III 4 ... .. .. ..' .. It -c .. -1 . v 4 The Viio nJ The Unicorn Girl, by Caroline Glyn Coward-McCann. $4.00. Blessed are the pure in heart, among which must be numbered Fullie, the heroine and narrator of Caroline Glyn's third novel, The Unicorn Girl. Fullie f i n d s it necessary to remind her teacher, ...I am a virgin, the right kind of virgin and in the right ways. There aren't so many like me nowadays." Although she is aware of the heart's darker portions, Fullie is determin- ed to struggle against them, and she manages to win at least a partial victory. She manages to form a ten- tative rapprochement between the demands of the world and the fanta- sies of her own inner vision-no mean trick. Fullie is thirteen and an unwill- ing Girl Guide. She is also a "uni- corn girl," believing that she is con- stantly chaperoned by a unicorn whose presence keep her apart from other humans, whose presence keeps her lonely. There are consola- tions: Sometimes I've thought that being blind wouldn't matter so much, because all the most inter- esting things I've seen seemed to be inside my head as it were, not seen with my eyes at all. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the novel she is pulled back towards humankind after a frighteningly complete withdrawal into woodmag- ic fantasy. She decides to go to Girl Guide summer camp to be with oth- er people despite the fact that she is too fat to stalk properly, too self- absorbed to follow regulations and too sensible to treat Guide camp with appropriate reverence. At camp Fullie is forced to un- derstand other people, and she learns to help them and make friends. Becoming more compassion- ate, she becomes able to laugh at herself. She retains her special vi- sion, but she is within the world nonetheless. Fullie narrates her story with ad- mirable balance. She is serious -- indeed, as she notes, she cares al- most too much. Yet she does not ob- scure the edge of her humor. We ae given honest glimpses of the bumbling chaos of summer camp, the tragi-comic crises of adoles- eence, the little absurdities of everyday life. Presently Miss Hick came in, trying to look maternal and con- cerned. (But I had overheard the speech she had just made to the rest of the company, a really nasty speech about discipline and cleanli- ness.).. .She wasn't too worried about the state of my health. Girls at school did this the whole time -- rushing out of the classroom, chok- ing, and having to be supported to the rest room. The style of narration is plain, clear, clean - its reasonableness adds to the tone of balance that generally restrains a subject easily swept into hyperbole and sentimen- tality. Although there are large por- tions of the book that seem to go nowhere, they pass nicely enough and with a certain charm, like aim- lessly watching children at play. Miss Glyn, only nineteen herself, has not written a "great novel," nor made any pretense of doing so - a fact itself refreshing. Instead, with a careful eye and good humor, she has written a fine minor novel. Creating only one real character, Fullie, a strangely believable mix- ture of pure honesty and pure naiv- ete, Miss Glyn has examined a sub- ject almost inherently pretentious in a market glutted with examina- tions of youth. She has, however, managed to remain almost as pure as her heroine. The Global Containment and Change, by Carl Oglesby and Richard Shaull. The Macmillan Co. $1.45. This is definitely one book that should not be judged by its cover. The cover is revolting, the contents compelling. The first part is "Viet- namese Crucible: An Essay on the Meanings of the Cold War" by Og- lesby and the second is Shaull's "Revolution: Heritage and Contem- porary Option." Oglesby's extremely readable es- say is wide-ranging. It covers many areas of U. S. foreign policy, and develops an overview which is firm- ly grounded in facts and statistics. It is one of the few accounts of Viet- nam which places that small coun- try in a larger perspective. One ma- jor thrust of the essay is its denial that Vietnam is an accident, a devia- tion from our normally sane foreign policy. Both essays confront the peace movement in this country, head on. It's not enough to ask for peace in Vietnam, to plead for negotiations; we must go to the root cause of our involvement in that devastated country. For Oglesby the explana- tion is an historical one, a long rec- ord of U.S. economic expansion and domination. Consequently, he be- lieves, even if we get out of Viet- nam it will not be long before we intervene in Thailand, Venezuela, Guatemala and any other country which has the arrogance to build an indigenous guerrilla movement to fight for national independence. Oglesby's first task is to break through the Administration's rheto- ric. The superficial justifications are presented and refuted so that the air may be cleared. "We are le- gally obligated to fight. We are re- sponding to an emergency from the Vietnamese people. Our global rep- utation