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June 29, 1967 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-29

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THURSDAY. E 20. 1967

Hichey Joins Pasarell, Riessen Four Heavyweights Des
:.In Wimbledon Tennis Victories To Open Fight Over All

s Title


OIT TIGER'S AL KALINE stares at the cast on his broken
right little finger.


WIMBLEDON, England (A) -
Cliff Richey, a crewcut tiger from
Texas, demolished fourth seeded
Tony Roche of Australia yesterday
3-6, 3-6, 19-17, 14-12, 6-3, in a
four-hour marathon and joined
fellow Americans Charlie Pasarell
and Marty Riessen as the giant
killers in the Wimbledon Lawn
Tennis championships.
The three Americans, still
smarting from their country's
Davis Cup humiliation by Ecua-
dor, now have a seeded scalp each
to their collection after three days
The 20-year-old Richey shared
the battle honors as dusk began to
fall over Wimbledon's grass
courts. He lost the first two sets
against the left-handed Aussie.
It looked as though it would be
curtains for the blond Texan, but
Richey, like Pasarell and Ries-
sen before him, now had the bit
between his teeth.
He threw himself at every ball
and finally took the match after
89 games - only four short ofE
Wimbledon's record.
Wimbledon's marathon record
was set in 1953 by American
Budge Patty and Jaroslav Drabny,
the self exiled Czech now living
in Britain. That match lasted four
hours, 20 minutes and went into
93 games.
Pasarell, who knocked out de-
fending champion Manuel San-
tana of Spain, on the opening day
defeated Bob Hewitt, South Afri-
can Davis Cup star, 6-3, 6-8, 6-2,
6-4, in the second round and
Riessen knocked out seventh
seeded Jan Leschly of Denmark,
1-6, 6-3, 3-6, 6-1. 6-4.
The Richey-Roche duel that en-
thralled the late evening crowd

really got underway at 5-5 in the
third set. Each man relied on his
powerful serve and volley to keep
on top with services. Slowly the
score crept up, with Richey always
At 18-17 came the long expected
break. Roche seemed to lose his
concentration for a moment and
again netted a volley to give
Richey the set 19-17.
It was the same story in the
fourth. Roche broke Richey with
three fine passing shots to lead
7-6. But the crewcut American
just gritted his teeth and broke
back for 7-7 when the now-wor-
ried Roche began mistiming his
volleys again.
After his upset victory over the
seeded Dane, Riessen said: "It
always makes me feel good to
knock out a seeded player. I did
it two years ago when I defeated
Wilhelm Bungert of Germany,
who was then fifth seeded.
Not Make Up
"But nothing that happens here
can make up for our Davis Cup
failure against Ecuador. Clark
Graebner and I lost the doubles-
and even if I win Wimbledon it
wouldn't erase the memory of
that. I started badly against
Leschley. I lost the first five
games and thought I never would
get into the match at all."
But R i e s s e n' s determination
pulled him through. He lost the
first set in 16 minutes, then grit-
ted his teeth and took three of
the next four sets for the match.
His consistent serving, volley-
ing and speed saw him through.
He had his share of luck, includ-
ing two lets which helped him to
a vital break at the start of the
final set. Rissen had a match

vL All-Stars Select
squad Without Mays

NEW YORK (M)-Willie Mays,
enerally regarded as Mr. All-Star,
tiled to make the starting line-up
or the first time in 14 years yes-
erday when the vote of National
eague players, managers and
>aches was announced.
Roberto Clemente of Pittburgh,
enry Aaron of Atlanta and Lou
rock of St. Louis gathered in
tore votes than the aging star
f the San Francisco Giants and
ill start against the American
eague All-Stars July 11 at Ana-
eim, Calif.
Pittsburgh placed three men on
ie starting eight, pitchers except-
d, St. Louis and Atlanta each had
vo and Philadelphia one.
Clemente, Aaron and Joe Torre,
so of the Atlanta Braves, are

