Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSrrT OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY of BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where OpinonsA f0- 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Friends' Envoy: Behind the Lines J Ldisorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID DUBOFFI House Should Stop Piddling, And Pass Fiscal Reform THE STATE House of Representatives now has less than a month to complete action on its massive calendar of bills- including fiscal reform and the state appropriations budget-before the July 1 deadline. These two items alone demand much more time than is available but there are also a good number of various measures which were held over as appropriations bills when the regular calendar terminat- ed last month. They have been dubbed a "tangle of trivia" consisting mainly of changes in legal definitions. Floor de- bate on the entire calendar might take nearly a month, and usurp time from the usually extended and critical budget hearings. It now appears that if the House passes a fiscal reform bill, it will provide for a different tax base and lower revenue than the $231 million flat-rate package approved by the state Senate. If the House does not agree to the Sen- ate's version, a joint legislative commi$- tee will have to be formed to hammer out a compromise for Romney's signature. Moreover, all this work on fiscal re- form must be completed before the budg- et can even be reported out of the Senate Appropriations Committee for prelimin- ary action, since the amount of money available must be- determined before in- dividual allocations can be considered. DESPITE THE OBVIOUS need for haste, House work this week has been stalled by Democrats who are hoping to force an emergency compromise - including most of their own ideas-as the deadline approaches. Their delaying tactics have taken the form of extending debate on petty legis- lation. For example, on Wednesday, this week, the House: -Made it a felony to use violence in j ailbreaks; -Discussed the merits of glue-sniffing; -Refused a proposal to change resi- dency requirements for deputy sheriffs; -And then it debated for half an hour whether or not charges that the proceed- ings were being deliberately slowed should be included in the House minutes. These exchanges led Republican floor leader William Hampton to comment, "I have never been so disgusted" as he mov- ed to adjourn the session. HAMPTON HAS EVERY right to com- plain. Without passage of a reform package, the state would face a deficit of $183 million. Gov. Romney, a long-stand- ing foe of deficit spending, claims his only alternative in that case would be to cut state services appropriations by at least 15 per cent. Such contigent expenditure slashes would be especially damaging to the state's colleges and universities, already facing program cuts and large tuition in- creases. Reductions at the University would amount to $8 million below re- quested appropriations and though a tui- tion increase has not yet been announced. it would probably be along the lines of the $81 per student increase announced recently at Michigan State University. The House must not permit the "stall strategy" to continue, for even if a fis- cal reform bill eventually wins approval, there will not be enough time for ade- quate budget hearings, and the allocation of possible surplus revenues. Pressure from both citizens and mem- bers of the House must be exerted to turn the representatives to its necessary tasks. -WALLACE IMMEN F I RMAN In the Heat of the Summer By LISSA MATROSS Arts Editor CHICAGO-"Carl has been de- layed at the Bevel rally," the hos- tess at the Evanston Friends' Cen- ter told us, "so let's go downstairs and have some lemonade and cookies." "Carl" is Carl Zietlow of the American Friends Service Com- mittee, the advance negotiator with North Vietnamese and Red Cross officials in Cambodia and Hanoi for the Friends' ship Phoe- nix. The vessel sailed into Hai- phong March 27, 1967, and con- signed $10,000 worth of medical supplies to the Red Cross Society of North Vietnam. When they returned to the United States in April, the group was informed that the U.S. gov- ernment had revoked their pass- ports. Zietlow and the Phoenix crew are still considering possible action. Zietlow is now touring the country discussing his tripnand on this particular day he had spoken at a Vietnam teach-in at the Uni- versity of Illinois (Chicago Cir- cle) and then at a Westside rally with Rev. Bevel. The final event in the day's busy schedule was an informal talk with a small group at the Friends' center in Evanston. While we waited for Zietlow several women in the congregation passed out lemonade and cookies. It's not often that one sees "little old ladies" pouring lemonade with one hand and clutching "Ramparts" and "The New Republic" in the other. ZIETLOW ARRIVED soon look- ing tired despite his deep tan. He began with the details of the ar- rival of the Phoenix in Haiphong, a speech introduction that he has by now committed to memory. "When the boat docked the crew was given bouquets of flow- ers. A careful distinction was made between giving flowers to Ameri- cans who come on one mission and answering other Americans with guns. "After more flowers and cookies and candy, we were told how our help against U.S. imperialist ag- gression was appreciated." The