
tration and records, said, "We
sometimes have students request-
ing information oft various armed
services but we generally refer
them to people we consider more
knowledgeable in the field such as
recruiters. Our attitude toward
students requesting information on
conscientious objection is open.
We'll show them any legal infor-
mation we have, but this is on
the fringe of our area-we don't
consider it our main job."
Katz commented that he was
"all for" any service that could
provide additional information on
the draft, but that he was con-
cerned about the ability of such
on organization to keep their in-
formation as up to date as the
armed services themselves.
-Daily-Thomas t. Copi
A NEW DENTAL SC$OOL BUILDING, currently under construction, is scheduled for completion
in 1970. A special committee within the school's faculty is drawing up new curriculum plans to be
implemented when the new building is completed.
Dental School Faculty Studies
Newv Adaptable Curriculum
By The Associated Press
MORE THAN 125 freshmen and transfer students will enter
the University. this fall on Opportunity Award scholarships, ac-
cording to John Chavis, coordinator for special projects in the
Office of Academic Affairs.
The awards cover fees and living costs for first-year students.
In addition, students in extreme financial needs receive grants-
in aid for continued study at the University. Assistance is also
given to the students in finding part-time work during the school
year and full-time employment in the summer.
Beginning its fourth year, the Opportunity Awards program
operates with the aid of high school principals, counselors and
civil rights groups in seeking candidates with intellectual potential,
but are unable to meet educational costs. The program is financed
through University funds, private donations and a federal grant.
*~ *
formed group of graduate students in the social sciences at the
University, is planning a series of conferences and workshops to
be held here Aug. 11-13. According to Glenn Harvey, conference
coordinator, the object of the conference is "to provide fresh
ideas on the improvement of graduate education in the U.S. and
a critical assessment of social science endeavors generally, and to
stimulate organization among graduate students for these pur-
poses." Representatives from the University of Chicago, Harvard,
Brandeis, the University of California at Berkeley and the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin will also participate in the conference.
"We want to create a curri-
culum that well be more flex-
ible, more adaptable to change, so
that we can keep pace with new
innovations in the sciences, and
allow our students more freedom
to do in-depth study in their
chosen area, Robert E. Doerr, as-
sociate dean of the dental school,
said yesterday.
He said that this is the working
philosophy of a dental college fac-
ulty committee which is presently
revising the school's curriculum.
Doerr says the new curriculum
will take effect with the comple-
tion of new facilities for the
college under construction on
North University Street.uComplet-
ion is scheduled for the beginning
of 1970.
Clinical Practices
Planned changes include an
earlier introduction of students to
clinical practices, increased emph-
asis on diagnosis and preventive
dental care, individualization of
learning and increased free and
elective time.
This will be accomplished in
part by providing students with
the opportunity to utilize self-
study devices .
One of the most basic changes
planned is a "verticalization" of
studies in pre-clinical and clin-
ical sciences. At present, students
spend the first two years of the
four-year dental curriculum lear-
ning basic theory. They first be-
gin caring for patients in their
third year, when they learn clin-
ical practices.
Under the new curriculum, stu-
dents will have their first con-
tact with patients in their first
year, and teaching of theory will
continue until graduation.
In addition, creation of a ninth
semester between the third and
fourth year of study will enable
. {
free nours t. nt ins men u e wi
have a chance to do original re-
search, participate in field trips,
perfect his clinical techniques, or
elect liberal arts courses.
The teaching of technical pro-
cedures is also being revamped.
Doerr said many clinical tech-
niques are presently being taught
as semester-long courses meeting
one hour a week. He noted some
students could learn these tech-
niques in five hours time. Under
the new curriculum, students will
learn them individually, at their
own pace.
Such individualized study will
be implemented by 50 self-teach-
ing units to be located in the
basement of the new dental build-
The units will be 4x7 foot cub-
computer terminal. A student
practicing a technique in the car-
rel will be monitored by the com-
puter, and a teletype response sys-
temin n the carrel will tell the
student when he makes a mistake.
