INTERVIEW WITH MUHAMMAD ALI See editorial page Y Sjir i6a a t ty HOT AND HUMID High-93 Low-64 Partly cloudy, possible showers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 30S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1967 SEVEN CENTS New idle rovies Moderate nti-War FOUR PAGE. Stand By DAVID KNOKE Third in a Five Part Series Shortly before commencement exercises last week, a petition ' signed by more than 5000 Colum- bia University students, teachers and administrators was delivered to the National Security Council in Washington. The signatures, hastily gathered in the final two weeks despite pressures for final exams and papers, followed the statement: "We the undersigned, join the significant and growing number of Americans who for moral and political reasons oppose United States policies in Vietnam. 1 ". ..We call for an end to the bombing and further steps to as- sure immediate de-escalation ,pf military activity." The Columbia petition, one of the largest war protest actions at a single academic institution, is by no means an isolated phenom- enon. Increasing numbers of students who by no stretch of the imagi- nation can be termed radical are voicing their discontent with the way the war is being conducted and the government's harsh atti- tude towards domestic dissent.' The trend is described by Na- tional Student Association vice- president Ed Schwartz's concept of a "New Middle" emerging as a viable political force in student politics. "What is in fact, the direction of the New Middle?" he asks. "Does it have any direction? It is strictly a set of pragmatic re- sponses to specific issues, or does a broader set of goals dictate its new militancy? I would like to be- lieve the latter; I fear the former." The New Middle first burst upon public in December when student body presidents and edit- ors from 100 colleges and univer- sities sent an open letter to the President expressing anxiety and doubts about involvement with the war. 'Unless this conflict can be eased," warned the letter, "the United States will find some of its most loyal and courageous young people choosing to go to jail rather than to bear their country's arms." The White House, according to Administration officials, was con- cerned that the group might be a rallying point for more broad- based expression against the war, such as the up-coming Spring Mo- bilization marches in April. Secretary of State Dean Rusk was sent to play up the divisions within the coalition of moderates and radicals by offering to hold a televized meeting. The students refused the public confrontation, but agreed to a private February meeting, from which 45 students came away more critical than before of the Administrat n's position. Another 100 student body presidents and campus editors later added their names to the letter. 'We're now in the process of cir- culating a third letter, which about 90 per cent of the newly-elected presidents are signing," said Peter Johnson, who directs the Campus Co-ordinating Committee which was set up to provide continuity for the student leaders' group. "In most cases all you have to do is call the .school, read the statement and the people say 'put me on it'!" Many think it's not worded strongly enough. The Co-ordinating Comiittee is also circulating a shorter letter at 10 geographically representative campuses to be signed by interest- ed students in opposition to cur- rent draft policy. The New Middle's fascination with respectability, however, often makes them overcautious almost to' the point of paralysis. Seventy Buddhist students and professors in South Vietnam sent a letter to the student body presi- dents proclaiming their interest in working for peace. Alfred Hassler, executive secretary of the Fellow-; ship of Reconciliation, acted as liaison man for the action which is a criminal offense under the Ky' dictatorship. When Hassler prevailed upon some of the leaders to write a let- ter of thanks to the Buddhist stu- dents, he recalls, "the American students agreed to do so only if the reply were not made public because, they said, they didn't want to 'compromise' their appeal to a broader-based public." A national "Day of Inquiry" into Vietnam and draft was also spon- sored by the group in May, in- volving 150 campuses in what was billed as the "largest teach-in in+ history." A First National Student Con- ference on Vietnam held in Febru- ary at Cornell gained much pub- licity when a few pro-war dele- gates charged the conference was "stacked by extreme leftists." Yet the conference had deli- berately barred anyone represent- ing an "extremist" group such as YAF or SDS. Ten war-supporters grabbed headlines on the final day by walking out during passage of 'a resolution denouncing the war. Anti-war speakers outnumbered the few pro-Administration speak- ers, such as Michigan State Uni- versity Prof. Wesley Fishel and a State Dept. official. Yet the con- ference was a sincere attempt to open up new ways of involving more ptrsons in critical discussion on foreign policy and this tech- nique will probably be repeated in the future. The New Middle's potentia strength lies in the fact that i can reach and hold far more peo. ple than