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No temperature change;
10 per cent chance of rain
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Voice Votes
On Positions
Of Dlegates
w Decide on Mandates
For SDS Naitonal
Contention at 'U'
Voice political party last night
passed several mandates for its
delegates to present at the na-
tional convention of Students for
a Democratic Society which will be
held in Ann Arbor June 25-30.
After reconsidering and rejecting
a mandate passed at last week's
meeting, members decided upon a
new stand on the issue of teach-
er-organizers who are trained and
provided -by the National Office
to educate chapters. The mandate
states that the national office send
a list of these organizers to the
regional and local chapters who
can hire those of their own selec-
tian if they want one. And those
trained candidates not hired will
then be assigned by the national
office in consultation with the
Mandates involving the internal
organization of the national office
and re quiring constitutional
amendments were also passed. In
the future Voice wants all the na-
tional officers to be elected for
political positions, and for the of-
ficers to act on their political
Members also voted that the
announcements for candidacy,
platforms and ideological docu-
ments be printed in the New Left
Notes, the SDS newspaper, well in
advance of the national conven-
tions. The complaints about the
editorial policy df this newspa-
per were asked to be reviewed.
And national officers will be re-
quested not to make statements
to the press, even of a personal
nature, unless approved by the
SDS organization.
The mandates will be brought
up during the plenary sessions of
the convention. The Voice dele-
Sgates will vote on them in pro-
portion to the count of last night's
Voice claimed it has 180 paid
members which would entitle them
to 36 delegates. But Carl Davidson,
SDS Vice-president, informed the
members last night that the Na-
tional Office checked up on Voice's
claims, and accounted for only 117
paid members.
Senate Committee
EWe Wit n bil
ATLANTA, Ga.-At least three persons were shot-one
fats lly-Tuesday as violence erupted in a predominantly Negro
neighborhood for the fourth straight night.
As the violence flared, police reinforcements immediately
were rushed to the area. Police Supt. J. F. Brown, who arrived
witn the hard-helmeted reinforcements, said he had two patrol-
men in the immediate area where the nine-year-old boy and
elderly man were shot. "Neither officer fired a shot," Brown said.
Other officers reportE d scattered firing continued "at least
30 minutes" after the first shots occurred shortly after nightfall.
* * * *
THE HOUSE PASSED and sent to the Senate last night'a bill
to make desecration of the American Flag a federal crime.
The measure would set penalties of fine and imprisonment for
casting contempt on the flag by defacing, defiling, mutilating
or tramplin; on it or any representation of it.
Similar existing laws in all 50 states would remain in effect.
A CONTRACT WITH the Federal Housing Assistance Admin-
istiration which will permit the city to construct 200 low-income
housing units was approved unanimously by Ann Arbor City
Council last night. Under the contract, the federal government
will reserve $3 7 million for coistruction of the units, which must
be started by next April.
has returned to the classroom to lead a week-long seminar at the
University of Cincinnati. He , is serving as consultant to the
Learning Problems Workshcp sponsored by the Upper Grade
Study Council, a professional organization of over 600 inter-
mediate and junior high school teachers and principals in the
Cincinnati Public Schools.
THIRD WARD COUNCILMAN John C. Feldkamp and James
J. White, associate professor of law, have submitted letters to
Ann Arbor City Council questioning University policy on charging
hourly fees or membership fEes in the "University of Michigan
Tennis Club" to use University tennis courts.
It was Feldkamp's contention that such action could give
rise to the city, somehow restricting the use of municipal facilities.
or charging fees for such use. White said that students already
use city courts a great deal and that restrictive measures on
University courts would "aggravate the crowding which already
exists on the city courts."
* . * * *
FINAL EXAMS for spring half-term (IIIa) courses will be
conducted Thursday and Friday of this week. The two-day
registration period for the summer half-term (IIb) will begin
next Monday. There will be no preclassification for the new
session. Students should make appointments with their counselors
for either Monday or Tuesday. Registration materials will be
available at the counseling offices.
