MIDDLE EAST PICTURE PAGE See Page 6 1'Y 411t iiau 14]atl] i -1-W WARM High--8 Law--65 Humid, chance of thundershowers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 25S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 8,1967 SEVEN CENTS See Tuition Hike To set owtate oc By PAT O'DONOHUE Vice-President and Chief Finan- versity." The discrepancy there University administrators admit additions to appropriations may paid by Wayne State and Univer- students and $50 for medical stu- Second of Two Parts cial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont, between appropriations and pro- that the governor's proposed $62.2 become available. sity of Michigan students." dents. admit that it is a possibility which jected needs was reported to be million can not be stretched to The budget period ends July 1 The report stated that "We can At that time University Presi- A tuition increase looms as a has received 'considerable atten- over $3 million. meet "minimal needs and the Uni- and the University "has to have see no justification whatever for dent Harlan Hatcher explained strong possibility this year as ad- tion." Wayne State University Presi- versity's future commitments." something after this," according to this great disparity . . . and that the hike was necessary be- ministrators at the state's col- Niehuss said Gov.George Rom- dent William R. Keast last week The original request, submitted Niehuss. The Legislature has set strongly urge that ... all possible cause of the discrepancy between leges and universities begin som- ney's proposed $62.2 million al- forecast a tuition increase at WSU several months ago was for $74.5 June 16 as the deadline for enact- steps be taken to bring about its the budgetary request of the Uni- ber consideration of the state ap- location for the University is "less He cited the MSU recommeida- million in appropriations and the ment of bills presently on the correction." This could pose a versity and the legislative appro- propriations prospects. than minimal.", When Michigan tion and hoted that there has not University will make a presenta- floor, but this deadline does not further problem for the University. priation. He also noted that the In a similar situation two years State University officials recom- been a tuition increase in four tion to make up some of the dif- apply to appropriation bills, tax- Two years ago, the Regents au- preceding year's tuition rates at ago, the University Regents ap- mended an $81 per year tuition in- years. ference when the appropriations ation and fiscal reform. thorized a tuition increase, tu- the University were the lowest in proved a tuition increase when crease last month, he remarked He refused to comment on bill is reported to the floor of the The Regents are meeting June tion rates for Michigan residents the state, and that student fees appropriations fell short of aca- to the Daily that it could happen whether the jump in tuition would Senate. 16 with the hope that they'll have increased $34 for freshmen and had not risen as much as increases demic budget needs. The same here. bring it to the level of fees at the The Senate is waiting until it is heard from the Legislature by that sophomores, $14 for juniors and in family income. process appears at work this year, The MSU Ad Hoc Committee on University or MSU, explaining known how much money will be time, according to Niehuss. seniors, $15 for graduate students, As a result of the increase, the with a larger increase foreseen. Tuition Policy which recommend- that the final decision rests with available for the budget this year. Meanwhile, the MSU committee $20 for law students and $25 for University's tuition rates rose to University officials have not ed the fee increase in their report the Board of Governors. The decision is held up by the on tuition policy charged in its medical students, the second highest in the state confirmed reports that they will stated that the figure recommend- Keast said operations under the fight for fiscal reform which is report that "there is a gross in- Tuition charges for out-of-state with MSU charging the highest request the Regents raise tuition ed for MSU falls short of the "ab- cut-back funds allotted for WSU now on the floor of the House of equity" in the percentage MSU students were raised by $50 for tuition. this year, but both Executive Vice- solute minimum needed to meet next year would result in "damag- Representatives. With a fiscal re- undergraduates pay towards the freshmen and sophomores, $20 for In 1965, the budget picture was President Marvin Niehuss