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June 09, 1967 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-09

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Where Opinions Are Free,
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FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1967


Middle East Truce:
Preconditions for Lasting Peace

[ 6S-

AT THIS MOMENT the war in the Mid-
dle East appears to be over.
But none of the causes behind the
swiftly concluded conflict have been re-
solved and unless meaningful action is
taken in the coming months, a renewal
of hostilities will almost certainly recur
with the possibility of even more serious
The responsibility for establishing a
lasting peace falls on the shoulders of
not only the parties immediately involv-
ed but the world's great powers.
To cool off the Middle East boiling pot
certain prerequisites are in order:
-Recognition by the Arab states of
the legality of the state of Israel and its
territorial boundaries. At this late date,
19 years after the creation of the tiny
nation, the Arabs must realize the futil-
ity and absurdity of their quest to throw
the Jews into the sea. Israel obviously
disagrees, as do all the Western powers.
Instead of turning their attention toward
jihads, the Arab nations should concen-
trate on the internal problems of their
own countries. Egypt, on the bring of
economic chaos before the war, has un-
doubtedly aggravated her condition.
--All parties must negotiate seriously
about the absorption of the large num-
bers of mistreated Palestinian refugees
who have been placed on Israel's border
as an excuse for provocation against Is-
It is obvious that a prone state such
as Israel with its limited land area and
weak economy, cannot take in the millions
of refugees without collapsing. It should
also be considered that many refugees do
not want to go to Israel to live. Many
have requested to journey to Cairo or to
Aswan and build their homes there.
-Free passage on the Gulf of Aqaba
and the Suez Canal must be secured for

Israel. All of southern Israel is largely a
desert region can never hope to be devel-
oped if Israel does not have an outlet
to the sea and markets of the East. The
Arabs must realize' that future threats
of blockades will be met with military ef-
forts similar to the 1967 War.
--Israel herself must withdraw from the
Sinai Peninsula, which it has no right to
hold. But without assurances of the great
powers that it can use the two vital water-
ways, it will never withdraw.
-A treaty covering all these points
must be negotiated directly between the
belligerents. Egyptians can no longer re-
fuse to sit down at the conference table,
since their capital city is in grave danger
and their armies are almost totally de-
molished. The perpetual state of war of
the last 20 years must end.
--The nations, notably the U.S. and
Soviet Union, who have supplied all the
munitions for this conflict must use all
their influence to get the parties to talk.
If the Big Four (including France) stop
supplying arms the threat of future wars
will abate. The possibility of a Third
World War became painfully evident in
the past three days. The use of that
Dr. Strangelove-like "hotline" between
Moscow and Washington only emphasizes
the gravity of the situation and its po-
tential for escalation.
With Israel operating two nuclear reac-
tors and the Communist Chinese so ready
to supply the Egyptians with atomic
weapons, disaster is inevitable if the con-
flict is allowed to continue until another
blow-up occurs.
HISTORY HAS an uncanny way of trag-
ically repeating itself. The world can
scarcely afford another rerun.


' -





Letters to the Editor

Capturing aw

International Law
I should like to comment on the
body of varied views on the un-
fortunatevsituation in the Near
East. The charges and counter-
charges flung about in the UN,
in the newspapers, at the so-
called "teach-ins," all have some
truth in them, no doubt. To ap-
peal to history, however, is to
appeal to a body of conflicting
and confusing facts and causes.
What should be obvious to the
rational observer is that if the
United, Nations, international law
and international peace are to
be preserved (or, perhaps, estab-w
lished), the nations of the UN
must respect one anothers' ter-
ritorial and maritime rights.
COLONIALISM and imperialism
are favorite epithets used by Arab
supporters, and there is little
doubt that these policies are evils,
given today's moral attitudes. But
to call Israel an illegal instru-
mentality of colonial imperialism
because it was created out of a
colonial area by Great Britain
and the UN is patently unfair.
Most of Asia and Africa were
colonies of Western European
powers and the present states
were established by those powers
-with or without the UN. Are
all these nations to be considered
illegitimate? How far back in his-
tory must we go to decide where
boundaries are legitimately drawn?
To the crusades? To Mohammed?
To Rome? And let it not be for-
gotten that the countries (specif-

