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May 04, 1967 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1967-05-04

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p Increase



dTells Press
Arbitration Ruled Out
As Means To Avert
National Rail Strike
WASHINGTON (A') - President
Johnson said yesterday no decision
is imminent on whether to send
more troops to Vietnam. However,
he indicated such proposals are in
the works.
Johnson told a surprise news
conference he is not even consider-
ing at this time any recommen-
dations to boost Vietnam troop
strength beyond the 470,000 men
already contemplated for the end
of this year.
However, he said the Pentagon
is evaluating "comments to the
Joint Chiefs" from Gen. William
C. Westmoreland and others. And
he said he has no doubt the Pen-
tagon will be making recommen-
dations to him in the weeks ahead.
But he added: "I do not con-
sider anything immediately im-
minent-in the next few days or
even the next few weeks."
Troop levels attracted renewed
public attention following publica-
tion yesterday of a New York
Times dispatch from Saigon that
reported Westmoreland had asked
Johnson for 600,000 men.
The news conference was dom-
inated by questions about Vietnam
and the threat of a nationwide
rail strike June 19.
On the rail situation, Johnson
ruled out seizure or compulsory
arbitration. But he said he will ask
Congress, perhaps today, to au-
thorize a new 90 day no strike,
no lockout period during which a
speical five member presidential
board would encourage intensive
mediation and frame recommen-
He said the details of this plan
are still being worked out.
Much of the news conference
discussion focused on home front
dissent from the administration's
Vietnam policies.
When asked if the thought
Martin Luther King Jr. had gone
beyond reasonable dissent in his
public speeches, Johnson replied:
"We regret when any person asks
the young people of the country to
refuse to serve what we believe to
be the needs of the country. We
regret it very much.
However, he said he expects dis-
sent in a democracy, does not seek
unanimity but does "deplore and
disagree with folks who burn our
flag and who take rather extreme
And he said: "You cannot over-
look the fact that there are a good
many people who think we are not
doing enough. There are also a
good many who think we are doing
too much."
Asked if he thought Hanoi
might be waiting out the 1968
elections to see if he is defeated,
Johnson responded: "I am not
privy to their thoughts. I don't1
know what may motivate them."
When a rord said there
seems to be a good deal of pes-
siiism in the country about Viet-
nam, Johnson cited Westmoreland
as his principal authority on the
status of military operations.
But he added: "Generally speak-
ing, there is more pessimism here
than there. There are plenty of
reasons for sadness in both
"We are interested in all reports
from that area," he said, and did
not go further.
Asked if Vietnam might turn to

be the destination of 35,000 U.S.
troops being withdrawn next year
from West Germany, Johnson said
European troop cuts "have no con-
nection with the Vietnam picture
whatever. But he said he would
not want to rule out sending
American forces anywhere "under
certain circumstances."
Asked if the Soviets have in-
dicated they might withdraw some
of their troops from Eastern Eur-
ppe, Johnson replied:
"What the Russians do is a
matter for them to decide. We be-
lieve that such actions as we take
will not materially affect our

-Associated Press
President Johnson met yesterday at the White House wth members of his National Security Coun-
cil. From left facing the camera are Undersecretary of State Nicholas Katzenbach, Secretary of
State Dean Rusk, the President, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. In the foreground
are Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Secretary of the Treasury Henry Fowler.
Air Force Advocates
ining of Port at Haiphong

