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June 06, 1967 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1967-06-06

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C, r

Lwt 43afl


Cloudy, warm,
chance of showers

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom





Israelis, Arabs
Of Middle East



tory in




$900,000: UN Council
Ford Foundation Fails To Set

China Studies Center

Meets Again Today;
Dispute Flares Over
Withdrawal of Troops

The F o r d Foundation has
granted $900,000 to the Univer-
sity's Center for Chinese Studies
to investigate the "increasingly
important enigma of present-day
China," officials of the Center said
yesterday. The grant becomes of-
ficial today.
The Center plans to focus on
historical, social, economic and
political studies which will aid a
nation-wide move to develop a
group of specialists on China.
According to Center Director
Albert Feuerwerker, the grant, to
be paid on an. installment basis
for the next five years, will pro-
vide partial salaries for five new
faculty members in five different
7"1 i _0

fields-political science, economy,
modern history, literature, and
sociology or anthropology - who
are specialists on China. These
professors will teach in their own
departments, but will receive fi-
nancial support from the Center
where most of their research will
be conducted, Feuerwerker said.
Three Projects
The gr.ant also provides for three
broad research projects to be un-
dertaken by the Center, as well as
seminars, conferences, and the
addition of new library facilities.
The grant was part of a total
of $5 million awarded by the Ford
Foundation to the University, the
University of California at Berke-
ley, and Columbia, Cornell, and

Detroit Jews dhow
Support for Israel-

Harvard universities. Berkeley was
awarded $900,000. Harvard will By The Associated Press
receive $1.5 million and Columbia, UNITED NATIONS-While war
$1.2 million. raged between Israel and the
"For years Harvard, Columbia Arabs, the U.N. Security Council
and Berkeley have been known as failed last night in prolonged ne-
the finest Chinese centers in gfaiatnitgin proluedn
America," Prof. Alexander Eck- gotiations to agree on a resolution
stein, director of the Center as of asking for a cease-fire.
July 1, noted. "The Ford Founda- A new attempt will be made
tion grant now recognizes Mich-- this morning at 11:30 a.m. EDT.
igan's entry into this front rank The U.N. Security Council was
in a relatively brief span of years." bogged down in disagreement last
The Center was established in night on the wording of a resolu-
1961 with Ford Foundation funds. tion asking for a cease-fire, but
Currently about 20 faculty mem- the general consensus favored a
bers and researchers are associat- halt in the fighting.
ed with it. Last year nearly 60 The chief sticking point was
graduate students were specializ- whether to include a demand for
ing in Chinese studies and nearly troop withdrawals in the cease-
700 students were enrolled in fire appeal. The pro-Arab coun-
courses dealing with China. tries including the Soviet Union
Feuerwerker indicated new ac- wanted a demand for withdrawals
tivities planned by the Center in- to positions before the hostilities
elude a regular conference, pos- flared.
sibly to be held every two years, This was unacceptable to the
on the current state of China. He United States, Britain and others
said results of the conference will on the ground that it would solid-
be published. ify the positions held by Egyptian
The three research projects to troops controlling the Gulf of
be financed by the grant will deal Aqaba.
with economic retardation and Ambassador Hans R. Tabor of
growth in the past 100 years, po- Denmark reconvened the 15-na-
litical behavior and attitudes in tion council at 10:20 p.m. last
Communist and pre-Communist night.
China, and contemporary ideology
and education.Tabor,_the council president for
The economic study will con- June, weary from a work day that
tinue work done by geography started shortly after 3 a.m., said it
Prof. Rhoades Murphey, Feuer- was the wish of the council to ad-
werker and Eckstein. In part, it journ until morning.
will deal with the current eco- He asked that council members
nomic development and its pre- be prepared to enter into a new
Communist roots, and the influ- round of negotiations about an
ence of the West on Chinese eco- hour before the council recon-
nomic transformation. vened.
The study of political behavior Then, without objection from
will expand work done by political the council members, he adjourn-
science Prof. Richard H. Solomon, ed the meeting at 10:23 p.m.
who has interviewed Chinese rear- U.S. sources said they were
ed in imperial, republican and hopeful that agreement would be
Communist eras in China. worked out today.

i S
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-Associated Press
ISRAELI TANKS MOVE into Jerusalem. At one time Israeli troops entered the buffer zone between
Israeli and Jordanian sectors and occupied U.N. Truce Commission headquarters there after Jor-
danian troops which had surrounded the buildin g withdrew.