, * * *
AS HARD AS IT MAY be to believe, our winters, including
the last one, are shorter than our summers, Prof. Hazel M. Losh
of the astronomy department reported recently. This is because
the earth is moving a little slower in its orbit around the sun
during our summer, she said.
Summer begins at 9:23 a.m. today, the longest day of the year.
M'ay Attempt
State Budget
Bipartisan Opposition
Holds Up Decision
On $465.5 M Request
LANSING (P)--Majority Repub-
licans beat the Senate bushes yes-
terday in an effort to win enough
votes to overcome bipartisan op-
position to passage of $465.5 mil-
lion in spending bills for fiscal
The seven bills were reported
out of the Senate Appropriations
Committee late Monday night and
the Republican leadership had
planned to debate the bills, sus-
pend Senatearules and pass them
Tuesday - all within 24 hours of
reporting them out of committee
and with only 10 days remain-
ing in the current fiscal year.
But apparently unexpected op-
positionadeveloped in the GOP
ranks and, following aone-hour
caucus, Majority Leader Emil
Lockwood (R-St. Louis) said the
vote would be delayed until late
"We didn't have the 20 votes to-
day to vote them through," Lock-
wood said, adding that he was
hopeful "we'll have 20 tomorrow.
There was some speculation that
the senators, who have passed a
fiscal reform package of their own,
were holding back until the House
votes on its fiscal plan-scheduled
for today.
However, Senate leaders express-
ed little optimism that a House
Republican fiscal package will be
able to gain the necessary votes
for passage.
It was apparent that a substan-
tial number of the 20 Senate Re-
publicans were reluctant to vote
"yes" on the bills. Democratic
sources indicated that possibly as
many as six of the 18 Democrats
would contribute their votes to-
ward the 20 needed for passage.
Lockwood said the reluctant Re-
publicans expressed "varied" com-
plaints in caucus.
Floor debate turned up sur-
prisingly little opposition to the
bills, which would spend $12.5 mil-
lion less than current appropria-
tions and $61.6 million less than
recommended by Gov. George
The measures, which make up
slightly less than half of the fiscal
1967-68 general fund budget call
for increases over present levels
in the areas of education, mental
health and corrections.
It has been estimated that when
House and Senate appropriations
bills are combined with school aid
the resulting fiscal 1967-68 budget
will total in the vicinity of 1.076
This would top by almost $100
million the austerity budget Rom-
ney has said will be necessary if
the legislature fails to pass tax
reform measures.
Romney has' recommended a
total budget of $1.153 billion pro-
vided it is accompanied by fiscal
-Dany-Andy Sacks
IN LANS'ING YESTERDAY, Gov. George Romney expressed dismay at the impasse the legislature
had reached over the fiscal reform program. In response to a question from Student Government
Council President Bruce Kahn, Romney gestures (above) that "there is nothing I can do; give me .
any program of fiscal reform with a income tax and I'll accept it."
Ryt u
Discus Fical efor
Bill Reqie
Tuition Hike
Officials Say Increase
Will Bring in Needed
Operating Revenues
The Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee released its education bud-
get yesterday, cutting the Uni-
versity's share to $58.6 million and.
adding wording intended to force
a tuition increase for out-of-state
The budget figure is $3.6 million
below Gov. George Romney's orig-
inal budget request and $17.1 mil-
lion les than the University had
requested for next year's opera-
"Thiseallotment is obviously in-
adequate," University Executive
Vice President Marvin L. Niehuss
said yesterday. He was in Lansing
yesterday afternoon to speak with
Legislators and observe floor de-
bate on the budget clauses.
In that session, Sen. Garland
Lane (D-Flint), said that if tui-
tion increases are instituted as
instructed, the University will have
at least two million more than the
The total education appropria-
tion this year is $240.1 million,
with all but $40 million going for
operational costs.
The bill would require that In
order to receive state appropria-
tions. a college charge 75 Per cent
of the cst of education for ot-of
state students.
