THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1907 THE MICHIGAN U A TT.V For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. PA( 557, UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day add. 2 .65 1.25 1.80 2.30 2.80 3.25 .45 3 .85 1.65 2.40 3.10 3,75 4.35 .60 4 1.05 2.00 2.90 3.75 4.55 5.30 .75 5 1.20 2.30 3.35 4.35 5.30 6.20 .90 6 1.40 2.60 3.80 4.95 6.05 7.10 1.00 7 1.55 2.90 4.25 5.55 6.80 8.00 1.10 8 1.70 3.20 4.70 6.15 7.50 8.80 1.20 9 1.85 3.50 5.10 6.70 8.20 9.60 1.30 10 2.00 3.80 5.50 7.15 8.75 10.25 1.40 INCHES 1 2.00 3.80 5.50 7.15 8.75 10.25 1.40 2 3.75 7.30 10.60 13.75 16.75 19.55 1.40 3 5.35 10.40 15.20 19.60 23.95 28.20 1.40 4 6.85 13.35 19.65 25.75 31.50 37.15 1.40 5 8.25 16.25 24.15 31.85 39.35 46.55 1.40 Additional costs per day after six day\s. Ads that are of I V2, 2', 3 , etc. inch size will be billed at the average of the lower and higher inch rate. SUMMER SUBLET BIKES AND SCOOTERS SUMMER SUBLET-$100. New, furnish- 1967 HONDA S-50, model C110. Brand ed, pool. Call 971-0667 after 5. U38 new, zero mileage. Contest prize. Must sell. 663-7828. Z43 FEMALE TO SHARE plush, modern apt. Own bedroom. Pleasant sur- roundings. 10-mn from campus by car. Rent $77/mo. Phone 663-4585 after 6 p.m. U ONE GIRL for 3-man apt. One block from campus. Own room. $45/mo. 668- 7877. Ask for Gail. U39 SECOND HALF-2 man, air-cond. 944 Greenwood after 5. U40 ONE GIRL WANTED to share great house July-August. Own bedroom. Fall option. Call 665-8741. C34 LARGE MODERN 2 bdrm. for 3 or 4 available June 21-Aug. 19. Laundry facilities, air-cond., off-street park- ing, Call NO 3-5584. U41 MALE ROOMMATE wanted. June 1- August 20. One spot in a 4-man; two- bedroom apt. New building, nice and quiet neighborhood. Contact Luis Saldana at 764-3150 from 8-5 or 764- 8857 evenings and weekends. 1337 Wilnot St., Apt. 8. U34 Summer Sublet 761-8055 and 665-2689 U15 WANTED TO RENT LOOKING for fall apt. for married couple under $100/mo. Carol, 482- 0304. L12 BARGAIN CORNER FOR SALE-S90 HONDA, 1965, with helmet. Call Rusti, 662-1500., ZF SUZUKI 250cc X-6. Excellent condi- tion, extras. Write to Ed Overmyer, 213A Seaton Hall, Albion, Mich. Z38 HONDA S-90-2 months old, exc. cond. Call 662-5115. Z39 TRIUMPH Bonneville, 1966. Excellent condition. 761-2722. Z40 1966 48cc MOTORBIKE. $100 or best offer. 761-8132 between 5-7 p.m. Z41 1966 HONDA S-50. Good condition. 761- 7711, evenings. Z42 BRIDGESTONE 90 Trail, 12 horsepower, $300; Honda Sport 50, $110; 1967 Bridegstone 175 new, $595; 1967 Bridgestone 175 Scrambler, $625. CustomPainting UNIVERSITY MOTORCYCLE SALES 211 E. Ann NO 2-3979 Z DOWNTOWN HONDA CAMPUS LOCATION 'WE Service What We Sell" (AND OTHERS TOO) YOU CAN PURCHASE a cycle any- where, but the combination of cycle sales, at competitive prices an d CONVENIENTLY located service is hard to beat. WE FEATURE OUR SERVICE DE- PARTMENT. This department is headed by a man with 13 years experience as an engine research mechanic. OUR PARTS DEPARTMENT is one of the largest in the area. TO OBTAIN ONE DAY SERVICE phone in advance for an appoint- ment. P.S. We carry the full line of HONDA exclusively, to serve you better. DOWNTOWN HONDA BIKES AND SCOOTERS FOR SALE-'65 Yamaha 80. Exc. mech. cond., sound transportation with cover and straps. $190 or bargain. Ed at 665-8722 after 5 p.m. Z MUST SELL-BMW 1954, 500cc. First $500 takes. 761-5935. Z35 FOR RENT The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws prohibit dis- crimination in the University com- munity. Questions should be direct- ed to Off-Campus Housing, 764-7400. FIRST FLOOR FURNISHED. i% blocks campus. 4 rooms, tile bath, garage, basement, water and heat. $130. July 1. Couple or grads. 662-0368 or 663- 6552 between 5 and 6. C3 LARGE 2 BDRM, furnished, quiet, near campus; tile bath; off-street parking. $140. 663-6279, call evenings. C50 FOR TWO-2 bdrm. furn. apt. June 15-Aug. 15. 522 Hill. 662-1203. C7 FALL RENTAL-STATE ST. MANOR 1111 S. State, across from Yost Field House. 3 and 4 man, modern, luxury, air-cond., garbage disposal, balcony. Call 1-864-3852 or 663-3483. C4 WANTED-4th man for fall. Bi-level apt, on Brown. Balcony, air-cond., dishwasher. Call Jim M., 764-8368. C1 FALL RENTAL-1506 Packard Ann Arbor's Most Spacious Apt. 2, 4, or 5 man, large porches, ample parking. Call 1-864-3852 or 663-3483. C5 FEMALE TO SHARE plush, modern apt. Own bedroom. Pleasant sur- roundings. 