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June 17, 1967 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-17

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Sunday fair
and cooler

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Peace Movement Faces Dangers of Factioi

/I lism

Last in a Five Part Series
How much support could the
anti-war movement command?
Even doubling a generous esti-
mate of the attendance at April
15's gigantic peace rallies and
multiplying by ten only gives five
million potential voters in an
electorate of 80 million. Still, Pres-
idential elections have been de-
cided on thinner margins.
With three candidates running
(Johnson, Wallace and a Repub-
lican) and possibly a presidential
peace ticket splitting electoral
votes, the decision may very well
come down to the House of Repre-
sentatives in 1968. In preparation
for that event, many anti-war ac-
tivists believe, it is important .that
grass-roots organizing get under-
way in the next 18 months on the
precinct and Congressional dis-
trict level.
Yet the "dove" in the past has
proved notoriously weak. Three
Ramparts editors scored heavily in

California primaries a year ago,
but in November elections only
two or three Congressional peace
candidates managed to pull as
much as five per cent of the votes.
The hang-up on political solu-
tions is derided by those who cite
the fact that many American sol-
diers and Vietnamese are going to
be killed before the next election.
The young bloods cry for action
nOw-"Stop the machine," they
cry and they are ready to throw
themselves under the wheels to
prove their seriousness.
A close look, however, reveals
that the "peace movement" is ter-
ribly factionalized. The immediate
danger to those who want some-
thing meaningful to emerge from
the summer's activity is that much
energy will be lost on in-figthing.
Should any of the urgent young
people become so frustrated that
they would resort to violence, the
entire peace effort would be dealt
a heavy blow.
"I can only hope that no one

starts dropping bombs," said David
MacReynolds, field secretary of
the pacifist War Resistors League.
"This would surely cause overt
retaliation on the open peace
wing, like the last days of the
French-Algerian war when plasti-
que bombs were going off daily in
the intellectual quarters of Paris.
/ "Should someone kill an Amer-
ican soldier or bomb a troop train,
public sympathy would veer
sharply from the peace move-
There is agreement in most
adult quarters that the peace
movement must be kept open and
non-violent, but these conditions
cannot be guaranteed, especially
among young people's groups ad-
vocating open flaunting of the
laws they view as injust. In the
confusion of a mass march on
Washington in the fall, it is pos-
sible that an attempt to sit in at
the Pentagon .or Selective Service
headquarters could result in seri-
ous injuries to many people.

Confrontation is defintely in the
offing despite widespread aversion
among persons such as Mrs. Pat
Giffiths, who spent 11 days in
North Vietnam recently and is
now working with Vietnam Sum-
"People say 'avoid alienating
the moderates by taking moralistic
stands.' As a matter of principle
I agree with the moralists," she
said, "but when you are trying to
convince un-informed people-and'
the popular press is extremely un-
informative-1this is not the time
for massive resistance until there
is hass support."
Her apprehension is contradict-
ed by a friend, Bruce Dancis of
Cornell Students for a Democratic'
Society. Dancis ripped up his draft
card last year and is organizing
larger civil disobedience actions.'
"I don't consider myself to be
extreme," he said. "I feel if you
believe in what you are doing, you
will convince people and I think

that liberal rhetoric about scaring
away timid people is unproven."
Perhaps the most significant
development to come out of the
expanded peace drive is the link-
age of the anti-war movement
with civil rights. Rev. Martin
Luther King has come under fire
from moderate Negro leaders for
"diverting" the energy of civil
rights to an area which they
claim is not involved.
But King's supporters profess
to see a growing connection be-
tween the high Vietnam war bud-
gets and depleted coffers for the
war on poverty, between low Ne-
gro representation on draft boards
and high Negro battlefield casual-
ties. And Negro youth leaders from
Stokely Carmichael to Muham-
med Ali have embraced the anti-
war movement.
Rev. James Bevel, aid to King
and presently organizing peace
and civil rights movements in the
Washington, D.C., ghetto has
emerged as one of the major me-

diating figures among the vari-
ous anti-war factions. If the call
goes out in the fall for a million
demonstrators to descend on the
nation's capital, it will probably
come from Bevel.
Bevel's appeal is his ability to
bridge political and ideological
differences from Maoism to the
New Middle, as he showed in or-
ganizing the Spring Mobilization.
He steadfastly refuses to be drawn
into politics and seems to almost
entirely avoid discussing feasible
solutions to the war.
"The things that make most
movements effectual are those
things that are nondebateable,"
he has said. "Ghandi said 'we need
salt' and you just can't argue with
But his refusal to exclude rad-
icals or coddle moderates led the
Students for a Democratic Society
and the moderate SANE to with-
draw formal support of the April
15 rally' and the marxist Youth

