Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNTVERSITY OF MICcHIAN' UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS r. a. - ROGER RAPOPORT- 'She's Not Crazy ., u- - ere P ntin a2Ale 4 2,ANN O MICH. Trruth win pMau~ MAYNARD ST., ANARBOR, Mc. NEWs PHONE: 764-05521 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be nioted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUE 1 An Hour With Muhammad Ali m. I Muhammad Ali is one of today's most controversial personalities. His re- fusal to enter the armed forces because of his intense moral and religious be- liefs has made him a symbol to to- day's youth; vigorously chastised by those who support 'the 'present sys- tem, and just as zealously defended by those who look beyond the system to the rights and freedoips of the indi- vidual. In either case, one is either for or against him: there is no middle ground. During an interview in his room at Detroit's Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, I be- came increasingly aware of the real Muhammad Al. Not the wild-emotion-irrational- popoff showmanship of Cassius Clay, but the intense, dedicated, intelligent and sincere personality of a man deep- ly concerned with the world in gen- eral, his race and himself in particu- lar. He felt, that because of his pending court cases and appeals, within the Selective Service System, he could not discuss his personal problems concern- ing the draft, but he appeared eager to discuss and explain his philosophy of religion and his views on civil rights. The interview lasted close to an hour, and because Ali was kind enough to allow the use of a tape recorder, every- -thing said is printed verbatim. The following is the first part of a text of selected portions of the inter- view. No changes, or corrections, were made in the champ's style of speech. --JOHN LOTTIER DAILY: How would you like to begin? Ali: This is the heavyweight cham- pion of the whole world, the fastest, the quickest, the most classiest, skillful, scientific creative fighter that was ever born. The onliest sport, the onliest prophet that ever hit the boxing game: Muhammad All, live, in color reporting to you from ABC's Wide World of Sports with Howard Cosell. Daily: More seriously now. What do you feel your religion offers you? Ali: Well, number one: peace, peace of mind; being happy, a knowledge of self, a knowledge of my history, a knowledge of others, a knowledge of the times that we're living in today, and also it offers me a knowledge of living clean, and offers me freedom, justice, and equality, it offers me a 'unity and brotherhood with some 750 million more people, that I couldn't' cling to and recognize as brothers un- der the Baptist-Christian religion, and it offers me the brotherly love and unity of some 500 more thousand Mus- lims throughout the United States. And I could go on days talking about the things it offers me. It offers me a dignity and race respect, it teachers me what to do and what not to do, where to go and where not to go, and this keeps me from getting into all the mob fights and riots and the racial conflicts that we have with the forced integrators and it keeps me out of that bunch, and it offers me, as 'I said, peace of mind, freedom, justice and equality. Daily: Turning the question around, what do you feel you can offer to your religion?, Ali: Well, all I can offer to my re- ligion, and all of us who would like to go down in history as doing some- thing great, I'd like to do what I am doing; ministering, and traveling the country and ministering to youth and teaching them about the clean living, no smoking, no drinking, no chasing around after all-type women and liv- ing a clean life morally and spiritual- ly, and this is what I like to offer converts to it. And teaching people to obey the laws of the land as long as it don't conflict with their religious be- liefs, and also what I'd like to offer is the spirit of the self-help program of our leader and teacher the Hon- orable Elijah Mohammed, of doing for self, quit begging and asking the whites to clean up the ghettos and the slums, and get out and clean up your own slums and your own ghettos; quit beg- ging people and make an effort to' clean up yourself. How can we expect to be the equal of our master when a, A + 1967, The Rcgisr 1 and Tribune S ndicate , MT. VERNON, Ala.-"I'm not crazy," said Miss Inez Pruitt. "But if they keep this up, I'm sure going to end up crazy." As Miss Pruitt spoke, she was sitting in a small visiting room in Searcy State Mental Hospital. She had been brought to the room un- der guard, like a prisoner, and nurses kept coming by to check on her. The 44-year-old Negro lady was committed to the mental hospital last week, after an incident in the Mobile County welfare office. Miss Pruitt was not examined by a psychiatrist before she was put away. Her sister, employer, and friends opposed committing her. But Probate Judge John L. Moore, acting on the testimony of three welfare officials and a Mobile General Hospital intern, sent her to Searcy on May 24. Miss Pruitt hashad a crippled left hand and leg since childhood. She had an operation for can- cer of the left leg last