PEACE CANDIDATE CHOICE TO VOTERS See Page 6 Y Sw4 iv ux D~at3 FAIR High-70 Low--50 Littie temperature change, slight chance of showers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 20S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1967 SEVEN CENTS SFX PAI COMPUTER ERROR: 'U' Sends Orientation Folder To Rejected In-State Students h ree Convicted In Toledo Court Charges Steml from Anti-war Activi Staged at Armen Forces Day Rally By WALTER SHAPIRO Blue J"Welcome to Michigan" orientation folders were mailed last Friday to almost every in- state LSA transfer applicant - both those accepted and rejected. Herbert Sigman, orientation di- rector, explained yesterday that the IBM program used to obtain the mailing labels failed to include the key variable "admitted" and as a result labels were made forj all applicants. Sigman described his office as "innundated with calls" and said that "at worst the callers were disappointed, at best they were understanding, but fortunately no one was really bitter." As of yesterday the Office of Admissions had informed over 15 callers that they had not been NEWS WIRE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE STUDENTS and faculty advisers have devised a plan to develop the Ella Sharp Museum in Jackson into an historical and educational center. The museum, an 1850-std lc farmhouse, will be surrounded by a 92-year-old schoolhouse 'an farm buildings. An exhibition building will be built tc house special displays and a planetarium will be constructed adjacent to the 'museum complex, situated in Jackson's largest park. Students on the development team are Fred Jarvis of Ann Arbor, Sandor Vaci of Londo, . England, and Albert J. Vegter of Grand Rapids. The development progran, estimated to cost $300,000 will be financed by local government and private and business funds in Jackson. THE ARAB STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY will hold a teach-in on the Diag today, 16:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. They will hand out pamphlets on the current crisis in the Middle East and will answer any inquiries about the Arab-Israeli issue. A speech on this issue is also planneu for this weekend. PRESIDENT HARLAN HATCHER was honored at a dinner highlighting the State Youth Arts Festival recently in Kalamazoo. He was presented with a citation for his 14-year leadership of the Michigan Week Cultural Activities Committee. The award was presenteO by Dale Sellers sof Detroit, Greater Michigan Foundation Chairman-. * * * * THE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL received ~a $14,030 grant recently from the American Medical Association's Edu- cation Research Foundation for education and research of medi- cal students. The allocation includes $11,215 donated by medical school alumni through the fund as well as the University's share of undesignated gifts to the ERF. Medical schools at Wayne State University and Michigan State University shared about $12,000 in AMA-ERF funds. A NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE OFFICIAL has challenged just recently that social work practice soon will definitely be professionals in the field of social welfare. Alexander J. Allen, the league's Eastern regional director, told a conference on "Meeting Social Welfare Manpower Needs" here Thursday (May 18) that social work practice soon will be vastly different due to the irounting pressures on manpower and staff use. The conference was co-sponsored by the University of Michigan's School of Social Wcrk and the school's alumni asso- ciation. "The appearance of the r~cniprofessional aide on the health and welfare scene not only means new careers for the poor," said Allen, "but it also means new careers for the professionals as well." But Allen warned that befce.. professionals can be freed from routine administrative and diu.ect service tasks by nonprofes- sionals, a "profound change wiUl have to take place in almost every aspect of what we have traditionally considered the social welfare field." Nonprofessional social wc! kers will be asked to help solve problems that they have already experienced. Their language will be indigenous, their communication will be direct and their iden- tification with the person they are serving will be strong, Allen said. He stated that unless social welfare professionals develop entirely new concepts of employment to meet the needs of the new kind of employe, the goal of motivating nonprofessionalsto seek higher horizons will go unfulfilled. ST RESS INDIVIDUAL NEEDS: admitted and apologized for any anxiety caused by the University's error, according to assistant direc- tor Clifford F. Sogren. Sigman, who has been at his present post for only the past six months, blamed the programming error on his "lack of familiarityj with computers." He stressed that the fault rested with him, rather than with the Data Processing Center, saying, "It is not their responsibility, they do what \We tell them to program." Sigman indicated that there was little that his office