Beadle said that budget fig- "
ures indicate tuition ranges be-
tween 35 and 85 per cent of the
total per-student cost of educa-
tion. He explained that the ap-
propriations figures were based on
making up the difference between
recoimendations with additional
tuition revenues.
tAt the University, out-of-state
tuition constitutes about 50 per
ceit of the total cost of their
schooling, a source indicated yes-
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Ar-
bor) objected to the effect an out-
of-state tuition hike would have
on the 25,000 out-of-state students
in the state. He said that al-
though it would bring in $15 mil-
lion, it would drive away a large
segment of these students, "whose
presence improves the quality of
Michigan students."
Sen. Roger Craig (D-Dearborn)
labeled the increase as "stupid
and irresponsible" and said it
would limit attendance to "the
rich and well-born."
"If we do something with tui-
tion," he said, "we should de-
crease it, not increase it."'
Another clause in the bill would
limit out-of state students to the
number curently enrolled. Niehuss
said that the University has had a
similar policy for several years to
give the many in-state students a
better chance for admission.
He added that although there
have been attempts in the past to
limit out-state enrollents, this
is the first time that it has ever
been put in writing.
Allocations for the eleven other
colleges on the budget were also
slashed below Romney's recom-
mendations. William R. Keast,
See SENATE, page 2
SDS Convention Here May
Air Local-National Conflicts
Daily News Feature
It was a pleasant summer after-
noon, and the students who gath-
ered on the steps of the state
Capitol had come for an honest
purpose. They wanted more money
for their universities. Fifteen
high-ranking student government
leaders from Michigan State Uni-
versity, Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity, Wayne State University and
the University of Michigan heard
the rumor that the state legisla-
ture was about to kill any kind
of fiscal reform package they
had been considering. If this hap-
pened, the budget each school had
submitted would be cut to pieces,
and the student bodies would
probably have to make up the_
difference in the form of increas-
ed tuitions. So on the steps of
the state Capitol the leaders dra-
fted a statement.
Chuck Larson, president of the
WSU Student Faculty Council,
and student government council
President Bruce Kahn w r o t e
it out, essentially telling it like
Daily News Analysis
The national convention of Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society
(SDS), beginning here Sunday, is
r likely to focus on the relationship
between local chapters and the
national office.
Several local chapters, including
Voice political party, the Ann Ar-
bor chapter, have become increas-
ingly disturbed at the lack of
democracy they perceive in the
national office.
"It is a crucial point whether
SDS can continue to exist with
the lack of democracy in the na-
tional office," Gary Rothberger,
'67, Voice chairman, said yester-
The focus of these objections
is the national office's relationship
with the press, the organization of
the SDS internal publication, New
Left Notes, and the training of
Voice's objections are of crucial
importance, since it is estimated
that Voice will have as many as
~ 25 per cent of the votes at the.
convention. This is a result of
both the higher delegate attend-
ance since the convention is in
Ann Arbor and Voice, with 180
paid-up members, being the larg-
est SDS chapter in the country.
Carl Davidson, SDS vice-presi-
, dent, arrived in Ann Arbor yes-
terday "to try to talk some
things out ahead of time." He de-
scribed most of the objections as
"unfounded" and called the na-
tional office "far too confused to
be undemocratic."
A major problem grew out of
SDS national chairman, in which
he was allegedly misquoted and
his statements of personal opinion
were interpreted as SDS policy.
A dispute arising from this could'
easily become entangled with the{
election of a new president for
SDS. Davidson is again a candi-
ate, and it is likely that at least;
one critic of the national office
will also run for president. Among
the names mentioned as possible
candidates are Chester and Bob
Speck of New York.
The whole arrangement of the
national office will be altered if
a proposed constitutional amend-.
ment is approved. It would abolish
the office of president and vice-
president and substitute three sec-
retaries in their place who would
work out of the national office.
This amendment reflects the
problems of the current proce-
dure of having both president and
vice-president on the road and
only the national secretary in the
national office. This results, as in
the Calvert interview, with the
national secretary being portrayed
as a spokesman for all of SDS.