November. Then in February, she spent a month in the hospital with pneu- monia. AFTER HER RELEASE from the hospital, she began working several days a week as a house- keeper for Mrs. Darlene Alford of Wilmer. But, says Miss Pruitt, her left leg started swelling, and her knee became as big as a vol- leyball. On May 12, she went to see Dr. William Thomas, an in - tern at Mobile General. "I told her she shouldn't work for a month, but stay off the leg and keep it propped up," the doc- tor recalls. When Miss Pruitt said she couldn't afford to quit work- ing, Thomas gave her a statement to prove her medical disability so she could qualify for welfare. On May 15, Miss Pruitt went to the welfare office and gave the medical statement to her case worker, Miss Carolyn Gideon. Thererare different versions of what happened next. According to Miss Pruitt, the case worker "told me that I couldn't have Any welfare money, that I was faking, and that I could really work. She made fun, of my condition. When she raised a leg to kick me, I lost my tem- per and hit her with my umbrel- la. I apologized afterwards." But Miss Gideon denies abusing Miss Pruitt or trying to kick her. Miss Pruitt "did not hurt me with the umbrella," Miss Gideon said. WELFARE authorities arranged to have the police take Miss Pruitt to Mobile General Hospital on May 19. There she was examined by Dr. Thomas. "I looked her over and classi- fied her a paranoid schizophrenic." the doctor said last week. "Of course," he added, 'Ism not psy- chiatrist." After being examined, Miss Pru- itt was taken to the Holcumbe Medical Unit, the psychiatric de- partment of Mobile General Hos- pital. Normally. Holcumbe patients are examined by a visiting psy- chiatrist before they are com- mitted to Searcy. But Dr Ronald B. Mershon, vis- iting psychiatrist for May, said "I don't know her. I never saw the lady." Was this proper procedure in such a case? "Our interns are very good." said Mershon, "and the head nurse at Holcumbe is as good as Someo f the psychiatrists." But Mershon added, "Normally. there would have to be an OK from relatives to commit her (Miss Pruitt). I've never heard of a case handled like this." MISS DORIS BENDER, head of the Mobile welfare office, said that under Alabama law, appli- cants must be "permanently dis- abled" to qualify for welfare: "By putting her in Searcy, we may be able to get medical evidence that can get her on welfare for the rest of her life." However, the law also says that. people can- not receive welfare while they are in a mental institution. Mrs. Alford - who hired Miss Pruitt after the operation - said Miss Pruitt should not be com- mitted. "She's not crazy, said Mrs. Alford. "In fact, she's the best housekeeper I've ever had. My three children loved her." Miss Pruitt said that because of her health, she is supposed to receive medication and to be on a low-salt diet. But at Searcy, she said, "they took my pills away from me when I came here . and they won't let me have my special food." (Reprinted from the Southern Courier) 4 p * The Wailing Wall Letters to the Editor tribute to my religion and spreading it. DAILY: Now about the Negro working for himself, must he accept his role as depending only upon himself and refusing the help of the white man? Ali: Number one. We don't use the term Negro. Daily: Black? Ali: Yeah. Now I didn't say we can't trust the white man. It's good to have help. It's not all their own job (the black man's) - they need help, they have to have help. But what I said, they should make some effort to do for self and offer to others to want to help, without just constantly begging and begging and laying on other men's doorstep, and run him out of his neigh- borhood and run him off his beaches and run him out of his restaurants, and you yourself won't clean up and do for your own self. Clean up yourself. We ask the people and the whites to clean up our slums, and ghettos and rats. Well if you won't clean up your own rats and your own roaches you can't appreciate it. And then to turn around and ask the whites for equal- ity; it's really silly for the slave to ask the master for equality, that would be embarrassing to the master and to the eyes of the civilized world, the intelli- gent world, to now recognize the slave as his equal when he's not ready to be nowhere near the master's equal. So instead of asking the master to clean up the slums and the ghettos, what the Honorable Elijah Mohammed teaches us is that we should make some effort to clean it up and help ourselves ... because, clean up the people main- ly. The slum is not in the ghetto, the slum is in the people. You can take a people and put them in a trillion dol- lar housing project and if they're not right internally and mentally, they will take a trillion dollar project and in six months time make it a slum. But you can take the same people and put them in a slum, and clean them up mentally and internally, then they can make the slum a paradise. So the problem, and getting to the root of it is not in the slum, it's in the people. People make slums, slums don't make the people. Daily: It appears then that you some- what follow the line advocated