Troops Fight
Over Egypt's
Sinai Region
Israel Reports Air
Superiority; Capture
Of Seacoast Town
By The Associated Press
Israeli armor smashed into
Egypt's Sinai Peninsula yester-
day on the historic invasion route
to Suez and the Israeli high com-
mand claimed a 45-mile advance
by midnight of the first day of
the Middle East war.
Israel also claimed air superior-
ity over the entire area of the new
conflict with the destruction of 374
Arab planes.
In its sweep into Sinai, the Is-
raelis announced the capture of
the vital seacoast town of El
Egypt announced a thtust of its
own into Israeli territory after
"savage battles" on the Sinai Pen-
insula, historic Arab-Israeli bat-
tleground. The Arabs claimed 161
Israeli planes down on all fronts.
The Israeli command also an-
nounced three assaults into Jordan
territory, the most important
against Jenin, 30 miles southeast
of Haifa, from where Jordanian
artillery and air .attacks had been
In a night session, Israeli
Prime Minister Levi Eshkol told
his parliament the Israelis had
inflicted a "severe beating" on the


U.S. Takes Neutral Role
In Middle East Confjvlict

Special To The Daily
DETROIT,- It was like one of
those old-time centennial celebra-
tions-little kids walking around
with cans of pop in their hands,
parade music blaring over loud-
speakers, lots of veterans wearing
those little hats.
If you listened to them talk,
you knew it wasn't a centennial,
and that they weren't celebrating.
They talked about commitment,
about money - but mostly about
Israel. Their purpose was to show
the solidarity of the Jewish com-
munity of greater Detroit in the
present Israeli crisis. They were
there, at the Detroit Jewish Com-
munity Center, to speak words
that people in high places would
"We are here to speak out for
peace, and to demand justice. The
Jewish community is united in its
determination for Israel to sur-
vive." Those were the formal
words from the platform, defin-
ing the rally's purpose. Informally,
the words were somewhat differ-
ent, although the idea was the
"I just want to show that I
stand behind Israel and yes, I'm
prepared to go if I'm needed . ..
"I'll Uuy bonds, send money;
no, I don't think I'd object if my
son decided to go and fight."
Speakers varied only in kind.
There was the president of De-
troit's Zionist Council; State Rep.
Daniel Cooper; the president of
the Detroit Council of Churches;
Leonard Woodcock, vice-president
of the United Auto Workers. And
the man behind the rally, Philip
Slomovitz, editor and publisher of
the Detroit Jewish News.
Their speeches were in essence
the same, and a few phrases stood
out. Like "pledge our unwavering
support," and "feel a vibrant

identity" and "cause of free peo-
ple everywhere." There was some
nose-thumbing; like "made a bar-
ren desert bloom" and "Israel-
dthe only democracy in the Middle
Statements were read from vari-
ous public figures,, from Rep.
Marvin Esch to Pope Paul. These
too showed solidarity in their
words of support and encourage-
ment for the 5,000 people, who
listened silently and burst out with
intermittent applause.
Finally, after about two hours,
the speakers were finished, and
the podium was turned over to a
local rabbi; all that remained by,
that time were the words of bless-
ing and invocation. Slowly the
crowd began to move out in a
mass attempt to escape the heat.

By The Associated Press the military conflict, stop im-1
The United States yesterday pro- mediately and unconditionally its
claimed its neutrality in the Mid- military actions . .. and pull back
dle East war and called upon "all its troops beyond the truce line."
parties" to support the United Na- Britain ordered its armed forces
tions Security Council in bringing yesterday to stay clear of the
abou animmdiat cese-ire fighting in the Middle East. It
While Britain and France join- joined the U.S. in proclaiming a
ed the U.S. in proclaiming neu- policy of neutrality in the Arab-'
trality, Russia put itself firmly Israeli war and launched moves
on the side of the Arab govern- aimed at bringing peace.
ments and accused Israel of ag- Foreign Secretary George Brown
gression. called on the Soviet Union to join'
In Washington there was offi- in talks with the U.S., Britain and

-rests jointly with the Americans
and Russians.
In other developments the State
Department has received frag-
mentary reports of anti-American
demonstrations in more than a
half-dozen Middle East nations.
U.S. embassies and consulates
were reported damaged in some
McCloskey said anti-American
demonstrators assaulted some U.S.
airmen in Tripoli, Libya, where
the United States operates giant
Wheelus air base.
He also reported demonstrations
and damage to U.S. embassies or
consulates in Tripoli and Ben-
ghazi, Libya, and Baghdad and
Basra, Iraq; damage to U.$. In-
formation Agency facilities ini
Benghazi, Libya, and Damascus,
Syria; and other demonstrations
in Khartoum, Sudan, Sanaa,
Yemen, and Tunis, Tunisia.


