. ., 4 ter 0 At The Globa Screw (Continued from page fer) emerge to pave the way for a pro- ductive detente. O b v i o u s 1 y the A m e r i c a n-Soviet relationship is meant to be a case in point. The problem is China, which is at the same time refusing to obey the rules and attempting to become a global power. We have no alterna- tive but to force her to play the game-hence Vietnam. Undersec- retary of State George Ball left no doubt when he said in a major poli- cy speech: A focus of the (East-West) struggle has shifted recently from Europe to Asia because the Soviet Union, having grown powerful, has be- gun to have a stake in the status quo. The purpose of the forceful containment of Communist China is to induce a similar change in its outlook . . . This is the issue in Viet-Nam. This is what we are fighting for. This is why we are there. There are reasons why we contin- ue to be the protagonist in the Cold War, and Oglesby's explanation points to our need for economic markets: "The Free World is the world economic area in which the Ameri- can businessman enjoys greatest freedom of commercial maneuver. Simply add to this the observation that America is the leader of the Free World and one has grasped the essentials of America's Free World Imperialism." He goes on to give names, places and profits, and shows how the U. S. government reinforces corporations' economic hegemony around the world. The. government's role has best been de- scribed as welfare imperialism, which includes police-military train- ing and equipping, USIA propagan- da, AID and bank loans, civic action projects, labor union "advice," edu- cational reforms, fiscal and admin- istrative changes and many other devices. The result is that Third World countries become extremely dependent on our presence, which naturally makes it much easier for us to influence and manipulate their government's policy. One example of Oglesby's re- search which should be encouraging to those who want to do research on their own is the case of the Hanna Mine Co. in Brazil. This company had lost certain concession rights and Oglesby wanted to show the series of events which allowed them to regain those rights. Originally, his source was the Brazilian under- ground press; but when Oglesby's publisher objected, he was forced to turn to open sources in this coun- try. The result was a much stronger documentation. One of the best sections of the essay is "The Revolted," which de- scribes the psychology of the peas- ant turned guerilla. The Hegelian master-slave relationship becomes meaningful when th.pasant and his environment are viewed in spe- cific and concrete situations. The dilemma of revolutionary violence,. which burdens the middle class.in- tellectual to the point of inaction, is for the peasant unreal. His life is suffused with violence no matter what he chooses. Half of his chil- dren die; those who survive cannot be fed, clothed or sheltered proper- ly; disease is widespread; the entire family is illiterate-which means they are at the mercy of literates. The peasant's labor belongs to his master and not to him: life will be short. This is violence. For Camus, perhaps, there is a dilemma, but not for the peasant. Oglesby ends by considering the old American pattern and its new vocabulary: The same imperial plunder con- tinues, Gargantuan now, justified as usual by some combination of the three traditional elements of orthodox imperialist ideology: keeping the peace, now called 'Free World responsibility'; con- quest of the wilderness, now called 'developing the underdeveloped'; and defeating the Heathen (Pagan, Barbarian, Savage), a figure who is now brought up to date and secularized as the Red Menace - same as the redskin, this Red, except more ferocious, wilder, more resistant and cunning. The choice for Americans is not between free- dom and tyranny, but "between continuing the theft and breaking it off." Shaull's essay is important for several reasons, but primarily be- cause the author is a member of the elergy. Also, he has spent many years working closely with the Catholic left in Brazil. The growing concern of isolated clergy over Viet- nam and problems of the Third World vis-a-vis the United States is a hopeful sign to. be encouraged and understood. The middle class will be a crucial sector of the society to enlist if there is to be any hope of developing a new foreign policy public in this country. The church is one institution which can start this dialogue within the middle class. Shaull brings out some new ideas on technology which, com- bined with its resulting alienation, he thinks is creating a search for a new style of life amongrmany of the younger generation (SNCC workers, student activists, hippies, communi- ty organizers, New Politics advo- cates). The membership is small, but continually growing. Another inter- esting issue which Shaull raises is the paradox between social revolu- tion and technology. One would imagine that these two phenomena complement one another, but today the revolutionary and the techno- crat stand bitterly opposed-again, Vietnam. .Both essays judge the American nation to be guilty of crimes against the people of the Third World. And both authors areconvinced that political action is the only means to change our history. Jon Frappier Mr. Frappier received his B.A. in philosophy at The University of Michigan. Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch 4 The Acidental President, by Rob- ert SherrW . Grossman Publshers. $4.95. The winter of Lyndon Johnson's discontent is stretching on into the summer. Whether it will extend to the fall of 1968 is anybody's guess; but Robert Sherrill's new book about him ought to keep leftist members of Johnson's opposition angry (as if they weren't already) until then. Sherrill-once a Texas-based journalist and now Washington cor- respondent for The Nation-feels about Johnson the way most Texas liberals do: he hates him. About the most charitable thing Sherrill can say about LBJ is that "the ol' boy" is "a fascinatingly rousing bastard." A more typical comment: ".. .the man is not likeable and is, in fact, treacherous, dishonest, manic-aggressive, petty, s p o i 1 ed, and, above all, accidental." The very chapter titles virtually quiver with hostility: "Will the real Lyndon Johnson please sit down?", "The Great What?" and "Lyndon Ueber Alles." The journalistic over- kill is so vast that the reader occa- sionally finds himself gasping, "My God, he can't be that bad." Indeed, he often isn't. For exam- ple:, Every time a reporter disturbs one of his press conferences with a query about unemployment, John- son sails off on the wings of eupho- ria and returns with statistics to prove that unemployment is way, way down-under 4 per cent. It looks good. But as a matter of fact numerous experts in this field, in- cluding Dr. Charles Killingsworth and Gunnar Myrdal believe that unemployment in this country has been at the 8 to 9 per cent level for years. Many people hunt for work for so long, unsuccessfully, that they become discouraged and drop out of the market. They are not counted by Johnson. Neither does he say much about the "underem- ployed," just as frustrated although better fed: the millions who are working at jobs far below their abilities. It has been reputably esti- mated that this group constitutes 25 per cent of the labor force.- The reference to the two "ex- perts" is pleasing. But, like a lot of the book, it is misleading. True, Johnson doesn't count the "hidden" unemployed. The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't either-in fact, it didn't under Presidents Kennedy, Eisenhower or Truman. But (John- son's) Council of Economic Advisers does estimate that there are aboft a million of them. And the BLS has during LBJ's incumbency instituted a new figure for "labor force time lost" which-you guessed it- in e a s u r e s "underemployment" (which most economists think of as work-hours lost by those who can't put in a full work-week for econom- ic reasons, but would like to). And if Sherrill sails off on the wings of antagonism and returns with inaccuracies on. occasion, he also tends to forget about political realities. Politics, alas, is the art of the possible. A lot of what Johnson wants to do just isn't possible. The mentality of Congress and the state of public opinion--not LBJ-are of- ten at fault. - For example, Sherrill notes that "after the Mayors of two cities had told Congress that they would need $65 billion over the next decade to save their cities" Johnson told a re- porter that "the best thing Congress could do (to attack urban decay immediately) is pass my teachers' corps legislation." Sherrill com- ments: Thousands ot stupefied dope ad- diets, alleys and hallways that serve mainly as depositories for garbage and through ways for rats, toilets that don't flush, toilets that don't exist, human and animal ex- cretion that clog rivers, transit sys- tems that don't transit, and feeder systems that don't feed-1700 teachers should be able to fix it. What he forgets is that Johnson was having trouble squeezing even that much out of C o n g r e s s- because, as Sherrill himself implies later in another context, Johnson isn't a "legislative wizard," particu- larly when the Congress isn't inter- ested in doing what he wants. A key housing section in a 1965 bill passed by only 6 votes in the House, and the Administration's demon- stration cities program has been in Congressional trouble since it was first proposed. One main obstacle is Rep. Joe Evins of Tennessee, the chairman of a House housing sub- committee. He doesn't like housing programs. JOHNSON ' : ' Realities always modify goals in politics. Johnson didn't defeat the open-occupancy (fair housing) sec- tion of the civil rights bill last sum- mer-it died in a Senate filibuster after the Administration tried lob- bying and compromise in the House (which worked) and pressure on Mi- nority Leader Everett Dirksen in the Senate (which didn't). Old Ev had the occupar has coi Pointe can't d althoug open-oc by all fate. But f penchar devil, m son is 1 politics possible trickery three. that 1tl tician is some se ers. Here ways op ed agai least U there h Santo I from u were gc (the am didn't I and, in any bul KC 7ke best of the published and unpublished writings of the doyen of the Chicago School of Criticism a " 00""i 04 -1 THE IDEA OF THE. HUMANITIES, and Other Essays, Critical and Historical Tntil one has seen how a man can, without xnconsisteucy, pursue a mode of criticism rigorously and even passionately and at the same time believe that mode to be only one of many valid modes, one cannot really catch what Crane is about.V says WAY c. zoox xii his itroductiofl - The new understanding these volumes afford c 'w at Crane is about" is suNe to engender new admiration for R. S. Crane and the infuueccl he has exerted over generations of students and wkiters. Volume I traces the history of the Rumanistic arts and discusses major figures inxthe history of ideas. Volume If, after an extended inquiry into the theory of critids considers particular critics and includes some cf Crane's own studies of Austen and Hemningway. T'ovol esun, e 15.0O A 15th Anniversaty team'fcoi. 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