THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ' Ss+ t.yaa .'a.l iV.1L.11 TH IC I1iIIT. MM LBJ 4For Picks Bund' As Special Group Head 40,000 Americans i Middle East Begin Massive Evacuation WASHINGTON (A) - Presid Johnson announced yesterday1 creation of a special commit of the National Security Cor to coordinate U.S. efforts achieve peace in the Middle Eas He recalled McGeorge Bu to federal service to act as e ecutive secretary of the group. In a statement read by Johns at a National Security Cour meeting, the President said fi responsibility for achieving wo peace rested with the peoples a governments of the Middle East Asks Agencies' Support ' The chief executive said he vs creating the special committee 1 cause "the continuing crisis a the effort to help build a n peace will require the most ca: ful coordination of the work our government." At the White House, Johns said he had asked all governme agencies' to supply Bundy's s cial committee with staff suppor Secretary of State Dean R will preside over the panel. Oti regular members are Secretary the Treasury Henry H. Fowl Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Director Richa Helms of the Central Intelliger Akency, Presidential Assist Walt W. Rostow, Washington a torney Clark Clifford, and Ar Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chairm of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Details were sketchy on progri in evacuating the 40,000 Ame- cans reported to be in an ar stretching from the Persian Gi to North Africa. McCloskey s more than 10,000 Americans h been removed from the Midea but was unable to give a speci figure. Reports from the Mideast in cated all modes of transportati -cars, buses, trains, ships, plan -were being used by the flee Americans. In Egypt, U.S. Embassy perso nei, private residents and so correspondents prepared to lea Cairo by train for Alexand where they hoped to board ship for Europe. Other corre pondents already had left for tl port. Sets U.S.. p Committee Peace Efforts BIPARTISAN VOTE: House-Refuses To Increase Treasury's Borrowing Range -Associated Press McGEORGE BUNDY TALKS TO reporters yesterday at the White House after being named execu- tive secretary to a special committee to coordinate U.S. efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East. President Johnson announced the creation of the committee as part of the National Security Council. At right is White House Press Secretary George Christian. Humiliation o Arabians Kay Aps aBring Power' UoaSet No Action on Soviet Ships off Israel Russian Vessels Fail To Make Provocations Toward Americans ABOARD U.S.S. AMERICA (A)- The Soviet Union showed added naval power around this American aircraft carrier as it cruised idly in the eastern Mediterranean yes- terday. No planes with bombs have taken off from the carrier since news of the Middle East war came Monday morning. The second Soviet guided mis- sile destroyer to arrive apparently has been assigned to help shadow U.S. 6th Fleet operations in the past few days. The new arrival pulled within a few miles of the America's task group within sight of the Greek island of Crete. A sister ship moved at times within 500 yards of the carrier. Send Radio Message At one point, the Russians ap- parently sent a radio message over an international frequency to 6th Fleet ships. Seemingly unable to interpret the message, the America radioed back what was believed to be a request to have the commhunication repeated." There was no further word about the radio contacts. The Soviet vessels attempted no provocation of the American task group. The America has kept a U.S. destroyer between itself and the first Soviet warship the past few days and the Soviet ship has yielded the right of way on the occasions when it became caught in traffic. Observe No Activity Newsmen have observed no ac- tivities which would indicate com- bat missions were afoot. Pilots scoffed at any suggestion that U.S. planes had been involved in the air war. None of the carrier's planes left Tuesday. An almost eerie calm set- tled over the America as the fleet stood vigil for any orders from Washington. Yesterday morning officers said the America and her task group of about half a dozen destroyers and a cruiser generally were hold- ing to an area about 75 miles southeast of Crete. The only sign of any possible offensive measures being taken was the loading of half a squadron of A4 Skyhawk attack