INTERVIEW WITH MUHAMMAD ALI See editorial page OL SirA P43a tty STICKY High--89 LOW-65 Hot and humid with chance of showers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 298 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1967 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES _ .TO MEET IN PIERPONT'S OFFICE: Voice To Confront Admini ..,..erkOn National SDS Conventi stration on Issue -Daily-Thomas R. Copi SPRING MOBILIZATION TO END THE WAR in Vietnam brought over a quarter million people to New York April 15. Radical groups unanimously urged an immediate U.S. withdrawal from the war, but since then bitter divisions among the New Left groups have arisen over tactics to organize opposition to the war and resistance to the draft. New Left Splinters on posiion By AVIVA KEMPNER Problems arising over Voice political party's decision to host the national convention of Stu- dents for a Democratic Society will result in a confirmation be- tween Voice and the University's administration today. At their weekly meeting last night, Voice members decided to go today at 3 p.m to the office of Wilbur Pierpont, vice-president and chief financial officer of the University. There, they said, they will request to speak with Pier- pont and discuss with him re- quests Voice has made of the Uni- versity in relation to the scheduled convention. This morning, Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard Cut- ler will issue a statement in reply to a letter sent to Cutler last week by Voice member Eric Chester, '66. In the letter, Voice asked that the SDS convention to be held here June 25-30 be considered an "educational experience" which might involve University subsidy. Also, Voice objected to the need for lobby supervisors at thecon- vention's functions, and offered to supply its own. Daniel Fitzpatrick, assistant di- rector of student organizations, said that there is some doubt as to the exact definition of "educa- tional experience." According to Ernest Zimmer- man, assistant to the vice-presi- dent for academic affairs, the University does not charge for meeting space needed if the pur- pose of the meeting is essentially educational. "In the past, when Voice wanted to give its own draft test, the Uni- versity ruled that the test was an informaiton session, and did not charge for the use of the room" in which the test was administer- ed, Zimmerman explained. "Since the bulk of the conven- tion will consist of workshops open to the public," Chester said, "Voice thinks it should be classified an 'educational experience' which in BULLETIN TAMPA IP) - Arsonists set fires in Negro areas here late last night after law officers "took a chance" and pulled out. (See earlier story Page 3) the past has had University finan- cial backing." John Walters, administrative as- sistant of parking operations and audotorium, explained that the University is required by a regu- lation from the fire marshal's of- fice that a lobby supervisor be )resent in any room that has been leased for purposes other than academic programs. The lobby su- pervisor's duties are to supervise the area, protect University prop- erty, and assist the lessee in any way, Walters said. "The lobby supervisor, who is paid about three dollars per hour, must be trained in 'crowd control' which is necessary in cases of emergencies or a dog entering the premises," Walters added. But Chester said that "the re- quirement of having a lobby supervisor is arbitrary and we cannot afford the cost. And I do not see why we cannot appoint our own people for the job," he said. According to Chester, Fitzpat- rick originally thought janitors could perform the duties of lobby Housn Group's Report Calls For U' Apartment Construction To Drafi By DAVID KNOKE Second of a Five-Part Series In late May students from 118 universities and high schools met at the University of Chicago to formulate plans to follow up the successful Spring Mobilization " which brought a quarter million persons to New York and San Francisco to march for an end to the Vietnam war. Gathered under the umbrella of the Student Mobilization Commit- tee, the students there represent- ed the most vocal elements of the ideologically-committed anti- war student groups. The issues and controversy that developed in the conference demonstrated that the New Left is not at all unified in its opposition to the war. "The basic cleavages," recalls chairman C. Clark Kissinger, a community organizer in Chicago, "were along the lines of commu- nity organization versus further mass mobilizations, and draft re- sistance versus agitation within the armed forces. Conference Stand "The Students for a Democratic Society and the black. militants supported the former stands while the Trotskyites were backing the more spectacular tactics."' The conference passed a pro- posal for a fall March on Wash- ington, which was forwarded to the Spring Mobilization Commit- tee headed by Rev. James Bevel, aide to Dr. Martin Luther King. The participants took a stand against the 2-S deferment, set up a Draft Resistance Clearing- house in Madison, Wis., and ap- proved the idea of community referenda on the war. But the very real divisions among the leftist groups came over more extreme proposals which were not passed. War, Organizing Tactics After the vote opposing 2-S de- ferments was passed, the W. E. B. DuBois Clubs, an outgrowth of the old leftist youth organizations, called for "those who voted to abolish 2-S to turn in their 2-S right now to the chairman." The motion was applauded, but later withdrawn when no support was found.