Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSrTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opni Ae ,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 WATCH YOUR NA1" COAT BOOKS: Lotus In a Sea of Fire Edatorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: AVIVA KEMPNER T urning One's E. B. Up to Mother, WE'VE BEEN FOLLOWING the meteoric journalism career of Lynda Bird John- son with keen interest. An ace feature writer for McCall's, her warmth and in- sight has put the final touches on that magazine's readership victory over The Ladies Home Journal. Lynda's first article, dealing with cam- pus life, had some incredibly perceptive passages (when her friends came to col- lege they thought they were so "smart," but they soon learned how really "ignor- ant" they were) and her most recent ar- ticle, entitled "A Glossary of Campus Slang," is positively All Time. Published to "help bridge the ivy gap between generations," the dictionary is a must if you want to get into the "in" sects at any university. But the possi- bilities extend far beyond everyday speech.E THE DAILY has been criticized for many things, not the least of which has been its dullness. But here, at last, an opportunity to liven up the news pages presents itself. This, week's Middle East crisis could have been more interestingly described with a few changes in our style hanual: "U Thant, after taking a lot of Flak from Egypt for a number of years, and really hung up about Vietnam anyway, decided to pull his troops out of the area and let them hand their E. B. Up to Moth- er. Gamal Abdel Nasser, regarded as a Goose by the Israelis, and feeling the same way about Levi Eshkol, then pro- ceeded to Blow His Mind. He Flipped A U-Ey(or U-Boy) with his foreign policy, sending soldiers to the border of Israel and blockading the Gulf of Aqaba. "President Johnson, still Catching Z's when this was going on (due to the time difference), had been Flapped by Viet- nam, and still regarded the Middle East as the Boonies. And the Israeli officials, who usually Stayed Loose, now had a real Bear on their hands. "U Thant told everybody to Cool It and then Bugged Out to Egypt; President Johnson, who still wanted to Seek the Great White Biscuit anyway, was forced to put the Straight Skinny to Egypt and told it to Bug Off; and Nasser Soaked Rays while waiting for U Thant. "Meantime, Sen. Wayne Morse's state- ment on U.S. intervention worried those of us afraid that American policy was going to Hang a Right as it did in Viet- nam." INCIDENTALLY, the grapevine has it that Lyndon Johnson himself has been boning up on this new lingo. Reliable sources had him whisper to Lynda at her bedside: "Your Old Man may go down in history as the Cat who Tubed the World's Peace." -STEPHEN FIRSHEIN Letters to the Editor Love-Hate elaioship ANN ARBOR MERCHANTS have always maintained an ambiguous relationship with students. They like taking our mon- ey, and usually do it by chargzng out- rageously high prices. But even in these exchanges, businessmen have often ex- pressed hostility. The several incidents that have occur- red at Flick's Bar this week exemplify this love-hate relationship. In the past, students have frequented the bar without trouble. As a result of recent practices, however, a number of them have filed charges of discrimination, assault and larceny against it. These charges are presently under po- lice investigation. Discrimination of this type is forbidden by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which states that all persons can be served in public accommodations. BUT THE INCIDENTS did not only in- volve a struggle with the local mer- chant; the students also allege that on- duty policemen repeatedly ignored their complaints about the practices of the bar and that one in particular commit- ted larceny. THESE CHARGES have been referred to the community relations police of- ficer. Whether he can make an objective study of the claims is questionable. These confrontations with local mer- chants and policemen are obvious exam- ples of the treatment that we receive while living in a college town. Although the city needs us financially, they often resent our presence. And when any con- flict does arise, the police force appears to be against the student from the start. -AVIVA KEMPNER Fulbright Senator Fulbright's r e c e n t speech, as recorded in The Daily, asks the question, "What is the real source of ideological beliefs and what value do they have as concepts of reality, much less as principles for which men should be willing to fight and die?" Our answer to the senator is that beliefs and values must elim- inate dehumanization. For this reason we join "carnival villages" and oppose cameras in comfort stations. Yet it's not easy to say how we know what "dehuman- izes," Some believe humanization of life possible in the Kingdom of God, or in life after corporate lib- eralism has been destroyed. Often we believe in these and other ideals because of "gut reactions" (it just feels right). However, these reactions deny depth