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June 21, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-21

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WEDNESDA3 ', JUNE "1,1967




r. 4a. =.

Calls For
Stable Peace
Goldberg Introduces
Five-Point Proposal,
Arab-Israeli Talks
tone of conciliation the United
^ States proposed yesterday that the
Arabs and the Israelis negotiate
for peace with third party help.
At the ;same time, the United
States rejected Soviet Premier
Alexei N. Kosygin's demands for
punishment of Israel.
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
berg introduced the U.S. resolu-
tion which called on the assembly
to set as its objective a stable and
durable peace in the Middle East,
to be negotiated "with appropriate
third-party assistance."
He did not elaborate on the
, nature of the third party, and a
spokesman said the U.S. position
on this was flexible. In past
speeches Goldberg had mentioned
the'United Nations in a possible
third-party role.
U.S. Plan
At the morning session of the
assembly, he also introduced a
five-pint peace plan based n
President Johnson~s .plea for direct
talks between the Arabs and Is-
raelis. He spoke calmly but firmly
in an obvious attempt to keep
the debate at a moderate level.
Kosygin did not come into the
blue and gold assembly hall until
after Goldberg 'had spoken. But
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A.
Gromyko listened intently and
gave his chief a fill-in.
Also a new note of division was
injected into the emergency spe-
cial session of the 122-nation as-
sembly when top Soviet bloc dele-
gates left the hall as Israeli For-
eign Minister Abba Eban took the
rostrum to answer charges of ag-
gression. Eban had made a dis-
dainful walkout on a Syrian
speech earlier.
Opposition Gestures
There was no organized walkout,
such as has occurred in past as-
sembly sessions, but groups of
delegates have been following the
practice at this session of leaving
the hall in a gesture of opposition
by one side to the other.
At the afternoon session, Bul-
garian Premier Todor Zhikov ac-
cused Israel of sowing seeds of new
war by refusing to give up Arab
lands seized in the war.
Kosygin was not in the assembly
hall, but Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei A. Gromyko was present
with other high ranking officials.
They walked out before Eban
spoke, leaving a few minor func-
tionaries behind. Some other So-
viet bloc and Arab leaders refused
also to listen to Eban, thus dem-
onstrating their solidarity against
Israel and any who would support
the Israelis.


Third Party

UN, Not Summit Discussed
At Rusk-Gromyko Meeting

in Negotiating

-Associated Press
ISRAELI FOREIGN MINISTER ABBA EBAN, left, and Ambassador Gideon Rafael listen to U.N.
Secretary-General U Thant defend his role in the withdrawal of U.N. peace-keeping forces before
the U.N General Assembly meeting on the Middle East crisis in New York yesterday. Eban had
criticized the removal of U.N. troops from Gaza and other areas as too hasty.

Eshkol Says

To Forge

Prime Minister Levi Eshkol of Is-
rael, visiting this most remote of
the Arab posts seized by Israeli
troops in the Middle East war, said
yesterday, "We want to forget the
past and work for a lasting
Eshkol stated he was ready to
meet President Gamal Abdel Nas-
ser of Egypt, King Hussein of Jor-
dan or any other Arab leader for
peace talks "at any time, at any
-place, on land or at sea."
Dressed in khaki clothing and a
black beret, the chief of state now
71, flew from Jerusalem to Sharm
el Sheikh, at the tip of the Sinai
Peninsula, where Egyptian troops
formerly stood guard at the en-
trance to the Strait of Tiran.
Trouble Spot
This is "the place where all the
trouble started," Eshkol said, re-
ferring to Nasser's order last
month closing the strait to Israeli
At the same time, he said his
offer to confer with Arab leaders
was not made from a position of
strengthi and arrogance.
In a prepared statement to cor-
respondents, the prime minister
said there once had been a time
when Arabs and Jews worked to-
"The Middle East has a great
future if we could work together
in peace again," he said. "This op-
portunity must not be missed.
"We do not believe in armistices.
We must establish a lasting peace

Vork for
with friendship and security so
that neither side need be afraid
of the other."
In offering a hand of friendship
in person-to-person talks, Eshkol
said its acceptance by the Arabs
often depended on the decision of
He expressed the hope that his
offer would fall "on open minds."
If it is rejected, he said, Israel is
capable of taking care of itself.
Eshkol was accompanied by the
deputy chief of staff, Gen. Haim
Barlev, and the commander of Is-
rael's navy, Commodore Shlomo

Together they traveled to the
Ras Nasrani outpost, 12 miles
north of Sharm el Sheikh, which
is at the narrowest point on the
Heavy guns disabled by Israelis
in 1956 were still in their positions.
The Egyptians apparently had not
had time to position new guns to
carry out their declared blockade.
Israelis said inspection had
shown that no mines were actu-
ally planted in these sapphire blue
waters, despite announcements to
this effect from Cairo.

