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June 07, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-07

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See editorial page

Sir i4a

Continued warm;
possible thundershowers

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom








0sca1 Reform



First of Two Parts
The question of a tuition
crease and cuts or additior
the University's budget will gc
answered until the state Lea
ture takes action on either I
reform or the new education
propriations budget.
Gov. George Romney's prof
S$62.2 million 'allotment for
University is 'less than mini
according to Marvin Nie
assistant to the President. He
the University is now waitini
a "clarified revenue picture'
fore making definite budget j
for the coming academic yea
There are indications that
University will increase tuitic
student fees, although ne
Niehuss nor Wilbur K. Pier]

Vice-president and chief financial sity $62.2 million and an excellent because it is committed to addi- meet on June 16 with the hope
officer, confirmed this. He said chance for a number of special tional staff for next year and that they'll have heard from the
without supplement to the gover- supplements to meet specific has accepted approximately 1,500 Legislature by that time.
nor's recommendation severe cuts needs. Imore students. Niehuss said that he can re-
in planned programs for the next Failure of the fiscal package I"In the non-academic areas of member "no other period where
year would have to be made. would mean a reduction of at least our staff, there is a very strong Ithe possibilities varied so greatly."
Pierpont called the alternatives 15 per cent in state appropria- push for higher salaries," Niehuss He said that if the fiscal reform
"unpleasant." He added that he tions at all levels and the use of continued, and the Civil Service bill gets through, the University's
has never seen a legislative budget the "austerity budget" which has authorized a seven per cent appropriation from the state will
hassle so "troublesome or unpr'e- Romney submitted in March. salary increase. for its employes probably be in the ,area of the
dictable," and said "a lot depends The state Budget Office has re- and "while they don't have any Igovernor's recommendation, which
on the Legislature " ported that $40 million would have authority over us, the University "is lower than we had wanted in
The Legislature cannot take ac- Ito be cut from the $271.6 million tries to stay competitive." view of our demands."
tion on the appropriations budget, in the education portion of the The budget period ends July 1 In the meantime, the University,.
which must originate from the budget without fiscal reform, and the University "has to have ias well as several other state in-.
Senate, until a final decision is IRomney has continued to insist something after this," according stitutions. is planning future op-
made on fiscal reform. The bill is Ithat he will not allow the state to to Niehuss. The Legislature has set Ierations on the- basis of the cur-
presently in the House of Repre- run on a deficit and there are June 16 as the deadline for enact- Irent budget. However, Niehuss ex-.
sentatives and action 'is not ex- currently no alternatives to his ment of bills presently on the plained that he and several other
pected unitil next wveek. "austerity" budget. floor but this deadline does not University vice-presidents have
If fiscal reform is passed, the Niehuss said that although' the apply to appropriation bills, taxa- been over the budget to examine
budget will be reported out in its University has set up .a list of tion and fiscal reform. The Uni- the possibility of operating on the
present form, giving the Univer- priorities for some adjustments Iversity has asked the Regents to current budget and the situation

is "close to disastrous." "It is be- He explained that the University
low the minimum on which we Ihas "put its money on the facul-
should operate" according to ty," because the first five of the
Niehuss, last seven years "were lean." "We
Niehuss said that he thought have neglected equipment and
the legislature should pass the non-salary areas and the science
fiscal refor'm package in order to faculty are pushing for equip-
increase the level of spending ment."
throughout the state. He explained He said that if the University
that the country is currently in a is forced to make a choice between
period of -prosperity and that if Iincreasing faculty salaries and
"this were a depression, it would buying equipment, faculty salaries
be easier to accept limitations and would probably be raised, because
competition, and the opportunity "people make a place.'' He added
for faculties wouldn't be so that he thought students would
strong." He added however, that "probably be happier" If they
"with prosperity and expansions knew the increase in their tuition
in staff and institutions" this isn't was increasing faculty salaries and
the case. "bringing better people here."
Niehuss said this was a "very Niehuss said that the problem
critical year," that the competition of classroom space and office
among universities for "junior ad- space may have to be postponed
ministrators'' was "very strong." because "it can be made flexible

... with inconvenience to the stu-
dents and faculty." He said that
"we can live with a space shortage
if it means the other aspects will
work out-."
If the legislature has not made
appropriations by July 1 the Uni-
versity has two Immediate alter-
natives, according to Niehuss; it
can continue to operate on its
present budget or "we can gamble
and operate on the assumption of
an increase."
If the University does not
"gamble" it can either ask the
regents to "make some increase In
student fees" or like other depart-
ments in the state, postpone filling
Tomorrow: Tuition1 Increase:
An Old Story


