WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY V AIW t L-] %X G 1 Washington May Change Tax Plan 6 Per Cent Surcharge is 'Minimal' Hike Will 'Safeguard Prosperity' SECRET DISCUSSIONS: Castro, Kosygin Talk in Cuba As Rusk Meets with Gromryko WASHINGTON (P)-The ad- mintration held out the possibility yesterday of an even higher tax increase than the 6 per cent sur- charge proposed last January by President Johnson. Gardner Ackley, chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, declined to give specific details of any tax plan at a meet- ing of the Senate-House Economic Committee. But, when asked if 6 per cent were minimal, he replied: "It seems to me unlikely that a smal- ler increase would have the effect required." Guarantees Deleted from Antiriot Boil WASHINGTON (P)-The House Judiciary Committee, bowing to backers of antiriot legislation, yes- terday stripped from the measure a companion bill to protect Ne- groes in the exercise of their civil rights. The committee's action produced a federal crime to cross a state two separate bills, one to make it line with intent to start a riot, and the other to prtect Negroes against force and threats. Chairman Emanuel Celler (D- N.Y.), said he had the pledge of House leaders that both bills would be brought to the House floor, but civil rights supporters on the com- mittee were dismayed at the move. Under the spur of summer riot- in g in many cities, the antiriot bill undoubtedly will clear Con- gress easily, but the civil rights provision faces tough going by it- self. The two provisions. had been linked by a Judiciary subcommit- tee last week, but Rep. William M. Colmer (D-Miss), succeeded in prying them apart, using his role as chairman of the Rules Com- mittee for leverage. Colmer's threat to bypass the Judiciary Committee and take a separate antiriot bill directly to the floor led Celler to untie the package himself. Jurisdiction "Rather than see the jurisdic- tion of the Judiciary Committee set aside and assumed by the Rules Committee," he said, "I con- sented to consider the bill sepa- rately." Celler said Speaker John W. McCormack (f-Mass), and Ma- jority Leader Carl Albert (D-Ok- la), had assured him that both the antiriot and civil rights bills would be cleared by the Rules Committee for House action. "Chairman Colmer implied he would offer no objection," Celler added. "I expect prompt action on both measures." The antiriot bill approved by the Judiciary Committee would pro- vide penalties of up to five years in jail and a $10,000 fine for using interstate transportation or com- munication facilities to "incite, or- ganize, promote, encourage or car- ry on a riot,." Jail Stokely Its author, Rep. William C. Cra- mer (R-Fla), has said it would put such militant Negro leaders ass Stokely Carmichael in jail, but many members of the committee have expressed reservations about the legislation. One of them, Rep. Jack B. Brooks (D-Tex), told newsmen riot control and prevention was pri- marily a job for state and local law enforcement agencies. Car- michael, he pointed out, was re- cently jailed in Atlanta and is ap- pealing other convictions. The effect Ackley mentioned was to stem inflation, hold down interest rates and safeguard pros- perity. Committee Chairman William Proxmire (D-Wis), said he hopes Ackley's bullish outlook of the economy and comments on taxes don't mean the administration has finally settled on a tax hike. The administration should con- tinue to watch the economy in view of a rise in unemployment, a shorter average work week and decreased use of industrial capa- city, he said. But Ackley replied, "I feel obligated to say the posi- tion of the administration in January was that a tax increase was needed. It is even more so on June 27." By the end of the year, Ackley said, the economy will be moving ahead so rapidly that it will bring on tight money and inflation un- less a tax increase is adopted by Congress. He said a tax increase should be enacted this year but declined to give an effective date. The tax on individual and corporate in- come taxes was originally pro- posed to go into effect July 1, but administration officials are now thinking of an Oct. 1 or 15 ef- fective date. There have been some hints the tax, if adopted, might not become effective until Jan. 1. With one major exception, Ack- ley agreed with remarks made Monday by Chairman William McChesney Martin of the Federal Reserve Board who said prompt action to raise taxes is essential to stem inflation, hold down interest rates and whittle the budget defi- cit now figured as high as $29 bil- lion for the fiscal year beginning July 1. Ackley said there is no need now for a tax increase as an economic pendulum and Martin, in urging one now, referred to a need to stabilize interest rates which have risen to near record heights on long-term borrowing. In predicting firmly a strong economic upturn in the second half of the year, Ackley said the uncertainties which surround the council's econ- omic projections last January have largely been cleared up and the prospect has been for restraint-a tax increase-this year. The resurgence predicted in January is "clearly on the hori- zon today," Ackley said. "A strong revival of demand is on the way--one that will produce either unacceptable inflationary pressure or a return to tight money, or more probably both, by early next year at the latest," he added. "Thus the time is rapidly approaching when the economy will need the additional restraint of a tax increase." Just when the administration