planes with six 500-pound bombs or two air-. to-surface Bulpup missiles. On an alert status on deck are three Phantoms equipped with two heat-seeking Sidewinder missiles and two Sparrow homing missiles, both for air-to-air use. The task group seemed to be marking time, sometimes shifting positions south of Crete merely to keep on the move. Censorship placed over news copy leaving the carrier late Mon- day was lifted later. WASHINGTON (P) - The House rocked President Johnson's ad-; ministration last night by refus- ing to increase the Treasury's bor- rowing authority by the requested< $29 billion. The 210-197 vote means admin- istration forces will have to tryi again, with a lower figure, or1 the government will be unable to- pay its bills next month. The requested increase would have been the biggest single step- up since World War II and would have brought the national debt ceiling to $365 billion,.eb Debt Limit Drops Unless Congress acts on a new increase by June 30, the debt limit automatically drops to $285t billion, well below the actual debt. The vote saw a new combina- tion of Republicans, conservative Democrats and some liberals ap- parently opposed to higher spend- ing in Vietnam overcoming the ad-t ministration forces. Not a single Republican votede for the debt limit increase. Voting3 against it were 176 Republicanst and 34 Democrats. Republicans Ask Rejection 1 The Republicans had called fort rejection of the proposed increaset as a way to force Johnson to re- vise his budget with cuts in do- mestic spending.r They attacked what they call- ed a credibility gap in the admin-k istration's projection of income and expenditures. "I'll put it bluntly," said Rep. Thomas B. Curtis (R-Mo), "We don't believe the President's fig- ures. I don't see any reason why we should. They're false on the revenue estimates and false on the expenditure estimates." C y C7 Arab-Israeli Hostilit Shadows Viet Crises SAIGON (/P)-The Vietnam war. Vietnam penetrated above th overshadowed now by Arab-Israeli heavily defended area of Han( hostilities in the Middle East, and Haiphong, the American je settled yesterday into a pro- were not challenged by the Nort nounced lull. Vietnamese air force, U.S. military headquarters said U.S. pilots concentrated on sup that although there were scattered ply lines above the 17th Parall skirmishes, ground fighting had and on the rail lines north fror ebbed to its lowest level of the Hanoi. Two of these lintes lead I year. There were fewer air raids Red China. than usual over the north. j U.S. officers volunteered nof reason for the lapse in heavy ac- tion but denied it was due in any way to the Middle East war. It seemed neither side regarded this as a good time for any dramatic moves. Although some of the 88 com- bat missions Tuesday over North New Mexico Ends Hunt Fo T ijerina 's Raiders Key Democrats agreed that the present prediction of an $11-bil lion budget deficit for the yea: beginning July 1 will most prob- ably have to be revised upward Estimates have run as high a $29 billion. Increased deficit: would heighten the likelihood of a tax increase. By WILLIAM L. RYAN By The Associated Press Israel's swift humiliation of the combined forces of Arabdom promises changes in the leadership of the Middle East and a heavy impact upon patterns of world power politics. Neither Americans nor Russians could claim to have come out ahead, in Arab eyes, from this week's dramatic events, and the Middle East is likely to be on the verge of a period of internal up- roar which could- end Gamal Ab- del Nasser's reign as the symbol of Arab aspirations. Washington, Moscow, London and Paris all can be expected now to undertake searching reapprais- als of their policies, taking into consideration prospective changes in the world picture after the Arab-Israeli war. The United States faces bitter- ness and hostility from Arab na- tions rich in oil and astride stra- tegic waterways. The Arabs choose *World NwsRo'undup By The Associated Press ence which cheered and applauded NEW YORK-Dorothy Parker, the performance. the versatile writer and humor- The Michigan singers left Hong ist, died yesterday at the age of Kong yesterday for a concert in 74. Manila. She was a poet, short story WASHINGTON - Sen. John J. writer, screen writer, drama critic Williams (R-Del) called yesterday and literary critic. And yet she for a report from the Senate eth- probably was best known as the ics committee on charges that Sen. author of the witty couplet: "Men Edward V. Long (D-Mo) misused seldom make passes, at girls who an investigation of wiretapping in wear glasses." an, effort to help Teamsters Un- * * * ion President James R. Hoffa. ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Herbert Long has denied the charges, W. Broeckenhaupt, 24, a German- made in a Life magazine article, born Air Force staff sergeant, was although he has acknowledged re- sentenced yesterday to 30 years ceiving $48,000 in legal fees in in prison on charges of conspir- 1963 and 1964 from Morris A. ing to provide U.S. defense se. Shenker, a St. Louis lawyer who crets to the Soviet Union. represented Hoffa in an appeal The maximum sentence could from a jury-tampering conviction. have been death. . * * * * NEW YORK-The stock mar- ket overcame a burst of profit HONG KONG-The University taking yesterday and propelled its of Michigan men's glee club won strong rally through a second ses- Hong Kong newspaper praise yes- slon terday for "versatility," "vigor" Bokers said Israeli successes in and "musical ability." the Middle East war provided fuel "For a group of nonprofession- for a continuation of the advance. al musicians," the South China The market tumbled Monday at Morning Post said, "they have the outset of the war but staged achieved a high standard of per- a comeback Tuesday, when it ap- formance and authentic sense of peared that the chances of U.S. style, imparted no doubt by their involvement had lessened. distinguished and highly experi- The Dow Jones average of 30 enced director, D. Philip Duey." industrials rose 6.48 points to The Post's music critic was com- 869.19. An early gain of 9.3 points menting on the glee club's Tues- was whittled to 2.87 points in day night concert here before a midafternoon when profit taking large City Hall Auditorium audi- was at its height. to believe that the United States and Britain helped the Israelis to humble Arab arms. The Russians, too, face trouble. So far as Egypt and Syria were concerned, Soviet arms, purchased at a severe strain on their econ- omies, were cut to pieces by the Israelis. To the Arab way of thinking, the Russians probably will be judged to have let them down by withholding more direct support. Tries To Lure Moscow Syria's United Nations delegate commented that the Arabs would remember for a long time those who did not help them. The Arabs seemed to try to lure Moscow into greater involvement. Some interpret the charge of U.S. and British air support for Israel as an indication of this. But Mos- cow hewed to a line of caution, failing even to report the Arab charge in its own press in 24 hours after the charge was voiced. The Russians must feel more or less obliged now to make appro- priate sounds, to condemn Israel as an "aggressor" and to make demands on behalf of the Arabs. France's Position If any major nation emerged unscathed, it was France. But Arabs know that French popular sentiment and French-built planes were in Israel's side. They still' harbor anger at France for its as- sociation with Britain and Israel in the Suez war of 1956. President Charles de Gaulle managed to steer clear of a French commitment this time. His stock now might rise among the Arabs. Moscow seemed to find it ex- pedient to hedge its bets. So long as the crisis did not erupt into war, Soviet policy could make gains with the Arabs. Supports Security Council When war came and the Arabs started taking a drubbing, Moscow went along with a Security Coun- cil resolution calling for a cease- fire. At least for the moment Mos- cow dropped its insistence that positions of June 4, the eve of the war, be restored. The Soviet Union had problems. It wanted to maintain foreign policy gains made in Europe 'in recent times. Involvement in the risk of a showdown with the Americans in the Middle East would, at the least, bring back the arctic temperatures of the cold war and set the Russians back in Europe. The Kremlin may consider steering clear of its Arab pro- teges for a while, to let the dust settle. If this proves the case, Egypt's Nasser will be all the more weakened. Radical Changes Whatever happens, r a d i c a 1 changes seem likely in the Middle East itself. Not only Nasser, but other Arab leaders are in danger- notably young King Hussein of Jordan, the first to sue for a cease-fire. On the eve of the war, Hussein indicated his fears of what might come. He warned