U.S. Denies
Air Attacks
Over China
Answer Charges
By Peking Officials
Of Recent Bombings
SAIGON W/P-Highly informed
sources denied yesterday that U.S.
planes have made "any recent
penetrations" of Red China's skies.
The issue was raised by Peking's
charge that four U.S. Air Force
F-105 Thunderchiefs dropped sev-f
eral bombs Tuesday near the city
of Ningming, in Kwangsi Prov-
ince and damaged a farm house,
and churned up some farm land.
The U.S. Defense Department
in Washington denied it.
State Department officials saidj
there has been no evidence to
support th Chinese charge of the
bombing of the town of Ning
Communist Chinese agencies1
have reported that two American7
planes were shot down over theirI
territory April 24 and another
pair April 29. These claims also
have been denied by the U.S.
However, it is known that on]
several occasions U.S. jet bomb-
ers raiding North Vietnam have]
straye inadvertently or under
heavy pressure of combat into Redj
China's skies. Also Navy planes;
have occasionally flown over what
China considers its air space
around Hainan Island in the Gulf
of Tonkin.
There are U.S. regulations
against this. Pilots assigned targets
near the China border are care-
fully briefed before the mission
on the potential dangers of a
major political incident if they are
brought down inside Red China,
captured and then given some sort
of show trial similar to the one
which U-2 pilot Francis Gary Pow-
ers received in the Soviet Union.
Washington has set a 25 mile
wide buffer south of the Chinese
border that is supposed to be
avoided. Planes with powerful ra-
dar monitor U.S. aircraft at all
times during strikes against the
But in the heat of battle Amer-
ican pilots, sometimes with their
instruments shot away and under
attack by MIG's, have made a
wrong turn.
Red Chinese air space has been
regularly penetrated for at least
three years by pilotless American
reconnaissance planes powered by
More than two years ago, one
American pilot went down and was
captured in China. It was before
the air war began in North Viet-
nam and the Chinese didn't make
a major diplomatic issue of it at
the time. The official U.S. ex-
planation was that the pilot had
lost his way.
In addition, American built U-2's
Isaid to be piloted by Nationalist
Chinese make regular flights over
the Chinese mainland and some-
times are lost.
Meanwhile, Secretary of State
Dean Rusk told reporters on Cap-
itol Hill he did not believe U.S.
bombs had fallen on China.
"So far as I know, this is not
the case," said Rusk, who had
been discussing European troop
commitments with congressmen.

SEOUL 0A)-Pro American Pres- Park's major achievements have
ident Chung Hee Park held a been political and economic sta-
commanding lead at the halfway bility-things South Koreans have
point in South Korean ballot not had since independence from
counting early today and appeared Japan in 1945.
to be headed for a landslide re- Economic Program
election victory. Park had appealed for a second

With about 50 per cent of the
votes counted, unofficial returns
gave 3,135,520 votes to Park, who
campaigned for a second four year
term on his administration's econ-
omic achievements, and 234,553 to
hos opponent, former President
Yun Po Sun.
Park's aides had predicted he
would win more than 1 million
votes but independent observers
forecast an edge of about 500,000.
87 Per Cent
A record 11 million Koreans-87
per cent of the electorate-cast
ballots in sunny weather during
the most peaceful national elec-
tion in this republic of 28 million
persons since it became indepen-
dent from Japan in 1945.

Predict Landslide Re-election
For Korea's President Park

four year term in which to carry
out a five year economic program
begun this year. He said his ad-
ministration had improved living
conditions and given the country
political stability.
On the international front, Park
normalized relations with Japan,
sent Korean troops to South Viet-
nam and helped set up a regional

grouping known as the Asian and
Pacific Council.
Yun's attack against the ruling
Democratic Republican party has
been based largely on alleged cor-
ruption in the government.
In a separate news conference
Tuesday, Yun, candidate of the
'hinmin-New Democratic-party
renewed his charges that the gov-
ernment was planning to rig the
Park denied opposition charges
that his pro-American government
is planning to send 50,000 more
troops to South Vietnam, a move
firmly opposed by Yun's party.

Four Hospitalized in Mexico
By Blast at Cuban Embassy

The quiet extended even
demilitarized zone between
and North Korea, where

to the

Korean forces recently had step-
ped up their raids against United
Nations armistice units, partly in
an effort to upset the election. No
incidents were reported yesterday
along the 151 mile border.
Although for splinter party can-
didates were on the ballot, the
presidential race was between
Park, 49 year old chief of the
Democratic Republican party, and
the 69 year old Yun, ousted from
the presidency in 1961 by a mili-
tary coup that put Park in power.
1963 Election
In 1963, Park defeated Yun by a
slim 150,000 votes.
Park ran even with Yun yester-
day in Seoul, a city Yun's New