ically the USSR) who so loudly
decry colonialism were themselves
without colonies in the last cen-
tury not because of lack of will,
but because of lack of strength.
Both Arabs and Israelis have
committed aggressive acts. To find
peace in the area, both sides must
make concessions. But the pre-
requisite to all of this is the sim-
ple acknowledgement by the Arab
nations that Israel does, and has
a right to, exist. Without this
acknowledgement, no peace can
be achieved. And without peace
and cooperation, the teeming pop-
ulations of the Arab world will
continue to face economic disas-
ter and standards of living among
the lowest in the world, despite
having the world's richest re-
source in vast oceans beneath
their lands.
--Joel Hencken, '69
Debate Follower
I have been following with in-
terest the debate between Mary
Roth and Linda Diller on the is-
sue of supporting our boys in Viet-
nam. Mary Roth's position seems
to me the most logical and hu-
mane. I believe the best support
for our boys is to bring them
All letters must be typed,
double-spaced and should be no
longer than 300 words. All let-
ters are subject to editing;
those over 300 words will gen-
erally be shortened. No unsign-
ed letters will be printed.

home now and prevent further
tragic loss of young lives.
It is unfortunate that the ad-
ministration has chosen to seek
support for its bad policies in
Asia by linking dissent with a
lack of patriotism. I believe it is
more patriotic to work to end
this tragic waste of lives than
to blindly follow the government's
policy of escalation and the send-
ing of more troops. Even now Gen-
eral Westmoreland is asking for
250,000 more men. (U.S. News and
World Report-June 12.) Every
new commitment of troops on our
side is matched by more soldiers
on the other side-and with no
end in sight!
THE DETROIT Free Press, June
7, carried an article entitled "Viet
War Benefits Economies of Asia."
Businessmen in Southeast Asia
will likely profit by $2 billion
in 1967 according to this report.
So while American boys die in
battle in far-off jungles to sup-
port the corrupt, military dictator-
ship of Premier Ky, war indus-
tries profit. The wealthy business-
men of Saigon, Thailand, Japan,
et al, profit while the peasants of
Vietnam are either killed or put
in detention camps (pacification
camps is the polite term, of
It is cruel and tragic that the
lives of young Americans are be-
ing sacrificed. We should bring
them home now-and stop this
massacre before it escalates be-
yond control!
-Virginia Anderson

JERUSALEM (Delayed by cen-
sor and in transmission)-I ar-
rived in Jerusalem just in time
Tuesday to hurry ahead and
watch the Israeli army take the
highly strategic town of Latrun
from Jordanian forces.
Latrun is on the Jordanian side
if the border and we had reached
it by walking right through the
The taking of Latrun pinched
off a deep Arab salient into Is-
rael where the Jews lost 500 in
1948. In that war it was an Arab
stronghold on the road which runs
from the coast to Jerusalem.
It lies in the Judaen hills about
15 miles northwest of Jerusalem.
In that earlier war, the blowing
up of a pumping station cut the
water supply to Jerusalem.
AS I ARRIVED on Tuesday, one
of the soldiers told me, "This will
cut down the driving time be-
tween Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to
45 minutes."
"What if President Johnson asks
you to give it back?" I asked him.
"No comment," he said, leaning
on his automatic rifle and star-
ing at me with a poker face,
more evidence that they know
how to put on a good show for
A short while later in Jerusa-
lem the censor looked up from copy
and asked:
"Are you sure French Hill has
"It sure has," said a voice over
my shoulder.
I turned and it was Joe Alex
Morris of the Los Angeles Times
Times whose dispatches from Jor-
dan are also appearing in The
"How did you get into Jerusa-
lem?" I asked.
"I just walked through the lines
and across the border," he said.
I DROVE UP to Jerusalem Tues-
day morning with about the same
ease. I was with Shelby Scates
of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
and along the way we saw Is-
raeli Mirage jets working over