and existing commitments of the uni- ing consequences." form package, several million for cost of their education "than Is juniors and seniors, $50 for law not as dim as it is this year. In SIX PAGE ation 1965, there was a state "surplt in the treasury. Lagging sta revenues this year have left t state facing deficit spending continue programs at present le els next year. Gov. Romney has taken t stand that he will cut state sel ices by 15 per cent or more avoid having a deficit budget, a the state Legislature is current considering a state income tax b which would add the needed rev nue. Pierpont called this year's a ternatives "unpleasant." He ad ed that he has never seen a le islative budget hassle so "troubl some or unpredictable. A lot d pends on the Legislature," he ad ed. Israel Takes Announces Cease-Fire With Jordan, Over Gulf of Aqaba, Old Jerusalen CONTINUE DEFERMENTS: Israel Army Senate-House Group Reaches Suez Canal Agrees on Draft Bill Claims To Control Extensive Areas WASHINGTON (A') - House- Senate conferees agreed yesterday on a draft extension bill that would continue educational defer- ments and bar use of a lottery- type system for inductions without specific authorization from Con- gress. The compromise bill goes back to the two chambers for final ac- tion. Both branches already had agreed to leave unchanged Pres- ident Johnson's authority to re- verse the present order of induc- tion by age and take 19-year-olds first, instead of those in the top age bracket of the present 18-to 25 eligibility period. The compromise bill authorizes the President to recommend uni- form standards for choosing in- ductees but- does not bind local boards to observe them, and spe- cifically prohibits the adoption of any national test to determine exemptions in a wide range of professions. The present draft law expires June 30 and prompt action is planned in Congress to enact the four-year extension with the vari- ous changes. President Johnson proposed a system of random selection. The House bill specified that any changeover to a lottery or other random selection system would have to be submitted to Congress, and, if not rejected in 60 days, could go into effect. The compromis bill does not even allow that latitude but re- On Sinai Peninsula By The Associated Press The Israeli army yesterday knocked out the Egyptian block- ade of the Gulf of Aqaba by seizing the Sharm el Sheikh heights at the entrance. Both Old Jerusalem in Jordan and Bethle- he were also reported in Israeli Court Charges Two With AntiDraft Acts By AVIVA KEMPNER Two former University students, James Russo and Stan Nadel, were indicted yesterday in De- troit's federal court for anti-draft activities. Russo was arrested in Ann Arbor yesterday by Federal Bureau of Investigation officers, and spent the night in the Wayne County Jail. He will be arraigned in fed- eral court tomorrow. The FBI was still looking for Nadel last night with a warrant for his arrest, according to Thom- as J. Nally, assistant special agent in charge of the Detroit FBI of- fice. Russo was indicted on four counts. He was accused of remov- ing government property because he took his file from his local draft board office in Wayne, Mich., on May 8. For this action he was also charged with interfer- ring and hindering the adminis- tration of the Selective Service Act. He was indicted for making false statements with a view to disrupt his pre-induction physi- cal at Detroit's Fort Wayne In- duction Center May 20. And he was finally indicted for imper- sonating an FBI agent while plac- ing a long distance phone call to the FBI office in New York from Ann Arbor on May 24 and charging it to the Detroit FBI office. Nadel was charged with only one count. He was accused of im- peding the operations of the Selec- tive Service office by also iden- tifying himself as James T. Russo at the time of Russo's pre-induc- tion physical at Fort Wayne on May 8. Russo faces a possible 14 year prison term if found guilty on all and the draft, but he was kept isolated. He did not complete his physical. Because.he thought "the purpose is to intimidate the indi- vidual," he refused to undress or sign the required papers. At the time of his escorted re- lease officials refused to comment on the consequences of Russo's* failure to complete his physical. It was later reported that the offi- cials stated that "a report will be sent to his local draft board." U' Pro f essoi In Cinema G By JILL CRABTREE Testimonies by Robert Sklar, assistant professor of history, and John Styan, professor in the Eng- lish department, were the case for