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:Y L
Little temperature change;
no chance of rain
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
East Crises:
JERUSALEM (P) - An Israeli time nations on issuing a
patrol battled a four-man Syrian tion for free and open
squad on the border yesterday, through the gulf for all
heightening war fever and bring- including Israel. The gulf
ing the first deaths since the on- sidered the most likely pla
set of the Middle East crisis. fighting will break out
As news of this third border comes.
incident this week spread, Egypt The declaration woul
warned the maritime nations it that the gulf and the ent
"will not permit any act of aggres- it through the Strait of Ti
sion against its territorial waters, stitute an international v
and will take all measures neces- for all shipping. Israel
sary to secure its sovereignty." nounced it will sign the
This was Cairo's response to tion, so its shipping w
British and U.S consultations on covered.
how to overcome Egypt's an- British Prime Ministe
nounced blockade of Israeli ship- Wilson warned yesterd
ping in the Gulf of Aqaba, in failure to end peacefully
which lies Israel's port of Elath. declared blockade of the
Israel has warned it will not toler- Aqaba could lead to no
ate a blockade indefinitely. local war in the Middle
U.S. officials in Washington an- a much larger conflict "ii
nounced the United States and ter of hours."
Britain are consulting with mari- Wilson held a news co
f is con-
ce where
if war
d' assert
trance to
Iran con-
has an-
would be
;r Harold
ay that
Gulf of
t only a
East but
n a mat-
with President Johnson on the
Middle East crisis.
Prime Minister Lester B. Pear-
son of Canada, fresh from consul-
tations with British Prime Min-
ister Wilson, announced in Ottawa
that Canada would not join in the
declaration but would await action
by the U.N. Security Council.
However, pessimism mounted
among U.N. diplomats yesterday
over prospects for any kind of
concrete action by the Security
Council that would insure a
breathing spell in the Middle East
U.S. sources said Ambassador
Arthur J. Goldberg was deter-
mined to press to a vote his reso-
lution calling on all parties to
heed Secretary-General U Thant's
call for restraint, and let inter-
national diplomacy work out -a
peaceful solution.
Wilson flew from Ottawa to deadlock in the Security Council the Middle Eastt
Washington and plunged into over steps to take to ease the ris- "individual politica
talks with President Johnson on ing tension in the Middle East. Hussein did not
the crisis - triggered early this The council meets again in an un- meant, but his tar
month by Syria's charge that usual session today. was Ahmed Shukai
Israel planned an invasion. The border fighting broke out the Palestine Libe
French President Charles de when an Israeli patrol intercepted zation.
Gaulle, considered a friend by four armed Syrians as they were Arab gunners an
the Arabs, declared in a statement returning to Syria, an Israeli army exchanged fire acr
in Paris that "the first state which spokesman said. of the Gaza Strip
would employ arms anywhere Teencounter was at Kfar Han- without casualties.
would have neither France's ap-- assi, site of a collective farm a administered Gaz
proval nor its support." little more than a half mile inside Mediterranean coG
De Gaulle again called for Big Israel and five miles north of the southwest border i
Four consultations on the crisis. Sea of Galilee. armed Palestine re
Unlike the United States 'and Egypt's statemen
Britain, the Soviet Union has re- On Thursday, guns along the it will defend its to
jected this idea. French Informa- Jordanian border opened up. Jor- strikes at the cont
tion Minister Georges Gorse said dan said the guns were firing at ern powers that th
that despite the rejection, Moscow an Israeli helicopter that flew over is international wa
has not ruled out continued con- the Jordanian sector of Jerusalem. tends the gulf be
tacts. No casualties were reported. and Saudi Arabia.
Diplomats at the United Nations King Hussein of Jordan warned The statement,
in New York strove to break a yesterday against anyone using name of Foreign
crisis to make
al gains."
say whom he
rget apparently
ry, firebrand of
ration Organi-
d Israeli troops
oss the border
Monday, also
a Strip on the
ast on Israel's
s crowded with
t declaring that
erritorial waters
ention by West-
e Gulf of Aqaba
ters. Cairo con-
longs to Egypt
issued in the
Minister Mah-
sion Mounts
moud Riad, declared: "The in- link between the Gulf of Aqa
terests of these states who call and the Red Sea,
themselves the maritime powers * Secretary-General U Thant la
might be gravely threatened if night defended his order witi
they participate in any aggressive drawing the United Nations Eme
act against the sovereignty of the gency Force from Egypt at th
United Arab Republic." request of President Nasser. Co:
However, Egypt has no inten- sidering the concept under whic
tion of destroying Israel, a per- the UNEF operated, he said, 1
sonal representative of President move was proper.