Thant Deniesr
UN Pull-out
Disastrous x
Points Out Israel's t
Violation of Border t
In Past Ten Years
tary-General U Thant retortedt
angrily yesterday to Israel's charge
that Thant's recent prewar with-
drawal of UN peacekeepers fromf
Egypt was "disastrously swift." t
And Thant went on to accuse
Israel of "creating provocations"1
by violating the UN-patroled bor-
der between Egypt and Israel in
the past 10 years.r
Israel's Foreign Minister Abba
Eban attacked Thant Monday atI
the opening of the emergency ses-
sion of the United Nations General
Assembly on the Middle East. l
Thant withdrew the UN Emer-
gency Force, UNEF, from Egyptian
soil on the demand of Egypt and
has defended his decision since.
The u s u a 11 y even-tempered
Thant showed his anger when he
told the assembly that he never
before had to reply publicly to a
speech by any delegate. But he
said a public reply was warranted
because he considered Eban's re-
marks "very damaging to the
United Nations."
His unprecedented, unscheduledj
statement was greeted by more ap-
plause than the policy statements
of Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosy-
gin and U.S. Ambassador Arthur
J. Goldberg outlining the views
of the great powers on the crisis.'
In his speech Monday, Eban,
said withdrawal of the UNEF
"made Sinai safe for belligerency."
That sarcastically referred to
Eban's "Picturesque simile" and;
noted that while Egypt had "vol-
untarily permitted UNEF to oper-
ate on its territory for more than
10 years, "Israel extended no such
cooperation" to the United Nations
despite requests that UNEF oper-
ate in both countries.
Eban took the rostrum to reply
to Thant's rebuke and said he did
not want the issue considered "a
debate between our eminent sec-
retary-general and myself." Eban
quoted President Johnson, British
Foreign Secretary George Brown
and other world leaders as also
being dismayed by the withdrawal.
Eban made no reference, how-
ever, to Israeli refusal to have
UNEF troops on its territory or to
Thant's charge of Israeli border
Assembly President Abdul Rah-
man Pazhwak of Afghanistan, try-
ing to smooth the ruffled diplo-
matic feelings, said he wanted to
take official note that Eban had
not been questioning the "good
faith of the secretary-general" and
that Thant's statement had only
been intended to set the record
That said that because this deci-
sion had been questioned before
the General Assembly, he would
"issue within a day or two a report
giving a full account of my actions
on this matter."
Thant said he had last asked
Israel to permit UNEF to operate
on its side of the border just be-
fore the withdrawal from Egypt.
The secretary-general did not
refer in his speech to the criticism

from Western leaders of the
speedy withdrawal when Egypt
made its demand. Goldberg refer-
red to the withdrawal yesterday
in his review of events leading to
the outbreak of hostilities, but he
made no direct criticism of Thant.
An unforgettable trip
into the deepest
mysteries of the
Himalaya Mountains

Proposed Censure of Dodd
Soon Comes to Senate Vote

tary of State Dean Rusk met with
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A.
Gromyko yesterday for the first
time at the emergency UN session
on the Middle East. There was no
apparent progress toward a sum-
mit meeting.
Privately, informed sources said
a get-together between President
Johnson and Soviet Premier Alexei
N. Kosygin was not even on the
agenda of the 17-minute parley
between their foreign affairs
Publicly, both would tell news-
men only that, as Rusk put it, the
two talkedabout "matters before
the assembly."
The Rusk-Gromyko discussion
managed to look like a casual en-
counter while both were attending
the assembly this morning. A U.S.
spokesman declined to call it an
"appointment", even though the
two strode separately to an out-of-
the-way conference room at the
same hour just before the assem-
bly session opened.
Time was running out for a
superpower summit before Kosygin
returns to Moscow. There were
some reports, but not confirmed
by either U.S. or Soviet sources,
that the Soviet leader might leave
in another day or so. Others ex-
pected him to remain through the
Kosygin, according to reports

TOKYO (P)--Communist China
may have fired its first hydrogen
bomb by missile and detonated it
at' an altitude of from 18 to 31
miles, Japanese scientists and de-
fense officials speculated yester-
If this is correct, it would be a
shock to both the West and the
Soviet bloc because it would mean
Red China had produced a hy-
drogen bomb small enough to be
lofted by a missile.
The U.S. Atomic Energy Com-
mision said its data indicated the
Chinese had tested "far below the
figures quoted by the Japanese."