against War and Fascism to parti-
cipate under protest.
"The mood has changed since
the Spring Mobilization from one
of despairing over the political
failures of the fall to general op-
timism about the future,". said
Chester Heynie, an organizer for
a Massachusetts-based peace-poli-
tics organization.
"I think most grown-ups are
still several steps short of com-
mitting themselves as- fully as
the kids, but many of them are
now eagerly jumping into organ-
ization work, . even if only on a
doorbell-ringing basis with their
Heynie thinks a march on
Washington would be spectacular
but unneeded diversion.
"There's too much organizing
that remains to be done in local
communities," he explained. "The
peace people in Boston are- really
out of touch and alienated with
the Catholic community."
His sentiments are shared by

SDS national secretary Greg Cal-
vert, Chicago organizer Clark Kis-
singer and many other radical
community organizers. The peace
movement has definitely taken big
strides to get off campuses and
away from intellectual centers.
"Maybe people shouldn't use the
term 'peace movement,'" said Kis-
singer. "A 'Pax Americana,' with
troops permanently occupying
Vietnam may be an end to the
war, but it's unacceptable to many
people because it denies every-
thing the Vietnamese people have
been fighting for the last thirty
"Maybe the movement should be
called the 'international social
justice movement,' or something
like that."
Whether or not the anti-war
movement realizes its goals of
changing the draft or achieving
a just end to the war, it definitely
will create major changes in the
American body politic.


'U' Admits 4400 Freshmen
Emrnm 1 x(1(1( Annliants

Regents Approve


.L .L ~.11k ....~F, Y I 'J £ii 1JUU .

The Office of Admissions re-
ceived more than 13,000 applica-
tions for the 4400 places in the
University's class of "71, accord-
ing to its director Clyde Vroman.
Adhering to a pre-set ratio of
about 25 per cent, there will be
1100 out-of-state students among
this fall's freshmen.
Of the 4400 new freshmen, ap-
proximately 3000 have been ad-
mitted to the literary college.
There were about 5000 in-state
applications of which 54 per cent
were accepted. However, the Uni-
versity only accepted 1200 of the

4000 out-of-state applicants-30
per cent.
Vroman explained the different
standards for the admission of in-
state and out-of-state students.
"We admit all those in-state stu-
dents who show they will prob-
ably succeed academically, pro-
vided they apply by Feb. 1," he
"However, we must weigh the
entire record of out-of-state stu-
dents against the space available.
As a result, we-are forced to reject
many. out-of-state students who
would have succeeded academical-
ly," he added.


PERSONS WHO WANT TO BUILD a student apartment,
building on the corner of S. University and Walnut have filed
suit against the city charging that they are being deprived
through discriminatory zoning.
They contend that their property is "in the heart of the
student housing area," with apartments behind their property
on Walnut and Linden and large sorority houses across S. Uni-
The zoning on their lots restricts multiple use to fraternities,
sororities and student co-operatives, while four apartment houses
have been constructed in the same block since 1962 and another
is under construction, their complaint states.
The plaintiffs in the suit are Joel D. and Shelby Tauber and
Norman and Denny Sussaman. They own or are negotiating for
purchase of five adjacent lots.
They claim that numerous attempts since 1962 to obtain
changes in the zoning have failed and that seeking a Circuit
Court ruling enjoining the city from interfering with construction
is their only recourse.
action on a proposal to, arm the eight campus policemen after
hearing protests by student leaders.
PROF. I. RICHARD CRANE, chairman of the physics dept.
at the University, will receive the American Physical Society's
1967 Davisson-Germer Prize at an international conference of
physicists to be held in Toronto, June 21-23.