New Left, pacifist or reli- gious groups. The problem, how. ever, as Schwartz has indicated is for the leaders to organize any meaningful action beyond signing letters and petitions. The New Middle's cautious, ques. tioning stand reflects much of the reality of student opinion on the war today. New York Times columnis James Reston estimated that if the 2-S deferments behind which col- lege students have relative im- munity were abolished, up to 25 See NEW, Page 4 GUARD PATROLS: Order Special Council Meeting As Riots Continue in Cincinnati By PAULA LUGANNANI Special To The Daily Cancelled high school gradua- tions, 90-degree weather and arm- ed National Guard patrols marked the third day of rioting in Cincin- nati. An emergency city council meeting called to consider de- mands of Negro leaders became an angry confrontation when national guardsmen entered with bayonets. As minor incidents continued throughout the day and all signs pointed to another night of vio- lence, Dx. Paul Miller, superinten- dent of the Cincinnati public schools, ordered three high school graduations scheduled for tonight and tomorrow night to be cancel- led, and school children were sent home early. Final report cards of the year were handed out early or will be mailed so that students will not have to return to school tomorrow. New Shooting Though the pace had slowed early yesterday evening, reports of shooting came to the fore for the first time since the disturbance began on Monday. A 15-year-old white youth was taken to General Hospital in critical condition after being shot in the back near a downtown fire station. Cutler Rejects SDS Convention Requests By AVIVA KEMPNER Requests made by Voice political party to host the national conven- tion of Students for a Democratic Society ;were rejected yesterday morning in a memorandum sent by Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler to Student Government Council President Bruce Kahn, '68. Following plans decided upon at a, meeting Tuesday, about ten Voice members attempted yester- day afternoon to discuss with University administrators t h e problems arising over the conven- tion scheduled for June 25-30. The memorandum was sent to Kahn who signed the authoriza- tion for the use of rooms. It was i in reply to a letter sent to Cutler last week by Voice member Eric Chester, '66. 'Educational Experience' In the letter Chester asked that the SDS convention be considered "an educational experience and (the University) pay itself all the fees normally charged." He stated that the convention was "primarily educational" be- cause it is "open for attendance by anyone" and involves "four days of workshops." He also ob- jected to the need for a lobby sup- ervisor whose "job seems a classic case of featherbedding which SDS is not able to afford." Cutler's reply which was formu- lated at the vice-presidents' meet- ing on Tuesday morning answered these demands. , It stated that the "SDS request for a special University grant of approximately $500 to c o v e r charges for the facilities to be used cannot be granted because "we would not have the financial means to implement such a policy of providing support to deserving organizations which wish to come to campus." The memorandum explained how the lobby supervisor is re- quired for the protection of Uni- versity property and equipment and for protection against fire" as recommended by the fire marshal and the University's Department of Environmental Health and Safety. Thus, it said "the lobby supervisor must be a regular Uni- versity employe, and cannot be supplied by the group." Lock Doors Voice plans were first to go to Both Hatcher and Executive Vice-President Marvin Niehuss were not in. The secretary inform- ed them that Hatcher was attend- ing his daughter's graduation in Cambridge, and Niehuss was "real- ly out of town." The Voice members finally tried Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Allen Smith who talked with them for almost an hour about their demands. Appeal to Cutler Smith stated that the vice-pres- idents had "treated the Voice re- quests exactly as any other organ- ization's." He mentioned that any appeal would have to be made to Cutler who would decide whether the Regents would include the is- sue on their agenda. But Voice members pointed out that Voice was not getting equal treatment since the Conference of Orientalists in August was being subsidized with University funds. They were informed by Smith and University Secretary Herbert Hildebrandt that the requests from the President's Fund, the general fund and Committtee for Public Discussion could only be made after July 1, when the next fiscal year starts. Voice chairman, Gary Roth- burger, '67, said, "We will continue to try to meet with Pierpont and Hatcher. I do not believe that the University," he continued, "pro- vides the open channels it claims to possess." Police were seeking three Ne- groes in an open convertible be- lieved responsible for the shooting. Dr. Bruce Green, Negro civil rights leader, blamed outsiders for the outbreak of violence, but add- ed that he considered it inevitable. Cite Two Causes John E. Hansan, executive direc- tor of the Community Action