Z. .

Crisis Arouses Mixed Reaction
Among Local Students, Faculty


cial confusion as to the degree of
U.S. neutrality. State Department
spokesman Robert McCloskey told
newsmen yesterday afternoon that
"Our position is neutral in
i thought, word and deed."
Yet a few hours later, White
House press secretary George
Christian refused to either affirm
or disavow that statement.
Earlier Statement
He referred reporters to earlier
presidential statements which in
effect oppose the destruction by
force of any Mideastern state.
He did not use the word "neu-
trality" and appeared to be avoid-
ing it.
In a later expansion of his
remarks, Christian said that in
the context of McCloskey's replies
to questions the State Depart-
ment's statement "is not a formal
declaration of neutrality."
But then Christian said "in a
conflict you are either a belliger-
ent or a neutral" - adding the
United States certainly is not a
b"P 'l t

France at the United Nations in
New York as quickly as possible.
Brown summoned Soviet, U.S.
and French envoys to separate
meetings and presented them with
this three-point approach towards
a settlement:
-All the big powers should keep
out of the fighting.
-All the big powers should quit
delivering arms to the combatants
pending a peace parley.
-All the big powers should back
a U.N. Securuty Council resolu-
tion ordering the warring sides to
cease firing,
Ambassador Mikhail Smirnovsky
l of Russia gave Brown no imre-
diate indication of how Moscow
will react to the peace-making
plan. The Soviets are the main
suppliers for arms for Egypt. j
A more positive reaction is ex-
pected from the French, who al-
ready have said they mean to re-
main neutral. Moreover, British
officials mentioned that President
Charles de Gaulle himself has



acts, such as the upcoming one-

and WALTER SHAPIRO sided Israeli rally planned for
Thursday, which are very dishon-
The outbreak of war in the est in their appeal for peace."
M; .dle East yesterday produced Israel 'Victimized'
mixed faculty and student opinion The director of the campus
both in Ann Arbor and around the Hillel Foundation, Herman Jacobs,
nation. claimed that Israel had been "vic-
Imad Khadduri, Grad, president timized by the Arab world" and
of the Arab Student Organization, that Israel "must be given what
claimed, "The Arabs do not want a state is entitled to-the right to
war for the sake of war. We want develop its resources to economic'
peace, but we also want our right, capacity."

capable of waging a long full scale
war." He explained that if Israel

is to win "it must be short-run
war" and if 'the Arab states are
to win "it will be a long term
At Princeton, Manfred Halpern,
professor of Near Eastern studies,
said, "If, as reports now indi-
cate, the UAR has suffered a ma-
jor military defeat, there are two
possible results. Either Arabs
cld closetheSuezCanlad

which the West has constantly
failed to recognize. For many
years in this country, I have wit-
nessed the systematic Zionist sup-
pression of the Arab point of
"Our teach-in was an effort,"
he continued, "to correct these