could now do to remedy the situation. For it would take at least several weeks before they could possibly send a letter of apology to all in- state rejected or cancelled appli- cants. "And by that time," said Sigman, "almdst all involved would have disregarded the folder or called or written the Univer- sity." The error was compounded when the folders were mailed "without checking to see why so many more labels arrived than we had anticipated," he said. The Orientation Office had about 950 folders printed announcing sum- mer orientation programs for transfer students, basing that figure on last year's experience. In-State Labels The number of folders that the Orientation Office did have, cor- responded r o u g h l y with the amount of in-state mailing labels so the orientation folders were sent out only to in-state transfer students. Sigman explained that' they sent the folders to in-state students "because we felt that they were more likely to attend summer orientation." This is the first year that corn- puters have been used directly in preparing for orientation. In the past the admissions office has provided the orientation office with an IBM card for every ad- mitted student containing the data necessary for planning orien- tation. Since the admissions office provided only IBM cards for ad- mitted and fully paid students, it 'was previously impossible for orientation information to be sent to an unadmitted student. Despite this mishap Sigman said, "We intend to continue using computers, for they will in the future give us far more accurate data, with fewer errors than unders the old system." 'Safety Valve' Orientation information for in- coming freshmen has been sent out previously without any prob- lem with the computer. But Sig-7 man stressed that if there had been a computer error there would have been "an automatic safety valve, for the orientation forms were mailed out in the same en- velope as the requests for the en-1 rollment deposit. There is now the problem of getting orientation information to out-of-state transfer students. For all the orientation office has now are mailing labels for all out-of- state LSA transfer applicants. Sig- man indicated that if they could get programming time, they would "rerun the entire computer pro- gram for out-of-state." He said that if this is not pos- sible, it is conceivable that orien- tation information will not be sent this year to out-of-state transfer students. He stressed fthat this was not that importantt Ssince "transfer rientation is more like fall registration than fresh- man orientation." Sp.'cial To Th,- Daily female the testifying police TOLEDO - Three Ann Arbor claim held one of the seven area residents were found guilty testers while they were being in the paddywagon. At thet yesterday in Toledo Municipal I was being led by a Mii Court on charges stemming front Policeman about 75 yards b anti-war demonstrations held in protest of an Armed Forces Day rally in Toledo May 21. A fourth Seeks defendant, who is from Detroit, was found not guilty. Judge Kenneth E. DeShelter found Milton (Skip) Taube guilty of disturbing the peace and using profane language. ' Michael Dover, '70, a Daily re- porter covering the demonstra- By DAVID DUBOFF tion, and Tina Schrager, '67, were A both found guilty of hindering A representative of a police officers in the performance attempting to bring injured of their duty. Dover is appealmg namese children to the U the judge's {findings, claiming liSAtesArfortreatt will to has additional evidence. Atn Arbor next week to Disturbing the Peace funds for the organization, Dr. Theodore Tapper, a r Originally Dover and Miss ber of the Committee of Rest Schrager had been arraigned onsbilithI.COm ,ta nati charges of disturbing the peace, organizationC of physicians However, before the trial began laymen established to prc yesterday, these charges were medical care for those Vetna dropped. Prosecutor Gary E. Gab- children whose war burns anc riel admitted in court that he juries cannot be adequately t could not "make a case" against ed in Vietnam, will speak on the two on the charge of disturb- recent trip to Vietnam as a r ing the peace. ber of a three-man team of Last week seven protesters were sicians- found guilty of these charges and Tapper's talk is designe fined $25 each. They had pleaded raise funds to transport ti no contest. 11children selected by the team The protesters had strewn them- provide hospitalization for selves on the ground of Detwiler iods ranging from four tc Marsh in Toledo where local mili- months. It will be held at 8 tary units were participating in a on Saturday, June 10, at the: mock war battle. The mock bat- man Center. I ti a By AVIVA KEMPNER Miss Schrager said, "I am not [ I it CC 'A Le M1t 4r Ie Ml As-ociat ed Press TROOP MOVEMENTS A column of Israeli infantrymen marches eastward in the area of the Judean Hills, Israel. In the Arab military buildup amid the Middle East crisis, Iraq announced more troops had left for Syria and Egypt, and Lebanon announced it had dispatched forces to its southern border with Israel. -- the ian r - put me, eary 1k." Let- .ted lss on- nal and ride Lese sat- his hy- to 12 Sew - ud. edlc ave Qf thet 'am art- also y in ved nth ita- ~ork rote New hat the bers 'In the has nely ring be vent tbin, OR, "On ,s of ual- , as ser- his ring that., :rdly all," he be- z of "ope, the con pen- igns nces San also raf - lean, S. SEES 68 VICTORY- Walace To An, GandidacyinD Ey ROGER RAPOPORT for both major parties" he pre- Editor dicts. Special T Te Dailydcs SpNTGOERlTh la.