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June 02, 1967 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1967-06-02

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FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 196,

Roth Hit
By Typhoid
STANFORD, Calif. (R)-Olympic
swimmer Dick Roth has been hos-
pitalized with typhoid fever and
may possibly never swim again,
Stanford University health of-
ficer Hal Wilson said yesterday.
Roth and four other Stanford
athletes--all members of the same
fraternity house-are in the uni-
versity's health center and are
doing well, according to Dr. Mau-
rice Osborne, director of the cen-
Roth, who won a gold medal at
Tokyo in 1964, has been with-
drawn from the American team
that will compete at the Pan
American Games in Winnipeg in
Others in Football
The other four are football
They are Mike Hibler, offensive
tackle and draft choice of the
Oakland Raiders of the American
Football League; John Huss, start-
ing halfback; Bob Conrad, start-
ing end, and fullback John Read,
who is going to the Canadian
Football League.
All are members of the, Beta
Theta Pi fraternity. Six other
mehbers of the fraternity were
stricken. Two of them are still in
the hospital, two have been re-,
leased and two apparently re-
covered spontaneously.
Dr. Osborne said the outbreak
has been traced apparently to a
woman cook at the fraternity
house. He described her as a
"Typhoid Mary," a carrier of the
disease. The fraternity's kitchen
was closed last Friday.
Conrad is hospitalized in Los
Angeles; the others here. Roth
went into the hospital Tuesday.
Set Mark
The 19-year-old sophomore set
the world 400-meter individual
medley record in the Tokyo Olym-
pics in 1964.
George Haines, coach of two
Olympic swim teams, said Roth
had been a cinch for the 1968 U.S.
Olympic team. Now, Haines said,
it depends on his convalescence.
Wilson said that about five per
cent of those stricken with typhoid
remain carriers. If this should'
happen to Roth, Wilson said, his
swimming days will be over.

Soccer Star Pele
Sticks to Home Fans


Major League Standings


RIO DE JANEIRO (kP)-If the 1
well-heeled American s p c c e r'
leagues wanted to bring the best
in Brazilian soccer-and the best
in the world-to U.S. fans, not
even the annual defense budget I
would be enough. He just won't.
The best in Brazilian soccer is
a forward named Pele. He is

He is also probably the highest'
paid professional athlete in the
world in a team sport.
His earnings, although kept top
secret, are calculated to be around
$15,000 a month. This includes the
revenue from his construction and
rubber product businesses.
Pele made his first appearance
as a top international player dur-

W L Pet. GB
Chicago 25 15 625 -
Detroit 26 15 .619 --
Cleveland 22 20 .524 4
Boston 22 21 .512 4Y
Baltimore 20 20 .500 5
Minnesota 21 22 .488 5',
Washington 20 23 .465 6'..
New York 18 22 .450 7
Kansas City 19 24 .442 7!.,
California 18 28 .391 10
Cleveland 8, Detroit 2
Washington 1, California 0
Minnesota 4, Boston 0
Only games scheduled

W L Pct.
Cincinnati 31 18 .632
St. Louis 25 16 .610
San Francisco 25 19 .568
Pittsburgh 23 19 .548
Chicago 22 20 .524
Atlanta 22 22 .500
x-Los Angeles 19 24 .442
x-Philadelphia 18 23 .439
Houston 17 28 .378
New York 14 27 .341


Cuinnati 7, Chicago 6
Houston 4, New York I
San Francisco 7, Pittsburgh 1
St. Louis 5, Atlanta 4
Philadelphia at Los Angeles (inc)

known as The King of world ing the 1958 World Cup finals in
soccer, and is a national hero to I Sweden. He was 17.
83 million Brazilians. The Brazilian team had a slow
Millions around the world have start against Austria, a tie against
acclaimed him for his wizardry'England and its attack was not
on the soccer field-but Pele is working.
staying at home. But for the game against Russia,
"We can't afford to buy him," a key game for Brazil's qualifica-
said Bob Hermann, president of tion for the quarter-finals, Pele
the U.S. National Professional was included in the line-up and
Soccer League, during a recent , Brazil won by 2-0.
visit to Brazil. He stayed in the line-up to lead
"Pele is not for sale," says Athie the Brazilian team to its first
Jorge Curie, president of Santos world title, booting three goals
F.C., Pele's home club. against France in the semifinal
But it is Brazil's biggest star and two more against Sweden in
himself who has the final word. the final.
"Not even for all the money in Since he first burst on the world
the world would I leave Brazil scene, Brazil has won one more
or Santos," Pele says. world championship. The cham-
"I only play soccer for three pionship slipped away last year,
teams: Santos, the Sao Paulo state but Pele is still the biggest drawing
selection and the Brazilian na- card in the world's biggest spec-
tional team," he adds. tator sport.
At 26, the trimly built Negro has The simple presence of Pele on
become one of the country's rich- field is worth the price of the
est young men. ticket,". fans say.

