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June 29, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-29

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Partly cloudy,
chance of showers

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Debates Form Most of Action
In Third Day of SDS Meeting

In Buffalo; House Pa


Lengthy and sometimes heated
debates on a variety of crucial
topics comprised the majority of
action taking place on the third
day of the National Convention of
Students for a Democratic So-
The morning session opened
with a formal seating of dele-
gates. Workshops designed to pro-
vide a discussion forum on the
main issues were held in the mor-
ning and afternoon. The main
topics were: organization, draft,
anti-war, relations with other
radical groups, cultural revolution,
the university, internal education,
labor, foreign policy, and civil
Each workshop formulated a
number of proposed resolutions.
Both majority resolutions - those

approved by a majority of the
workshop membership-and min-
ority resolutions - those sub-
mitted by individuals or small
groups - will be presented at the
plenary session today.
The foreign policy workshop
began with a short debate to de-
cide on allowing Jack Beck, CBS
news reporter, to film ten minutes
of the workshop for a program to
be shown on "CBS Reports" in
the fall.
The program is planned as a
documentary on the New Left.
The workshop decided against
this on the grounds that the meet-
ing was designed to discuss in-
dividual opinions and a short seg-
ment of the proceedings could
only bemisrepresentative.
The workshop then went on
to discuss the Middle East crisis.
After more than two hours of de-


01 4e d jigan ikiiti

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) - John Pelton, president of the
University of Iowa Student Body, claims his professor has kicked
him out of a course in criminology for wearing Bermuda shorts in
Pelton, a senior from Clinton, said Tuesday he wore the shorts
every day for two weeks to protest a ban imposed by sociology
Prof. Robert G. Caldwell and was told he would not receive a
grade in the course.
Cadwell admits he doesn't like shorts in the classroom but said.
Pelton had failed to take an introductory course as a prerequisite
for studying criminology and that's why he didn't receive a
Caldwell said he was "not a prude" but added: "Many women
on this campus have become immodest, almost indecent in the
display of their bodies. I felt that if I asked the women not to
wear shorts, it would only be fair to also include the men."
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Hippies are giving way to the new
Young Turks, a breed more positive in its attitudes.
This is the view of Dr. John Cantelon, director of the School
of Religion at the University of Southern California.,
"A new breed of responsible nonconformists" is taking form
on U.S. college campuses. Cantelon said in a report Tuesday. He
said hippies, those bearded protesters often wearing sandals, dis-
trust institutions and are frequent school dropouts.
On the other hand, Cantelon said, "the new conformists rec-
ognize the need for institutions in society while maintaining their
concern for humanist values."
WASHINGTON-Latest survey findings do not indicate a
sizable upturn in the consumer sector of the economy, a Uni-
versity economist explained yesterday before a Congressional
Prof. George Katona of the economics department, told mem-
bers of the Joint Economic Committee at hearings on the econ-
omic outlook and its policy implications that good news-about
personal finances, general economic conditions, or the inter-
national situation-is needed "to revitalize consumer optimism
and to stimulate consumer expenditures."
- Unfavorable news, he added, may enhance uncertainty and
-uneasiness on the part of consumers, and thus promote wait-
and-see attitudes.
Katona, author of the books "The Powerful Consumer" and
"The Mass Consumption Society," is director of the Economic
Behavior Program at the University's Survey Research Center.
"Consumer expectations about personal financial and gen-
eral economic developments remained virtually unchanged during
the last three months," the economist pointed out. "Yet willing-
ness to buy durable goods-houses, automobiles, large appliances-
improved somewhat.