is at stake. We are resist- ing an invasion because a) the NLF Is the political creature of North Vietnam, and b) North Vietnamese troops are fighting in the South. If we fail to contain them here, we shall have to contain them some- place else." Oglesby's reply to each of these positions is convincing and adequate, but much more could be said by way of documentation. Oglesby moves on to an analysis of the Cold War and what it means to play by the rules of the game. Each contestant must accept certain propositions as given: global war is not the means to gain one's objec- tives; a global truce line must be drawn. It is through this process of demarcating that the contestants become familiar with each other and begin to communicate their at- titudes. The pay-off for following the rules is that common interests, which latently existed before, (Cntinved en page ei h Black Skin, White Mdsks, by Frantz Fanon. Grove Press. $5.00. The explosion will not happen to- day. It is too soon.. .or too late. I do not come with timeless truths. My consciousness is not illumi- nated with ultimate radiances. Nevertheless, in complete compo- sure, I think it would be good if certain things were said. Fanon's message, hardly a novel one, is that in order to discover his own identity, his own role in the world, the Negro must surmount his drives to be white. In an investi- gation founded on the best psycho- logical technique, he explores the consequences ofnwhite domination, both actual, as in his native Marti- nique, and effective, as in France. While Fanon claims acute delibera- tion, and penetrated study of the subject, the tone of the book is of- ten confusingly emotional. The author's main concern is Ne- gro-white relations and the alleged inferiority of the black man. For those who argue that the black is a human being of the second order because of real genetic defects or at least differences, he describes the particular brand of racism found in his home town of Antilles. Here the dark-skinned natives have been speaking French for so long that they consider themselves culturally as well as politically French. Be- yond that, they have ceased to view themselves as Negroes at all. The savage Sengalese soldier, he's a real black. An Antillean has "risen above" his Negro heritage and fan- cies himself part of the white hier- archy. Yet the citizens have not lost a sense of racial inferiority. A black-a Sengalese, says-is still less than perfect. Whiteness is puri- ty, it is everything good, accepted, superior. In developing this idea Fanon examines the relationship between a Negro woman and a white man, and conversely, between a white woman and a Negro man. He maintains that both types are of- ten manifestations of the Negro's desire to achieve superiority over his own. He is cleansing himself of his blackness and entering the white domain. On the other hand, the white sees himself as traitorous and his situation degrading. By means of various psycholog- ical tricks, Fanon demonstrates the almost imperceptible but ever present prejudice of white people, and shows how this prejudice is transferred to the blacks. Over three or four years I ques- tioned some 500 members of the white race-French, German, Eng- lish, Italian. I took advantage of a certain air of trust, of relaxation; In each instance I waited until my subject no longer hesitated to talk to me quite openly-that is, until he was sure that he would not offend me. Or else, in the midst of asso- iational tests, I inserted the word Negro among some twenty others. Almost 60 per cent of the replies took this form: Nego brought forth biology, pen- is, strong, athletic, potent, boxer, Joe Louis, Jesse Owens, Sengalese troops, savage, animal, devil, sin. The underlying assumptions im- plied in a remark such as "My Ne- gro friend has a university degree" are far more significant than the ac- tual statement. And it is in this en- vironment that the Negro himself is socialized. For him the easiest es- cape is to become white. But what- ever his personal plan of action, whether conscious or unconscious, his blackness is always outstanding in his relations with his white fel- lows. He is not allowed to whiten even his soul. The history of the Negro is of lit- tle consequence to Fanon. Digging up the past does nothing to mold or advance the social revolution occur- ring now. Moreover, he states that Negroes' history will never be of im- portance if they continue in this pattern of "whitening" themselves. It is imperative for Negroes to search out their real identity and reject the white man's ill-fitting comparisons. To assert himself the Negro must be a true revolutionary. He must al- ienate himself from middle-class so- ciety, which has become "rigidified in predetermined forms, forbidding all evolution, all gains, all progress, all discovery" and in which "ideas and men are corrupt." Only when he is free from all-pervading white prejudice can he accurately per- ceive the meaning