Cease - Fire









Embassy in


Arab Mob
Burns U.S.
Egyptian Police Fire
Tear Gas in Attempt
To Drive Crowd Away
CAIRO (/P) - A mob of Arab
demonstrators set fire to the U.S.
Embassy early this morning after
the Egyptian government ordered
Americants to leave the country
and Egypt broke diplomatic rela-
M ounted polic ied Star gas*
into the mob in an attempt to
drive the crowd away from the
building. Angry mob scenes also
were reported in the Mdtra
where the ousted Americans were
gathering to await transportation
on the cin eause com-
oil storage tanks on the outskirts
of Beirut exploded yesterday.
The giant blaze lit up the skies,
over Beirut for more than an hour,
before firemen brought the flames
under control, preventing the
blaze from spreading to nearby
No information was available
immediately on the cause of the:
blast. No planes were reported in
the air at the time:
More than 20 tanks belonging
to Shell and other oil companies
are clustered in a tank farm near
the MVediterranean coast in the
northern suburbs of Beirut.
At the same time, Jordan put
out discreet feelers asking the
United States to arrange foi' an
immediate cease-fire with Israel,:
diplomatic sources reported last
Ther wa oimediate con-
firmation available at the State
Department, but high .officials'
said they would not deny the


______________- -Troops Fight
Emigan1 BOver Egypt's
NEWS WIRESuez Region

Late World News
By The Associated Press
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador-The El Salvador government
ordered mobilization Monday night becaus~e of what it called a
threat from Honduras. President . Julio Adalberto Rivera said
Honduras had not agreed to withdraw its troops from a disputed
border area, A commission composed of representatives fromn
both countries has been studying the dispute, but a number of
frontier incidents have marred the conference.

Khan told Arab leaders yesterday
Pakistan for whatever material help
against Israel.

President Mohammed Ayub
to feel free to call upon
they may need in their' war

P re id e t J o n okg n t h a th e U n te State a ct t pr ote c
Council's unanimous resolution for an unconditional and immne-
diate ceasef ire in the war-torn area.
* * * *
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY'S tax reform package was brought
into position for vote by the House of Representatives yesterday
as the majority Republicans voted as a bloc to amend the tax
specifications which were approved by the Senate last month. The
only changes were reduction of the 5%~ per cent corporate income
tax to 5 per cent and reinstatement of a flat rate tax of 7 per
cent on financial institutions.
ROBBEN FLEMING, the~ Uriversity's next president, visited
the campus yesterday, looking for housing for his family for next
September. He also worked with a Chicago television station,
filming some scenes for a documentary.
A RESOLUTION (ALLING for abolition of the state civil
rights commissionl was introduced yesterday by two Democr'atic
representatives, E. D. O'Brien (Detroit) and Edward Mahalak
'Romulus). The measure would eliminate the commission from
the state constitution. Two-third majorities in both houses
of the legislature would be required to place the question on the

israel MoVes Toward $n
Victory ini Conflict; F
Fighting in Bethlehem
Editor's Note: All dispatches
from the Middle East are sub- *'
ject to censorship. News re-
garding military movements,
unless officially announced, e
comes under scrutiny.
The Israeli armor slashed across
Sinai toward the Suez Canal and 4
clashed in tough, grim battles with
Egyptian tanks and destroyed oi
captured 200 of them, the Isr aeli
command said yesterday.
In the Holy Land, Jordan ie--
ported fighting in Bethlehem, the
bithlae f hrst an in
salesm of hitmews haWen t
hande andious to ouehombate
Thesrab, climin g onlytiknohr--
ga in the iel, weeriing -
The cosd the Suez Canal n andieT N AT V R G A :
crt.Tled oishipets see to estr
Eurpin aditmion Eta whleale
seveingiBi Gofgreaionsthe the I NISAL ODEadsa.oddcmr
United States and Btan.
innth sraneti ofeheenzseysteraysatryr
Ipk sae St.ri.kesh Peareh-
m, dIsraelie torke had e- _____
ithe Sai Pninula dsriving tho-
ward the S"uez Can oni and-mil TEN ATIERH PROGNRtAmVI
frnThe Isreis seemtedatoke __IFC)__resne____"mas__er____n"__nge__nd___
aimin at the mnEgyptian borap-se uetAvsr omiteo one y
ig rgon i et Sinai.BrGfaf-ewe the: Prsien Brc eznsidAcietr
Isrel borer ndthe cranal. thetht aou 15 Lateriteswer ig o FC
IsAnesreliteene JMidniastr osyitrse nmvn oimSg.
spokesmantL. Coru. Moseerl-te
inanr sadIsaeli fosid hsadeI-
sroye or atr ed 50y tak on- r Nr h C
dayancmd 10ystry iin and
Cthy Gaz trip, bucthdcibedhothe AI NKEsosrn
ofigtnging "tug and gri hand Byena WALTER SIl fiIAI'I y Nrths am
certanyt esy"Te Inen rrtrnit Coi a TDelt Phi S
The Egyptans countrafgttacke (IC rne masterein plan"vte Lage and S
at severtalponts th were re-nk or th me develomentliofng fratert The Intf
pusehe aid.e addBethatem ngitpr ohn Nrthn Capstoh Ctonfwhic t
soe of mieatheyta rorh Thp- Studet TAdvisor Commuitee o bunesyC
radietl wlas Iswitdakwing to osngestertdumay. Bciemrn Wayrg
hire grund win ent Iralinaise. IrFC rihdn ruc thae said Arhecturs'
Onithen ir nrther fronted tha bouty d ratentiesh wre ig to N IC
Israelisetered the ordTain : serioul theeedoing wih etod I hampoSge,
cetr fOl ersle ftr am -os - -vo .naa - --