bate a majority and a minorityf
proposals included:Y
1) A condemnation of Israel ast
a party to American imperialism
in the Middle East;;
2). A re-affirmation of the na-
tional integrity of the Arab na-
tions .including the return of all
3) A return of Arab refugees to
their land with full political
4) An affirmation of the integ-
rity of the non-Zionist bi-nation-
al Palestine at 1947 United Na-
tions Boundaries; and
5) SDS support of progressive
revolutionary movements in the
Middle East.
The minority resolution con-;
cerning the Middle East will be
pesented by Imad Khadduri, pres-
ident of the Arab student organi-
zation at the Univertiy. The resol-
ution, supported by the Organi-;
zation of Arab Student, calls for
a condemnation of pro-Zionist
expansionism and U.S. policy in
the Middle East and a unification
of radicals on this issue. The res-
olution states, "It is necessary
and incumbent upon all radicals
to expose imperialist adventures
wherever and whenever they oc-
Urge Troop-Withdrawal
The Anti-War workshop pro-
posed a resolution submitted by
Bob Parker of Oberlin College. It
urged the National Mobilization
Committee to adopt the position of
"Immediate Unconditional With-
drawal" from Vietnam. It also em-
phasized that "all recognize that
marches and visits to the White
House will not end the war," and
that statements by the National
Mobilizing Committee to that ef-
fect should cease.
The university workshop major-
ity proposal called for SDS to or-
ganize, coordinate and sponsor a
national student strike in the
spring against Vietnam. The strike
would last for two days. Support
was also asked for other organ-
izing groups such as the Student
Non-Violent Co-ordinating Com-
mittee which is now organizing
on Negro campuses throughout the
The Plenary Session began the
evening with another discussion
concerning CBS filming of part
of the convention proceedings for
its documentary.
The question aroused lengthy
debate as to the advisability of al-
lowing cameras to cover one of the
sessions. One delegate claimed that
-the coverage would make the con-
vention seem "ugly and distorted."
Another argued that "we shouldn't
be paranoid" and should accept
the possibility of bad coverage
for the benefits of exposure in the
news media. The group voted to
allow CBS to film for one hour
during the discussion of the draft.
Agenda Accepted
The agenda proposed by the
Steering Committee was quickly
accepted by the assembled dele-
The Thursday agenda includes a
report by the officers of the pro-
posals of the various groups in
the morning, resolutions by the
anti-war and the university work-
shops in the afternoon and a re-
port by the draft workshop ex-
tending into the evening. The
meeting concluded with a film
about the anti-war movement in
California made at Berkeley.

7 Wounded
BUFFALO, N.Y. (A)-At least
seven persons including two police-
men, were shot last night as rock-
throwing, defiant, young Negroes
stormed through this city's East
Side in a second night of explosive
violence, looting, and vandalism.
Three of the seven who suffered
gunshot wounds were teen-agers.
One was a woman.
Shortly before 11 p.m. last night,k
a policeman was shot in the midst
of the melee. Another policeman
was hit by gunfire a short time
One of the policemen shot was
Patrolman Joseph Hennigan, who
suffered pellet wounds in the face.
Police declined to say whether
the teen-agers and a woman who
were shot were Negro or white per-
0 Looting of stores began after
11 p.m. last night.
The list of injured rose rapidly
after darkness set in. Negro gangs,
some numbering 200, streamed out
of the mile-square area they rock-
ed Tuesday night.
The gangs upset automobiles,
smashed windows and threw gas-
oline bombs.
Seven Injured
At least seven persons were in-
jured, including those shot.
Arrests mounted, with more than
20 persons taken into custody at
one spot.
One of those arrested was a man
who threatened police with his
fists. He was subdued quickly by
six club-wielding policemen.
Asst. Detective Chief Floudy J.
Edwards, the highest-ranking Ne-
gro in the city's police department,
said he was "sick and tired of the
abuse" Negroes "are giving police-
Edwards, who repeatedly sought
to convince the youths to go home
and end the disturbances, said last
night's outbreak was more in-
tense than the one the preceding
It was reported that some groups
disappeared from some streets
about 10:30 p.m., but increased
in size at Jefferson and Syca-
more Streets, the center of the
disturbance. Extra police were sent
Paddy Wagon Threatened
As one man was arrested and
placed in a police bus, a crowd of
about 150 moved towards the ve-
hicle. Police quickly surrounded it,
fired several shotgun bursts into
the air, then exploded 10 tear gas
shells. The crowd'broke up and
White store owners closed their
shops hours earlier than usual.
For a time, Negroes prevented
some of them from leaving their
The wounded were hit by shot-
gun pellets. It was not determined
who fired the weapons.
One victim, Marcus Plowden, 16,
was hit in the groin. He was re-
ported in fair condition at Emer-
gency Hospital.
Two of the more seriously in-
jured-but not from gunfire -
were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hilde-
brand, both white, whose home
is in the predominantly Negro
Hildebrand required 50 stitches
to close cuts in his head suffered
when a youth threw a large stone
through the window of, his auto-
White persons riding in auto-
mobiles were favorite targets of
stone throwers. So were police,
white newsmen on foot and any-
one wearing a protective helmet.