will send its tax plan formally to Congress is an open question. Es- timates have run from early July to mid-August. -Associated Press COUNTER DEMONSTRATION A 17-YEAR-OLD Army volunteer from Crystal Falls, Michigan (white shirt), wrestles with an anti- war picket in Milwaukee while a policeman attempts to restrain him. Police quieted the youth and escorted him back to the induction center while the demonstration continued outside. WHITE PAPER: Thant Says U.N. Action Did Not Start Arab Wari By The Associated Press U.S. and Soviet officials took advantage of the confrontations forced upon them by the Middle Eastern crisis to discuss policies and plans that have little to do with the Middle East. As President Johnson prepared to meet with Jordan's King Hus- sein, Secretary of State Dean Rusk met with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and Premier Kosygin continued discus- sions with Castro in Cuba. Secretary, Rusk said there was' no advance agenda for his 7 p.m. EDT meeting with Foreign Min- ister Andrei A. Gromyko at the Soviet mission to the United Na- tions. "The summit meeting was worthwhile and many questions were discussed in great detail," Rusk added. However, disarmament loomed as a prime topic at the Rusk- Gromyko parley, which was or- dered by President Johnson and Premier Alexei N. Kosygin to carry on from the Glassboro talks. Rusk summoned Adrian S. Fish- er, deputy director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, from Washington yester- day to sit in on the parley with Gromyko. Johnson and Kosygin remained deeply divided on Vietnam and the Middle East, but they did agree on top priority for a treaty to bar the spread of nuclear weapons. Moscow and Washington long have followed a policy of not handing atomic arms to other na- tions, and for months the nuclear superpowers have been negotiat- ing proposed wording for a non- proliferation pact to be presented to the 17-nation Geneva disarm- ament conference. Kosygin in Cuba Soviet Premier Kosygin's visit to Cuba was cloaked in secrecy yesterday, amid speculation his private talks with Prime Minister Fidel Castro might spread over most of the week. Diplomatic sources said there was little doubt the main goal of the Kosygin-Castro talks would be to smooth out differences, partic- ularly over policy in Latin Amer- ica. Castro criticized the Soviet Un- ion in a speech March 13 for con- ducting trade talks with Colom- bia, a target of Cuban propagan- da. Referring to Colombia and oth- er "traitorous" governments, Cas- tro declared that anyone who trad- ed with them undermined the Cuban-supported guerrilla move- ment in Latin America. Diplomats expect the Russians to argue in the talks that the way to export revolution is by example and not by arms. That Latin American proble were being discussed was evid from the fact that Kosy brought along to Havana Mont the chief of the Latin Americ section of the Soviet Foreign M istry, Lev Mendelvitch. The official Communist pi reported Kosygin's arrival front-page stories and picturesk gave no hint of what the I men would talk about. Informed sources said th were increasing signs Kosy would remain in Havana for th or four more days, at least. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P)-- Amid continuing assembly debate, Secretary-General U Thant issued a White Paper yesterday rejecting contentions that his speedy com- pliance with Egypt's demands for removal of the U.N. Emergency Force-UNEF-helped spark the Arab-Israel war. Thant issued a 10,500 word re- port to the 122 members of the emergency special session of the Middle East crisis that constituted a detailed reply to critics, who in- cluded President Johnson, Cana- dian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and Israeli Foreign Min- ister Abba Eban. Gromyko-Rusk Outside the assembly, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko and Secretary of State Dean Rusk arranged a night meeting- their first since the summit con- ference of Johnson and Premier Alexei N. Kosygin. The emphasis appeared to be on disarmament rather than the Middle East. Thant stressed these main points in his report: To argue that removal of UNEF was a primary cause of the crisis is "a superficial and oversimplified approach" that ignored the ex- plosive factors which already existed prior to Thant's orders for withdrawal on May 18, the day the request was made. The war flared 19 days later on June 5. Although President Gamal Abdel Nasser's request came as a sur- prise, it had been generally accept- ed in previous talks with the Egyp- tians that compliance was the only reasonable and sound course that Thant could take.. Thant consulted in advance with parties primarily concerned. There was no request from his advisory committee that the General As- sembly be called into session to consider the situation. Most U.N. diplomats have not challenged the legal grounds on which Thant acted, but there has been criticism that he could have stalled for time in the hope of pre- venting actual hostilities. Thant acknowledged that his decision has been criticized as hasty and precipitous, but added that he followed the only sound course open to him, and that the actual withdrawal "was to be car- ried out in an orderly, dignified and not precipitous manner over a period of several weeks." The withdrawal from Egyptian terri- tory was completed on June 17. In summation Thant declared that the 3,400-man U.N. con- tingent was only a symbolic force, incapable of preventing war and under mandate only to patrol 