"In the past," Doerr said, "we
have had to gear our teaching of
such techniques to the middle or
average student. The quicker stu-
dents grew bored, and the slower
ones were constantly overchalleng-
ed. With this individualized teach-
ing method, the problem will be
According to Doerr, increased
emphasis will be put on preven-
tive dentistry under the new cur-
riculum, with more instruction giv-
en in diagnosis and periodontics.
-the study of diseases of the bone
and gums.
the committee to provide a stu- isles containing a counter and a
dent with more free and elective surface on which slides demon-
time, Doerr said. strating a given technique can be
In a 40-hour class week, each projected. Cathode ray tubes in
student will have 10-15 scheduled each unit or "carrel" will be con-
f h ITn th ti h Pwill nected by conduit to a central
eral Representatives drove back to
Lansing after having left for the
day. Passing the time, while re-
stricted to the chamber, members
made spot polls to see if the bill
would be able to get the 56 votes
necessary to pass.
When all but five had returned,
the session gave the bill imme-
diate approval.
The bill was sent to the Senate,
which took it up in a special ses-
sion yesterday evening, but ad-
journed after an hour's fruitless.
If the Senate cannot accept the
House terms, which vary some-
what from the version they passed
in May, the issue must be brought
before a House-Senate Conference
Committee to iron out the differ-
The bill must have final legis-
lative approval by midnight to-
night to head off the adoption
of massive cuts in state services.
*Romney warned again yesterdy
that without a plan, the $1 billion
budget the Senate has prepared
must be slashed by $75 million.
The deadline is midnight tonight
and differences must be resolved
before tomorrow evening.
Meanwhile, the House calendar
was cleared for consideration of
the state budget.
The House bill provide $269 mil-
lion in new state revenues from
a 2.6,per cent personal income tax
with a $1,200 exemption and a 5.6
per cent corporate income tax.
This,,compares with rates of 2.5
per cent with a $600 exemption
and 5 per cent on corporate in-
come in the Senate package.
One provision of the plan ex-
pected to have a rough trip is a
three cent-a-pack tax on cigaret-
tes. A 7 per -cent tax on deposits
held by financial institutions must
also be justified before the Senate.
The bill followed an outline set
up by a six-day caucus with Rom-
House Urges
Central Time
for Michi gan
LANSING - The House of
Representatives yesterday passed
a resolution urging the Federal'
Department of Transportation to
put all of Michigan in the Central
Time Zone.
The measure-was approved by a
58-37 vote and was sent to the
The resolution contends that
more than 90 per cent of Michi-
gan geographically belongs in the
Central Zone. It actually has no
legal force, but if approved in the
Senate, it would serve as a state-
ment of intent to planners in
"The Transportation Depart-
ment would take a second look
at a joint resolution from the
Michigan Legislature," predicted
Rep. Tom Sharpe, (R-HowelD,
one of 31 sponsors of the resolu-
He said he believed the Senate
would pass the resolution.
"I've had 20,000 calls from
mothers who can't get their
children to 'bed before 10:30 at
night," Sharpe said. "The sun
sets later in Michigan than almost
anywhere in the United States."
Only two weeks ago the state
went on Eastern Daylight Saving
The Legislature had passed, and
the governor signed, a bill ex-
empting Michigan from Day-
time. But the Board of State Can-
vassers certified petitions calling
fnrA rPfrp i d n the issue
Buffalo Again Hit by Riots
As MayorH ears Grievances
By The Associated Press ed with tear gas and shotguns
B TT AT O NY V inl nyaci and stationed in Negro neighborhoods
Johnson Signs Law Authorizing Extension
Of Teacher Corps for Three-Year Period,
UF' rsrAL) , . .-Vilee Ul tllvu11Lr OT A reeireni~iI umOil1n G 6 ,
destruction erupted sporadically for the past two days, Sedita ney and included a provision to m"ph a
through this city's lower East Side promised: "They will not be down permit voters to decide whetherto daylight time until voters de-
last night, only hours after Mayor here tonight. When I leave here remove from the state constitution ddelithet ter n theoemd-
Frank A. Sedita had asked young I will see to it that if you're not a ban on graduated income taxes ide the matter in -the Novem-
Negroes for a week to resolve dif- looting or burning, they will not next year. Currently, taxes can ber 1968 election.