Com- mision (CAC), local branch of the Office of Economic Opportunity community action program, gave two specific incidents as immediate causes of the outbursts. One was the death sentence given to convicted murderer Pos- teal Laskey in the widely public- ized slaying of Barbara Bowman, a white office worker. The original arrest over the weekend which seemed to trigger the violence was of a man protesting the death sen- tence at Rockdale and Reading Roads in _Avondale, center of the rioting. Hansan said the second cause was "the obvious inequality in job opportunities observed by Negro teenagers who see trucks deliver in their neighborhood. These un- loadings provide general jobs which do not have stringent qual- ifications. But they are filled by whites rather than people from the neighborhood." Hansan went on to say that summer job programs provided by the CAC were merely pallia- tive measures, like putting a bandaid on a cut throat. Single Source "It is imperative not to look to a single source for all the jobs," Hansan stated. "One suggestion has been the creation of a public works program that would serve both immediate needs and long- range goals, and combine the re- sources of both the federal gov- ernment and private industry." Bailey W. Turner, president of the Avondale Community Council, stressed that "unfair dispensation of justice must be stopped. As long as the guy on the bench doesn't feel obligated to deal with< Negroes in the same way as whitest there will be recurrent problems.f This situation has been going on too long, and things aren't changing." Meanwhile, as reasons and so- lutions for the problem continued to be debated throughout the city, National Guardsmen remained on duty with orders to fire if firedf upon and shoot to kill if necessary. Daily-Thomas R. Copi SSIGA ALPHA 'MU BURNS A smoldering fire in the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity house yesterda y morning reportedly did extensive damage to the upper floor and the roof. Fire Chief Arthur Stauch, who sent four pieces of equipment to battle the blaze, said that the fire was caused by a short circuit in a second-floor electrical wall plug. The fire shot up through wall partitions, reached the attic and went through the roof at one point, he said. It took firemen nearly two hours to put out the blaze. The house is not occupied by students during the summer, and the fraternity's chapter advisor, Marshall Wallace of Oak Park, Mich., said that he had already been in contact with the house's insurance company. Wallace said that he was concerned that the insurance investigation be done promptly so that there will be resi- dence for the students when they return to school in August. Wallace said every effort would be made to restore'the house in time for the fall term. UPPER PENINSULA DEFIANT: Changing to Daylight Time Creates Minimumof Local Inconvenience State Court Backs Sit-In Convictions Judges Split Decision, Rule Against Local Draft Board Protest By JILL CRABTREE The Michigan Court of Appeals yesterday upheld the conviction of 28 University students and faculty members who staged a sit-in at . the Washtenaw County draft board in Ann Arbor on Oct. 15, 1965. The protesters, charged with illegal trespass, must serve 15-20 day jail sentences and pay $50 fines. The jail terms may not start immediately because of possible further legal action by the pro- testers' attorney, Ernest Goodman, a Detroit Civil Liberties Board lawyer. He may attempt a second try in the appeals court or take the case to either the Michigan or U.S Supreme Courts. Split Decision The Appeals Court affirmed the conviction in a 2-1 split decision. They described the defendants' arguments as being "so unsub- stantial as to need no argument or formal submission." The protestors appealed on two grounds: -The convictions under Michi- gan's anti-trespass law abridged their freedom of speech and as- sembly as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitu- tion. -Their right to protest was pro- tected under the principles of in-. ternational law set up by the Nuremberg war crimes trial in 1945. Those sustaining the convictions yesterday were Judges Timothy C. Quinn and Louis D. McGregor. Dissenting was Judge Thomas Giles Kavanagh. Day of Protest The demonstration was part of the Ann Arbor Vietnam Commit- tee observation of an International Day of Protest against the war in Vietnam. It began with a vigil and a rally on the Diag, after which they marched to the offices of the Ann Arbor Selective Service Board. At 6 p.m., draft board officials read Michigan's trespass law to protesters who had taken positions in the waiting room. They were ordered to leave since the office was closing, and they refused. Police were summoned, who car- ried the protesters out. Defendants are free on $500 bond. I Senate Approves Draft Bill Keeping Student Deferment' i By MARCY ABRAMSON Students missed some morning classes, and girls in the dormitories thought they were an hour late for closing, but otherwise the change to Daylight Savings Time at 12:01 yesterday morning created a minimum of confusion in Ann Arbor. Less than half the students in Professor Marian A. Low's 9 a.m. European