Jordanians that1 with the outbreak of hostilities there should be no room for "hatreds and personal differen- ces," and that he would tolerate not "disturbance, anarchy or dem- onstrations." Hussein, long the butt of Nas- ser's abuse and accused of being secretly allied with "imperialism," knew he was a likely target for revolution, whichever way the fighting might go. Syria's leftist regime had much to do with pushing Nasser into his position. Now Syria's regime, too, is in danger. CANJILON, (N.M.) UA' - The New Mexico National Guard pull- ed its troops out of the search yesterday for an elusive band of defiant Spanish-Americans who shot up a county courthouse and wounded two officers this week. About 25 state police officers remained in the northern New Mexico countryside, however, seek- ing to pin down the raiders. They were believed to have been members of an organization which laid claim to hundreds of thou- sands of acres of land in the Southwest under old Spanish land grants. No Longer Useful "I think the guard has outlived its usefulness there," said Repub- lican Gov. David F. Cargo, 39, concerning the decision to with- draw nearly 400 National Guard troops from the Canjilon area. The sparsely settled area, in- habited largely by Spanish-speak- ing persons, has been combed since I more than 30 raiders swept down on the courthouse at Tierra Ama- rilla on Monday. Some of their compatriots were being arraigned on charges grow- ing out of previous actions by the former Federal Alliance of Land Grants. The two policemen were wound- ed critically and several other per- sons held hostage for a time dur- ing the ensuing shooting spree. A main object of the search has been capture of Reis Lopez Tije- rina, 40, of Albuquerque, founder and president of the alliance, which disbanded recently under pressure from the U.S. govern- ment. Cargo met yesterday in the Capitol at Sante Fe with two men who said they represented Tije- rina's organization. They sought a promise from Cargo for an amnesty for the raiders in return for their volun- tary surrender. Cargo refused. FRIDAY, JUNE 9 6 P.M. MADUHAY PILIPINA S Glimpses of Philippine life and culture in song and dance. Presented by the PHILIPPINE-MICHIGAN CLUB Although the weather over much of the north was fairly good, the number of missions was well below the normal 125 or more. No reason was given for the decline. While the air war ebbed, the U.S. command reported the loss of the 573rd plane over North Viet- nam. A Navy Crusader jet was shot down by Red ground fire northeast of Vinh. Field reports to command head- quarters listed such items as a clash in the Mekong delta, where 'a few guerrillas were machine- gunned by a Navy patrol boat; a probe along the 17th Parallel d- militarized zone with unknown enemy losses; and the killing of 14 Communist soldiers by various Special Forces groups. Explosion of a Viet Cong mine in the market place of a village 11 miles south of Saigon killed four Vietnamese civilians and wounded three. South Vietnam's Foreign Min- ister Tran Van Do, who is on a European tour, told a news con- ference in London that bombing of North Vietnam had to continue or, "sooner or later, we must lose the war." Asked if the bombing was suc- ceeding in this purpose, Do said that it was "more or less." But he added that, even with it, about 60,000 North Vietnamese troops had infiltrated into South Viet- nam in 1966. Do, who was in Geneva and Brussels before going to London, said he had undertaken his Euro- pean visit to clear up confusion and misunderstanding in public opinion about the war. 11 " Full course Philippine dinner " Cultural Program at the F7 TODAY 4:10 P.M. scenes from 1 Presbyterian Campus Center-Social Hall (First Presbyterian Church--] 432 Washtenaw) Reservations necessary: 662-3580, 662-5529 Cost: Foreign students-50c All others-$1 THE WHITE DEVIL by John Webster and THE MALCONTENT by John Marston Student Laboratory Theatre Program Department of Speech Arena Theatre-Frieze Building ADMISSION FREE SPONSORED BY THE ECUMENICAL CAMPUS MINISTRY I___________ __________ E I E z = ww r rw I M" - - -I THE TBI(BUY. 12OUSBE 330 Maynard Street Presenits THE RON BROOKS TRIO Mercury Recording Artists Returning from European Tour IN CONCERT I I 6th FALL FESTIVAL (SEPT. 19- NOV. 5) 3 NEW PRODUCTIONS w SUMMER WEEKEND SJNION-LEAGUE Presents I Michel de Ghelderode's The AMERICAN PREMIME of Eugene Ionesco's A I I I i I A. m W JI