7aline Out

Of All-Stars;
Oliva, Subs
DETROIT OP) - Hard-hitting
outfielder Al Kaline of the Detroit
Tigers was placed on the Ameri-
can League's disabled player list
yesterday after he smashed the
little finger of his right hand in-
a fit of temper Tuesday night
upon striking out.
The action meant that Kaline
will miss the major league All-
Star game July 11 at Anaheim,
Calif. He had led all players in
voting for the squad.
Dr. Russell Wright, Tiger phy-
sician, put a cast on the broken
finger yesterday.
NEW YORK (') -- Tony Oliva,
Minnesota's right fielder, has
been named to replace the injured
Al Kaline of Detroit in the start-
ing line-up of the American
League team for the July 11 All-
Star game at Anaheim.

the only three repeaters from the
1966 starters who defeated the
Americans 2-1 and took a 19-17-1
edge in the series. Brock is the
only lefthanded batter in the
starting line-up.
Mays finished fourth among the
outfielders with 77 votes. Under
the new system, adopted by Com-
missioner William Eckert last year,
the three outfielders polling the
most votes are the starters, re-
gardless of position.
The manager, in this case, Wal-
ter Alston of the Los Angeles Dod-
gers, assigns the positions. The
managers also pick the pitchers
and the remainder of the 25-man
Clemente with 248 votes, Aaron
with 216 and Brock with 116 all
received omre votes than Mays
who holds All-Star records for
most runs, 19, most hits 22, most
triples 3, most stolen bases 6, most
outfield putouts 47 and most long
hits 8 tied with Stan Musial.
Orlando Cepeda, continuing his
strong comeback with the St.
Louis Cardinals, overshadowed all
the first basemen and received 219
votes, to 46 for runner-up Felipe
Alou of Atlanta, who now is back
in the outfield.
Pittsburgh's amazing double
play combination of Gene Alley at
short and Bill Mazeroski at second
base made the team.
Alley won by a landslide with'
224 votes to 26 for Leo Cardenas,
Cincinnati's injured shortstop and
the 1966 starter. Mazeroski also
overshadowed the field with 218 to
25 for Julian Javier of St. Louis.
Richie Allen of the Phillies took
third base with 148 votes. Tony
Perez of Cincinnati, who started
the year at first base, came in sec-
ond with 76.
The catching was a runaway for
Torre with 187, followed by Tim
McCarver of St. Louis with 62.
Actually, the closest competion
was among the outfielders with 15
receiving votes. Mays was only 39
behind Brock.

point in the ninth game of the
fourth set-but the Dane got off
the hook because of a bad line
Leschley won that game, but
went out in the next. Riessen took
the match with the help of his
10th ace and a gentle tap that
touched the net and barely made
it across the cord.
Pasarell got his booming serv-
ice going well against Hewitt,
moved well around the court and
prvoided the crowd of 8,000
around the No. 1 court with some
fine tennis.
World Marks
Sought By
Ron Clarke
VAESTERAAS, Sweden (p)-
Ron Clarke, Australia's durable
track star, set a world record of
8:19.8 here Tuesday night. Now
he plans to attempt to break his
world mark of 3:16.6 for the 5,000
meters at Stockholm next week.
Clarke, a lean 29-year-old Aussie
who was the first to crack the 28-
minute barrier for the 10,000
meters and the 13-minute barrier
for the three miles, was surprised
after he learned of his record
time in the two mile.
"Really?" he exulted. "It's fan-
tastic. If course I tried for a new
world record, but I did not think
I could manage it after some stom-
ach-ache earlier in the day." He
blew kisses to the crowd of 5,000
and started a triumphant jog
around the track.
Clarke's remarkable last lap of
59.8 seconds enabled him to break
the lishted world mark of 8:22.6
set by Michael Jazy of France in
1965. He finished far ahead of
Lars Bergqvist, the runnerup
timed in 8:55.59.
How about his try in the 5,000
meters next week at Stockholm?
"After Tuesday's race, I think
there is a certain possibility if con-
ditions turn out good and if I get
some peacemaking assistance the
first 2,000 meters.
Clarke now holds six world rec-
ords. In addition to the two-mile
and 5,000 meters, he holds the
three-mile at 12:50.4, the six miles
at 26:47.0, the 10,000 at 27:39.4
and the 10 miles at 47:12.8.