defi- nition and any real basis beyond these "visceral sources." THE "CLOTH" of the campus (campus ministers) are also frus- trated when it comes to discus- sion of any "real source" to their conceptualized ideal of human compassion. For many of -us "Christianity" as a system is out, because having this "visceral source" is being "in." Yet our frustration and seem- ing slow death as humans forces us to find a "real source" for r ..:::sAT LAR6 survival. We know that commit- ments without content and deci- sions that cannot be dialogued eliminate confrontation as persons and nations. This is a real hell. Because of this destructive hell, the senator's questions were asked by "Jesus and his boys." Their answers force me also to deny a destructive Christianity and still affirm a content to humanity. This content they acted out is a reality of love where man is free to be man. It is this love which does not destroy in the name of "love of mankind." It is this love which forces the question, "What is our real source?" and "What does it mean to be human?" -Don Van Hoeven Campus Minister Vietnam and City May I use your columns to of- fer a correction? "A slate of Dem- ocrats who oppose the war in Vietnam was defeated last night in the Ann Arbor Democratic Party elections," reads your news item under "News Wire" of May 25. The interesting fact is that the five candidates on this slate were defeated by Democrats, many or most of whom also op- pose the war in Vietnam. It is as inaccurate to distin- guish the majority and minority voters in terms of supporting and opposing the Vietnam war as it was last November to distinguish the adherents of Vivian and Bould- ing according to the same dichto- my. In both cases, differences had more to do with tactics than with international policy. -Theodore M. Newcomb Sociology and Psychology Departments Sound of Music' Aw-come on! Is it really true that The Daily makes it a firm policy never to give complete ap- probation to anything or anyone? After something over two years on this campus, I, for one, am begin- ning to think that this is indeed true. The latest blow is Jill Crab- tree's article: "Sugary Plot Gells to 'Sound of Music'." When the likes of Jay Carr and Brooks Atkinson give the movie its more than deserved praise, I can only throw up my hands and ask-what credentials does Miss Crabtree bring to us for her cri- ticism of the movie? I'm afraid that being on the wonderful Daily staff is not enough to bail her out this time. -Jeffrey Lazar, '69 All letters must be typed, double-spaced and should be no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing; those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. No unsign- ed letters will be printed. VIETNAM: LOTUS IN A SEA OF FIRE by Thich NhatHanh, Hill and Wang, 141 Fifth Ave.. New York, 1967. By DAVID KNOKE This is, it seems to me, a most dangerous book. That opinion, certainly, is shared by the South Vietnamese government (the Ky regime), although for different reasons. In the few months during which this slim volume has been clan- destinely circulated in South Viet- nam, it has galvanized to action a vocal minority of liberal Viet- namese intellectuals in efforts to achieve an end to the war before completedevastation engulfs the land. R. W. Apple, Jr., writing in the New York Times reports that Cao Ngoc Phuong, a co-signer with 59 other Saigon teachers and stu- dents, of a recent pledge to sup- port efforts for a negotiated peace, was detained upon re-entering the country after buying botany books in America. "Although not for- mally charged, she was told that she had been picked up because she was carrying a pro-peace book, 'Lotus in a Sea of Fire'." FOR THE KY government, prop- ped up only by the American military, and equating pacifism with "neutralism" with "Commu- nism," "Lotus in a Sea of Fire" indeed represents a subversive threat. The reason that I called the book dangerous, however, is not the specific fear and trembling that its ideas may strike in the hearts of the puppet leaders. Rath- er, this is a "dangerous" book be- cause its author perceives with fundamental clarity the nature of the war and presents an al- ternative action which becomes increasingly evident as the only viable alternative to nuclear holo- caust. Nhat Hanh,Vietnamese Bud- dhist monk, scholar and poet, made a 10-nation lecture tour of the West in 1966 under the spon- sorship of the International Fel- lowship of Reconcilation to plead for an end to the brutal and bru- talizing conflict. During that time he often found himself interpreting the cause and actions of the Buddhist religious community of South Vietnam, which that spring seemed most un- non-violent in its demonstrations and demands. In his interpretation of the Buddhist faith and its po- tential as a pacifying third force, he won mar, supporters in the West and culminated his visit by an audience with Pope Paul. WHAT HANH'S approach to the war can best be summarized as aiming at a reconciliatior: of the warring participants. Much of the book traces for the unlearned