history class were pres- ent. "I only happened to read about the changekin the paper, or I wouldn't have known about it," she said. But many faculty members re- ported no unusual absenteeism or tardiness in yesterday's classes, Edwin Goddard, professor of ge- ology, said only three or four more students than usual were absent from his 8 a.m. class. Since the clocks at Martha Cook Building were changed about 9 p.m. Tuesday night, girls who came in for closing at what they thought was midnight were briefly frightened by clocks set at 1 a.m. "There was mostly a lot of joking," Pat McLaren, staff member on duty Tuesday night, said. The University maintenance staff began changing clocks early Tuesday evening and did not fin- ish until yesterday morning. Each building has its own clock system which must be set separately. Local restaurants reported little trouble with patrons confused by the time difference. Even Red's Standard Time. Attorney General Frank Kelley said that anyone who does not follow the time change will be in violation of the law. But Republican Philip E. Ruppe, Upper Michigan's representative in Congress, claims Upper Peninsula localities should have the option of going on Central Daylight Time until the United States Depart- ment of Transportation decides wha time zone the area should be placed in. "The federal government has sole jurisdiction over time The legislature had earlier this year exempted Michigan from the Federal Uniform Time Act, which] decreed that each time zone would' change to daylight between April 29 and Oct. 30. But a petition drive; resulted in suspension of the legis- lative act until the voters can de- cide the issue in a 1968 referen- dum. The abrupt time change caused confusion at television stations, bus, rail and airline terminals, and at businesses throughout the state. counties have claimed they are zones," Rupe said. "Kelley had no staying on Central Daylight Time, right to put the Upper Peninsula which is the same as Eastern on Eastern Daylight." General Motors and Ford Motor Co. decided to postpone the official, switch to 2 a.m. Sunday morning when less employes are working. Bus terminal managers didn't' know how to handle the situation. "We're in one hell of a big tur- moil," said Van Papastergion, as- sistant manager of the Greyhound terminal in Detroit. Most airlines announced that flights would depart an hour later than published in schedules, meaning that some travelers might arrive at terminals an hour early, but they could not arrive an hour late. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON -- The Senate yesterday approved a compromise draft extension bill that includes deferments for college undergrad- uates and blocks President John- son's plan to set up a lottery sys- tem for selecting inductees. The vote was 72 to 23. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D- Mass) who argued the bill does not bring about reforms requested by Johnson, failed to rally sup- port for his call for revisions. The measure was sent to the House for final congressional ac- tion. It would extend the draft law four years beyond the presently scheduled exniration date of June -Permit the President to, go ahead with his announced plan of reversing the age order of in- duction to take 19-year-olds first. -Retain local draft boards, with the federal government authorized to recommend uniform standards but not make them mandatory as the President had suggested. 4 -Maintain Presidential author- ity to specify which graduate stu- dents should be deferred. Johnson has announced he plans to limit them to medical and dental stu- dents. -Specify that a claim for defer- ment on grounds of being a con- scientious objector be based on 1 3 4t i k t t PORTIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 1: Attorney General Grants Final Approval To New State Teacher Certification Code The new teacher certification code proposed by the State Board' of Education was approved yes- terday by Attorney General Frank Kelley with only one major change. Kelley's approval was the last legal step necessary for im- plementation of the new code. The Board approved revision of the proposed code to require 18 colm A. Lowther, chairman of the school's undergraduate education committee, said. Seniors must ful- fill the standing requirements. The new code includes these six provisions: 1) Secondary teachers must ful- fill a 30-hour major and a 20-hour minor instead of two 15-hour minors currently required; 2) Elementary certificate candi- 4) will Sixty-day substitute permits be eliminated by 1970; 5) Michigan certificates will be valid in states with similar cer- tification codes and Michigan cer- tificates will be granted to teach- ers from these states; and (6) The State Board of Educa- tion will have authority to approve and neriodically review the pro- "We will be ready to move with the adoption of the code." A group of curriculum committees in the literary college is considering re- vision of course requirements to fit the new 30-20 sequence. Marilyn Kelly, vice presidentof the Board, called the revised code an intermediary step. "There are more changes to be made," she said. "For instance, we would like