from Washington officials, prefers
to stay in the New York area for
the UN meeting and has turned
down Johnson's invitation to meet
somewhere around Washington.
Johnson was said to be against
coming to see Kosygin at the Unit-
ed Nations, where Kosygin has
spearheaded the Soviet drive
against Israel and denounced
American policy, too.
There was no sign from either

Soviet Leader Goes
To Talki with Nasser

WASHINGTON ()-The Senate
grappled with points of law and
procedure yesterday as it struggled
toward judgment of Sen. Thomas
J. Dodd (D-Conn), perhaps by to-
In the sixth day of debate over
the proposed censure of the Con-
necticut Democrat, Senate leaders
conferred with Dodd's accusers
and defenders, and there were
signs that a timetable for voting
might be agreed upon.
Sen .Russell B. Long (D-La),
Dodd's self-proclaimed defense
counsel, said he would agree to a
final vote tomorrow if the Senate
would act first on the charge that
Dodd had requested and accepted
double expense payments on seven
official trips.
Close of Business
"We're willing to go to final
judgment today on that one, and
no later than the close of business
tomorrow on the other one," Long
The other one is the Senate
ethics committee's charge that
Dodd converted to personal use
$116,083 in political funds.
Long acknowledged that if the
double-billing count, on which he
feels the defense is strongest,
should be upheld, "it would take
some of the heart out of us."
Voting Agreement
Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (D-
Minn), a member of the ethics
committee, said he anticipated a
voting agreement along those
In the Senate itself attendance
dwindled and much of the de-
bate centered on legal points.
"I don't believe any new argu-
ments can be advanced," Senate
Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield
of Montana told newsmen.
Long pressed his argument that

Think China H-Bomb
Fired from Missile

Since Red China has missiles, de-
fense experts said it would be
simple to fire a hydrogen bomb
into the stratosphere if it had
been tooled to a size of a nuclear
Dr. Tetsuo Kamada, assistant
professor at Nagoya University,
estimated the blast Saturday took
place somewhere in the strato-
sphere. He added that others had
calculated the altitude at between
18 and 31 miles. The stratosphere
begins at an altitude of about
seven miles,
Informants quoted scientists at
the government's telecommunica-
tion Ministry as saying that an
atomic detonation at high altitudes
creates electromagnetic waves and
disturb the ionosphere 100 to 200
miles up. The ionosophere reflects
radio waves back to earth.
The ionosphere ordinarily is
disturbed only by sun-spot activ-
ity and extraordinary atmospheric
conditions. But Kamada said there..
were no such natural disturbances
Kamada reported the univer-
sity's very long frequency oscil-'
lograph had recorded a disturb-
ance that interrupted radio com-
munication at 7:24 a.m. Saturday.
It lasted for 30 minutes.
Government scientists said there
also was a notable absence of
microbarometric readings by their
meteorological agency in contrast
with the abundance of these
caused by nuclear blasts at low
altitude tests.
Defense officials said that the
Chinese in testing their fourth
nuclear device last Oct. 27 were
believed to have fired it from one
of their missiles.

side that their chiefs would budge,
although press secretary George
Christian left the President's in-
vitation open.
"The President has made it clear
that Mr. Kosygin would be wel-
come here or at Camp David or
some other convenient place near-
by for either a social visit or sub-
stantive discussions," the White
House spokesman said in Wash-

World News RoundupI

carry the burden of proving Dodd
Dodd has maintained from the
start that th7e funds raised though
testimonial affairs were gifts to be
spent as he wished. He also denies
knowledge of the double billings.
He blames the billing both the
government and private organiza-
tions for air-fare on sloppy book-
keeping in his office.
it was up to the committee to'
McCarthy told the Senate if the
charges against Dodd were sub-
stantialy rejected, "I would con-'
sider resigning" from the ethics
committee. He had told a reporter
Saturday he could not justify con-
tinued committee service if the
Dodd censure case were not up-

MOSCOW (A')-President Niko-
lai V. Podgorny left for Cairo yes-
terday, apparently for major talks
with President Gamal Abdel Nas-
ser of Egypt on the Middle East
in the aftermath of the Israeli-
Arab war.
Podgorny left for the airport
after a Kremlin meeting of the
19-member Communist party Cen-
tral Committee, which heard a
major policy statement on the
Middle East from the top man in
the Soviet Union, party Secretary
Leonid I. Brezhnev.
A brief announcement did not
give any of Brezhnev's remarks,

