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June 09, 1967 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-09

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Turbine Car
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO, Ill.-Anthony "An-
dy" Granatelli figures the United
States Auto Club virtually has ap-
proved his controversial turbine
race car.,
The president of Studebaker's
STP Division said in a statement
last night that a decision to refer
the question of the engine's power
output to a committee of turbine
experts "is tantamount to ap-
The USAC yesterday sent the
issue to General Electric, Ford,
Chrysler and Pratt & Whitney,
which built the plant for Grana-
The companies were asked to
draw a formula whch would equal-
ize turbines with piston engines
for championship racing. Size and
compression may have to be lim-
Both Thomas W. Binford, USAC
president, and Henry Banks, the
club's director of competition,
agreed it was unlikely the turbine
would be banned.
Protests against the powerful
turbine 'mounted even before Par-
nelli Jones ran away from the
field in the Indianapolis 500-mile
race May 31.
Opponents said the turbine
represented not an improvement
of the breed of racing engines but
a new breed. They agreed it should
race, but with other turbines and
not piston-engines machines that
have been a standard for decades.
USAC's call to turbine experts
came after a two-day post-500
evaluation by its rules committee.
The experts' ratings will be con-
sidered by club directors June 26.
Binford and Banks said the
formula, under which Granatelli
built his car in three years, was
not arrived at by acident. They
said aircraft engineers and tur-
bine specialists were consulted.
Both said it is possible the ex-
p arts will arrive at the same for-
Clay Subpoena
Plan Rejected
HOUSTON ( P) - Cassius Clay
lost a round in Federal Court yes-
terday. U.S. Dist. Judge Joe In-
graham rejected a subpoena mo-
tion filed for the former world's
heavyweight boxing champion.
Ingraham upheld government
objections to a plea that Lt. Gen.
Lewis B. Hershey and others be
subpoenaed to produce informa-
tion for Clay's scheduled June 19
trial on a charge of refusing to be
drafted into the miiltary service.

Work Progresses on NHL Hikes Pay Minimum
. Pn..1Al w- Far Ahead of Baseball Rate



MONTREAL (R)-The National

-Associatea rress
CHICAGO'S WALT WILLIAMS came out scratched and a little dusty, but managed to avoid being
picked off by Red Sox second baseman Mike An drews after he had overrun the base in the first
game yesterday. Chicago won the game 5-2, but lost the nightcap 7-3. The umpire is Martin Spring-
Chicago Splits Set with Boston;
Two-Run Error Beats Redlegs

MEXICO CITY - Construction
work has now started on all pro-
jects for the 1968 Olympic Games
and the men who head the Mexi-
can Organizing Committee remain
confident everything will be ready
when competition starts Oct. 12.
The last Olympic construction
to get started was the cycling
velodrome and ground recently
was broken for it. The Olympic
village, the sports palace, the row-
ing and canoeing canal, the swim-
ming pool and yachtingefacilities
in Acapulco already were under
construction. The expansion of
University Stadium, the main sta-
dium for the Games, is reported
on schedule.
Mexico is spending about $70
million for the Games.aThis in-
cludes construction, expansion of
existing facilities and all other
costs involved in presenting the
games. The cost is a good bit lower
than the cost of the Games in
Toyo or Rome.
Tk organizing committee gets
its first really big test this October
during the third international
sports week.
Estimates from the committee
now are that perhaps as many as
40 nations will send teams to the
Little Olympic competition.
Some of tl Olympic construc-
tion will not be finished then but
much of it will be ready for use.
The competition is to include
every Olympic event but weight-
lifting and soccer and there is a
possibility weightlifting might he
added despite a conflict with the
world weightlifting championships
in Tokyo.