traveling arrangements pro- vided for the group - two large Russian cars like nine-passenger '41 Buicks-made the group feel conspicuous. "It was hardly 'Quak- er simplicity'," said Zietlow, "and it separated us from the people." One day the twin touring cars took the group to a village of 8000 about 30 miles north of Ha- noi which had been totally de- molished. The village, Phu Ly, was, according to Zietlow, com- pletely devoid of anything of mil- itary significance. There was, however, a system of dikes. Zietlow contends that American policy is to demolish the dike system so that when the rainy season comes Hanoi will be flooded. At this point, Zietlow passed around as mall metal ball that he termed an "American souvenir." Known as a "guava," the base- ball-sized grenade fits into a can- ister bomb unit. Zietlow said that after the initial bombs have been droped to scare the people from their hiding places, the 1000-piece "guavas" are dropped. The guavas, said Zietlow, can only kill and maim; they cannot be used for say, destroying dikes. He claims that American reason- ing must figure that it is better to maim than to kill-"if someone is killed, only one is gone. If some- one is maimed, it takes two others to care for him." Zietlow described a North Viet- namese movie that was shown to the group one evening. The film showed a Western car driving up to a small hut and an American general and a prostitute getting out. The general tells a South Vietnamese man what is expected of him, When the Vietnamese asks "Aren't you just an advisor?" he is made to understand that this clearly is not the general's capaci- ty. ONE OF THE purposes of the Quaker Action Group from the Phoenix was to offer various forms of aid. They suggested that Amer- ican plastic surgeons be flown over, and that U.S. carpenters be admitted. The carpenters would come in groups of three to five, and stay for two months so that a maximum number of Americans could retufn here to try and in- fluence U.S. policy.I A final suggestion was a Quak- er residence to facilitate commu- nications between the North and the Americans. They were told that while the offers were appreciated, "the time was not now appropriate." Rea- sons given were that westerners have difficulty adjusting to the climate and the food and that the North Vietnamese would be con- cerned for the safety of their guests. Returning to the topic of the "guava" units and American bombing in general, Zietlow said "My candid opinion is that U.S. policy is to bomb 'people.' When we left Hanoi for the West we held a press conference in Hong Kong and announced 'that civilian tar- gets were bombed (he claims there is not a hospital standing between Hanoi and the demilitarized zone) and weapons were used just to kill people. "Two hours later the U.S. an- nounced 'Oh, yes, we've been using anti - personnel fragmentation weapons since February of '65'." The use of such weapons had been denied when reported earlier by journalist Harrison Salisbury. Zietlow said American bombing of power plants can have little effect on the basically agricultur- al-rural population. Without elec- tricity the people will use lanterns that will give them as much light as the five-watt bulbs they were using anyhow. With a touch of humor he added, "If the power plants in Chicago were bombed, 5 per cent of us couldn't shave, and 25 per cent couldn't even brush our teeth." WHEN HE SPOKE of the bombing, Zietlow's voice got high- er and he began to wave his arms. "I'm sorry," he yelled, "you can't give me any justification for the total immorality of this entire so- ciety (American) when it bombs a people who pull wood on carts and ride bicycles. "My car lives better than 95 per cent of the people." Zietlow concluded with a dis- cussion of what he sees as the only two possible solutions if total war in Asia is to be avoided. The first is simple withdrawal. The second-negotiation-is more com- plex. "What is non-negotiable," he said, "is stopping the bombing. Johnson even wants to negotiate this. "What must be negotiated is having Communists, South Viet- namese and NLF in the govern- ment in the South. But Johnson is holding outfor a Korea-type settlement with a Communist North, a non-Communist govern- ment in the South and permanent U.S. bases. "The North Vietnamese are right then. We are capitalist, imperial- ist aggressors." At this point the meeting ad- journed for more lemonade. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc? J. EDGAR HOOVER, that legendary American who heads the Federal Bu- reau of Investigation (vide 8 p.m., Sun- day, Channel 7) has come out with an- other of his profundities. Hoover, by obvious implication,. said yesterday that civil rights leaders, Mar- tin Luther King and Stokely Carmichael, were issuing an open invitation to viol- ence by naming cities where riots might occur this-summer. Hoover was particularly critical of those leaders who preach non-violence, while at the same time talking of the possibil- ity of violence. "Some so-called leaders," he wrote in the June issue of FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, "blow hot and cold with the same breath. Their preachments seem to have a hollow ring." Although such leaders "claim to sup- port non-violence," he went on, their pre- dictions of violence are "more like an open invitation to hotheads and rabble rousers . . to move into