Gaml Abdel Nasser told Brazilian Riad reiterated Egypt's detc
authorities yesterday, diplomatic mination to keep its strangle-hc
sources reported. on Israel's only exit to the R
The sources said a special en- Sea. He said those states whic
voy, Hussein Zulfikar Sabri, made were attempting to mount a con
the statement at an hour-long teraction were attempting to fo
meeting with Brazilian Foreign low the policies of the 19th ce
Minister Jose de Magalhaes Pinto. tury and warship diplomacy."
The Egyptian army has taken While the Arabs presented
over the Sharm el Sheikh penin- common front against Israel, S
sula, controlled for 10 years by ria continued to denounce neigh
U.N. peacekeeping forces, and has boring Jordan despite an oli
positioned artillery commanding branch from'Jordanian King HiV
the Starit of Tiran, the narrow sein.
MSU Students Support
Marijuana Legalization
Hall ResignsSAc 4
WSU Board; U. 3. hllfOUflCes 1JuLRa
Post Vacant
Conflict of Interest
In Reserve,
By MARCY ABRAMSON Council will be contacted soon. Ac-
cording to SGC members, estab-
Michigan State University stu- lishment of a similar committee
dents voted 1,862 to 1,279 in favor has been discussed but no action
of legalizing marijuana in a ref- has yet been taken.
erendum Thursday. "We plan to lobby in the state
The university student govern- before lobbying nationally," Sink
ment, Associated Students of MSU said. The committee will conduct
(ASMSU), has decided to continue organizational work at the Na-
support of a recently-formed tional Student Association conven-
Marijuana Study Committee this tion this summer.
summer. The committee plans to Expect Report
press for legalization of the durg. The committee will present a
Jim Sink, chairman of the report of its work and further
study committee, said the 3,434 medical study to ASMSU next fall.
voter turnout at the 35,000-stu- Three recommendations were
dent university was not far from made to the ASMSU Student
average. "The referendum was Board Wednesday in the commit-
held on the last day of class, the tee's first report, which was pri-
weather was good, and finals are marily based on medical findings.
starting," Sink explained. "About The committee *asked ASMSU to:
4000 votes are usually cast in an -- Support reclassification of
MSU election." marijuana as a non-narcotic.
The Marijuana Study Commit- -Back the current MSU policy
tee plans to organize similar of interaction with civil authori-
groups at other universities and ties in handling cases of student
colleges and create a lobby for arrest for use of marijuana.
legalization on the state and na- -Support reduction of penalties
tional level. Sink said the Uni- for use of the drug until it can
versity's Student Government be legalized.
The Marijuana Study Commit- uver nalik rosinon
tee was formed by ASMSU during Causes Resignation
the university's spring quarter in
response to student request for By TRACY BAKER
student government involvement
in a study of marijuana. Governor' George Romney yes-
in astud of arijana.terday accepted the resignation of
"Some people criticized ASMSU Wayne State University Governor
involvement with the committee,"
inkolvement swid.heercmiree"William Hall, a Grosse Point Dem-
Sink said. "The referendum repre- ocrat, who resigned in the face of
sents a vote of confidence for the pending conflict of interest
continued ASMSU action." ruling by Attorney General Frank
Sink said the question was plac- Kelley.
ed on the ballot to determine stu- Hall is the Executive Vice-Pres-
dent feelings on an apparent na- ident of Detroit Bank and Trust,
tional trend toward legalization of which holds all of WSU's bonds.
marijuana. Hall said the bank held the bonds
The question required a yes or long before he became vice-presi-
no vote and read: "I support the dent. Other than the bonds, the
reclassification of marijuana as. bank holds a small University de-
an intoxicant and its subsequent posit account.