Soccer has not seen scheduled Hockey League set a minimum
for the Little Olympics because salary of $10,000 for all players-
the Organizing Committee feels topping the minimum set for ma-
Mexico has enough experience .
handling international competi- jor league baseball-during the
tion in this sport. concluding session of its 50th an-
A leading American Olympic of- nual summer meeting yesterday.
ficial yesterday clarified another The board of 12 governors of
weightlifters' quandry when he hockey's expanded major league
said he saw no reason to be al- boosted the salary minimum $3,-
armed about the new Olympic 000 over the bottom figure in ef-
rules banning use of dope and feet for the last seven years. The
stimulants. minimum salary in baseball is $7.-
Arthur Lentz, executive director 500 per year.
of the U.S. Olympic Association, NHL President Clarence Camp-
said there appeared to be undue bell said the increase had nothing
concern over a paragraph in the to do with the newly-formed
rules forbidding use of synthetic players' Association which met for
male hormone, usually prescribed the second time with a committee
for muscle and weight building. of club owners earlier in the day.
The rule states: "The Interna- "This was settled months ago,"
tional Olympic Committee con- Campbell said. "And, actually,
siders that use of anabolic ster- Cmbl ad Ad culy
oids except for medical purposes only one player in the league re-
cnstitutes 'doping' from the Olym- ceived less than $10,000 last sea-
pic viewpoint." son."
Fisher Named All-Conference;
Zahn, Redmon Make 2nd Team

Campbell said the average earn.
ings of an NHL player in 1966-6'
amounted to $24,000 or $25,000,
with an average base of $18,226
plus bonus and pension consider-
"I hope we are not doing any
other sport harm," Campbell said.
"But it's no use pretending we've
got less if we've got more."
The NHL governors also agreed
to retain one set of individual
trophies and awards and one all-
star team for the 1967-68 season.
Under the new two-divisional
alignment, each of the six expan-
sion clubs will play all but 24 of
74 games in its own division, and
Campbell said the league would
strive for future all-star games
between select teams from each
The all-star game was set for
next Jan. 16 in Toronto, with the
Maple Leafs-last season's Stan-
ley Cup champions-opposing the
1966-67 all-stars. At least one
representative from every club.
including the six newcomers, will
be on the squad.
Toronto General Manager Punch
Imlach, meanwhile, claimedhe
had given the new Los Angeles
Kings fair warning at Tuesday's
expansion draft before protecting
Red Kelley- thwarting the 39-
year-old veteran's !move to Los
Angeles as coach.
Kelley and Kings owner, Jack~
Kent Cooke, have filed protests,
charging, the Maple Leafs broke
a bargain b ynot making Kelley


By The Associated Press
Joel Horlen won his seventh
straight game for the Chicago
White Sox in the American
League, beating the Boston Red
Sox 5-2 in the opener of a dou-
bleheader. Boston won the secoid
game 7-3 and kept the runner-up
White Sox 1% games back of the
idle first place Detroit Tigers.
Horlen, a right-hander who is
unbeaten this season, scattered six
hits in his fourth complete game
in 10 starts. Tommie Agee got
three hits to pace the White Sox
attack off loser Dennis Bennett.
Ollie Brown's tie breaking sin-
gle and a two-run throwing error
by John Edwards gave the San
Francisco Giants three eighth
inning runs that lifted them by
Cincinnati 6-5.
The loss broke a string of 11
straight one-run decisions for the
league leading Reds, but they re-
main in first place in -the Na-
tional League.
Rich Reichardt climaxed a
home run barrage with a two-run
shot in the sixth inning that
brought California from behind
to a 6-5 victory over the Baltimore
The Angels were trailing 5-4
when Jimmy Hall singled and
Reichardt connected off loser Stu
Miller, 1-5. It was his seventh
Felipe Alou's ninth inning sin-
gle brought the rallying Atlanta
Braves a 5-4 victory over Los An-
Denis Menke had opened the