LANSING )P) - The House
entered a special session at mid-
night to attempt to bring the
compromise fiscal reform pack-
age to a vote.
Bipartisan House negotiations
with Gov. George Romney yester-
day resulted in a compromise fis-
cal reform plan which should be

acceptable enough to pass in the
House of Representatives today.
Nearing the end of the sixth
morning of discussion, with the
governor, leaders from both par-
ties stopped exchanging threats
long enough to agree to support a
2.6 per cent personal income tax
and 5.6 corporate tax rate.
The bill will come to the floor
this afternoon and it is not sure
if the 56 votes needed to pass the
measure will be found.
Democrats have said they will

try to get about 16 of their mem-
bers to vote for the plea, but some
Republicans felt that at least 17
of the 56 Republicans would reject
it. A stronger bill had received 50
Republican votes last Wednesday
when the bill had been rejected
in a party line vote.
Six maverick Republicans are
sure to reject it, and as many as
15 more may reject it as a "sell-
out" of Romney's original plan
which called for a 3 per cent per-
sonal and 6 per cent corporate tax.

If it receives House approval,
the bill will be brought before a
joint House-Senate Conference
Committee, which will thrash out
a compromise between the House
bill and the version passed by the
Senate in May. The choice will be
between a 2%/2 per cent Senate in-
dividual tax and the House's 2.6
per cent plan.
The Senate bill includes 5 per
cent corporate income tax, against
the House's 5.6 per cent plan.
But getting House approval will
not be easy if the Democrats bar-
gain on some provisions as fiercely
as they did for the tax rates.
The key issue now will be the
personal exemption; the Demo-
crats want a $1,200 exemption
while the Republicans want one of
$600 to keep it in line with the
Senate-approved version.
Other problems will arise over
a proposed rebate on state sales
tax. The Senate has approved a
$15 credit on income taxes, but the
Democrats want to keep it near
$3, with a larger personal exemp-
One important provision of the
compromise was that Republicans
would try to supply needed votes
to allow putting legalization of a
graduated income tax on the No-
vember, 1968 ballot. This was not,
however, an agreement to put the
tax rates to a public referendum
as Ryan had suggested a few weeks
The proposal would net $269.5
million per full year of operation,
according to Rep. James N. Folks
(R-Horton), chairman of the
House Taxation Committee.
Sen. Harry DeMaso, chairman
of the Senate Taxation Com-
mittee said in the afternoon ses-
sion that he would attempt to
have the bill amended in the
House in a manner acceptable
to enough senators to eliminate
the necessity of sending the plan
to % conference committee.
"If we go into conference, we
could be there an hour or a couple
of weeks," he said.
The negotiations yesterday were
opened to the same name-calling
and arguments which had plagued
the sessions all week. But Dem-
ocratic leader William Ryan, real-
izing the importance of time, con-
ceeded a few tenths of a per cent
in the tax rates and shook hands
with Romney on the measure.
Another provision of the pack-
age is a 7 per cent tax deposits
held by financial institutions. The
Senate passed a tax of a dollar
per $1,000.
The bill would also cuthlocal
property taxes and remove the
intangibles tax paid by individuals
on stocks and bonds. These must
be matched with similar sections
of the Senate measure.

On State

Leaders Agree


-Associated Press
King Hussein (left), of war-torn Jordan and President Johnson (right), met in Washington yester-
day but failed to reach agreement even after the U.S. refused to recognize the Israeli take-over of
Jerusalem. (see related stories on page 3).
New Look at Dearborn
Shows Campus Grpowth

The University's Dearborn Cam-.
pus plans a new 300,000 volume
library to accommodate .an in-
creasing enrollment, according to
Dr. William E. Stirton, vice-presi-
dent and director of the Dear-
born Campus.
"We would like to open the
library in 1968, but no specific
date has been projected by the
library committee," Stirton said.
Enrollment increased 80 per cent
during 1965-66, and a total of 2,-
199 graduate, undergraduate,sex-
tension and adult education stu-
dents are currently attending
classes in the campus' schools of
business administration, engineer-
ing and liberal arts.
Previously Dearborn had placed
top priority on plans to build three
new housing units, but additional
private housing has become avail-
able to students in the city of
"Only budgetary limitations pre-
vent thecampus from increas-
ing the present rate of develop-
ment and expanding graduate as
well as undergraduate programs,"
Stirton said.
One new innovation is a co-
operative work-study program.
Each student in business ad-
ministration and liberal arts is
required to spend one trimester in
school and the next working for
an industry in his field -of spe-
The average salaried wage for
an undergraduate cooperative stu-
dent is $6,405. Some liberal arts
students join the cooperative pro-
gram, but participation is not re-
A recent placement survey re-
vealed that Dearborn engineering
graduates are the highest paid en-
gineers in the country, Stirton
said. Starting salaries for busi-
ness administration graduates now
average $8,256 a year, and engi-
neers average slightly more.
The Dearborn expansion also

Stirton attributed the solution
of the housing problen to increas-
ing acceptance of the campus and
short leases necessitated by co-
operative programs in the city of
Since many cooperative students
must spend half of their time
working away from Dearborn,
short leases are necessary.
Only juniors, seniors and grad-
uate students are enrolled. Tri-

mesters start in October, June and
February so that students trans-
ferring from other colleges will
not miss a term.
At the present time only one
University-owned housing struc-
ture is operating. The apartment
unit accommodates only 106 stu-
dents, and first preference is giv-
en to married students. Three sim-
ilar units were planned until Dear-
born housing was made available.