relegalization with appropriate Other people who may be af-
controls and restrictions on its fected by Kelley's ruling include
ruse." f yKle un cue
Michigan State University Presi-
Social Movement' dent John H. Hannah. who is a
According to Sink, the results di'ector of Michigan BellTele-
indicate the start of a "genera- phone Company and two banks,
tional social movement" in which and University President Harlan
students'and student governments dHatcher.
should lead the next step to change Hatcher
present laws on marijuana. Hatcher, questioned last July
about his directorship of Ann
The committee report contained Arbor Bank, Tecumseh Products,
25 pages of medical support for and Detroit Edison Co., said: "I
legalization of the drug. The re- have no comment noiv, nor will I!
port said, "It would be unfortu- have." The Detroit Edison Co. di-
Late World News
By The Associated Press
COLUMBIA, S.C.-A military tribunal yesterday convicted
Capt. Howard B. Levy of disobeying an order to train Green
Beret medics and with promoting disloyalty among United States
Levy, 30; a dermatologist from Brooklyn, N.Y., stood be-
tween two attorneys as the verdict was read after nearly six
hours of deliberation by the 10-member court panel.
Levy's sentence will be decided today. He could receive up to{
11 years in prison on five charges.
After the verdict was announced, the court recessed until
8 a.m. today,
BOSTON-Several hundred police massed last night in a
dominantly Negro section at Grove Hall Square, breaking up a
crowd of several hundred which gathered to watch welfare
The police were pelted with stones and bottles thrown in the
darkness from rooftops, alleyways and from side streets leading j
into the square.
nate to see a recurrence of th rectorship pays a yearly salary of center, and Secretary of the Army Stanley R
dilemma our society is currently $9,300 the Army National Guard- and Army Reserv
involved with in regards to alco- $930
hol gdUniversity Regents Robert P. Defense Department decision to eliminate al
ho'Briggs, Executive Vice-President I-- -----_______
The report was the result of and director of Consumer's Power
open hearings conducted by the Company, and Frederick Matthai, INDICTED YESTERDAY:
committee during the spring term, also on the Board of Detroit Bank
The director of the MSU health and Trust, may also be affected,
service, Dr. James E. Fuerig, last by the forthcoming ruling.
month told representatives of the The attorney-general's investi-ex a s
" committeein a ingdthat he gation was launced when details
thought marijuana would be le- o eainhpbtenfre
galized within two to five yearso
ts Face Charges.
rder During Riot
-Associated'Press x
,on, left; Deputy Secretary of Defense Cyrus Vance,
Resor, right, yesterday announced new streamlining of
e. In a report made at the Pentagon, they revealed the,
most 1,300 units of reserves from military forces.
Plan Drastic
In Shakeup
Operation To Begin
In Late Summer;
Ineludes Michigan
fense Department announced yes-
terday a drastic new streamlining
of the Army National Guard and
'Army Reserve which would 5li-
minate nearly 1,300 units.
Included in the .1,275 units
slated for elimination are 15 Ariy
National Guard divisions which
are now at about half strength
and the last four brigades of the
Army Reserve. The 46th Infantry
of the National Guard in Michigan
will be eliminated.
The rest of the units being dis-
continued in the shakeup starting
late this summer are company-
size .elements,
As expected, the announcement
s p a rk e d immediate criticism
among some Congress members.
Special Meeting
The Reserve Officers Association
said the national executive com-
mittee will hold a special meeting
tomorrow to study the plan. Mean-
while Maj. Gen. Horace D. Hlan-
son Jr. of Birmingham, Ala., na-
tional president, said the associa-
tion was withholding comment.
In addition to announcing the
reorganization, Pentagon officials:
0 Repeated that "we have no
intention or plan at this time to
call up any Reserves," either units
or individuals.
" Disclosed that they are con-
sidering a change in policy under
which draftees who have com-
pleted two years of active service
may not be assigned to Reserve
units for the remaining four years
of their military obligations. How-
ever, they would be subject to
summer training assignments.
" Acknowledged that they have
finally given up their effort to
merge the National Guard and the
Reserves into a single backup
structure for the regular forces.
Congress blocked this plan two
years ago.
The reorganization, the third in
six years, was described as aimed
at' bringing about a significant
improvement in the "early deploy-
ment capability and combat read-
iness" of the Army's Reserve
The net effect will be to produce
eight National Guard combat divi-
sions and 18 guard brigades with
a deployment readiness goal of
eight weeks from call-up.