--lor He says he welcomes the pros- Go NeTrGogeY. alaceFox-pective candidacy of the Rev. Mar- pects to announce his candidacy tin Luther King Jr., or another for president in December. Andhe peace candidate, on a fourth party expects to win Dticket in the election. "I hope King Barring a sudden shift in the runs. I hope we have six candi- stands of the two major parties, dates. The more people thatrun Wallace says, "We will announcet our candidacy in December or pos- Wallace points to his polling of sibly early January" on a "Stand 43 per cent of the vote in the 1964 Up For America" party ticket. "We, will win the election" he told The Daily in an hour long interview here at his wife's office Monday. "If neither of the two parties. gives the people a choice we will run" says Wallace. He explains that he currently sees "no indica- tion" that either party is shifting- from a "me too-ism." Wallace says he is confident his states' rights oriented party, - "could take enough votes to win. > With three parties in the running,. . I only need 34 per cent of the vote to win." Wallace scoffs at "political pun- dits" who cast him merely as a . spoiler who would simply drain votes away from one of the two " 'ajor party candidates in 1968. "We're going to spoil the election tle simulated the capturing cf a' Vietnamese village, The protesters arrested were part of a larger contingent from Ann Arbor. Once the program "it B o Ir. c estarted they had divided into two groups and approached the mock Viet Cong-held village, where five TNT charges and white phosporus grenades had been set. cThose tried lastweek were: Karen Daenzer, '70; Donald Lark- in, Grad; James Russo; Michael Court. "The Supreme Court would Meyers, '68; Terry Daenzer, Grad; change under me-you can rest Theodore Steege, '68 and Stanley assured of that." Nadel, '66. He says he would urge "Con- Drop Charges gress to override the Supreme Taube was fined $25 for the Court" on recent decisions which first charge, and $50 for the sec- broaden the rights of the accused ond, plus court costs whicn made in criminal cases or "appoint some the total amount $104.60 Dover judges who would change it." is on $50 appeal bond, and Miss As President, Wallace says he Schrager was fined $25. would "balance the budget, reduce Charges against the fourth de- income taxes, and wipe out the fndnRt esr fDtot war on poverty. "The Poverty fndant, Rita Leasure of Detroit, Program wastes $2 billion a year. were dropped. I would take ,that money and ex- Taube's and Miss Leasure's pand it into the federal interstate charges came as a re ult of their highway program, which would verbal exchange with Marine re- create more jobs." serve officers who were dressed Although Wallace expects to be up as Viet Cong. Miss Schrager, in the White House in 1968 he 'says' who was passing out leaflets; was that if he fails in his presidential charged with obstructing the ar- bid he will probably drop out of rest of one of thep rotesters. politics. He says that he does not Civil Liberties Union Action want to run for Governor of Ala- Lawyers from the American bama. in 1970, when the current Civil Liberties Union, Robert term of his wife, Lurleen, ends. Kaplan and Nicki Schwartz, rep- "There's only one chance in ten nd that I would run" says Wallace resented the defendants during "By 1970, I, that is Lurleen and the four-hour trial. me, will have had eight years as They tried to prove that Taube governor and a chance to get most and Miss Leasure were not dis- of the things we want to see; tracting from the maneuvers. In going." Dover's case they argued that he Wallace says he would probably was serving in the capacity of a return to private law practice in news reporter and that any action Alabama. he took reflected that role. Copyright, 1967, The Michigan Daily Commenting on her charges 500 Volunteer Services Five hundred physicians, incl ing plastic 'surgeons, orthop surgeons and pediatricians h offered their services free charge. Arrangements are alsok Ing made for hospital beds eight major cities throughoutt country. Last .bruary Assistant Sec tary of State William Bundy i the committee that its progr will receive the full cooperad and support of the State Dept ment. The department has a said it anticipates no difficulty obtaining visas for the children Program Receives Coverage The COR's program recei national attention last mo when Dr. Howard A. Rusk, di tor of the Institute of Rehabili tion Medicine at the New Y University Medical