ferences. be in there." have a flat-rate only. Many Upper Peninsula com-
Police reported that those walk- The meeting was called by a The bill could conceivably be munities refused, however, to join
ing the streets, during the third National Association for the Ad- killed by the Conference commit- Lower Michigan on Eastern Day-
night of rioting, appeared to act vancement of Colored People tee, but it appeared last night that light Saving Time. The Tran-
without organization or direction. youth group to let the city hear the hurdle of the Legislature has sportation Department, which is
When patrol cars moved to an complaints directly from the been jumped and it is merely a responsible for time regulatory
area of trouble, the groups would young people charged with throw- matter of quick action to get the action, ruled that UP is situated
move to another area, police said.; ing bricks and bottles. final bill to Romney for signature. in the Central Time Zone.
Molotov Cocktails
There were attempts to start I
fires with crude home-made gaso- I0 ~ 1nQ
-line bombs, police said. They were Iiller Notes Activism Origns;
Police also reported that those0
Negroes who were o the streetsS e
apperedto be oldrer than many
!appearedees tudent Protest Waning
nights, when large numbers of
youngsters were out. By GAIL SMILEY that "having won, they have gone dominantly Northern student rad-
Volley after volley of tear gas "I think the student protest back to the books and the frater- ical movement was a product of
was fired at the quickly dispers- movement in its present form is nities. Together with Southern the impersonality of the multiver-
ing crowds. to run its course. I give itwhite students are are at heart sity where a student was forced
One young Negro commented to about to this year an the most conformist students in to seek a subculture as a sup-
a newsman, "Man, it's that gas all of next," James L. Miller, Jr., the nation. portive group. The Southern u
that makes you hate them.'The director of the Center for the Northern radicals "come from a en has more personal con
youth referred to police. Study of Higher Education, pre- world a step nearer megalopolis, in his university atmosphere and
Large numbers of adults cruis- dicted in a speech given before the and they are bugged by its im- isissue-oriented in his radical ac-
ed the streets in automobiles, even Danforth Associates Regional personality, and haunted by the es.M er ca
though police had erected barri- Conference recently in Memphis. uncertainty of its personal value ern student an "amateur activist"
cades around the area. . system." compared to the semi-professional
Police said the heaviest activity Miller discussed the beginning activists found irr the multiversi-
was in the area of Jefferson Ave- of the student activist movement' Radical, Liberal ties.
nue and from Glenwood to Riley in Greensboro, N.C., in 1961. He Miller said that there are not Shape of Protest
streets, in a section known locally said although the South is not an now any multiversities in the Miller said that the shape of
nriit n fa nw "h-P-f-. o-- ,," .1 nnf .h T -n.T-...uv of ; r ~.a ..mill anack in + a s
President Johnson signed into
law yesterday a three-year exten-
sion of the Teachers Corps Pro-
gram, just in time to stem a tide
of volunteer resignations, in anti-
cipation of failure to renew the
program. It is part of the Presi-,
dent's war on poverty.
The origin of the idea for the
Corns has been attributed to sev-
teachers qualified to teach in
urban slums and poverty pockets.
The site Johnson chose for sign-
ing the bill was a large job train-
ing center which sprang up in an
area racked by Philadelphia's
1964 racial riots and became one
of the most successful efforts of
its kind in the nation.
Congress had only completed
action on the measure Wednes-
Another $7.5 million was ap-
proved in October, barely enough
to keep the Teacher Corps going
through June, 1967.
Since then Congress has ap-
priated $3.8 million more to main-
tain the present program and to
start a few more projects, with
only the authorization bill then
remaining to be passed.
It moved closer to renewal last
a meeting with Senate leaders to
make sure that this bill and other
key legislation got to the floor
before the recess. This was the
latest in a long series of legisla-
tive problems which the Teacher
Corps faced.
Many Congressmen view the
Corps as another example of in-
creasing federal control over edu-
cation, particularly in the elemen-
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