-Associated Press
Lde during the Arab-Israeli ivar. Fighting was reported
ael was said to have advanced towards Suez and
-e ---M - ------- Pl n
mpns Epansio

U.S .-Moscow
In Aecord on
Israel Welcomes Call;
Arabs Describe Move
As Abject Surrender
Union nagremnt, the Secuity
Council called unanimously last
night for an immediate cease-fire
as a first step to end the Israeli-
Arab war.
I'sraeli Foreign Minister Abba
Eban, fresh from scenes of fight-
ing in Jerusalem, declared his
country welcomed the appeal. But
the first Arab reaction was to de-
nounce the cease-fire call as an
abjedt surrender to Israel.
"Israel welcomes the- appeal for
teca-iea frmuatd nh
I must poEint outthat its imple-
pntand sevcerptane of.
Israel in its midst."
U.S. Response
U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
berg hailed the resolution ap-
proved by the 15-nation council as
an initial advance toward peace
In the Middle East.
Goldberg denied vigorously Arab
charges that U.S. planes from car-
riers of the 6th Fleet In the Medi-
terranean had flown support of
Israeli military operations.
To disprove the charges, he
called for U.N. inquiry and invited
the United Nations to station ob-
servers aboard the carriers in the
fleet to report back to the inter-
national community on flight ope-
President Johnson interrupted
the televised meeting of the Coun-
cil last night with an appeal for
warring Mideast nations to accept
a U.N. Security Council-approved
cease-fire as the first step toward
"a new time of settled peace and
progress for all the people of the
Middle East."
Eba sidtht oran had ben
terest" into joining Egypt in a
defense pact, which Eban said was
an aggressive pact.
IThere was "peril -for Israel
everywhere. she looked," he said,
I and Israel faced this peril alone."
SArab Reaction
In the first Arab reaction in the
council to the resolution, Iraqi
Foreign Minister Adnan Pachachi
called it "a complete surrender
ovisre agreement to the cease-
fire call was regarded as a retreat
made necessary by Israeli victories
over the Arabs, but Soviet Dele-
gate Nihrolal T. Fedorenko served
I notice that he regarded the move

'us, among them Tau
igma Phi Epsilon. Ti-
gina Alpha Mu.
on on North Campus
he proposal refers is
Huron Parkway, Gla-
a cemetery, and the
1 School site. Accord-
Vice-President Wil-
the University's plan-
onight's meeting con-
ibers of the following
m e n s International
Peace and Freedom;
ith Committee for a
on Religion and Peace;
ike for Peace;. Inter-
~omnmittee for Debate
Policy; Voice-SDS;
Pledge; Citizens for
ics; the Committee of
ty: the Ann Arbor

ning office and architect's office I
said last semester that this would
be an excellent site for fraternity
Thes tentative plan consists of
four model agreements by which
such a North Campus fraternity
development coul be create. Two
agreementsrat tpresent avail-
"small group housing units."
Agreement A calls for "outright
purchase" and is the method by
I hih et BtaTathe only
Campus, acquired their land from
the University in 1957.
Agreement D is the "Nu Sigma
Nu Agreement" under which the
University and the fraternity by
miatching funds construct a fra-
ternity house which is then rent-
ed by the University to the fra-
ternity. This proposal was ap-
proved in 1966 by the Regents.,
BOf the two new plans agreement
build "a small group housing unit"
'which would be leased to a frater-
nity at a rental "sufficient to pay
all cost of maintenance . . . and to
p rovide for amortization and in-

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