Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MITCHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where OpiioAere,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1967 NIGHT EDITOR: WALTER SHAPIRO Middle East Crisis ABDUL GAMAL NASSER'S bluff has backfired with potentially disastrous consequences for all concerned. Egypt's request last Wednesday to the UN peacekeeping force, stationed on the Sinai frontier with Israel, to evacuate the area can be viewed as a symbolic ges- ture of support for the rulers of Syria. But U Thant's acquiescence to the de- mand has placed Nasser in the awkward position of having to make good on his al- liance with the Syrian government. Nas- ser, heckled since 1956 by the other Arab states for allowing the UN Emergency Force troops to remain on Egyptian soil, went too far. THE ISRAELI-SYRIAN conflict has been an up-and-down affair for the last several years: spies and saboteurs from both countries have traversed the bor- der; Israeli bombers have attacked and Syrian MIG's counterattacked, blowing up bridges, trains, water pumps and dam construction sites in both countries. Syria has had a paranoid fear that Is- rael would send a military expedition into its borders and overthrow the shaky re-' gime-a task which Israel could have easily pulled off at any time. Egypt for the most part has been con- tent merely to issue bellicose but unful- filled warning to Israel, not wanting to risk a major confrontation for several reasons: " First,, a major portion of Nasser's army-about 40,000 men-has been tied down in a war.of attrition in Yemen. For Egypt, the ideal outcome of this strug- gle would be the creation of a pro-Cairo regime in that country, which borders Aden. The British are scheduled to leave Aden soon, and Nasser would then be able to use Yemen as a base of opera- tions to gain control of its neighbor-. thereby securing a foothold at the en- trance of the Red Sea, and the means to control the traffic on that waterway. f Second, however, is the predominant strength of the Israeli army-300,000 of the best fighters in the world. THE MIDDLE EAST, situation has been so precarious that the UN departure was enough to tip, the uneasy balance, and Egypt immediately mobilized. The Arab bloc nations, finally rid of the ag- gravating presence of the UN, and pro- vided at last with serious Egyptian lead- ership, have rushed to Israel's borders. Moreover, the Gulf of Aqaba, Israel's major reward from the 1956 war against Egypt, has been reportedly blockaded and mined by Nasser. The latter presents an especially grave threat. It is doubtful that Egypt and its Arab neighbors will initiate a ground of- fensive against the Israeli army, but the threat of a blockade may provoke Israel into justified defensive measures. Any at- tempts by the Arabs to stop an Israeli ship could provide Israel with an excuse for bombing the cities of Syria and Egypt. This nervously-awaited confronta- tion will occur Friday evening when the first ship attempts to enter. But the threat extends beyond the several Middle East participants. President Johnson on Tuesday gave notice that the administra- tion views the planned blockade as an il- legal act, and only yesterday, Senator Morse openly declared that the U.S. would not permit Egypt to carry out its threat. While it is premature to forecast the American course of action, our involve- ment cannot be precluded. THEUN NOW FINDS itself in an em- barrassing position. The Security Council, restricted by a probable Soviet vote, will find itself powerless in the sit- uation. The only hope appears to be a combination of Thant's persuasive abili- ties, coupled with U.S. threats to Egypt. We await the outcome with crossed fingers. PREMIER KY at a South Vietnamese Army head quarters in Bien Hoa. On his belt is a cigarette lighter shaped like a hand grenade. Letters to the Editojr -STEPHEN FIRSHEIN Bedtime Story THE PRESIDENT'S now famous "World War III" bedtime remark to his daugh- ter, Luci, deserves closer examination. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service Summer subscription rate: $2.00 per term by car- rier; ($2.50 by mail) $4.00 for entire summer ($4.50 by mail). Daily except Monday during regular academic school year. Daly except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 425 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104. Summer Editorial Staff LAURENCE MEDOW ...................Co-Editor STEPHEN FIRSHEIN ........... .. Co-Editor MARK LEVIN .......... Summer Supplement Editor NIGHT EDITORS David Duboff, Aviva Kempner, Patricia O'Donohue, Jennifer Rhea, Walter Shapiro. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS Marcie Abramson, Rob Beattie, Jill Crabtree, Shirley Nickovich, Jenny Stiller. The story has been circulating in the press corps on an off-the-record basis for months. Mr. Johnson has told it so often that it is surprising it did not get into print sooner. It seems to have become one of his favorite anecdotes. One can under- stand a worried President telling his daughter the night of the first air raids in the immediate vicinity of Hanoi and Haiphong, "Your Daddy may go down in history as having unleashed World War III, adding, in case that was not enough to get her attention, "you may not wake up tomorrow." But it is hard to under- stand the mentality that can tell and re- tell the story as if it were some kind of creditable escapade. A James Reston col- umn last November 4 quoted Johnson as saying he had been on tranquilizers since his heart attack in 1955. If this is how lightly Johnson risks a world war, the rest of the country had better start taking them too. -From I. F. Stone's Weekly May 22, 1967 Married Housing The proposed changes in place- ment policy for University-owned married student apartments have two purposes. The most important is giving couples with the greatest financial need priority for the $800 subsidy that is inherent in the extremely low rents. A second purpose is to end current discrimi- nation against couples who do not hear about admission to the Uni- versity or fellowships until March or April. For the last few years the housing has closed before they had a chance to apply. Only the stronger "three cate- gory" system described in yester- day's Daily comes near achieving both these purposes. Briefly the three category system says "yes immediately" to those with lowest income, "wait till May first when we will give it to couples in great- est need" to those of average in- come, and "no almost for sure" to those with high income. THE INCOME cutoff plan says "no almost for sure" to the top 30 per cent and yes to those in the other 70 per cent (below about $7000) who apply early. It does not give couples with very low incomes (such as a teaching fellow) with infant children that prevent their wives from working) priority over those with average income. Because of the uncertainty about the number of vacancies and ap- plications for August occupancy, it will not be possible to set an income cutoff so as to exactly exhaust the vacancies by closing in May. In order to fill the hous- ing at certain times of the year when excess demand is smaller, the income cutoff will have to be set rather high, as has been pro- posed. THUS THE RESULT of the in- come cutoff plan would be to fill the August vacancies before new graduate students received admis- sion and fellowship notices in late March and early April. Besides being the most needy as a class, they have a special need for hous- ing that can be arranged for by mail. Currently the Off-Campus Hous- ing Bureau recommends that an entering married student visit Ann Arbor at the beginning of the summer to arrange housing. The round trip air fare for someone coming from California is $280. The trip is impossible for a couple coming from Peace Corps service or study in Europe. Under the three category plan, couples applying as late as April for August occupancy would have an equal chance with earlier ap- plicants. Yet about 90 per cent of the applicants, the bottom and the top income groups, would know immediately after applica- tion whether they had housing. Once in, a couple would be as- sured of at least a year and would be able to stay in longer as long as their income remained in one of the lower two categor- ies. I see no reason why we can- not give the current residents 14 months notice of the -application of such a policy. -John Bishop Student member of SACH -- mTRAN VAN DINH " Premier Iy: Our Man in Vietnam. Although the presidential elections in South Vietnam is 100 days away (Sept. 3, 1967), the Vietnamese people already know who is going to be "elected" unless the war ends, the U.S. changes its pol- icy in Vietnam, or the Buddhists and the students are not suppressed by the Saigon military junta. These, unfortunately, are unlikely to happen soon. The future "elected" president of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) will be His Excellency Air Vice Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky, presently prime minister of South Vietnam cum South Vietnamese Air Force commander. As a matter of fact, Nguyen Cao Ky has an- nounced on May 11 that he was going to run despite past assurances to the contrary. On May 13, 1967, while touring a refugee resettlement hamlet at Lai Thieu, 15 miles north of Saigon, KY declared to all who could hear him both at home and abroad: "If he (his civilian opponent in the presidential race) is a Communist or if he is a neu- tralist, I am going to fight him militarily. In any demcratic coun- try, you