by Stokely Carmichael and the black pow- er movement. Ali: Stokely Carmichael is repeating' what the Honorable Elijah Mohammed hs been teaching for 36 years. We don't follow Stokely Carmichael; he's a black brother of mine who means right and is doing a good job, but we follow Elijah Mohammed. I don't know who he fol- lows, but what he's saying is from the teachings of Elijah Mohammed. He's been teaching us for 36 years in Amer- ica. All this black power and new talk is nothing new to us. Copyright, 1967, The Michigan Daily Muhammad Ali is in Detroit this week to fight two exhibition matches in a six bout card at Cobo Hall to- morrow at 8:30 p.m. This will be the first time that the champ has fought in Detroit and it gives all those who ANews Media In recent days letters have ap- peared in this column criticizing the American press for not pre- senting fair coverage to the claims and opinions of the Arab side in the current Middle East crisis. Strangely, this complaint is lodg- ed also by a representative of Arab students on campus, whose views have been aired quite extensively on these pages during the last few weeks. However, there may indeed by a kernel of truth in his allegations, though he mis- labels it. The Arab view gets considerable coverage, but little support or sympathy. Let me ex- plain. Our news media have presented us with pictures of many Arab leaders and are full of quotations from their speeches and official statements, as well as informal interviews. Everyone knows that there are hundreds of thousands of Arab refugees in UN-support- ed camps just outside Israel's borders. It is common knowledge that Arab leasders incessantly call upon each other to unite and liquidate Israel. There is general awareness in this country that some Arab states are ruled by r-actionary monarchs, and the rest by leftist dictators or mili- tary cliques largely supported and armed by the Soviet bloc. It is known that these leaders say they want social and economic progress, but have made disap- pointingly few advances. It is re- ported that Egyptian forces num- bering 40,000 have been engaged :ith Yemenis in a controversial armed conflict for five years. Much more is known and extensively covered here, in spite of the dif- ficulty of finding out exactly what is happening in countries whose leaders hold only rare news con- ferences and lack freedom of the press. DESPITE this coverage, how- ever, there is little by way of warm acceptance and encourage- ment on the part of the Ameri- can press. This should surprise no one, and we need not apologize for it. We do not seek "final" so- lutions. We do not idealize dic- tatorship. We do not support holy wars of extermination. We favor democratic, representative govern- ment. We agree that refugees have natural and inalienable rights, but disavow the solution of their problems by means of violence, or genocidal holy wars. We admire those who make out- standing progress in social and economic development in the face of great difficulty, but reject those who ransom their national riches for armaments which serve to make possible international folly endangering world peace and se- curity. Arab aims and methods are in- congruent with curs Arab stu dents who have been made wel- come here to learn from us should study our attitudes closely. We have heard enough cries from the Arabs and their sup- porters about hearing their side. It has been heard, judged and rejected by a majority of our citi- zens, -B. D. Fine, Grad . . i\... . Israel Rally The Daily apologizes for a let- ter in yesterday's Letters column which falsely described certain participants at a recent pro-Israel public meeting as having fascist politics and pursuing deliberate- ly disruptive behavior at the meet- ing. We regret the insulting phys- ical descriptions contained in the letter, and the untrue allegation that those referred to came as an organizational activity of SDS, rather than as individuals (not all of whom in fact were members of SDS). The Daily disavows the legitimacy of the account in yes- terday's letter of the proceedings of the meeting. *1 Farewell, To Arms "I've Still Got Myw eciz' Pri'xite, Faster-Than-Truth Air 1Force" f- 't-m A(oofC0 ..E v O " I Bill Mauldin, Pulitzer Prize- winning editorial cartoonist for The Sun-Times, has been cov- ering the outbreak of hostilities in the Middle East. Now he is heading home. In this report, written Thursday, he tells of ac- tion viewed on Wednesday. By BILL MAULDIN VIENNA - Wednesday night I caught an El Al Israel Airlines flight here from Tel Aviv. This Is- raeli national airline isvthe only one operating at the moment. I asked an 'El Al agent if the company wasn't worried some humiliated Egyptian pilot might seek glory and redemption by shooting down the big jetliner. "They haven't got much stuff left," the agent said. Every Israeli prediction I have heard so far concerning Arabs has turned out accurate, so this was good enough for me and I took my seat on the plane. "Shalom," the'stewardess said to me. That is the standard Israeli greeting. It means peace. She con- tinued: "Do you know what they're say- ing in Arab countries? They're saying we had