James R. Bower, associate ad-
missions director, estimated the
average Scholastic Aptitude Test
(SAT) scores of all in-coming
freshmen "was slightly under 600
on both the math and verbal sec-
Since many high school students
make multiple college applications,
the University is forced to over-
admit in order to guarantee a
class of planned size. Bower esti-
mated that of the 3900 candidates
admitted to the literary college,
only 3000 will actually come to the
University. Over 40 per cent of the
out-of-state students admitted to
the literary college decline the in-
vitation. The figure is slightly un-
der 20 per cent for in-state stu-
The Admissions Office also han-
dles transfer applications for the
literary college and five other
schools. While transfer admissions
were only 80 per cent completed,
Bower said that 600 of 1800 can-
didates had been admitted to the
literary college.
About 400 students, the top 10-
15 per cent of the incoming fresh-
man class, are invited to join the
Honors program, according to
Aden A. Gordus, its associate
Gordus said, "Typically the mi-
nimum requirements for admis-
sions to Honors are a combined
SAT score of 1350 and a high
school rank in the topn2 or 3per
cent." But he added, "we are very
Gordus said that about 40 per
cent of the freshmen admitted to
Honors were from out-of-state.
Their estimated average SAT
scores were 705-710 verbal and
730-740 mathematics. About half
of these freshmen average 150 or
better on the National Merit Scho-
larship Test, he noted.
James H. Robertson, associate
dean of the literary college who
has been appointed director of
the Residential College, said that
900 freshmen admitted to LSA
had applied for the program.
"Out of these we selected 220
using seven different categories to
get as close a microcosm as pos-
sible of all LSA freshmen," he

Deny Voice
Appeal About
Deny Subsidy, Affirm'
Lobby Supervisor
For SDS Gathering
The Regents rejected yesterday
an appeal to reverse a decision by
several administrators concerning
the National Convention of Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society
(SDS) to be held here next week.
The decisions affirmed the ne-
cessity of lobby supervisors for
the gathering and denied a re-
quest for a University subsidy to
the convention as an "educa-
tional experience."
Voice contended that the Uni-
versity requirement for a lobby
supervisor would cost "SDS $300
or so without in any way adding
to the University's physical se-
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard Cutler, announcing
the decision Wednesday, said the
basis for a lobby supervisor
"stems from a recommendation
from the fire marshal."
The case for a University sub-
sidy was based on Voice's claim
that "four of the six days of the
Convention are purely educational
workshops, open to everyone."
They asked the University to sus-
pend its $25 daily room rental fee.
Yesterday's action was initiated
by Regent Paul Goebel who moved
that "the actions of the Vice Pres-
ident for Student Affairs be rati-
Eric Chester, '66 said that Voice
"exhausted all so-called channels
of communication." He added,
"Since the bill won't come until
after the Convention is over, we'll
decide then how to pay it."

Lag D elay
'U' Budget
Administration Waits
For Fiscal Reform,
State Allocation


-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
AT THEIR MONTHLY MEETING yesterday, the board of regents approved changes in the architec-
ture program in the school of Architecture and Design. Frederick Matthaei, Jr. (left) attended his
first meeting since being appointed to replace his father on the board earlier this week by Gov.
George Romney. Board President Harlan Hatcher (right) told the regents that "we cannot make
or recommend a budget for 1967-68 at this time," due to the fact that the state legislature has not
as of yet approved any funds for the University.
CEEIJ Examinations Receive
Crinticsm During Test Parley



Gradate ssem
Graduate Assembly Considers Merits,
Flaws in Proposed Housing Ordinance


Testing in general and College
Board Exams in particular came
in for strong criticism last week
at a meeting of the College En-
trance Examintion B o a r d
(CEEB) commission on tests in
Washington, D.C.
The CEEB prepares the tests
which are used by most colleges
and universities, including the
University, in determining stu-
dent admissions. The Scholastic
Aptitude Tests (SAT) of verbal
and mathematical ability, as well
as aptitude tests in specific areas
of study are among those which
the board has compiled.
But the tests have been criticiz-
ed by some students and adminis-
trators as ineffective measuring
devices and by others as effective
measures of the wrong abilities.
Early in 1967 the board appoint-
ed a 21-member commission con-
sisting of university professors,
high school administrators, stu-
dent representatives and other
consultants to make a three-year
study of existing examinations and
to propose changes.
At last week's meeting, Kenneth
Clark, professor of psychology at
the City University of New York,
told the group that "tests can
only measure retention of what
nna hC hp n nncz-d+n i e.a