Illinois' Lack of, Fair Housing
ay Mtove Atom Smasher Site

Feel All Wet? Come to the Daily, Dry Off

Did your beads float down the
drain yesterday?
Did your bicycle stall in the
Is that what's troubling you
Come to The Daily, drink a
world-renowned Daily nickle coke,
play bridge, complain about the
Yes, I'm sorry to admit it, but
even Daily people (who are, of
course, super-people) can't prom-
ise to do anything about the lousy
Ann Arbor weather.
Our paper goes to press at 2
A.M. (giving us incidentally, one
of the earliest morning deliveries
in the state), so we can't even
promise to predict what the
.tuna++ +11 hP a tA atvenxt

weather prediction with clever re-
marks on our weather ear (if you
come to The Daily you will soon
become "in" enough to know that
a weather ear is a terribly creative
and sometimes even accurate
weather forecast featured on every
single Daily).
The Daily publishes a four to
six page paper five days a week
all summer long which adds up to
a lot of weather ears (incidental-
ly, it also means a lot of local,
national, international and sports
If you are concerned about the
weather (maybe you think it's
just another one of those things
that's been all talk and no action)
or local, national or international
events Join The Daily this summer.

WESTON, Ill. (P)-Weston res-
idents, wondering whether or when
the $375-million atom smasher will
be built in their area, shifted their
attention yesterday from Spring-
field, Ill., to Washington.
Weston is a cluster of about 100
houses in the cornfields 30 miles
west of Chicago..
Seek Cut in Funds
Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-
Mich), said Tuesday he would seek
to remove funds for designing and
planning the smasher from the
atomic energy projects authoriza-
tion bill when it comes up for de-
bate in the House. His objection
was based on lack of an open-
occupancy statute in Illinois.
A variety of such legislation was
offered. But the Illinois House
voted 98-70 Tuesday night to with-
draw a motion on another subject
to which an open-housing amend-
ment had been attached.
Barring some unexpected move,
that kills the chances for a fair-
housing measure in the Illinois
legislative session that will end
Friday. The next scheduled meet-
ing is in 1969.
Civil Rights Leaders
A party of civil rights leaders

selected. The others are in Ann
Arbor, Mich.; at the Brookhaven
National Laboratory in Upton,
N.Y.; Denver; Madison, Wis., and
the Sierra foothills near Sacra-
mento, Calif.
Weston Best Side
Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, AEC
chairman, said the Weston loca-
tion was most suitable. The crucial
test of the authorization measure
is expected in the U.S. Senate next
"I'll fight for it the best I can,"
said Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-
Ill), Senate minority leader. His
party has a majority in the Illinois
Sen. Dirksen has threatened to

oppose federal projects for all
states without open-housing laws
if the smasher is removed from
Criteria for Site
The AEC made nondiscrimina-
tion in residence one of its criteria
in choosing a location.
Weston's village trustees ap-
proved in February an ordinance
which bans discrimination by real
estate dealers in the sale or rental
of homes.
Negroes hope to get many of the
approximately 2,000 jobs that will
be available. Those who do want to
live fairly close to the site-in
towns in Du Page Weston, Kane
and Cook counties.

Fiscal Policy May Force
Further 'U' Budget Cuts

The University might face an-
other cut in its $58.6 million state
appropriation if the fiscal reform
package fails in the Legislature
this week.
The $240 million higher edu-
cation appropriations bill now

and he will not sign a bill whic
spends a cent more.
This means that if a House
Senate committee cannot get
fiscal reform to Romney befoz
the budget bill, the Legislatw
will have to make about $60 mi:
lion in cuts throughout the buds
et to give the state money

..'4 ........ ... .. ....... ..v..1 nr. e. . . tt . m.+'f rvy

show ina nw exhane pogrm from Illinois met with congressmen
with Tuskegee Institute. Juniors in Washington on Tuesday and
who have proven their academic ., ,_. - _,_, -


-... _- - :-.

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