10-min. from campus by car. Rent $77/mo. Phone 663-4585 after 6 p.m. C FALL RENTAL-401 E. Madison Large 3-man, 4 room apt. Call 1-864- 3852 or 663-3483. C6 NICE CLEAN ROOMS in an older room- ing house. $25/mo. Call Ron, 663-0536 Mon-Thursday, 5 p.m. to midnight. C49 FEMALE WANTED to share apartment for fall and winter terms. Write Melodie De Santo, 31 E. Sharlear Dr., Essexville 48732, CA BURNS PARK-i bedroom furnished, professional or grad students only. NO 8-6906. C38 PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD The Michigan Daily makes every effort to avoid errors in advertisements. Each ad is carefully checked and proofread. But when you handle hundreds of ads each day, 'mistakes do slip through. We ask, therefore, that you check your ad and if you find an error, report it to The Michigan Daily Classified Dept., 764-0557 be- tween 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. We regret that we can- not- be responsible for more than one day's incorrect in- sertion if you do not call the error to our attention. Thank you. FOR RENT WORKING GIRL to share modern 2 bedroom apt, with one other. No lease, swimming pool. $80/mo. Call 761-5416. C22 418 E. Washington Street WASH I NGTON MANOR ON CAMPUS-NR. FRIEZE & ANGELL HALL We are now leasing for fall 1967 DELUXE & SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOMS FOR 3 STUDENTS. Fully furnished in modern decorator colors, bal., air. cond., disposals, soundproof, laundry, storage. EXTRA FEATURES - Large study hall and a very quiet building. For appt. call NO 8-6906. C11 FOR FALL WE HAVE one and two bedroom units, near campus and on campus for two, three, or four persons. If you are looking for nicely funrished units at reasonable prices call 761-8055. C REDUCED-Attractively furnished cam- pus rooms. Some paneled, carpeted. House refrigerator and phone. Lease thru mid-June, mid-August or longer. $7-$10/week. 665-0925 or 662-7992. C41 CAMPUS - BURNS PARK - Nice house, furnished for 3-4. $225/mo. Grad students preferred. Year lease. Available mid-August. Phone 663-0337. C20 1 506 Broadway Modern unfurnished 1-bedroom apart- ment with wall-to-wall carpeting, dis- posal, stove, and refrigerator. Immed- iate, summer, or fall occupancy. Other 2-bedroom unfurnished apart- ments. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. 337 East Huron 662-7787 HELP WANTED LINOTYPE OPERATOR; also perferator. Ph. GR 5-3581 or 662-0524. H34 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Has immdeiate openings for the follow- ing full time regular positions: Dictaphone Operators Medical term- inology desirable. Salary $300.00 per month plus liberal incentive payment plan. Medical Secretaries. Diversified sec- retarial duties including patient con- tact. Salary commensurate with ex- perience, Registered X-ray Technicians. Ex-- perience desirable but not necessary. Salary range from $400 to $500 per month depending on experience. Outstanding fringe benefit program highlighted by a liberal vacation plan. Apply Medical Center Personnel Office, or Call 764-2172, Ann Arbor, Mich. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer H36 Your key force for Total Action Service for the Professional, Academic and Student Community Serving the Research Center of the Midwest . . . BUSINESS SERVICES 761-3993 Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE, AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and thesis typing, transcription-medical, legal and technical conferences; mimeographing; offset; ditto; lithog- raphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES, INC. 334 Catherine IT'S HAPPENED TASK... NEED MONEY? Can you sell? We need college representatives. Quality Sportswear, Box 1345, Lincoln, Ne- braska. H24 LOCAL BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL GROUP seeks contact with advanced student electronic engineer capable of setting up simple control system as spare time assignment. Highly re- warding aspects of this connection may be seen by data revelation. Write BOX 8-2; Michigan Daily. H33 DO YOU WANT to summer on a lake in Harbor