action on cue." "It puts them on notice that they are expected to riot." Hoover's references are to a speech King made in New York on April 16 in which he indicated that 10 cities (New York, Cleveland, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, Newark, Oakland, Calif.. and three Southern cities not named) could "explode in racial violence." Carmichael has also predicted a "long hot summer" in the nation's capital where he intends to reside and work this sum- mer. BUT 014E MAY turn the tables on Hoov- er's cockeyed statement. Why must he resort to an illogical cause and effect re- lationship? An alternate, more reasonable inter- pretation may be attributed to rights' leaders warnings. Namely, to serve notice to officials both in the cities mentioned and to federal agencies that they better attempt to do something before summer begins. Initiating slum rehabilitation in the broadest sense, is a giant task that deserves immediate attention; whether it will receive it is another question. For example, recent budget cuts in the War on Poverty were most ill-timed. Hoover, with his good guy-bad guy men- tality, still sees the problems of summer violence in the nation's Negro ghettos as one of proper police enforcement. He has failed to acquire the insight in his many years of public service to see the deep social problems which come to surface when the temperature hits 90 and the cops on the beat billy-club someone over the head. INSTEAD OF RABBLE-ROUSING, King and Carmichael only serve the func- tion of putting the nation's big city offi- cials on their toes if they are not already in that position. --MARK LEVIN By STEVEN ZARIT maining bitterness for Martin Daily Guest Writer Luther King's open - housing CHICAGO ' A still-lingering marches of last summer. An open- March-in-May briskness chills the housing bill is pending In the workers as they hurry into one state Senate, and has spawned a of the five buildings that com- small, but hysterical organization pose thecentral offices of one of "respectable" people, who do of the nation's largest retail firms. not want Negroes next door or Inside, everyone is clean and neat for the 8:15 starting time, and has a cheery good morning for BUT THE MAJORITY of ghetto everyone else. The working area blacks do not want to move in is well-planned and well-lit, so "next door" anyway. It is possible that one's tasks are made conven-' too that most of them do not ient and almost 'pleasant. The even want riots, but the hatred friendly people talk about sum- is there and the summer's heat mer plans, or just about the will soon set it aflame. Stokely weather. Carmichael, speaking in Chicago These buildings lie in the heart recently, called for organized re- of Chicago's West Side. Just be- sistance, organized guerrilla tac- yond the calm and well-lit busi- tics for ghettos across the coun- ness atmosphere are the crumbling Onrt heprother hand,been gi tenements and dirty children, the povet ramihsin giden hatred and the anticipation of a an extra $75 million to ward off coming'explosion - perhaps this danger this summer in the major summer. cities. Mayor Daley of Chicago has While the large brick buildings enlarged the sprinkler system in of the company stand strong and pers when the heat comes. (Last inviolable-monuments to free en- y henicienhtatcsa t terprise-just beyond all safety rt ocd whed the is gone, all the pleasantness and turned off a fire hydrant which trust is gone, all the strength of Negro children were using in an expanding corporation with place $f a neighborhood pool or a hundredsa ofoutlets across thetrip to the crowded, dirty beach- coutr vnihe. As you walk e. from the "L" train to work in the morning, there is a uniformed po- Yet if you ride through Negro liceman on every corner to make areas, you feel that very little sure you arrive safely at the com- can be done, and what is being pany's doors four blocks down. done is a mere pittance. When There have been no riots or ma- the sun beats straight down and jor disturbances as yet - the the wind (the "hawk" in Lou weather has not really become Rawls' song about Chicago) blows warm and kids are still in school dust through the shadeless streets, -but whites and blacks alike are you cannot help but see the bleak- getting ready, ness of the dirty, aged buildings. Away from work the top of One cannot help seeing the three everyone's conversation is what of our childrn palin in fr the will happen this summer. In the age of seven, all playing with a past th riots have been confined subdued quality one does not find noughityo hv oiorktherbad among white children of the same age. You cannot help feeling the Will the police and the National cold stares that "whitey" gets. Guard be able to maintain con- You are the alien, the enemy, the trol this time? There is a deep persecutor. fear in much of the white com- You feel, too, somewhere in munity of impending violence, a your heart, that the rioting is fear that easily becomes hatred. right, that it has to be, that if Adding to those fears is a re- you were in their position. . . "Unfortunately, A Bit Late For My Housing Problem" Ig - 4,~ 4 ' 3 - -3 S The rioting is an evil, but it at- tacks a greater evil which socie- ty's small offerings are unable to correct, but toward which more will not be done. But you know, too, that the rioting will do no good, other than letting out