Western reader the history of Buddhism as a religious, moral and social force in Vietr.amese consciousness and its prominent role in the struggle to bring Viet- namese nationalism to flower. With the poet's perception Nhat Hanh cuts through the complex- ity of tangled relationship in the war; his simple suggestions for peacefully settling the war to the benefit of all are radical in their revolutionary import. Buddhism "has its organizations that are simple to shatter, but Buddhism itself remains. Like a drop of mercury scattered into many small parts, when the fist is removed, they rush together again." Because the West - particularly the French and Americans-have never understood the pervasive in- fluence of religious Buddhism among the peoples, they have er- roneously relied on the counsels of the secular Catholic minority leaders (e.g., Diem) and the anti- Communist militarists (e.g., Ky). Buddhism, to Nhat Hanh, rep- resents one of the few stabilizing forces remaining in a corrupted and disintegrating land: "What Americans seem un- able to see is that it is not the efforts of the Saigon - govern- ment or their own military fore- es that have kept the full pop- ulation from supporting the Na- tional Liberation Front, but only the peasants' loyalty to their re- ligious faiths in spite of every- thing that Saigon and Wash- ington have done." BUT IN THE FACE of mount- ing escalation and increasing de- struction of homes, crops, coun- tryside and the material and spir- itual abasement of the peoples, more and more turn to the Viet Cong "because they are convinc- ed it is the only way to secure their independence, and not be- cause of any ideological align- ment." The Buddhists, Nhat Hanh as- serts, are neither pro-Communists nor virulent, militaristic anti- Communists. He calls for the re- legious leaders of the Buddhists, the Hoa Hao and Cao Dai sects, and Catholicism to work togeth- er for a "third possibility" as a viable alternative to Communism or continuing the war. These moderating leaders, now suppressed by the Ky government, would find backing among the ma- jority of Vietnamese who are dis- gusted with the war effort. The "non - Communist" bloc would come to fruition only if the United States were to change its )olicy so that the third force could emerge and be free to oper- ate. Therein is additional danger- us import of the book: it re- muires that the United States nake a clean accounting of its past errors and mend ilts ways before too late. THE SPECIFIC suggestions that Nhat Hanh makes are: 1. Creation of a temporary in- terim government to represent ex- isting political and religious groups in South Vietnam. 2. A cessation of bombings, both north and south, by the U.S. and a cease-fire supported by both sides. 3. Election of a government which would negotiate withdraw- al of U.S, troops "probably dur- ing a period of six months to a year." 4. Consolidation of its hold on the people of South Vietnam and negotiations with the NLF look- ing towards a coalition govern- ment and withdrawal of North Vietnamese troops. 5. And conversations with the North aimed at immediate re- ewal of relations and trade, with eventual reunification of all Viet- nam. Nhat Hahn's proposals are bas- ed upon the premise that every- thing now being done by the U.S. and South Vietnamese o n 1 y strengthens the Communists' at- traction of the people. He pro- poses to weaken the effectiveness of the Communist appeal by re- moving their sole claim to defend- ers of patriotism, 'the Buddhists, he says, can help fill this gap, especially if the other religious groups give their support to the movement. NOR IS Nhat Hanh an anti- American, except as American actions might try to persuade him. His admiration for American ideals led him to these shores to plead his cause. The inexorable conclu- sion is that the U.S. must either prosecute a futile war and go down in infamy or concede that the task of Vietnamese peace belongs to the Vietnamese themselves. "It is the only way," contends Nhat Hanh, "that friendship can be maintained between Americans and Vietnamese. CORRECTION There was an error in the headline for Roger Rapoport's column on yesterday's editorial page. Instead of "Greenwood: Capital of the Confederacy," it should have read "Montgomery: Capital of the Confederacy." Sorry.