*Back to class?
Go with class!


UMPRIE LOU DIMURO watches Detroit Tiger s' Gates Brown crossing first base Wednesday night
after Brown clubbed the ball off home plate high into the air. Dimuro called him out, starting a heat-
ed debate between Brown, Tigers manager Mayo Smith and Cleveland Indians first baseman Chico
Salmon. Indians won 9-0.
Grand Slam Beats Tigers 8-2
Reds Raly1To Ri Chicago. 7-6!

Just the ticket for campus traffic, crowded
parking lots or just plain fun. And, instead of
walking her to class, you can ride her to class!
'Hondas are more fun than a barrel of coeds.
See all the Honda models (there's one just

By The Associated Press
Pitcher John O'Donoghue hit a
grand-slam home run last night,
leading Cleveland to an 8-2 victory
over Detroit and knocking the
Tigers out of first place in the
American League.
Chicago, idle yesterday, regain-
ed the league lead by six per-
centage points.
O'Donoghue's homer, his first
of the season, sparked a six-run
sixth inning after an error by
Tiger shortstop Ray Oyler allowed
one run to score and gave the
Cleveland left-hander his chance
to bat with the bases loaded.
Earlier in the sixth, Fred Whit-
field's single drove in a run and
the Indians scored, two more in

the eighth on consecutive homers' by Jim Hart did the damage.
by Pedro Gonzalez and Larry Camilo Pascual pitched a four-
Brow. hitter against California as Wash-;
O'Donoghue held the Tigers to ington edged the Angels 1-0 on
two hits through the first seven Bob Saverine's run-scoring single
innings, but after Mickey Stanley's in the third inning.
homer in the eighth, Orlando Pena It was the fourth straight vic-
came in to pitch. tory for the Senators and the
He gave up a run-scoring single fourth consecutive loss for the
to Al Kaline before getting out Angels.
of the inning and retired the Mike Cuellar fired a three-hit-
Tigers in the ninth. ter and drove in a run with a
Tommy Helms' ases-loadedI double as the Houston Astros de-
single climaxed a two-out three- feated the New York Mets 4-1.
run rally in the bottom of the -
ninth inning that lifted Cincin-
nati to a 7-6 victory over Chicago.
Billy Williams had driven in five PORTS
runs with two homers and a single
as the Cubs carried a 6-4 lead into
the ninth with Cal Koonce work-
ing in relief of starter wary Culp.
aKoonceustruck out the first two A MICHIGAN GYMNAST plac-
batters but then Floyd Robinson ed third on a seven-man team to
beat out an infield hit. Vada Pin- take a berth on the Canadian Pan
son tripled Robinson home and American team last weekend in
then raced across with the tying Montreal. Freshman Sid Jensen,

Ryun, Matson
In Weekend4
By The Associated Pressf
It's time for Jim Ryun to find
out where he is in his training.
This means the incredible- Kan-
sas sophomore will be primed for
an all-out mile -tonight in the
Compton-Coliseum Relays at Los
The result will indicate how
Ryun is progressing in quest of
his season-end goal of a 3:50
mile, a goal he set in January.
He is the world record holder at
"It's important for a distance
runner to rest occasionally to find
out where he is in his training,"
Ryun said.
The last time Ryun rested, which
means cutting his week's work
from 100 miles down to about 40,
was six weeks ago ahead of the
Kansas Relays. The result was a
3:54.7, best in the world so far
this season.
Last year Ryun ran 3:55.8 at
the Kansas Relays, then 3:53.7 at
Compton, only one-tenth second
off the existing world mark. en
route to his fantastic 3:51.3, July
17 at Berkeley, Calif.
In fact, the Compton meet has
for three years served as a bar-
ometer for Ryun. It also has sen-
timental value for the 20-year-
old Sullivan Award winner. Three
years ago at Compton, as a 17-