Springs, Mich.? Family with 4 children would like a student sitter from late June-mid August. Prefer girl who enjoys outdoor ac- tivities and has had some experience with children. Own room. $40/wk. Phone 662-5353. H30 SECRETARY Must read Spanish proficiently. W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Phone 616 965- 1221, 400 North Avenue, Battle Creek, Mich. H4 WANTED Foreign Service Secretary FOR: U.S. Information Agency WHY: Exciting Career Opportunities Abroad WHERE: Worldwide Availability WHO: Must be 21 For Assignment Overseas Only 19 to Apply for First 2 years in Washington American citizen, Single Bounty: Beginning $4,776-$6,925 Plus allowances and liberal benefits SKILLS: Typing 50wpm. Shorthand 80wpm. HOW: Write RECRUITMENT and SOURCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION U.S. Information Agency WASHINGTON, D.C. 20547 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Male & Female H31 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh positive; $7, $10, and $12 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. 9-4; Fri. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1894. YPSILANTI Detroit Blood Service 404 W. Michigan H J RENTING FOR FALL PERSONAL PROGRESSING in EmpatheticallyUn- derstanding Ourselves Want to Learn More and Teach. 1212 Hill, Apt. 4. Anytime. F22 TUTOR MATH-Have Master's from U of M and experience. Jerry, 761-7552. F23 STROBE LIGHTS-662-2769. 1215 S. University, Apt. 4. F The WHITE HOUSE status-tician: I'm madly munching carrots at the rate of 69 m.p.h. But Luv'n luk anyway.. . H. FD WE ARE number 1 in Ann Arbor. We specialize in custom Diamond En- gagement Rings, moderately priced. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. ,F3 THE RESTORATION for Italian Arts Committee is sponsoring a dance to be held at Eastern Michigan Univer- sity on the tennis courts, Monday, May 29 from 8 until 12. The admission is 75 cents per person. F21 WANT ONE FEMALE for four-man, close to campus, air-conditioning. Cheap. Much fun for summer semes- ter. 761-7666. FB MOTOR CYCLE RENTALS Suzuki Cycle Center 4040 Arborland-east of Arborland towards Ypsilanti F20 RENT Your TV from NEJAC Zenith 19 in. all channel portables for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671. F NERVOUS? Learn self-help. Recovery, Inc., Box 231, Ann Arbor. GL 3-0327. ESCORT SERVICE Girls!!! We will escort you to your destination enjoyably and safely. Call any time: 662-8225, ask for Dave, Steve, Al, or Mert for a protected journey on those dark nights and shady days. FE PERSONAL WAKE-UP SERVICE-Have your p ring at any designated time.-d, night-LOW RATES. DON'TBE I FOR CLASS OR WORK - AG TELEPHONE ANWSERING SERV 665-8871 (24 hours). TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED to Chicago or subs Leave Fri., return Tues, or Wed. Jim after 6:30, 665-5573. WANT RIDE TO DETROIT 5 da week. 7-8:00 in morning. Call,668- WANTED -- Return Charter flighi Augut. 665-6665. MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGC Rental Purchase Plan A-1 New and Used Instruments PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Wash'ington FOR SALE MOBILE HOME-1963 Great Lakes bile Home 10 ft. x 55 ft. expa Carpeted, washer and ryer, excel condition. 761-6388 after 5 p.m, SMALL TABLE model TV. $10, 5182. 1965 LAMBRETTA TV 200cc. 1500 m ivory, excellent condition, hel After 5:30 call 668-7758. FOUR BEDROOM, two ,bath, qui home, professional neighborb $27,900. NO 3-6549. WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Jaguar XK 140. Body chassis must be A-1. Mechani not important. L. Raymond, Ri 121 Union. TYPING-Thesis and Term Papers Our Specialty-IBM typewriters; executive type and justified copy available. TRANSCRIPTION -- via Dictaphone, Ediphone, IBM and DeJud Steno- rette; Shorthand; Conferences. PRINTING - Offest / Lithography, theses, business. cards, etc. COPYING -- Mimeographing, hecto- graphing, photocopying. VARITYPING / COMPOSITION--Forms and systems. Justified copy available. ART WORK. RECORDING, TRANSCRIPTION, AND PREPARATION of conferences and proceedings. EDITING-TRANSLATIONS Stuffing, mailing, and addressing RESUMES, TELEPHONE ANSWERING MARILYN L. KEITH, B.A., C.M.A. Judith Overstree Suzanne Miller Norma Greenwood, B.A. Barbara Whipple, B.A. (Pick-up and Delivery) ANN ARBOR TASK, INC. 1900 W. Stadium Blvd. (next door to West Stadium Shopping at Pauline) Ann Arbor, Michigan AC 313 761-4146, 761-4147 Evenings 665-3531-761-1187 J USED CARS '62 CORVAIR 700. Excel. cond. $400. Scott, 663-8028. N18 1966 Ford CORTINA, like new, owner' needs station wagon. Many extras include rack, shoulder belts and snow tires. Available now. $1050. 