-Ed. *1 A I If I Lee Was Drafted IN THE FIRST SIX months of this year, 67,000 men deserted the South Vietna- mese army. This report in the Saigon newspaper,' the Vietnam Guardian, de- scribing how the draft works in South Vietnam, helps explain why: "A 299th Engineer Combat Battalion soldier, who is a first generation Japa- nese-American, recently experienced an embarrassing moment when he was mis- takenly drafted into the Vietnamese ar- my at Qui Nhon. "Specialist Four Alfred B. Lee, 20, who works as a personnel specialist with Headquarters Company, was leaving Qui Nhon when a Vietnamese army truck stopped further up the road, and a serious -looking Vietnamese soldier waved him ThegDaily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service Summtr subscription rate: $2.00 per term by car- rier; ($2.50 by mail) $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Michigan, 48104. Summer Editorial Staff LAURENCE MEDOW ................... Co-Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ........... .....Co-Editor MARK LEVIN.......... Summer Supplement Editor NIGHT EDITORS David Duboff, Aviva Kempner, Patricia O'Donohue, over with a carbine. Lee, who was in civilian clothes, obeyed the soldier. "The ARVN soldier began talking, quite unaware that Lee could not understand a word of Vietnamese. Soon Lee was usher- ed into the truck, in which several Viet- namese civilians were dejectedly sitting. By virtue of sign language he then real- ized that he had just been drafted into the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. "FORTUNATELY for SP4 Lee, some of his buddies, who had been watching the scene from inside the nearby 299th Battalion command, rushed down the road with the battalion interpreter, and saved the day by explaining that the apprehended soldier was presently on ac- tive duty in the U.S. Army." --NEW REPUBLIC, Sept. 10, 1966 Thus Saith By NEIL SHISTER m... .8 IBeatle Country LONDON-Where does one be- gin in London? The city invites many thoughts, most of them vague and disjointed, I've been here a week and have yet to encounterthe lonely, heavy- in-the-stomach "Oh, God, not an- other building to look at!" feel- ing. There is such vitality here, yet it is hidden behind a rather stony facade. The tight-lipped Britisher, with bowler hat and umbrella, does indeed exist and often the aura he lends this city makes it a bit impenetrable. The reticence of many of the young people, at least in contrast to the gregariousness and affability of our contemporaries at home, is most striking; indeed, many American student travelers here are quite tuined-off by, the cold- ness of both the people and the weather. (It has rained six of the seven days I've been here) and are quite eager to try their luck elsewhere. The city is vital and extraordi- narily exciting, even though the pretty mini-skirted girls on the street are there to look at, but not touch or even talk to, and the pubs close down at 11 at night. I recently ate dinner in an old tavern, near the home of Dr. Sam- uel Johnson, where the writer him- self is reputed to have frequented. A COMMENT made at one of the several large common tables a sense of antiquity that is un- avoidable and very awesome, yet worn gracefully and with a hint of sardonic laughter. It is worth- while repeating something I was told by a physiology professor when I first arrived, a European who has spent time in the States, He told me that the English still consider America "a bit of a col- ony" and are quite condescending about it if you give them the chance. There is a feeling of "forever" here. One is confronted by it head-on in Westminster Abbey where statues of former prime ministers seem to listen to beau- tiful services sung thrice daily. BUT FOR the current crop of politicians the task is to shed some of their distinct Britishness, become more European in de Gaulle's terms, and join the Com- mon Market. The French leader's recent statement about the prob- lems Britain will encounter in trying to gain admittance, was met with a stiff upper lip by the Wilson government, although the essence of the general's stand was that because England is England she will irrevocably upset the structure of the market. De Gaulle's tangible claim is that the English economy current- ly lacks the resiliency to take the strains which will be initially im- which dominate here. Vietnam is incidental. Even an American here feels the welcome reprieve from the daily barrage of Vietnam stor- ies he gets at home, although last week's action in the demilitarized zone did get reasonably large press play. Among the people with whom I have spoken there appears to be a consistent kind of attitude-that they disapprove of our conduct of the war, and still more-or-less ac- cept the premise under which we are fighting, i.e., stopping the Communist expansion. But a Pakistani, living in Lon- don for seven years and extremely articulate, expressed vehement dis- approval of the war, saying that if the U.S. treated the Kashmir problem as a domestic one, it should follow the same kind of non-interference in Vietnam. He maintains that our stand has earned great resentment among Asians who are increasingly fear- ful of a Chinese-U.S. confronta- tion which will bring down most of the Asian states with it. This man predicted that the show- down will take place on the trans- Gangian plain in India. His ac- ceptance of such a war as inev- itable was rather upsetting, espe- cially since he appears quite in- telligent and well versed in politics. BUT MOST Londoners, from the visible signs and according to a young, talkative cab driver, are 4 The Lord. . 0 "HE WHO MEDDLES in a quarrel not his own is like ore who takes a pass- ing dog by the ears." -PROVERBS 26:17 "I Have To Maintain Iwo Homes, And - Uh- Various Offices" ti 7: -- ycj I