the defense in yesterday's con- tinuation of hearings in the Cin- ema Guild film seizure case. The faculty members had been called into Ann Arbor Municipal Court to testify on the artistic and social value of the film, "Flam- ing Creatures," which was seized last January by Ann Arbor Police Lieutenant Eugene Staudenmaier during a regular Cinema Guild showing. Four Cinema Guild officials were arraigned at that time on charges of showing an "obscene motion picture." Those charged were Cinema Guild co-chairmen Ellen P. Frank, '68, and Mary Barkey, '68; Elliot Barden, '68, and the group's advisor, Hubert I. Cohen. Refers to Other Films Sklar, who holds a PhD in his-I quires that any change from the hlnds. Iaddition IsraLI trop presnt ystm mut b byacthands. In addition Israeli troops present system must be by act reached the Suez Canal, claiming of Congressncontrol of the entire area between On the undergraduate defer- the Negev Desert and the canal. ments, a student could be exempt- The Israelis claimed a smash- ed until he received his degree or ing military victory over Egypt turned 24, whichever came first. yesterday after three days of fight- A change agreed upon would allow ing. the student to complete the aca- demic year in which he turned 24. The Israeli army claimed the A House proposal for establish- capture of threbugre toNalus ing a national advisory board on Ramallah and Tubas. educational and occupational de- The Israelis also seized the com- ferments was scrapped. The con- mnanding town of Nablus 30 miles ferees agreed that function should north of Jerusalem and moved on be delegated to the National Sec- to the Jordan River dividing Jor- urity Council. dan and Israel. The Jordanians The President would retain, said the Israelis were trying to under the extension bill, his au- bridge the river and severe fight- thority to specify what postgrad- ing was raging. uate students will be deferred. They also claimed the capture He said in his message to Con- of Ramallha, 12 miles north of gress on the draft that he planned the Holy City and Tubas, farth-, to limit such deferments to med- er north. ical and dental students. Occupationj The compromise bill also would The Israelis' aim appeared to r'evise provisions covering con- be to occupy the large Jordanian scientious objectors to specify bulge jutting into central Israel their claims for exemption must and to drive Jordan's soldiers be on religious grounds. across the river. Travelers arriving in Amman, Jordan's capital, said they had seen Iraqi units moving toward rs 1S the Jordanian town of Jenin, 30 miles southeast of Haifa. The Is- raelis said they had captured /W ! t Gng Jenin. a Farther north, Radio Damascus and frequent shots taken through said Syrian forces had moved into veils. He' said the "rich visual Israel under cover of high bluffs composition" of the Von Stern- dominating the border. It added berg film was parodied in "Flam- that the forces were advancing on ing Creatures." the ancient city of Nazareth, Styan, who has written four where Jesus grew to manhood, books on dramatic arts, then tes- and other towns. tified that after attending a pri- Radio Damascus asserted its vate viewing of the film he was forces had recaptured the Israeli convinced that the dominant plain north of the Sea of Galilee theme of the film is "taking our and called on Arab commando image of sex as expressed in the units to step up sabotage raids commercial media to the extreme behind Israeli lines. to make us laugh at it and be The Israeli chief of staff, Maj. repelled by it." He said the film Gen. Itzhak Rabin, said all the was not intended to appeal to Egyptians' "efforts are aimed at the prurient interest of the view- withdrawing behind the Suez Ca- er, but was meant to "shock and nal and we are taking care of hurt us, for the purpose of correct- that. The whole area is in our ing our mistaken attitudes toward hands. The main efforts of the sex." Egyptians is to save themselves." Amicus Curiae Statement But at a news conference, Maj. Prof. Joseph Saks, counsel for Gen. Moische Dayan, Israeli de- the Civil Liberties Board of the fense minister, indicated Israel University, amicus curiae in the had achieved its primary war aim case, then addressed the court, in opening the Gulf of Aqaba. He asking that prosecution against minimized the importance of the the defense be dropped. He con- Suez Canal. tended that the University as an Shortly before the UN deadline Other Arab Nations Vow To Fight On UN Security Council Unanimously Calls For Malt to Hostilities By The Associated Press Israel told