of his existence. One of the problems of Fanon's Fanon the Flames of Discontenzi style in Black Skin, White Masks is that, contrary to his promise in the opening lines of the introduction, he fails to deliver his arguments "in complete composure." While he does avoid the sheer pedantry that could come from a psychologist giv- ing a scientific explanation of social phenomena, his long stream- of-consciousness monologues be- speak more "soul" than sociology. One expects, even looks forward to passages like "As we have seen, on examination Jean Veneuse displays the structure of an abandonment- neurotic of the negative-aggressive type." Psychology is the man's busi- ness, and what is jargon to some, is to others technical language that in- dicates a diagnosis and implies a cure. The final passages of the book say as much about the author as his ideas, and perhaps give some indi- cation of the true spirit in which the work was offered: Superiority? Inferiority? Why not the quite simple attempt to touch the other, to feel the other, to explain the other to myself? Was my freedom not given to me then in order to build the world of the You! At the conclusion of this study, I want the world to recognize with me, the open door of every con- sciousness. Regina Widmann Miss Widmann is a second-year student at DePaul University. The C The Jour The Mod Pers a fThe Te c The The E ALL HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU- 0 Smiled at someone Complimented some- Agreed w it h your you totally dislike but one on their good taste boss when you thought whe yu raly touhthe was wrong just to don't want to offend? when you really thought make a good impres- it was terrible? sion? Started an argument Avoided an you knew you could ment you k n e win? could not win? argu- UComplained a b o u t w you your financial situation in order to appear a martyr? Jeff Schntzer An affirmative answer to any of these may qualify you for the title of MANIPULATOR. Mr. Schnitzer is a fourth-year student majoring in American Civilization at Brandeis University. *1 HEARTLAND is a collection of poems by twenty- nine living writers associated with the midwest. Their works reveal different outlooks and are wrjtteain a variety of styles, ranging from such traditional forms as the sonnet to contemporary 'experiments. While some of the writers are very well-known, others are emerging as important members of a new generation of poets. The editor of HEARTLAND, himself an acclaimed poet and author, states in the Introduction: ".. . When. choosing poems for this volume I was interested mnot so much in the true midland voice, whatever that might be, but in the chorus that a structured variety of voices forms, Put simply, without any particular Aesthetic in mind, I searched for-and feel that I found in abundance-good poems set in the midwest. I wanted especially to avoid the buckshot approach, single poems by numerous poets resulting in chaos.... Another factor In my selection was that I wanted the book to have something like an urban-rural balance, and with that in mind a few poets were left out simply because their work would have tipped that bal- ance." He concludes: "The vision of the mid- west provided by the poems in this book, frag- mented as it must be in our time, is perhaps Imperfect, but it .Is no mirage. It is of a. real place, and real poets offrit." 300 pp.. 6.50 HEARTLAND P'oets of the M dwest Selected and with Introduction by Lucien Stryk ROBERT SLY *GWENDOLYK BROOKS rAUL CARROLL . R X. CUSCADEN BRUCE CUTLER FREDERICK ECKMAN PAUL ENGLE e DAVE RTrMt ISABELLA GARDNER * JAMES HEARST- ROBERT HUFF JOHN KNOEPFLS JOSEPH LANGLAND * JOHN LOGANC THOMAS MCGRAX * PARM MAYER LISEL MUELLER JOHN 7.lUMS MARY OLIVER * B~LIER OLSON RAYMOND ROSELIEP DENNIS SCHM*Z XARL SHAPIRO * WILLIAM STAPFORD ROBERT SWARD * JAMES TATZ CHAD WALSH . JOHN WOODS AMES WIIGIW By EVERETT L. SHOSTROM Each of us is to some degree, consciously or subconsciously, a manipulator. By play- ing little games with each other, by taking advantage of all the devices and tricks we have absorbed during our lives, we are able to conceal our true nature behind a variety of masks. The price for these ma- nipulations is often paid in terms of bore- dom, anxiety, hostility, and side-effects re- sulting in an unsatisfying life. In this high- ly practical self-help book of psychology, Dr. Shostrom, Director of the Institute of Therapeutic Psychology, Santa Ana, California, makes a thorough study of the "how" and "why" of manipulation in today's society. He goes beyond a mere description of the situation by us- ing first-person case studies and ex- jfl amples from typical life situations to offer concrete help in moving toward a bal- anced, constructive, and realistic life. 256 pages $4.95- At your local bookstore ABINGDON PRESS NAME ADDRESS Ce rtif; .nam( (profes. NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PRESS * Dotalh TE Jun, 1967 "MIDW9ST L17 . ...MIDWEST LITERARY RLVIEW *'June, 1967