MEXICO CITY {P)-A planted
grenade blasted the left front
fender of the Cuban ambassador's
car yesterday and fragments in-
jured three employes of his em-
bassy. The car was reported mov-
ing out of the embassy grounds
at the time.
The Cubans are Elio San Juan,
Manuel Perez and Susana Guerra.
The embassy declined to identify
their positions on the staff.
A passerby also was hurt by the
blast and all four persons were
hospitalized. One was in critical
No Police
The blast rocked the exclusive
embassy district of Condessa at
9:30 a.m. It is normally well pa-
trolled but no police were at the
The ambassador, Joaquin Her-
nandez Armas, was not in the car
at the time. The injuries were not
believed serious, although the

three embassy employes were hos-
pitalized. The passerby was treat-
ed at a hospital and released.
Gen. Mendiolea Cerecero, as-
sistant chief of police, called in
two army bomb experts and they
found the explosion was caused by
a grenade placed in the fender
above the left front wheel. They
said apparently it was triggered
by some connection to the engine.
Driver Reacts
The driver tried to speed up
after the explosion, thinking there
might be a second blast, and he
then hit the passerby.
Cerecero said the explosion ap-
parently occurred while the car
was still in the embassy area ap-
proaching an opened gate.
Mexico is the only Latin Amer-
ican nation to maintain diplomatic
relations with Prime Minister Fi-
del Castro's government. The Or-
ganization of American States
suspended Cuba in 1963.

Democratic party had
would win.

said it

WASHINGTON ()--Gen. John jIhas not hit all the targets the

P. McConnell, the Air Force chief
of staff, argues that from the mili-
tary standpoint the United States
should mine the North Vietnamese
port of Haiphong. But he conced-
ed there are other factors.
Mining the port "would be cer-
tainly helpful, because it would
keep a lot of supplies from going
in there that are now going in,"
McConnell told a House Appropri-
ations subcommittee in March.
The testimony was released yes-
terday in sharply censored form.
In response to questioning by
Rep. William E. Minshall (R-
Ohio), McConnell confirmed that
two-thirds or more of North Viet-
namese supplies, especially heavy
machinery, goes through Hai-
Delete Answer
But his answer to a question
whether the Joint Chiefs of Staff
have recommended mining Hai-
phong was deleted from the tes-
timony, even though it is known
they have made such a recom-
President Johnson has rejected
the idea in order to avoid the pos-
sibility of a confrontation with the
U.S.S.R. if Soviet ships in the
harbor were hit.
But the Air Force chief of staff
noted that when the Joint Chiefs
of Staff make recommendations
to the President, he "takes into
consideration a lot of things which
they are unable to take into con-
Lack Information
"I certainly do not have all the
information available to me in
terms of international consequenc-
es that the President has," he said.
McConnell also said that once
a decision is made. the Joint
Chiefs support it.
'Except for the targeting," said
Rep. John J. Rhodes (R-Ariz).
McConnell: They support him
in the targeting."
, Minshall: But he has not hit
all the targets the Joint Chiefs
believe he should hit."
McConnell: That is right, he
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Joint Chiefs recommend be hit,
but he has the responsibility for
the decision, not us."
Define Support
A little later, Rhodes asked Mc-
Connell what he meant by "sup-
port" for presidential decisions.

"We have not changed our mind
concerning the military desirabil-
ity," the general said, "but once
you have made your recommenda-
tions to the commander in chief
and he makes the decision, you can
either support him or else you
can turn in your suit."

World News Roundup

at the
SNACK BAR-Ground Floor
Air Conditioned

By The Associated Press
ATHENS - Greece's military
regime announced yesterday it is
firing five leftist mayors and a
port administrator in communities
near Athens.
It was the first direct exercise
of power over municipal govern-
ment sincevthe army took power
April 21. The move caused specula-
tion that the regime would dismiss
other mayors and local leaders it
regards unreliable.
* * *
Eastland, (D-Miss), proposed yes-
terday that the penalty for refusal
to serve in the armed forces be

doubled, to 10 years. He introduced
a bill to that effect.
* *
Stennis (D-Miss), told the Senate
yesterday the Vietnam war must
not be made "a political football
by any group or either political
Stennis, who heads the Senate
Preparedness subcommittee, al-
luded directly to a Republican
Policy Committee staff statement
critical of President Johnson's
course and to Secretary of State
Dean Rusk's comment that 28
peace negotiation proposals had
been rejected by Hanoi.

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