Center, wr in his regular column in the N York Times that "the pictuire t has been painted by some int United States of large numb of 'children burned 'by napalm Vietnam is grossly exaggerated. However, he added that "ast Committee of Responsibilityl proposed, some of the extrem difficult long-term cases requi extensive plastic surgery can brought to the United States.' In a subsequent advertiseni in the Times, Dr. Albert B. Sab an honorary chairman of CC replied to Rusk's remarks. the basis of the many reports large numbers of civilian casu ties during the past two years well as on Dr. Rusk's own obs vations during the period of brief visit, the numbers requii the highly specialized help tl would restore them to some se blance of human form can hai be expected to be very sma Sabin wrote. GEORGE WALLACE i A'ffn .xvln nrA T".anrrn fin nr-imrn , nnrl - ±V±Oary.LOniiL VeL.1 riz pr,.Otk~,jimar~oy ajiut +11 A sist n t !a similar strong showing in In- . P rogram 'diana as evidence of his political Voiunteer TeachingSSISL 1 rogram drawing power. "I thought I'd get a good vote in 1964 but I never thought I'd do that good." Wallace sites his appeal to the Helps Develop Confidence in Children working man as his primary asset in the political. arena. "Thb aver- age man is tired of big government Anyone who has an undergrad- unteer's role, the extent of the teen to decide which children are ular teacher and principal are en- and he knows he can count on me uate college education and enjoys 1 teacher's supervision, and the tal- most in need of help. couraged. Tutoring is done during to change things." working with children can share ents, training and initiative of "Each child is selected as some- school hours. Wallace is so confident about; the satisfaction of helping them the volunteer," she explains. one who especially needs individ- Although most volunteers' work his chances in 1968 that he even learn, according to officials of the "The work can involve helping ual attention, but for reasons with individual children on read- talks about changes in the cabinet.; Volunteer Teaching Assistant pro- relieve the teacher of some of ranging from the simplest to the ing skills, one volunteer this year "I don't think that I would keep gram. .her non-professional duties or most complex. Sometimes a volun- has been working with groups of Rusk and McNamara, although I The teaching program, sponsor- even, in the case of volunteers with teer is merely told that a child second-graders on math. Another ! guess they probably wouldn't want ed by the Ann Arbor branch of teaching experience, taking charge needs help with a specific task is working with the school libra- to stay under me." He says that the American Association of Uni- of the classroom for short per- such as mastering his multiplica- rian at Abbot School helping chil- as Commander-in-Chief he would' versity Women, primarily involves -iods, freeing the teacher to work 'tion tables or drilling on sight dren find books that will be help- "lean heavily on the Joint Chiefs tutoring elementary school chil- With one or more of her students words," Mrs. Craine explains. ful and meaningful to them. of Staff for military policy." dren on an individual basis. who need her skilled guidance." Evaluation Difficult According to Mrs. Donald Mi- While scoffing at "intellectual But teaching is not the sole The program has functioned in morons. Wallace says he current- fuinction of a volunteer. Ann Arbor elementary schools on She adds that it is sometimes chael. chairman of the progi'ammons"Wlaeayhecrn- Urban Designer Delivers Tal On Beautifica1lono o .S. CitI By DEBORAH EISBERG scenes of highways cluttered with out of sight, below ground The title of the lecture was mile-long shopping centers, drive- added. "Why Ugliness-Why Not?" The in restaurants, gas stations, car Making many comparisons topic included billboards, shopping dumps and billboards bigger than tween the cities and roadside centers, roadside litter and high houses and taller than trees ad- America and those of Eu tesoide vertising "beer, booze and banks." Smith showed that in genera tension wires. In answer to this nearly blind European landscape came Urban designer F. Eugene Smith despoilment of land and country much more favorably. Smith spoke to a near-capacity audience side he stressed "treatment of the trasted the "freeness and c in Rackham Lecture Hall last symptoms." He emphasized the ness" of England with the night on urban ugliness, its caus- importance of simplicity in style and wires which clog the entra es and possible cures. and design of buildings and land- to such American cities as Using slides to illustrate his scape; better use of materials and Francisco and Reno, Nev. He talk, Smith spoke out against the space. He said we should not de- praised Holland for its uni ugliness of today's urban areas. stroy the old in making way for ficked shopping malls and c He placed much of the blame for the new, but rather integrate the unlittered streets and sidewall ,. r( 14 s3 l