American help." She was so furious she stamped on the galley floor. "Shalom yourself," I said. "I hate to have to tell you this, but you did have American help." "That's lie," she said, with fire in her eye. "Your country de- clared itself neutral and this time I hope your President doesn't try to get us to stop beating them until they admit who beat them. "Why do you try to tell me we had American help?" "Because I was there and I have been on your side all along," I said. "Now be a good girl and hand me a pillow and offer me a drink." MY FLIGHT out ended a long day spent mostly in the Gaza talk- ing with kibbutz dwellers who had been under attack, and visiting Is- raeli mortar positions :that were firing back at diehards continuing their sniper activity out of Gaza city itself. Everywhere I went Wednesday I found war correspondents o'f all nationalities careening about in cars. The countryside was sudden- ly swarming with the press. This is always a sure sign of victory in modern warfare. Easily the biggest hazaird of a jourvnaistin Israel and holding back, the tiny coun rr took the gravest possible risk and guaranteed itself the loss of many young lives when fighting started. Israelis I have talked with- especially in places like the kib- butzes, where head, heart and hands of strong youth are assets beyond imagination-are generally agreed that restraint was indeed a political necessity, despite its military hazards. However, this time they are quietly but grimly and somewhat bitterly determined that this must not be allowed to happen to yet another generation in the future. I, for one, believe they mean it. As of Wednesday night, Israeli ,officials had not yet released casu- alty lists, but it is generally as- sumed that casualties will be shockingly high. On Tuesday in Jerusalem, I learned the civilian count in that city alone after one, night's shelling was over 500- some of them wounded for the second time when a hospital was shelled twice I have yet' to hear anyone get loudly emotional about human losses, but in Israel they do value people highly, partly because they are short-handed anyway, and there is a deep anger that this stupid bloodbath had to take place. IN ONE KIBBUTZ near Gaza I wandered alone into a cow barn and found one of those offbeat bits of pathos you often stumble onto in wars. The barn had been clobbered by Arab artillery and more than half the bovine popula- tion of the kibbutz had earned Purple Hearts the hard way. (No humans were killed in this particular place.) The dead and hopelessly wound- ed animals had been carted off for butchering. The surviyors, in- cluding about a hundred calves, with their hides ripped and punc- tured in various ways by shell fragments, stood and lay about, staring back at me with that sad, patient, benign expression peculiar to cattle. One calf had lost an eye in the attack and was too weak from shock or bleeding to even raise its head from the floor but managed to look sweetly upward with the remaining eyes. Somehow that calf got to me. I think that was when I decided 4 I BARRY GOLDWA TER::..e oviets Gain in Middle East The Soviet Union is winning an undeserved victory in the Middle East crisis. She is winning this victory on a silver platter, handed to her by this administration and by every- one in this country who persists in feeling that "building bridges" to Communism outweighs every and all Communist terror, aggres- sion, subversion and outright com- bat. At the outset of the Middle East crisis, if only for a moment, there was almost a united revulsion in this country at the obvious fact that the Soviets-through sup- port of such Arab socialist leaders as Gamal Abdel Nasser - had been the guiding hand in the opening of hostilities in the area. It was almost universally con- flames of war for its own politi- cal advantage. (As discussed in an earlier col- umn, the obvious long-range in- terests of the Soviets in setting the Middle East aflame, aside from the obvious advantages of a diver- sion from Vietnam, are in gain- ing control of the land bridge to North Africa and of the shipping lanes of the Suez-Red Sea sys- tem.) Instead of pressing the case against Soviet aggression, or their support of it, the path of Ameri- can diplomacy quickly turned to enlisting Soviet support for a cease-fire which, in turn, meant a turnabout soft-pedalling of the Soviet role in starting the war in the first place. Actually, there is ample reason to believe that the Soviets would less they feel the military cause to be. SADLY, but in a way under- standably, there are many who rush to help them in this. The most sincere of these people, ob- viously, are doing it on the basis of preferring peace in the Middle East at any price. I happento feel that they are shortsighted- just as shortsighted as was Neville Chamberlain when he tried to buy ,peace at any price at. Mun- ich. He bought war. We will just buy delayed trou- ble, also, unless peace in the Mid- dle East is protected against a repetition of this Communist- backed conflict. To reward the Soviets with the image of peacemaker in this cur- rent situation or to say that their cooperation is "the one bright I I