Big Power Talk Not Ruled Out;
May Follow Assembly Session

but they presumably followed the
same line as Premier Alexei N.
Kosygin's address Monday to the
U.N. General Assembly.
Kosygin demanded that Israel
be condemned for aggression, be
forced to disgorge all territory it
won in the early June war, and
pay Arabs damages.
Informed sources said Podgorny
would go on to Cairo after an
overnight stop in Belgrado for
talks with President Tito of Yugo-
One report said Podgorny was
accompanied by the chief of staff
of the Soviet armed forces, Mar-
shal Matvei V. Zakharov. The
Foreign Ministry refused to say
who had been with the president,
the expected length of the visit
or other details.
If Zakharov went along, then
Podgorny might be ready to dis-
cuss with Nasser the question of
rearming Egypt's army, which Is-
rael smashed in the six-day
Middle East war.
Down the drain of war went
billions in Soviet arms supplied to
Egypt. Informed sources have re-
ported that a new Soviet arms pro-
gram was being launched, but it
was not clear whether the Rus-
sians intended to resume the
Middle East arms race ondtheir old
lavish scale.
The hurried trip of Podgorny to
Cairo convinced diplomats in Mos-
cow that the talks with Nasser-
would be of major policy signifi-
The Central Committee Is sup-
posed to meet once every six
months, according to party rules,
to adopt major foreign and dom-
estic policy decisions of the party's
top organ, its 11-member Polit-

By The Associated Press
TEL AVIV-Israeli officers dis-
played military orders and maps
yesterday purporting to show that
the Egyptian air force was poised
to attack May 26 and that Syria
had organized a full army division
for combat on the Galilee border
for June 3.
Israeli air force officers who
showed newsmen the documents
and maps, which they said had
been captured, emphasized that
the battle orders were not defen-
sive in character. The fighting
began June 5.
*" * *
States formally expressed regret
yesterday, for damage to the So-
viet cargo ship Turkistan off the
North Vietnam port of Cam Pha,
and gave assurances that every

effort will be made "to insure
that such incidents do not occur."
In originally denying Soviet
charges that U.S. warplanes had
struck the vessel, the United
States suggested that the damage
probably was the result of anti-
aircraft fire directed at American
Scholle was unanimously re-elect-
ed president of the Michigan AFL-
CIO yesterday at the group's con-
Barney Hopkins was re-elected
secretary - treasurer. Both men
were unopposed in nominations.
But William C. Marshall found
himself with opposition in seeking
re-election as executive vice presi-
dent from James Cookenmaster.


Associated Press News Analyst
Both the United States and the
Soviet Union have left the door
open to cooperative effort for
peace, if either or both care to
walk through it.
There is considerable highlevel
diplomatic activity going on dur-
ing this special session of the UN
General Assembly on the Middle
East conflict. Perhaps it is in
connection with a big powers
meeting, not necessarily but pos-
sibly at the summit level.
If a summit meeting could not
be held while Soviet Premier
Alexei N. Kosygin is in the United
States, then, so far as Washington
is concerned, there can be other
times and other opportunities.
This attitude was suggested in
Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg's
address to the special session.
Careful Response
The Americans, in effect, turned
4 the other cheek in responding to
Soviet attacks on the United
States. The carefully measured re-
sponse seemed to bespeak con-
tinuing active American interest
in some sort of high-level talks on
the Middle East conflict or any
ntfhe touchy world issues which

to go anywhere at any time in the
interests of resolving dangerous
conflicts. Up to now, there is little
indication that he is willing to ex-
tend this to a trip to the United
Nations' headquarters.
Avoid Irriating Arabs
It would be difficult for Kosygin
to go to Washington or Camp
David for a meeting, given the
Soviet anxiety to avoid irritating
the .Arabs any more than they al-
ready are irritated with lack of
tangible Russian support when the
chips were down in the Middle
East. But there are other places
where the two men could meet.
Kosygin, despite his extensive
and exhaustive attacks on virtual-
ly every aspect of U.S. policy, did
stress that the Soviet Union was
actively interested in a formula
for peace. Johnson says the same
The Soviet leader said his dele-
gation is ready to work with any
other countries toward resolving
dangerous issues. So did Johnson.
Hint About Meetingj
Kosygin hinted at the possibility
of a big powers summit meeting,
not necessarily pinning matters
down to just a meeting between
1 rnaf or a hn7TC m.racrir

require an avoidance of explosive
crises, despite continued Russian
interest in spreading the Com-
munist system around the world.
In recent years, Moscow has dem-
onstrated that Soviet national in-
terests take priority.
No Choice
Kosygin may have felt he had
no choice at this meeting but to
take the positions he did. The
Russians have made a big invest-
ment in their quest for influence
among the Arabs, do not want to
see it all go down the drain.
But in the long run, the current
collective leadership of the Soviet
Union is likely to wonder, as many
in other nations are wondering,
how many risky confrontations
the Russians and Americans can

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