the United Nations last night that a cease-fire with Jordan had taken effect. It ap, peared to be the first break in the Middle East war. The other Arab nations, mean- while, continued to press the con- flict. Israel said the cease-fire be- came effective at 4 p.m. (EDT) yesterday. The Security Council had earlier in the day approved unanimously a Soviet resolution demanding that Israel and the Arab countries cease all firing and other military activities at 4 p.m. (EDT). The action was taken at a ses- sion called hurriedly, at the re- quest of the Soviet Union, after Tuesday night's UN cease-fire ap- peal had failed to halt the Middle East fighting. Soviet Ambassador Nikolai T. Fedorenko blamed Israel for fail- ure of the cease.fire appeal, con- demned Israel once more as an aggressor, and demanded that the 15-nation council set the deadline for the parties to end the fight- ing. The vote came without debate, after a brief recess during which the delegates studied it and con- sulted privately. Notification Israel's notification of a cease- fire came in a letter to the coun- cil president, Danish Ambassador Hans R. Tabor, from Foreign Min- ister Abba Eban. "At 4:45 p.m. New York time," the letter said, "I informed the secretary-general of a telephone conversation with Jerusalem in- forming me that the Israel gov- ernment accepts the Security Council's call for an immediate cease-fire provided that the oth- er parties accept. "I have since received a cabled confirmation of this decision which I communicate to you offi- cially. "We have been appraised of the government of Jordan's accept- ance and the cease-fire with that country has been in effect since 4 p.m. (EDT). "We would welcome the an- nouncement of acceptance by oth- er governments involved in the hostilities." Reaction Followed Reaction to the UN resolutidn by warring countries was forth- coming: * Israel, convinced of its over- whelming military victory, an- nounced agreement to the UN de- mand on condition that all the countries concerned give their agreement as well. A communique from the Israel government press office also said: "1w he m".Unv of nthe 1MA~vit.. -Associated Press THE SHADED AREAS OF THE MAP show the territory captured by Israel in its war against the Arab forces. Yesterday the Israeli forces knocked out the Egyptian blockade of the Gulf of Aqaba and swept to the banks of the Suez Canal. The Isra eli troops also advanced south to Sharm el Sheikh, surpassing its speed in the 1956 war with the Arabs, when it had assistance from Britain and France. IN 48 STATES: Vietna-m Summer Jo ins, An u .n L .1- cs n4! Whr- . By DAVID BERSON The headline on volume one, number one of "Vietnam Summer News" reads "Vietnam Summer now in 48 states; all points of view unite to end war." And if last night's local meeting of the peace project is any indication of things to come, Ann Arbor op- position to the war will also be united this summer. In a three hour meeting at Tappan Junior High School, about 250 persons quietly discussed var- ious programs geared to mobilize opposition to the Johnson Admin- istration's foreign policy. Prof. Richard Mann of the psy- chology department, one of the organizers of last night's meeting, set at its outset what was to be the general tone of the meeting throughout the evening saying, "Our task is to maximize the total amount of energy for Viet- nam Summer, The meeting was centered 'door-to-door petition drive, cre- around an agenda prepared by Mann and the other three mem- bers of the organizing committee composed of individuals from var- ious segments of the peace move- ment in Ann Arbor. The agenda contained proposals for various action which were later tacitly accepted. These included a ation of an educational forum which would bring speakers to Ann Arbor, a project which would pro- vide draft counseling to high school and college students, and a peacemobile and leaflet project. After the agenda was presented the meeting broke up into smaller groups with people choosing which projects they preferred. Middle East at a Glance TEL AVIV-Israel told the United Nations last night that a cease-fire with Jordan had taken effect. Israel also announced that she would agree to a total cease-fire if all other countries involved gave their agreement. SINAI PENINSULA-Israel seems on her way to an over- whelming military victory as her troops gained strategic heights overlooking the Gulf of Aqaba. In other military action Israel gained control of the old city of Jerusalem and Bethlehem, both in Jordan. In further action, it was reported that Israeli forces