Jacobs said that approximately cut off oil to any country sup- No Conflict come out in favor of Big Four
25 University students have volun- porting Israel. Or Egyptian offi- American officials claim that talks as a precondition for effec-
teered their services to help meet cers may feel that they have fail- this view is not in conflict with tive UN peacemaking.
the Israeli labor shortage caused ed to receive appropriate Soviet commitments to defend the inde- Ministers in the top echelons
by the military mobilization, support and that they have been pendence and territorial integrity of the British government were
One f te stdens, Eic ox-led on by false Russian promises." of all Middle Eastern nationscovneththekyopae
man, '69, said that he wished to This, he predicted, could lead to against aggression. , in the Middle East-and the world
go to Israel because "win or lose,. Nasser's ultimate downfall. They added it is not yet clearj
the crops must be harvested." An Arab view of the situation who is the aggressor in the Arab-
MxdFclyOiin was expressed by Abrahim. Abu Israeli eruption. This, they said, s
Lug-Hod, professor of government makes it impossible at this point
Local faculty opinion was mixed a mt olg.H eivdta ofxaybaeo otk n
as rofssos tiedto nalze hethe current crisis was rooted in stance other than neutrality.
chao inthe Middle East. George
C.Cmrn himno h era basic shift in Israeli foreign The Soviet government, mean- :.:,;. . ,_;:,:::,::::":;
Eatrhagugen iertr oiy in the summer of 1966. whle>dmndd ha.Isae so
department said that he feared a Redirect Attention mltr cinucniinly
posbeand tragic outcome of the "Israel believed that her m a- ThofialSvenwsgnc
crisis would be "the demise of the j or problems have not been . as adthsemn asmd
Unitd Naion." *tivly daltwithandthatthein a published statement tha
Thisvie wascoutere byonly way to yeach an agreement stressed the Soviet government's t
3 Thisview ws cou"resolutenlysupport" for Egypt and
Po.RP.Mthloftehsoywas to redirect attention to the: .
deprtmnt ho aidtha th UNMiddle East. They attemptedto thrAasae.
will not collapse because 'the need do this by a deliberate policy of IThstemnsad ThSo
for te Unied Ntionsis graterincreasing border tensionis," h x
than any particular cr'isis which it plained. ve oenetrsre h ih
to take all the steps that may be >. .
mig'm Iselht fail to surmount." A former Irei Prof. Nazbaz ncsiaebyteiuton." It
heProf. J. David Singer of the p -..ano.h.hsoy<eaten ald ngvenet o'te
litical science department defend-, of Harvard, sees the crisis re-j nations "to do everything in their
ed the United Nations' actions in sulting from a "destruction of the}poetoxinus the military :< -,.
the current crisis. ::In regard to blneo ocsmltr n conflagration in the Middle East
fh T..t....a1 \T.. J.Z..r.... *......_.1.. nt-nt.nO inno I in +ltn 1ff4AA1P t'n ..f _ J...i..

1aOfficials said no action orders
have been sent to the U.S. 6th'
Fleet, a powerful 50-vessel force
now in the eastern Mediterranean.
A reinforced battalion of 2,000
U.S. Marines also is afloat in the
Mediterranean and three U.S. de-
stroyers are cruising in the Red
Restricted Travel
In addition to his neutrality
statement, McCloskey announced
that Americans' travel to Israel
and 13 Arab nations is being re-
stricted. And he said U.S. aid pro-
grams to these 14 countries "are
urgently under review."
"In view of the outbreak of hos-
tilities in the Middle East, U.S.
citizens desiring to go to those
countries must obtain passports
specifically endorsed by the State
Department," McCloskey said..
X44 f
.".V ...~;. . ~

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)--Egypt
charged early today that planes
from U.S. and British aircraft car-
riers had attacked Arab forces in
Jordan and had provided an air
umbrella over Israel on the Egypt-
ian front.
Carlo Radio broadcast an an-
nouncement by the Egyptian
High Command saying it posses-
sed "complete" proof of this.
The Egyptain claim opened the
door to violent Arab reaction
against American and British in-
terests in the Arab world and rais-
ed the spector of active Soviet in-
In another development Syrian
troops joined Egyptian and Jor-
daman soldiers in the fight
against Irael today, launching a
heavy attack against an Israeli
frontier settlement in Galilee.
forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan
in the first day of the new con-
Egypt claimed its armored col-
umns penetrated into Israeli ter-
ritory after they wiped out an Is-
raeli attack on El Kunteila,
In the fighting with Jordan,
Rabin announced the capture of
Zur Bahar, just south of Jerusalem
on Jordan soil, and Sheik Aziz in
the Jerusalem corridor.
Newsmen were told by Morde-
chai Hod, commander of the Is-
raeli air force, that his squadrons
had destroyed 374 planes as "cer-
tains" and 34 as "probables."
In the Arab clains of similar
wholesale destruction of Israeli
aircraft, Egypt claimed 86 Israeli
planes downed, Jordan 23, Syria
50, and Lebanon 2.
In the first day of war, Israel's
port city, Haifa, and airports at
the Arab capitals of Cairo, Am-
man and Damascus were struck by
air raids.
Algeria announced yesterday
that it is "in a state of war against
Israel" and that a "general mobil-
ization" had been proclaimed.
A third African Arab nation,
Morocco, declared a brigade of
3,000 men will proceed immediate-
ly to the front.
The military command of little
Lebanon, on Israel's northern
border, called on all Palestine
Arab refugees to volunteer for thle
Each side claims the other
started the conflict.
The' Israeli army announced

DESPITE LOWERED MENTAL standards, more that. 176,40
American youths were rejectedi for the draft last year because
they were unable to meet even 'those requirements.
The lower standards however, resulted in only about 12 per
cent of potential draftees flu~nking mental requii'ements in 1966
compared with nearly 21 pee' cent in 1965.
An army surgeon's report listed increased demand for man-
power in Vietnam as the reaso c)

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