Critics are also worried about
the validity of tests for the ex-
tremely able students. Banesh
Hoffman, co-chairman of project
physics at Harvard, charged that
the tests can't identify the unus-
ually creative person.
The University uses a prospec-
tive student's CEEB test scores
along with his high school rec-
ord and counselor's recommenda-
tions to determine his admissabil-
ity, according to Clifford F. Sjor-
gren, assistant director of admis-
sions. "The University has no set
cut-off policy regarding SAT
scores," Sjorgren said. "We have
never turned down a student solely

on the basis of his board scores
-something else had to be marg-
Sjorgren agreed that the CEEB
tests were not designed to meas-
ure creativity. -He felt, however,
that no test could do this, and
said the University relies on coun-
selor's records and teacher's com-
ments to judge such items.
Sjorgren said it is University'
admissions policy to make allow-
ances for cultural and language
differences among applicants, "not
just with Southern Mississippi Ne-
groes but with rural Michigan
and intercity Detroit students as

Regental approval was grantea
yesterday to revisions in the arch-
itecture program changing the per-
iod of study required for the first
professional degree in architecture
from the present five years to six,
as the Regents held their regular
monthly meeting.
The new program will consist
of a two-year pre-professional pro-
gram and a four-year architectur-
al curriculum. The pre-architec-
tural program involves both re-
quired and elective course work in
general studies which may be tak-
en in the University's' literary- col-
lege, junior colleges, or other ac-
credited institutions.
The administration had asked
the Regents to meet earlier this
month, hoping that it would be
possible to consider the Universi-
ty's 1967-68 budget. However, since
the Legislature has not yet acted
on Gov. George Romney's fiscal
reform program or the state ap-
propriations budget, University
President Harlan Hatcher told the
Regents: "Under these circum-
stances, we cannot make or rec-
ommend a budget for 1967-68 at
this time."
"The University administration
has been in daily touch with the
situation," Hatcher said. "Our
staff has kept budget data up to
date to reflect possible changes in
our fiscal requirements and re-
"It is a most difficult situation
in which we are placed-particu-
larly when we face inescapable
pressures for upward adjustments
of salaries and wages," he added.
Hatcher indicated he would
"call a special session of the Re-
gents Just as soon as some action
at Lansing indicates what our re-
sources may be."
In the meantime, Hatcher said,
"planning which we can no long-
er delay is going forward. These
plans will be incorporated in a
budget proposal which will be
made as soon as our resources are
Commenting on the architecture
curriculum changes, College of
Architecture and Design Dean
Reginald F. Malcomson said, "If
the architect is to assume his full
responsibility to the community
and fulfill his role as one of the
key designers of the man-made
environment, his cultural under-
standing must match his techni-

Court Bars Police Strikes
In Detroit; Call-Ins Decline

A proposed Ann Arbor city
housing ordinance was the object
of debate at Wednesday's meeting
of Graduate Assembly.
The ordinance, tentatively pass-
ed at first reading by City Council
June 12, would provide more space
for students living in rooming
houses and more specific designa-
tions of responsibility for code
violations. The ordinance will be

by it. "If the city is willing to give
us an opportunity to voice our
opinions on legislation which per-
tains to us, it is our duty to re-
spond to the opportunity," he
Ann Arbor presently operates
under the state housing law, which
was enacted in 1917. The new city
ordinance differs from this law
in several respects:
-Special provisions are made

rooming unit, or premises unless
it is clean, sanitary and fit for
human occupancy."
The report submitted to council
by Graduate Assembly, although
generally supporting the new ordi-
nance, points out some important
considerations not covered in the
present draft. One of these is the
lack of protection for tenants fil-
ing complaints of violations.
The rennrt states that "a ten-

"existing fire escapes are often
made of wood, and that "such an
enclosed fire escape has excellent
chimney potential." To remedy
this situation, the assembly has
asked council for a requirement
that fire escapes be made of "es-
sentially non-combustible mate-
In addition, the report states
that responsibility for removing
and renlaeing storm windows and

DETROIT () - A temporary
court order barring police from
striking was credited yesterday
with cutting down a rash of sick
call-ins by Detroit police.
Police Commissioner Ray Gir-
ardin's office said some 85 offi-
cers called and said they were
too ill to report for duty yester-
dav The illness was described by

DPOA attorney Winston Liv-
ingston charged Foley's back-to-
work order had "upset a delicate
balance in a labor dispute."
The number of sick calls ex-.
ploded into epidemic proportions
after 61 police officers were sus-
pended on charges of neglect of
duty for failing to issue the nor-
mal number of traffic tickets dur-

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