Face Tests
year-old high school junior, Ryun
ran 3:59.0, first sub-four-minute
mile ever by a prep athlete.
It has been five weeks now since
Randy Matson, the Texas Aggie gi-
ant, threw the shot over 71 feet.
Some of his friends in an at-
tempt to be humorous suggested
that Randy must have just been
a flash in the pan anyway.
Randy, who holds the world rec-
ord of 71 feet 5/2 inches, has
thrown the shot 70 feet or better
seven times, the last being last
Friday night when he pitched it
an even 70 feet in the Gulf Coast
Federation meet at Beaumont, Tex.
Matson admitted that he was
tired when he closed out the track
season in the Southwest Confer-
ence May 6 and failed to even
attain 69 feet-he got 68 feet
2% inches, which is good for any-
body except Matson.
Matson has mapped quite a
schedule. Tonight he, competes in
the State Federation at Houston
and might have that 71 foot throw
again although he indicated he
wasn't going togo all out for it.
Next week he will go to San
Diego for an invitational meet
where he might meet Neil Stein-
hauer of Oregon, who has done
almost 69 feet and is considered
a very strong rival indeed by Mat-

Don't laugh at
Charles Van der Hoff' s
big ears . He can hear
a party a mile away,
thanks to Sprite.
VAN DER HOFF Social-life majors, take a
WITH SPRITE look at Charles Van der
Hoff. He can't.play the
guitar. Never directed
an underground
movie. And then'
look at his ears!
A bit much? Yes!
But--Charles Van
der Hoff can hear
a bottle of tart,
tingling Sprite
being opened in the
girls' dormitory
" from across the
* a campus !
What does it
, matter, you say?
Hah! Do you realize
that Charles Van
,der Hoff has never
missed a party
in four years?
When he hears
those bottles
of Sprite being uncapped--the roars--the
fizzes--the bubbles--he runs! So before you
can say anti-existentialism, he's getting in
on that tart, tingling, slightly tickling taste of
Sprite. And delicious refreshment
--as well as a good time--is his.
Of course, you don't have to
have ears as big as Charles Van
der Hoff 's to enjoy the swinging
taste of Sprite. You may
just have to resign
yourself to a little
less social life.
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run on a wild pitch.j
Pete Rose followed with a walk
and was safe at second when Glen
Beckert droped a throw on an at-
tempted force play.
Deron Johnson, who had single
in two runs in the eighth, walked,
loading the bases and then Helms
singled Rose home with the win-
ning run.
Dean Chance pitched a master-
ful five-hitter and Russ Nixon and
Bob Allison belted solo home runs
as the Minnesota Twins defeated
the Boston Red Sox 4-0.
Chance was in control all the
way as he halted a four-game Red
Sox winning streak and became
the first major league pitcher to
win nine games this year. He has
lost two.
The big right-hander struck out
10, walked two and allowed only
one Boston runner to get as far as
third base. Two of the Red Sox
hits were of the scratch variety.
Gaylord Perry shackled Pitts-
burgh on two hits as San Fran-
cisco posted a 7-1 victory.
Perry, 4-4, held the Pirates hit-
less until Donn Clandenon lined
a single off the pitcher's leg .in
the seventh inning when Pitts-
burgh scored its run.
Loser Juan Pizarro was touched
for two Giants' runs in the third
inning. Jesus Alou's homer, Willie
Mays' single and a 400-foot triple

a Canadian, joins two former{
Michigan greats, Gil Larose and!
Rich Montpetit on the team.
Freshman Gary Balcombe and
sophomore Fred Rodney placeda
12th and 13th in the trials.
Coach Newt Loken departs Sun-
day, June 4, for London with
Wayne Miller, the Wolverines'cap-
tain-elect, and Dave Jacobs with
the United States trampoline team
for the World Trampoline Meet.
Big Ten conference that formerly
were played on Monday will be
eliminated from next season's
schedule. Conference coaches de-
cided to move ahead the confer-
ence games to give an extra day
of practice after Saturday games
and Sunday light sessions,

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