the hate and frustration-and in do- ing that, it will create more hatred. And you know, too, that this time the rioting might strike down a friend who goes to school at the University of Illinois campus, which was at the edge of the riot area last summer, or a relative who works somewhere in the riot area. And how do you explain then that the rioting is necessary and it is right? Whether the per- sons struck down are those merch- ants or landlords who have been for years the immediate exploit- ers of the ghetto, or just those who by being white and well-off (or at least better off than blacks) share guilt by complicity, you cannot expect a tolerant outlook from their relatives and friends toward Negro militancy, toward open-housing, or toward that em- phathetic feeling inside you. AND WHAT is the role you must play? You walk after work to the "L" train, rather than taking the buses that guarantee safety from the company's front door. For the four blocks you. feel the sharp stares, you watch the groups of young men, probably unemployed, congregated on corners or door- steps, groups which stay their con- versation as you pass and follow you with dark eyes. You want to say, "It's all right. I'm on your side." But they would laugh or sneer. And you want to say, "I understand why you riot -conditions here are terrible, and the psychological frustration is the worst of all." But you do not really understand, and they know it. It seems to you that the solu- tion is so easy as to be absurd: more money, more well-trained and dedicated people, more or- ganization, more building. But the money and energy are not forth- coming. You have been taught that this is a great land in which everyone can have his chance, where peo- ple live with a democratic ideal. In your silence you want to say: "There are people who know this is wrong and want to correct it. Let us work together and orga- nize and not despair." But the problem has gone beyond faith and the trust required to set wrongs right. The city surrounds you - one-half of it festers in darkening streets and too-cramp- ed apartments, while the other half locks its doors in anticipa- tion. As you walk, part of a broken bottle crashes in front of you- meant for you. You do not look to see where it has come from. The "L" train is there to carry you toward the suburbs and the company's buildings boldly dot the cnncea+ Tr I-he .rnn+ +then.nnln 1 Bananas, Anyone? TV Critic THE FOLLOWING is an excerpt of a speech given by Robert Vaughn, alias Napoleon Solo, "The Man from U.N.CL.E." "In our fervor to halt the potential spread of totalitarianism, what incredible precedent are we setting in Vietnam? Is The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by carrier ($2.50 by mail); $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school this the way we intend to conquer Com- munism? Are we to oppose inevitably emerging popular revolutions when they don't meet with our fancy, and by our opposition totally ignore the ,will of the people involved? Are we to prevent the spread of Communism by sacrificing the principles of democracy? Oppose them by disseminating lies to our own people; oppose them by clandestine and illegal plotting in order to set up puppet militar- ist governments; by breaking treaties, by giving no heed to international law, by marching our legions through the coun- tryside of foreign continents, burning Rep. Frank Thompson (D- NJ) is a prominent liberal mem- ber of Congress. The following article was originally inserted in the "Congressional Record." It appears here through the cour- tesy of Rep. Thompson's office. -Ed.' By REP. FRANK THOMPSON Collegiate Press Service WASHINGTON-The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recent- ly launched an investigation of banana peel smoking. This was very good news to me, since I have been extremely con- cerned over the serious increase in the use of hallucinogenics of youngsters. Apparently, it was not enough for this generation of thrill seekers to use illicit LSD, mari- juana andairplane glue. They have now invaded the fruit stand. The implications are quite clear. From banana it is a short but shocking step to other fruits. To- day the cry is "Burn, Banana, Burn." Tomorrow we may face strawberry smoking, dried apricot inhaling or prune puffing. What can Congress do in this time of crisis? A high official in land, "the land of Honalee," as it is described in the peel puffers' secret psychedelic marching song, "Puff, the Magic Dragon." Part of the problem is. with bananas at 10 cents a pound, these beatniks can afford to take a hal- lucinogenic trip each and every day. Not even the New York City subway system, which advertises the longest ride for the cheapest price, can claim for pennies a day to send its passengers out of this world. Unfortunately,,many people have not yet sensed the seriousness of this hallucinogenic triptaking. Bananas may help explain the trancelike quality of much of the 90th Congress proceedings. Just yesterday I saw on the luncheon menus of the Capitol dining room a breast of chicken Waikiki entry topped with, of all things, fried bananas. AS WITH ANY revolutionary reform movement, I expect the forces of opposition to be quite strong. One only has to look at the total lack of federal law or regulation relating to bananas to realize the banana lobby's power. We have regulations on avocados, 4 4