ninth with a walk and inoved to
second on Woody Woodward's
sacrifice. After pinch hitter Mike
de la Hoz was retired, Alou sin-
gled to right, scoring Menke and
breaking a 4-4 deadlock.
Max Alvis, who led off the game
with a homer, capped a four-run
ninth inning with a two-run blast
that boosted Cleveland past Min-
nesota 7-5.
The Twins had taken a 5-3 lead
into the inning after scoring four

times in the eighth, but the In-
dians unloaded against reliever Al
But pinch hitter Duke Sims sin-
gled, and the tying run scored on
a wild pitch. Then Alvis connected
for his ninth homer.
Bob Gibson fired a four-hitter
and Julian Javier's leadoff homer
in the fifth inning snapped a tie
as St. Louis whipped Houston 6-2.

Andy Fisher was the only mem-
ber of this year's Wolverine squad
named to the first team in the
Big. Ten baseball all-conference
selections yesterday.
Outfielder Fisher, a junior won
the conference batting title in the
regular season with a .459 average,
Michigan also placed pitcher
Geoff Zahn and third baseman
Glenn Redmon on the second
team. Outfielder Les Tanona, who
has been drafted by the Detroit

Tigers, was named to the third
First team selections were: first
baseman Dennis Zacho of Minne-
sota, second baseman Ed Chart-
raw of Wisconsin, shortstop Bob
Fenwick of Minnesota, third base-
man Bill Steckley of Michigan
State, outfielders Ray Shoup of
Ohio State and Jim Lee of In-
diana, catcher Mike Sadek of Min-
nesota and pitchers John Poser of
Wisconsin and Joe Sadelfeld of
Ohio State.


. . . . . .. . . . .






Major League Standings


W L Pct. GB

New York
Kansas City

W L Pct. GB
31 19 .620 -
28 19 .596 1Y2
25 23 .521 5
25 24 .510 5/
25 24 .510 5Y2
25 25 .500 6
24 25 .490 6Y2
23 28 .451 82
21 30 .412 10Y2
22 32 .407 11

San Francisco
St, Louis
Los Angeles
New York



.636 -
.588 4
.583 4
.542 5Y
.510 7
.490 8
.490 8
.412 12
.385 13f
.354 14%

Cleveland 7, Minnesota 5
California 6, Baltimore 5
Chicago 5-3, Boston 2-7
New York 6, Washington 0
Only games scheduled
Detroit at California (n)
Cleveland at Kansas City (2, t-n)
Baltimore at Minnesota (n)
Chicago at New York (n)
Washington at Boston (n)

Atlanta 5, Los Angeles 4
San Francisco 8, Cincinnati 5
St. Louis 6, Houston 2
Only games scheduled
New York at Chicago
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh (n)
San Francisco at Atlanta (n) .
Houston at Cincinnati (n)
Los Angeles at St. Louis (n)

Hallowed tradition
of "pinning" a girl is
up-dated by
Sprite bottle caps.
According to an independent survey (we took it
ourselves), a startling new practice is becoming
widespread on some college campuses.
Suddenly, fraternity men are no longer "pinning"
the lovely young things that catch their eye.
Instead, they reach for a bottle of tart,
tingling Sprite--and proceed to "cap"
f the object of their affections.
Why has this
come about?
SPerhaps because
of what happens
-low when you go
through the ceremony of opening a bottle of Sprite.
It fizzes! Roars! Buzzes! Tingles! Bubbles!
All of which makes for a much more moving moment
than to simply "pin" a girl.
Then, too, the intimacy of two people engaged
in the act of opening a bottle of Sprite in itself
leads to strong emotional involvement.
Capped off, of course, by the sharing of a
few moments of delicious abandon. (Tasting the
tingling tartness of Sprite, that is.)
The beauty of the idea is that if the course
of true love does not run smooth, you don't have
to go to the trouble of getting back your pin.
You just buy another bottle of Sprite.

. Asa

registered voter

in the city of Ann Arbor,
you have a right and a
responsibility to exercise
your franchise.,
for education and
teacher salaries.

-~ * u~~ . * £~ ~ A 12

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