245 miles of border between Israel and Egypt WILLIAM GURVICH, pictured above lifting fingerprints from a bottle, has promised to tell a grand jury "everything I know" about New Orleans Dist. Atty. Garrison's investigations. Gurvl i Subpoenaed In JFK Death Probe Hussein To Get Aid from U.S.; May Be Queried on War Aims Daily News Analysis WASHINGTON (/)-King Hus- sein of Jordan, visiting with Pres- ident Johnson today, will find sympathy for his country's plight and win a promise of help. But it is likely he will be asked why he joined in the war against Israel when apparently he could have stayed out of it. Johnson and Hussein have met before, in April, 1964, when the monarch visited Washington. The king speaks fluent English, and there will be no need for trans- lation. Viet Cong Radio Broadcast Indicates Guerrillas Execute Captive Official SAIGON (P)-Long study of a rambling Viet Cong broadcast June 15 led the U.S. mission to express belief yesterday the guer- rillas were announcing they had killed a captive U.S. aid official, Gustav C. Hertz. American -authorities appealed to the Viet Cong's political arm, the National Liberation Front, for precise information on Hertz' fate. If slain, he would be the fourth such announced American victim of Viet Cong executioners. The lives of Douglas K. Ramsey, a U.S. Foreign Service officer, and other Americans in guerrilla hands were threatened in the broadcast, a warning against the execution of three Viet Cong agents recently condemned to death in Saigon. "The language of the broadcast is not fully clear, but it implies that Gustav Hertz suffered the same fate as Sgt. Kenneth Rora- back, who was executed on Sept. 26, 1965, as an announced act of reprisal," the U.S. mission said. One quirk is that the recording World News Roundup By The Associated Press RANGOON, Burma -- Tens of thousands of angry Burmese stormed through Rangoon yes- terday, systematically wrecking and burning Chinese homes, shops and cars before a government- i mposed curfew cleared the streets. The government banned meet- ings of more than four persons and clamped on the dusk-to- dawn curfew after anti-Chinese violence broke out late Monday, subsided and then erupted again yesterday. WASHINGTON-Senate passage 60 to 30 sent to President John- son yesterday a bill boosting the national debt ceiling to the high- est level history-$358 billion next Saturday and $365 billion a year The device was detonated above the lagoon at the Mururoa nu- clear test site, the ministry said. The test was made without in- cident, the communique added. The explosion was France's ninth since 1960. Several more tests are scheduled in the Pacific this summer. MOSCOWThe Soviet Union has demanded strict punishment for U.S. airmen responsible for the strafing of the Soviet merch- ant ship Turkistan off the North Vietnamese port of Cam Pha June 2. The Soviet Embassy in Wash- ington made the demand in a statement delivered to the U.S. State Department, Tass news a~recv sid vste.av, come deacons and perform most of the offices of a priest. The purpose is to help fill the gap caused by the shortages of priests in various nations, notably in Latin America, Africa and Asia. * * ,* BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -- The Egyptiangovernment has told the press and radio to stop rude at- tacks on President Johnson, to mute its calls for a new war against Israel and to stop criticiz- ing army officers, a Yugoslav re- port from Cairo said yesterday. The correspondent of the Yu- goslav daily Borba said the Egyp- tian censorship office had hand- ed out the instructions to facili- tate 'constructive efforts on the line of a peaceful solution of the conflict." * n -* tape, still under study, shows the Red statement referral through- out not to Gustav Hertz but to "Gustav Head." No American named Head is known to be in enemy hands. "The examples of Kenneth Ror- aback and Gustav Head are still fresh in our memories," the state- ment said, warning against execu- tion of the Viet Cong agents. "Ramsey and others will be un- able to avoid shameful deaths as did Roraback and Head to pay the blood debts they incurred with the Vietnamese people." Hertz was chief of the public service administration in Saigon of the U.S. Agency for Interna- tional Development when he van- ished on a motorbike ride Feb. 2, 1965. Guerrillas captured him on a highway on Saigon's outskirts. Afield, North Vietnamese gun- ners shelled U.S. Marine and South Vietnamese posts just be- low the demilitarized zone. Nine Marines were killed and 130 wounded by a barrage of about 100 mortar shellsgand rockets at Khe Sanh, in the northwest corner of South Viet- nam. There also were some casual- ties among the South Vietnamese. Jet planes and artillery hit at the suspected enemy positions. Results were undetermined. The U.S. 1st Infantry Division closed out Operation Billings, a 14-day search-and-destroy opera- tion centered 45 miles north of Saigon. Spokesman said 347 of the enemy and 45 Americans had Administration officials said they had studied carefully Hus- sein's speech Monday to the UN General Assembly in which they found no surprises. Hussein, speak- ing for the Arab people, called for condemnation of Israel as an ag- gressor and requested that it im- mediately return the occupied ter- ritories to the three defeated' countries: Egypt, Syria and Jor- dan. Significant Omission There was no sign of a con- structive proposal for the future in Hussein's speech, but there was no repetition either of the Arab contention that the