- The SDS caucus suddenly pull- ed out of the continuing commit- tee of the SMC until the national SDS council had decided whether or not to remain -affaliated. The SDS delegation also charged that SMC was "undemocratic" in its autonomy of staff and committee. As the situation stands now, the separate groups on the left are pursuing their own individual an- ti-war crusades. The hard-line left is committed to working against the war from within the armed services. Pfc. Howard Petrick, a- drafted Trots- kyite, is now facing court martial after continuing to pass out lit- erature and speak to the soldiers against the war. His lawyers are contesting the case on grounds of freedom of speech. 'Rough Sledding' The DuBois Clubs and the Mao- ist Progressive Labor Party face rough sledding. Their memberships are small. their vitriolic party-line dogma repulses many activists and they are constantly harrassed by the Justice Department and oth- ers who try to pin a "subversive" label on them. . Among the decentralist, pacifist- ic New Left groups, black militants such as the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee have vig- orously endorsed the alliance of civil rights and the peace move- ment. that Rev. King formed at the April peace rally. At the SMC, the caucus of black students encouraged the formation supervisor. But "after I talked to Walters," Fitzpatrick said, "I real- ized that University rules were involved." Student Government Council President Bruce Kahn, '68. will receive Cutler's statement since he signed for the authorization for the use of rooms. The University requires a student signature on such requests for authorization, and Chester is not a student. And Voice members who are also' stu- dents according to Chester, refuse to sign these forms. of draft-resistance unions in both black and white communities and campuses. They also called for parallel efforts in white commu- nities to build a radical move- ment across the country that would last beyond any specific ob- jective such as an end to the war. SDS goes in for community-de- velopment in a big way. Several long-standing organization efforts, like those in Newark, N.J., and Chicago, have had no difficulty in- corporating peace work into their regular programs. SDS national secretary Greg Calvert confides personally that he is opposed to any move to orga- nize on more than a local scale. "Even people like (past secre- tary) Paul Booth who advocate working within the electoral proc- ess are being forced into thinking more and more along lines of lo- cal candidates," said Calvert. "It may be possible to break the (Chicago Mayor) Daley ma- chine, but you certainly can't take on the Johnson machine in Wash- ington. The alternative is direct action and more of that kind of thing. Calvert stresses, however, that local SDS chapters have great au- tonomy from the national and that "probably many people" in SDS will ally themselves, at least in- dividually, with Vietnam Summer and Citizens for New Politics to work for political solutions. 'Guerrilla Warfare' The New York Times recentlyj ran a survey on the New Left in which Calvert was quoted, "We are working to build a guerrilla1 force in an urban environment. We are organizing sedition." "That's pretty much a liberal scarecrow," explained Calvert, who claimed the Times played up his remarks out of context. The mere entertainment of the idea of guerrilla warfare in the cities is preposterous and incon- sonant with SDS's past history. Calvert's remarks and similar statements by other New Left per- sons do indicate that, a turning point has been reached in the " radical movement. SDS has grown in the five years since its founding to a nationwide organization encompassing nearly 6000 members and another 25,000 non-dues-paying affiliates. The membership is predom- inantly middle-class college stu- dents. Increasingly the intellectual leadership in more established chapters, such as Boston, New York, Berkeley and Ann Arbor. have advocated taking the move- ment off-campus and into the community, particularly apathetic and apolitical communities such as black ghettos and working class neighborhoods. "There has always been this nlit hetween thne who see SDS is doing any organizing work of any kind," said Kissinger. "People are not against the war because they have been reached and persuaded by organizers. The objective facts of the war have made many oppose it, but have offered no direction to this opposi- tion. "If the objective facts could raise this amount of dissent, think what a grass-roots organization effort could do!" Multi-Issue