The Convention is likely to con-
sider activities among non-stu-
dent groups such as labor and
professional's who some claim
constitute a "new working class"
of those whose jobs are threaten-
ed by automation.
This is not likely to effect the
traditional SDS emphasis on stu-
dents, however. Davidson said,
"The general consensus of agree-
ment is in building a larger and
more radical student movement."
The convention will also eval-
versity, the draft, liberation of
women, foreign policy, electoral
politics, labor and the professions.
Plenary sessions to be held
Thursday and Friday in Natural
Science Auditorium will consider
constitutional amendments, policy
questions, reports from workshops,.
and the election of officer.
Immediately following the con-
vention there will be a two day
meeting here of the SDS National
Council. The National Council,
about one-fourth the size of the
convention, is expected to follow
the lead of the convention.
Out-of-State Student
,Problem Elucidated'
it should be, but tempering their
emotions w i th down-to-earth
press release platitudes.
Someone else called the press.
By the time the statement was
done, the Capitol reporters from
the big city papers, the wire ser-
vices, and even a TV film camera-
man, were on the scene.
The next event was the descent
of Gov. George Romney from his
office to the parking lot, where
the students had planted them-
selves for a polite sort of am-
bush. He came and they got him.
The press gathered around, and
it looked like a Huntley-Brinkley
film clip, the sound track being
the best part, for the governor
said that he was helpless. He said
it was party squabbling that was
the culprit. He pleaded, with his
hands outstretched, "Give me
any program of fiscal reform with
an income tax, and I'll accept
it; but otherwise, what can I do?"
For a minute he lost himself
and thought he was behind a
lecturn, jabbing his finger into the
air like at the Republican Con-
ventions. But soon he remember-
ed where he was, and snapped out,
of it. He left, but one of the stu
dents said he wasn't disappoint-
ed at Romney's short song and
dance. In a way, it added excite-
ment to the day, he said.
Next an assault was launched on
the Capitol itself, where the stu-
dents wanted to meet with their
respective legislators.
One out of every nine under-
graduates at state colleges and
universities comes from an out-
of-state home, David A. Strand
reports in a doctoral dissertation
completed this spring at Indiana
Differentiation between in-state
and out-of-state undergraduates
Vl GiVilll,
occurs mainly in the area of fees.
Larger institutions are more likely
to use fees as a deterent to out-
of-state students, Strand says.
The education spending bill re-
ported out of the State Senate
Appropriations Committee, yester-
day would require Michigan's
eleven state-supported colleges
and universities to increase fee
differentiation. The Senate bill
would make the charging of out-
of-state students for at least
seventy-five per cent of the cost
of their education a necessary
remedy for reduced state funds.
Present fees for out-of-state stu-
dents range between 35 and 64 per
cent of the cost of their education.
One-to-Four Ratio
At the University, out-of-state
students are currently accepted
at a ratio of one to four. Out-of-
state fees of $500 per semester
represent 50 per cent of the cost
of education, according to a Uni-
versity source. In-state tuition is
$174 per semester.
Strand cites another area of dif-
ferentiation in admissions stan-
dards. At the University, the in-
state student is accepted on the
probability that he will attain a
C average. Clyde Vroman, Director
of Admissions, said "we must
weigh the entire record of the
nnt-of-state student nagainst the
House Passes Draft Plan;
Johnson Approval Expected
WASHINGTON (A)-With only
token oposition, the House yester-
day passed and sent to President
Johnson a revised draft plan
which gives undergraduate college
students deferments as a matter
of right.
The 377-29 vote completed con-
gressional action on a compromise
version of the bill that the Senate
passed last week. Although the
measure omits several changes
asker hv a Presidential Study
This change in emphasis is ri
writen into the new law but Co
gress made it clear that it favc
the plan, which Johnson can p
into effect by regulation.
Undergrad Deferment
Any undergraduate college st
dent who seeks a deferment wot
be entitled to it instead of bei
required to obtain approval by h
local draft board.
Deferments under the revie
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