663-6154 evenings. N25 1965 PONTIAC Bonn. Conv. P.S., P.B., Air-cond., WSW. 34,000 miles. Call 764-8288, after 6:00 668-7216. N26 1965 MG-B, wire wheels, A-barth muf- fler. 668-8933. N20 '63 ALFA ROMEO conv. Good cond. Call 764-2258 between 8 and 5. N21 '63 CHEVY, V-8, std. trans., 4 doors, exc. cond. $725. 662-5980 (evenings). N22 WANTED-Jaguar XK 140. Body and chasis must be A-1. Mechanically not important. L. Raymond, Room 121 Union. N23 1961 FIAT ABARTH. Aluminum body, Michelin x-tires, 23,000 miles. $650. 668-9829. N15 VOLVO 544-1961, excellent condition, R, H. 29 mpg. 668-9829. N10 1964 GTO Convertible--One owner. Ex- cellent condition. 761-9358, N12 Grad Student Council S\-PICNI C j'Sunday, May 28-Silver Lake A few apts. cancelled after finals 1 3. 31 3 1 One-Man Two-Man Three-Man Four-Man Five-Man Six-Man RELAX AND PLAY or STUDY UNDER A TREE SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! For "Guys and Gals" LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.98 Pure White and 4 Colors Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing-$7 STA-PREST Slim-Fits $6.50 310 E. Washington Phone 663-8637 These are all fine units previously S rented for the fall semester. $60-$85 per person. CHARTER REALTY 1335 S. University at Washtenaw 665-8825 C2 SINGLE ROOM for girl. Clean and at-' tractive. Share kitchen and bath.' $45/mo. Summer only. 761-5113. C37 COUNTRY APARTMENT-Cool, close to Ann Arbor, inexpensive, have your own bedroom. Older mature room- mate! 665-3330, 761-7819. C47 ONE MAN NEEDED to share apt. near IM building. June-Aug. 665-5627. C48 LEVI JACKETS "White" or Denim-$7.50 LEVI'S Superslims---$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$5.25 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S "White" & Colors-$6.50 COTTON TURTLENECKS--$1 .79 (Colors) Open.Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington Ann Arbor SUZUKI 150cc, eight months old. Perfect condition, maintained by mechanic, 'always garaged. Very fast, very reliable. Luggage rack and hel- met included. $395. Call 665-0606 weekdays 9-5, weekends and evenings 761-3383. ZE ONLY FIVE DOLLARS MORE Courtesy Integrity Intelligence Variety National motorcycle prices Standard parts prices Flat rate labor cost Professional competance Professionally trained mechanics Years of experience Prompt one day service Guaranteed work After-sale service Honda warranty good at any authorized dealer Free unlimited parking New fresh stock Motorcycles are our only business Only the best for the nicest people HONDA OF ANN ARBOR 3000 Packard at Platt 665-9281. HONDA 1966, 90cc. step-through model, 600 miles, helmets included. Make offer. 662-2748. Z37 C! -- 2 or 3 man bi-level or efficiency. Furnished, air-cond., parking, close to campus. Manager on premises. Phone NO 3-5584 or NO 3-8866 before 6 p.m. I Cl C PACKARD AVENUE APARTMENTS 736 PACKARD Now Renting for Fall DAY NURSERY offering all day 'care in pleasant atmosphere. Ages 3to 6. Carpeted floors, new toys, and equip- ment. Experienced staff. State li- censed. Rear of new church. 2796 Packard Rd. 761-1457 between 1 and 5 p.m.; 761-5606, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. No calls Sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday. J8 COLLINS TAILORING AND ALTERATIONS SHOP 225 E. Liberty St. 665-8195 J2 Something To Swap? Try Daily Classifieds = = E.E.G. POSITION OPEN SALARY OPEN E.E.G. technician with administrative ability sought for expanding E.E.G. laboratory in an acute general hos- pital. Send resume to P.O. Box 480, Lans- ing, Michigan 48901. H37 %;1 i i ONE-DAY .65 .85 1.05 SPECIAL FIVE-DAY RATE 2.80 3.75 4.55 to 420 MAYNARD ANN ARBOR, MICH. 48104 Phone 764-0557 12:00 to 2:00 Mon. thru Fri. I ' DATES TO RUN si * NAME PHONE U ! ADDRESS U Figure 5 average words to a line. U ! N ! 11 Call: I I 11 i I 11 11 I