to launch a tournament designedj
to select a new World Boxing As-I
sociation heavyweight champion.I
The two 15-round fights, sched-
uled for late afternoon and to bet
carried nationally on home tele-t
vision, will match Ernie Terrelle
against Thad Spencer and JimmyI
Ellis against Leotis Martin. t
Sports Action Inc. and Astro-!
dome Championship Enterprisess
announced the fights yesterday att
a news conference attended by thet
four fighters.t
Ali was stripped of his crown1
by the WBA after he refused to
be inducted into the armed serv-i
ices April 28. Ali, who contends c
he is a Muslim minister and shouldt
be draft exempt, was found guiltyE
by a federal court jury June 20t
and sentenced to five years inc
prison and fined $10,000. He hasN
appealed the conviction.
Terrell is ranked No. 4 by theI
WBA, Spencer is No. 5, Ellis No. 8,1
and Martin No. 9.t
Other first round elimination
matches are expected to have Karl
Mildenberger of Germany, rankedf

an Astrodome doubleheader Aug. 5 against Jerry Quarry. No. 7.

Illini Pick Grid Assistant,
Name Others to Positions

The dates and sites of these
bouts have not officially been an-
Each of the Aug. 5 fighters con-
tended the public will accept the
tournament's winner as champion
although Ali has said the public
would only recognize him as the
title holder.
"We are not here to honor Cas-
sius Clay," Terrell told newsmen
when they reminded him of Ali's
opinion of the tournament. "Let's
talk about the other four fighters
here today, not Clay."
Terrell, 28, will be making his
first appearance since he lost a
decision to Ali in a championship
bout in the Astrodome last Febru-
ary. He suffered an eye injury
that required surgery. The Chi-
cago native has a 39-5 record
which includes 18 knockouts.
Spencer, 25, of San Francisco,
has a 32-5 mark and only last
Monday night stopped Amos Lin-
coln in the eighth round of a
scheduled 10-rounder.
Ellis, 27, of Louisville, Ky., is a
former sparring mate of Ali's and

Chamberlain Reported
Ready To Jump Leagues
PHILADELPHIA (PT)-Will sev- the Chamberlain story except to
en-foot Wilt Chamberlain, the say, "I feel whatever obstacles ex-
super star who led the Philadel- ist will be removed so that Wilt
phia 76ers to the National Basket- will be with the 76ers next season."
ball Association championship last Chamberlain made it clear, "I
season, bolt the league for more don't have a contract, one that I
gold? have to honor. I'm in a free posi-
Chamberlain,' who reportedly tion to negotiate other contracts,
earned around $200,000 for his and this is what I am doing to
year of work, told George Kiseda the best of my ability."
of the Philadelphia Bulletin in a "I don't see how they (the 76ers)
copyrighted story that he doesn't possibly can match the offers,"
have 9, contract for next season, said Wilt. "I only found out re-
already rejected a 76er offer-sup- cently that I was drafted by Hous-
posedly of more than $250,000-tonThy at sdrtftby ots
and is considering proposals from ton. They wanted me to just quote
four American Basketball Asso- dgwn here,' they said. I haven't
ciation clubs. quoted a figure."
In trying to make a better deal,
Chamberlain said he's listening to Chamberlain was reported to
offers from Oakland, Denver, have signed a three-year pact with
Houston and Los Angeles in the Philadelphia in 1965.
ABA, which already has enticed The Bulletin story said Irv Kos-
the NBA's No. 1 scorer, Rick Bar- loff, 76er owner, tore up the three-
ry, with the big money. Barry left year contract, because of a stock
San Francisco for Oakland. dispute, and signed Chamberlin to
Jack Ramsey, Philadelphia gen- a one-year contract, that gave him
eral manager, had no comment on about $200,000 last season.