Work Kissinger's own work in the white, middle-class 49th Ward in Chicago is an example of the pa- tient, multi-issue work radicals envision as necessary for chang- ing the nation. The Committee for Independ- ent Political Action (CIPA), a peace-politics group, has been making its presence known in the 49th for over a year. Kissinger was nominated for alderman and ran on a platform that "the war is a local issue." Although he failed to pull five per cent of the vote from the Daley machine, CIPA has not fold- ed. An office staff maintains an 800-name mailing list (of 15,000 voters), sponsors a teen program, and plans to contest every local and state election. Similar projects around the country function in Cleveland, St. Louis, Oakland, Newark, Boston and Chicago. SDS also hopes to get into labor union organizing and has had some success among hospital workers and poor white urban communities. But the full-time organizers are still a minority among New Left-. ists, many of whom are tied to campuses by their degree pro- grams. Student power against uni- versity administration control and alliances with adult political dis- senters to back candidates win wide support. Draft Resistance One program that receives al- most universal support from the various New Left factions is the draft resistance movement. "Generally we'll be doing a lot of experimentation this summer and making mistakes from which we'll learn," said Dan Swinney, who keeps some 30 draft resistance groups in contact through a clear- inghouse operation in Madison. Advocates of direct a c t i o n against the draft favor agitation at physicals and inductions, but the weakness of this program is that the draft picks upon indi- viduals rather than groups. Minnesota SDS member Lee Warren Smith would like to see a coordination of the various edu- cational, resistance and organiza- tion tactics to bring the funda- mental issues before the public. "With the abandonment of the single-issue approach." he writes, By WALTER SHAPIRO The Student Advisory Commit- tee on Housing is currently study- ing a proposal whereby the Uni- versity would construct several low-cost student apartment build- ings designed primarily to meet the housing "need of the low in- come student." The proposal, drawn up by the student members of the commit- tee, envisions that these apart- ments, if approved, would be com- pleted in time for the predicted expansion of graduate school en- rollment in 1969-70. This plan was constructed with the encouragement of the admin- istration. Tom Van Lente, '67, a member of the committee, said that over a year ago Vice-Presi- dent for Business and Finance Wilbur Pierpont and Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs Richard Cutler were quite interested in the idea and strongly recommended that it be made into a formal pro- posal. Several 10-14-story buildings on the central campus are suggested "because of high land costs." The report states that a "a bilevel, four bedroom apartment is the least costly, most private type of unit." Each bedroom would be occupied by a single student. It is much easier for the Uni- versity to construct apartments of this type than for private land- lords, since the University is not obligated to observe Ann Arbor zoning rules, Van Lente noted. These rules base the number of required parking s p a c e s and National Guard Called Out As Riots Rage in Cincinnati amount of floor space on the number of bedrooms in an apart- ment. John Feldkamp, director of housing, saidyesterday, "Bursley Hall is probably the last conven- tional dormitory which we will build here. We are now looking for new approaches to the housing question and this is one of the most creative ideas we have seen." The proposal sees the Univer- sity's only functions in such a pro- ject as collecting the rent and keeping the buildings managed as in conventional Ann Arbor apart- ments. The proposal suggests two pos- sible plans for computing rents. One idea is for "lowr rents to be charged and income limitations be used to screen applicants." The other method would be for market rents to be charged, low income students would then be given a subsidy. By PAULA LUZANNANI Special To The Daily CINCINNATI, Ohio-The Ohio National Guard was called out last night as Cincinnati was rock- ed for the second consecutive night by a major racial disorder in the predominantly Negro com- munity of Avondale. At 9:40 p.m., C!DS time, as vio- lence began to spread to other parts of the city, Mayor Walton Bachrach, on the advice of Police Chief Jacob Schott and Safety Di- rector Col. Henry Sandman, issued a call to mobilize the first bat- talion of the Ohio National Guard, a Hamilton County based unit. Gov. James A. Rhodes called out units of the guard from Cincin- nati after Bachrach had asked that the guard be sent to halt the violence. SEROTKIN VICTORY: Romney Action Team Strategy Wins Over Sleepy' Democrats N E WS WIRE Late World News By The AssociatedPress MONTGOMERY, Ala.