Arabs could not talk about peace directly with the Israelis. This omission, if it was deliberate, might be signifi- cant, some officialsbelieve. Hussein accused Israel of having attacked his country. American sources are not so sure. To the contrary, there seems to be enough evidence that Israel notified Jor- dan it would not start hostilities against her if Hussein did not join Egypt in the war. On the other side of the coin, of- ficials explained that Hussein probably could not have remained aloof, at least not without risking his own life. The king must have remembered the fate of his grand- father, King Abdullah. He was killed in the presence of Hussein, then a young boy, in 1948, when Abdullah was believed to have tried to make peace with Israel after the first Arab-Israeli war. Two Factors In addition, two factors likely made it impossible for Hussein to follow an independent course. The first was Egyptian control of the Gulf of Aqaba, which meant Cairo's complete control of the Port of Aqaba, Jordan's only outlet to the sea. The second was that Hussein put his armed forces under Egyptian' command May 30 when the two countries entered into a military alliance committing Jordan to at- tack Israel if hostilities broke out between Israel and Egypt. Charges Meddling Hussein charged yesterday that Israel "meddled with" his conver- sations with President Gamal Ab- del Nasser of Egypt to provide false versions tending to show American and British forces were involved in the Middle East war. A spokesman said the Israelis took sentences out of context, put' them hack tongther hv nlicing the being attacked by a large number of Israeli planes." In addition to championing the Arab cause, Hussein is expected to ask Johnson for three types of help: 1. Most urgently, aid to refugees who left-or were forced to leave, as the Arabs contend-Jordan's territory west of the Jordan River occupied by Isreal. The United States already has sent four chart- ered planes with 5,000 tents, worth more than half a million dollars, and other relief supplies will be dispatched soon. 2. The question of continued economic aid. The expectation is that Hussein's country will receive the $30 million earmarked for the coming fiscal year. 3. Continued military aid. Most of Jordan's 300 tanks and 50 air- planes supplied by Britain and the United States are believed to have been destroyed or captured by Is- rael during the war. NEW ORLEANS P)-William Gurvich, termed a double agent by Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison, was subpoenaed by the Orleans Parish grand jury to tell what he knows today about Garrison's investiga- tion of the Kennedy assassination. Grand Jury Foreman Albert V. LaBiche said he had issued the subpoena for Gurvich Tuesday aft- er receiving a telegram from the detective asking a chance to tes- tify. Gurvich has become tough in his insistence that Dist. Atty. Jim Garrison abandon his investiga- tion of President Kennedy's assas- sination. Exploitation "I don't care to exploit the incident that- occurred in 1963 over in Texas," says Gurvich. The truth, he adds, "is that Garrison has no case." Until recently the 42-year-old investigator has been a close con- fidant of Garrison, who began his inquiry into the Dallas, Tex., assassination of President Kenne- dy. Although Garrison now claims Gurvich had only a minor part in the probe, Gurvich was-until his defection-the chief investiga- tor for the district attorney. Gur- vich admits he technically did not have such a title but in fact was chief investigator. Way of Life Investigative work has been Gur- vich's way of life since he was a small child. His father, an ex- FBI agent, opened a detective agency and patrol service here 37 years ago. Gurvich's brothers-Louis and Leonard-who operate the family business today, were also called before the. jury. The elder Gur- vich died during World War II when William was in the service. "Bill looks like the movie type of private eye," says Jack, Demp- sey, veteran police reporter for the New Orleans States-Item. "He's a good dresser, articulate and debonair . . . with a certain kind of class you don't find in most cops." 'Unglamorous, Dull' Gurvich says his work is a far cry from the sleuthing shown on the movie and television screens. "Lots of unglamorous and down- right dull research and investiga- tive work," is the way he puts it. "You don't always see the bright side of life," he added. "Some- times children are involved and narcotics or immorality may play a part." Gurvich, says Dempsey, "is a good, thorough investigator who will expend a lot of time and effort on a case. He won't seek the easy way out." Dempsey's Puzzled Dempsey says he's puzzled by Gurvich's claims that he has thought Garrison was off base with his investigation since Janu- ary. The reporter said Gurvich, both on and off the record, had claimed earlier the probe was on "very solid ground." Gurvich's relations with the New Orleans Police Department are good. "He's worked with us on a number of cases," said Po- lice Capt. Marvin Leonard. "He really risked his life one time. He's dapper, clean cut and a fine gen- tleman." mill! Subscribe to The Michigan, Daily For The Summer Term, mm. mmm. m . .........nm.m.......w . m.i ......... Yes, I would like to be a subscriber to THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I agree ~ to be billed later. $2.00 for each term ($2.50 if by mail) MAIL THIS COUPON to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (Please Print) Last Name First Name Middle Initial