Jordanian positions where the bor-
der runs alongside the road for
some distance.
When I returned to Jerusalem,
artillery and small-arms fire was
still harassing some parts of this
city. But the worst was over and
at noon our time on Tuesday, a
few people weretalready venturing
out to inspect their riddled cars
and broken windows.
The damage to buildings is gen-
erally light on this side, but the
Jordanian part of the city two
blocks away is in shambles.
Hussein's legionnaires still have
plenty of weapons and ammuni-
tion, judging from the noise com-
ing in the window. Most of the
fire is now being frantically direct-
ed against Israeli attackers who
a short while ago needed only to
take the area called French Hill
to complete the conquest of this
historic city.
Scates and I had. driven, to
Jerusalem after a fairly suspense-
ful night in the blackout listen-
ing to one air raid alert. after an-
other. Most turned out to be false
I COULDN'T HELP comparing
the dilemma of the man at the
siren switch with that of the Mid-
western weather bureau forecast-
er in the tornado season. - Too
many alarms and people begin
to ignore him; two few alarms
and people get hurt.
Arab forces did drop some ar-
tillery around Tel Aviv airport
shortly after dark. But at 8 p.m.
I got the garage man at the Dan
Hotel to slap some black paint
over the headlights of my rental
car so I could drive a United
Nations representative to the air-
port to catch his official flight.
(Commercial flights were sus-
A few hours later somebody in
the hotel lobby caught an Arab
propaganda broadcast which said:
"What will you do now, Jews,
since Tel Aviv and Haifa are in
flames and your army is fleeing?"
You could actually hear people
laughing up and down the back
streets as other radios picked up
the same broadcast.

S..What About the U.S.?

United States predicted Wednesday
night that the U.S. would be the "biggest
loser" in the wake of the Middle East
war. His prediction will probably come
In an effort to cushion any loss in the
international arena, President Johnson
has set up a special committee of the
National Security Council to "coordinate
U.S. efforts to achieve peace in the Middle
Johnson said he was taking this action
because "the continuing crisis and the
effort to help build a new peace will re-
quire ,the most careful coordination of
the work of our government."
IT IS EXTREMELY likely that the com-
mittee cannot avert a political faux pas
for a number of reasons:
! First, it is ironic : and even hypo-
critical that a nation which is current-
ly waging war in Vietnam should shoulder
the responsibility of "creating a new
peace." We are currently fighting two
wars; one is a military conflict, the
other is diplomatic. And it is highly un-
likely that warring nations in the Middle
East would be amenable to peace sound-
ings by another nation itself at war.
W, The severing of diplomatic relations
with Washington by the Arab nations
should have made it plain to the State
Department that we are not wanted in
the Middle East. If those nations do not
welcome our embassies, they are not like-
ly to receive members of a special com-
mittee with open arms.

The U.S. faces bitterness and hostility
from Arab nations rich in oil and con-
trolling strategic waterways. The Arabs
have chosen to believe that the U.S.
helped the Israelis to defeat the Arab
" But it is not only the alleged U.S.
support of Israel which provoked Arab
hostility; it is the familiar U.S. image of
supporting the status quo. And it is high-
ly probable that when Johnson's special
committee attempts to restore peace it
will attempt to restore a state of affairs
highly beneficial to its own national in-
terests. The water passages in the Middle
East have been important to the U.S. for
transporting goods to Vietnam. While
the U.S. has a fairly large supply of oil,
it is still dependent on the Middle East
in this respect.
While the U.S. was never, in technical
terms, a colonial power in the Middle
East, most Arab nations regard it as a rep-
resentative of colonialism-one which al-
lows it to use resources for its own ends.
AS LONG AS two-thirds of the world
remains underdeveloped, and there-
fore advocates of overthrowing the stat-
us quo, the U.S. will continue to be "the
loser" in any war, whether it be in Viet-
nam or the Middle East.
Our military machine may be the most
impressive assemblage of its kind. How-
ever, our diplomatic machinery is in bad
need of a complete overhaul. And spe-
cial committees will not do the job.


Crisis in the Middle East is a
reflection of two factors:
1-The continued plans for con-
quest by the Communist leader-
2-The continued failure to face
up to that fact by the free world's
No matter how pressing or dis-
astrous the tactical development in
the Israeli-Arab confrontation may
seem, the real confrontation, the
one that counts in the long run,
is the one with Communism.
The Communist thrust in the
Middle East has been developing
for years. The Soviet Union has
given Egypt 550 modern jet war-
craft, while Syria has received 60.
More than 1000 modern Soviet
tanks-along with Soviet techni-
cians to help maintain them -
have been given to the socialist
regime of Gamal Abdel Nasser.