-Stokely Carmichael, free on $500 bond, led a group of marchers toward tlhe Alabama State Capitol last night and when they were stopped by police drew cheers shouting, "Your enemy is Lurleen Wallace." Carmichael was bailed out of the Autauga County Jail earlier in the night by Rap Brown, head of the Student Non- violent Coordinating Committee. By NEAL BRUSS Special To The Daily' Daily News Analysis MT. CLEMONS-David Serot- kin, a 28-year-old attorney, won his 75th state representative dis- trict election June 6, but his vic- tory is less meaningful than that of the Republicans who helped him. . Serotkin, who unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination in 1966, has lived in the area for only a few years. His opponent, Victor Steeh, an insurance agent and former legislator lived in Mt. Clemens all his life and had been elected its representative in 1964. The win will give Serotkin a ticket to Lansing politics. But for the Romney Action Team, the crew of state Repub- lican legislators and politicians who are currently trying to pass their fiscal reform package, Serot- kin's vote is one more toward a legislative triumph just beyond their reach. He now gives the Re- publicans a 56-54 House lead. For the Romney for President hopefuls, Serotkin's win is the second of two indications that Gov. George Romney can get Re- publicans elected. If the fiscal package is passed, the presidential boosters will have evidence that Romney can also get his programs passed. Thus, the Serotkin win is a local, state and national gain for the Republicans.r Republican Strategy The Republicans won for Serot- kin by getting out the votes: Program' headed by former Gov. G. Mennen Williams, a senatorial looser with little more than sen- temental appeal. Another loser, Democratic State Chairman Zol- ton Ferency, and several winners, U.S. Sen. Philip Hart and Rep. James O'Hara of Utica came out for Steeh. Constitutional Revision The Democrats were also hurt by a 1961 state constitutional re- vision which demands that voters who have missed a two-year elec- tion re-register. Previously a voter needed to vote only once in four years to stay eligible. There was no time to register voters during the Steeh campaign, and so Dem- ocrats who voted for President Johnson - and Victor Steeh -in 1964, but failed to vote in 1966, could not vote in the special elec- tion of 1967. Paying off the Democrats with large but well-directed amounts of money, manpower and political skill, the Republicans won in an aging "swing" district. The Democrats, who lost with Wiliams, Jimmy Hoffa Jr., and now with Victor Steeh are stretch- ing slowly in their political lethar- gy. The Romney Action Team has, at least for a few years, found the style for beating dozing Democrats in what traditionally has been their own territory. Gen. Robert H. Canterbury, as- sistant adjutant general, said 800- 900 guardsmen were initially call- ed into the area. As police struggled to gain con- trol of the situation, reports con- tinued to pour in of looting and fires caused by molotov cocktails. A Cincinnati Transit bus, hard- ware store, furniture store and truck were set on fire as the vio- lence extended to other parts of the city. Approximately 4250 youths at- tacked one police car and shatter- ed all the windows in one incident, while several civilian cars were at- tacked and the occupants injured, one seriously. Police and news cars were stoned as tenmion continued to mount. The outbreak began Monday night as roving crowds of Negro youths roamed the Avondale area hurling objects through store windows. Early information included re- ports of wide-spread looting, but later analysis showed it to be mi- nimal, police said. Seeds of the disturbance were sown Monday morning when civil rights leaders Clyde Vinegar, for- mer president of the Congress of Racial Equality, and Leonard Hall, president of Cincinnati Friends of SNCC met with City Manager Wil- liam C. Wichman to protest the arrests over the weekend of a man charged with unlawful assembly at Rockdale Avenue and Reading Road in the heart of the Avondale area. At that time they said another protest was being planned for the same place that evening and dared Wichman to have police arrest them. Police were on hand as a crowd assembled Monday evening but no action was taken until a youth in the crowd hurled a rock through a nearby window. He was taken into custody and the arrest protested. Police pro- ceeded to break up the crowd. Shortly after the crowd dis- persed, wide-spread incidents were reported and continued until 1:30 a.m Resumption of hostility yester- day took place during the day. They originated in the same Av- ondale area but quickly spread to other p redominantly Negro areas of the city, including Walnut Hills, Evanston, Peebles Corner, Cory- ville, and West End. Schott had more than 400 men on, duty to put down the rioting. A large area of Avondale was seal- ed off, but there were constant reports of gangs of juveniles form- ing disorderly crowds outside the restricted area. Police supervisors were ordered to read the Ohio Riot Act aloud in all uncontrolled areas. Reading of' fbA, ri. 4-ant ,means that crowdsi!'