Secretary of the Army Stanley
R. Resor said one major objective
is to locate units geographically
"and in relation to population so
that the burden of mobilization
will be shared equitably among the
because it is less harmful than
Administrative Position
The committee also studied the
position of the MSU administra-
tion on student use of marijuana
last month. Sink said the group
concluded that the university is
only interested in student safety
and does not keep files of mari-
*John A. Fuzak, MSU vice-presi-
dent for student affairs, indicated
that students would not be sus-I
pended from school for using mar-
ijuana, except in exceptional cases.
He said the police would only be
brought into cases involving addic-
tion or student saftety.
The University has no stand-
ard procedure for handling use of
the drug by students.
University Regent Eugene B.
Power and University Microfilms1
Inc. were reported, late in 1965.
Power resigned in March 1966,
after the attorney-general ruled'
that he had had a "substantial
conflict of interest."
Following Power's resignation,
Kelley asked the State Legislature
to clarify the state constitution on
conflict of interest. Kelley musta
now state an opinion on a new
law passed last summer.
WSU Board of Governors Chair-
man Norman O. Stockmeyer, who
investigated his own possible con-
flict of interest last fall and stated
that he felt none existed, said he
was "sick about Hall's resigna-
tion." Stockmeyer is president of
the Wayne Bank and the Livonia
t rouice iviu
HOUSTON, Tex. {P)-Five Texas
Southern University students were
indicted yesterday on charges of
murdering a rookie policeman int
a May 16-17 riot on the campus
of the predominantly Negro school.
Other indictments also charge,
the five with assault to murder1
on two other policemen.
Dist. Atty. Carol Vance told
newsmen that, despite the tech-
nical language of the indictmentsI
the students are not being accused
of the actual shootings but of set-
ting into motion the violence that
led to the death and injuries.
were not in the interest of the uni-
Named in the indictments were
Trazawell Franklin Jr., 20, Hous-
ton; Floyd Nichols, 25, Dallas;
Charles Freeman, 18, Port Arthur;
Douglas Wayne Waller, 21, Hous-
ton; and John Parker, 20, Gales-
burg, Ill.
Franklin. Nichols and Parker are
being held in the Harris County
jail. Freeman and Waller are free
under bonds on the rioting
Student Charges
Some university officials and
smashing doors and television and
radio sets. Short said he doubted
the charges were true.
W. A. Ruhmann, foreman of the
grand jury, released a statement
saying the jury's investigation in-
dicated' "our law enforcement of-
ficials acted with due restraint."
Ruhmann acknowledged there
have been numerous rumors of
police brutality but said the jury
found police acted in the best in-
terest of the community.
"We find that this trouble was
caused or encouraged by afew
agitators and troublemakers," he
Charges students later charged police said. "We feel that the vast major-
The murder indictment, how- caused thousands of dollars of ity of students at TSU are there
ever, charges that the five "did damage to the dormitory by for an educatioh."
then and there voluntarily and --_
with malice aforethought kill
Louis Raymond Kuba by shootinghaco
him with a gun." UAC 'Beachball' To Bounce
Kuba, 24, a policeman only 14
days, received a fatal bullet in the A
forehead as a 100-man riot squadA r ssu sc n C a p s
charged a campus dormitory from 11
which police said shots had been .-
fired. By ANN MUNSTER clubs in Chicago for the last six
Patrolman Robert G. Blaylock, weeks.
31, was shot in the thigh in the "Beachball," this. year's summer Games and a dance contest on
earlystages of the riot and Patrol- weekend, June 8-10, is a new in- the Diag start at 1:00 Satur-
man Allen D. Dugger, 32, received vention, accoiding to its co-chair- day afternoon. One of the games
a check wound about the same men, Cathe Mackin, '69, and Bob is a "balloon shaving contest" in
time Kuba was injured. Kuba died Abrams, '69. which girls are to hold balloons
seven hours later. Before. University Activities filled with water between their
In clearing the dormitory. po- Center (UAC) sponsored two teeth while boys shave whipped,
lice arrested 488 students. All but major weekends each year-Home- cream from them. Other attrac-
the five charged were released coming and Winter Weekend. And tions are a greased watermelon
within 24 hours. . ' during terms III a and b they throw, a frozen malt drinking con-
.'' . :..,