EQUALLY important, Communist
subversive and guerrilla forces
have been slicing away at politi-
cal stability in Somaliland and
Eritrea. Communists have mount-
ed a major effort to prepare for
the British withdrawal from the
air and naval base at Aden, sched-
uled for no later than the end of
next year.
From Aden; should it fall to
native forces controlled by Nas-
ser and thus sympathetic to the
Soviets, and should they-as would
be likely--give the Soviets the
right to use Aden, Soviet sea
and airpower would be given a
direct extension into the Indian
Ultimately, it is quite obvious,
the Soviets want to control the
entire land bridge to North Africa,
as well as the shipping lanes of

Distorted Education

... BUT THE DEMANDS upon the uni-
versity educational system and the
expectations of it are built on false prem-
ises, sustained by flatulent representa-
tions, directed to ignoble ends, which, for-
tunately, no educational system can
In far less than 75 years it will be-
come clear that the system cannot de-
liver the goods expected of it. As a cer-
tain disillusionment about power sets
in, it extends to those institutions which

end of education is bound to appear. As
nothing is more certain than that the
Americans of the future must be citizens
of the world and that the great univer-
sities of the future must be world uni-
versities, chauvinism in the schools and
the enslavement of the universities to
the military, to the CIA, to "mission-
oriented" governmental agencies, or to
any nationalistic programs whatever
must begin to seem distasteful even to
ordinary readers of ordinary newspa-

"Look At All The Research We Have To Do"
0{ $o D
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the Suez Canal and Red Sea sys-
Rep. Daniel J. Flood (D-Pa) has
summed it up this way: "If So-
viet power succeeds in taking Eri-
trea and Aden in addition to its
plans for the Suez Canal, it will
be in a position to infiltrate and
take over Ethiopia and the re-
public of the Sudan.. In the event
of war between the Soviets and
the United States or any other
free nation, the Suez Canal un-
doubtedly would be operated as a
Soviet waterway sealed off to the
transit of all Western vessels of
commerce or war."
scoff at such notions of local
blockading in time of war also
are the first to say that in any
war we should do everything pos-
sible to keep action at the most
local level possible. The Soviets
still use the port of Haiphong,
freely and safely, despite the fact
of a major war raging. By the
same ground rules it could use
the Suez, exclusively, even while
some other war raged about that
So long as every aggression of
Communism can depend upon the
West reacting with eyes resolute-
ly blinded to the aggression, treat-
ing every crisis as some sort of
isolated phenomenon, aggression
will pay.
The Arab confidence in clos-
ing off the Gulf of Aqaba, may
in some small part be due to the
unconcerned free world attitude
toward the virtual Soviet block-
ade against free world shipping
in the Gulf of Finland.
Even though the area is an in-
ternational waterway, the Soviets
tightly control it. And in that
control it sets a nice precedent
for similar waterway control
throughout any parts of the world
on which Communism may be


The Parker Wit

The following selections, re-
printed from The New York
Times, are from the anthology
of Dorothy Parker's poems, es-
says, book reviews and short
stories. Miss Parker, a noted wit
and author, died Wednesday:
A girl's best friend is hermutter.
* * *
The only thing I ever learned
(in school) that did me any good
in after life was that if you spit
on a pencil eraser, it will erase
Brevity is the soul of lingerie
-as the Petticoat said to the
It's a terrible thing to say, but
I can't think of good women
writers. Of course, calling them
women writers is their ruin; they
begin to think of themselves that
Miss Fannie Hurst writes, and
she writes and she writes. Nor do
her works end with their appear-
ance in print between handsome
covers. They live again in motion
pictures, and not only once - her
"Back Street," I believe, is now
on its third round.
California is nothing but mon-
ey and what pictures did you do,
and Hollywood is a desert, a ghost

Broke my brittle heart in
And that was very bad.
Love is for unlucky folk,
Love is but a curse.
Once there was a heart I
And that, I think, is worse.
* * *
Oh, is it, then, Utopian
To hope that I may meet
a man
Who'll not relate, in accents
The tales of girls he used
to have?
Drink and dance and laugh
and die,
Love, the reeling midnight
For tomorrow we shall die!
(But, alas, we never do.)
Men don't like nobility in wom-
en. Not any men. I suppose it is
because the men like to have the
copyrights on nobility-if there
is going to be anything like that
in a relationship.
Salary is no object; I want only
enough to keep body and soul


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