URBANA, Ill. OP)-J. C. Caro-
line, one of the great running
backs in Illinois history and a
long-time professional player with
the Chicago Bears, was named an
assistant football coach at the
University of Illinois yesterday.
Gene Vance, athletic director,
also announced three other ap-
pointments to the university ath-
letic staff.
J o h n Easterbrook, 28, was
n a m e d an assistant football
coach; Bob Brown, 23, became
freshman basketball coach; and
Richard Youngberg, 28, a physical
education instructor at the uni-
versity, became varsity golf coach.
Caroline recent1y completed
work for his bachelor's degree at
Florida A&M. After leaving Illi-
nois as a student, he played foot-
ball in Canada and with the Bears
of the National Football League.
Easterbook will replace the re-
cently resigned Coleman "Buck"

McPhail who has gone into busi-
ness in Florida. Caroline fills a
previously existing vacancy on the
football staff.
Brown will become the third
full-time member of the basket-
ball staff. Jim Wright will con-
tinue in a part-time basketball
capacity. Youngberg fills a va-
cancy created by the death of
Ralph Fletcher in November.
For MEN-
And Women-
* 7 Hairstylists
Near. Michigan Theatre

HOUSTON, Tex. (P) - Four No. 1, against Oscar Bonavena of was the last fighter to whip Ali,
fighters, reluctant to talk about Argentina, No. 3. and former that occurring while both were
Mohammed Ali, will participate in champion Floyd Patterson, No. 6. amateurs. Ellis, managed by An-

gelo Dundee, has a 26-5 mark.
Martin, 25, a native of Toledo,
Ohio, who fights out of Philadel-
phia, has lost only one of 25 fights
and has scored eight knockouts
in his last 10 victories.
Dundee said the WBA tourna-
ment is "the greatest thing that
ever happened to boxing."
"It will match the best against
the best, winner against winner."
he added. "The best man will win.
The public will be satisfied."
Roy Hofheinz, board chairman
of ACE, said it was hoped that the
Astrodome would be the site of one
of the semifinal bouts of the tour-
nament and possibly the final.
310 E. Washington
Phone 665-8637


iva goieft t he





o I

Major League Standings

W L, Pet. GB
Chicago 42 26 .618 --
x-Detroit 36 32 .529 6
x-Boston 36 33 .522 6%f2
x-Minnesota 35 34 .507 7%
x-Cleveland 35 34 .507 7f
x-California 36 38 .486 9
New York 33 37 .471 10
Baltimore 32 37 .463 10Y2
Kansas City 34 40 .460 11
x-Washington 32 40 .444 12
x-Late games not included.
Kansas City 2, New York 0
Chicago 3, Baltimore 2
Cleveland at Detroit (Inc)
Boston at Minnesota (Inc)
Washington at California (Inc)
Cleveland at Detroit (n)
Only game scheduled

W L Pct. GB
x-St. Louis 43 25 .632 --
Chicago 41 29 .586 3
Cincinnati 42 32 .570 4
x-San Francisco 37 34 .521 7
Atlanta 37 35 .514 8
Pittsburgh 35 34 .507 82
Philadelphia 33 36 .480 10
Los Angeles 32 39 .450 122
New York 25 42 .370 172
Houston 27 46 .370 18/
Hx-Late game not included.
Chicago 3-4, Pittsburgh 2-1
Houston 4, Atlanta 2
Los Angeles 7, Cincinnati 5
Philadelphia 6, New York 5
San Francisco at St. Louis (inc)
Philadelphia at New York (n)
Houston at Atlanta (n)
Pittsburgh at Chicago
San Francisco at St. Louis (n)
Los Angeles at Cincinnati




June 30-MacBeth
July 14-The Physicists
July 28-The Country Wife
Aug. 11-Little Mary Sunshine

Volkswagen's unique construction
keeps dampness out.
For years there have been rumors about floating
Volkswagens. (The photographer claims this one
stayed up for 42 minutes.) Why not?
The bottom of the VW isn't like ordinary car
bottoms. A sheet of flat steel runs under the car,
sealing the bottom fore and aft.
That's not done to nake a bad boat out of it,
just a better car. The sealed bottom protects a VW
from water, dirt and salt. All the nasty thingson the
road that eventually eat up a car.
The top part of a Volkswagen is also very sea-
worthy. It's practically airtight. So airtight that it's
hard to close the door without rolling down the
window a bit.
But there's still one thing to keep in mind if you
own a Volkswagen. Even if it could definitely float,

I did.

"I'm Joe Bustamente. I began working in a
bakery at night. The pay was low. The hours
bad. Now I'm a tank sealer and tester in the air-
craft industry with good pay and good hours."
Things are chanzng.

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