have the right to disagree with the views of others." (This is Ky's understanding of democracy. Also to him, neutralism, Communism, anti-militarism, peace, anti-corruption, are all synonymous.) He fur- ther stated his intentions of "running for the presidency to provide continuity to the present military regime." In other words he is going to succeed himself. To make sure that everyone in Vietnam and in the U.S. understands his concept of de- mocracy, he said that "press censorship would continue during the election campaign." At this moment, in Saigon, while General Ky muzzles the Vietnamese press, his own radio and his own "Vietnam Press Agency," his own papers label all his "opponents" as neutral- ists, Communists, pacifists . Let us have a look now at this man who is going to reign over the destiny of the people of South Vietnam for the next four years or more, for whom the U.S. soldiers have been dying by the hundreds per week to keep in power: NAME: Nguyen Cao Ky, referred to by the Vietnamese as Nguyen Cao Boi (cowboy). " "Ky himself has moderated his playboy activities, but it is common knowledge in Saigon that he has kept a table permanently reserved at Maxim's, an elegant Saigon nightclub owned by ARVN (Army Republic of Vietnam) generals where a single drink costs more ($3) than a peasant earns a week . . . ." (John Mecklin, report from Saigon in the April 1967 issu ofe Fortune Magazine. Mr. Meck- lin, a veteran journalist, was chief U.S. press officer in Vietnam from 1962-1964.) 9 "When the press calls him a playboy and a cowboy and a girl chaser, he likes that" (Statement by Madame Ky herself to Look Magazine, Dec. 27, 1966.) ORIGINS: Ky was born 37 years ago in Son Tay province, west of Hanoi. Like most of the influential members of his military junta, he is from North Vietnam. He opposes the Viet Cong, whose presidium is composed entirely of Southerners. His parents were bourgeois, upper middle class. EDUCATION: He has not finished high school. He was trained as a pilot by the French Air Force during the Vietnamese War of Inde- pendence against the French, and has also spent six months at the Air Command and Staff College at the Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. PAST POSITIONS: The premier served in various capacities in the late President Ngo Dinh Diem's air force, In 1961-1963, as a leader of the "Transport Wing" of the South Vietnam Air Force, he was responsible for dropping South Vietnamese saboteurs and agents in North Vietnam (all arrested or killed). He became commander of the South Vietnamese Air Force with the rank of colonel in late 1963, after the coup d'etat (in which he did not participate) of Nov. 1, 1963 which ousted President Ngo Dinh Diem. He thereafter succeeded in forestalling several attempts of coup d'etat by blandly threatening to bomb Saigon from the air. He finally came into power after a coup d'etat in June 18, 1965, and became prime minister, retaining his position as commander of the South Vietnamese Air Force. PAST ACHIEVEMENTS: In May-June, (1966, with the U.S. sup- port, he ruthlessly suppressed the Buddhists and others. Ky threat- ened to personally shoot Dr. Man, the mayor of Da Nang, and a strong Catholic. Later imprisoned, the mayor is still in jail. Other victims of Ky's campaign of suppression: four Vietnamese generals of Central Vietnam origins including the popular and hon- est Nguyen Chanh Thi, now exiled to Washington, D.C. Also, according to Robert Shoplen, five or six hundred officers and non-commissioned officers, several thousand ordinary soldiers, 200 students in Hue and Da Nang, about 200 more in Saigon, an un- determined number of Buddhist monks and their pagoda followers and at least five members of the faculty of Hue University including its rector were arrested. Of these people perhaps four or five thousand in all are still in jail, in Hue, Da Nang or on the Phu Quoc Island, most of them without having any charges brought aainst them. In Time Magazine's cover story of Feb. 18, 1966, we read: "His trademark was a black flying suit, a legacy of secret missions over North Vietnam dropping saboteurs. He also affected pearl-handled pistols in the cockkpit and has a considerable gun collection." Ky has met President Johnson three times: at Honolulu, Manila, and Guam. MARITAL STATUS: His first wife was a French woman who gave him five children (three boys, two girls); then with a dancing girl named Lan; then in 1964 with the present one named Mai. She was born in North Vietnam and was a stewardess. While on a trip to Tokyo on Dec. 13, 1966, to have plastic surgery on her nose and her eyes (for a more "Western" look), she lost her handbag containing $1200 in U.S. cash. Ky's salary: $6500 a year. From the same Time article: "Ky and his wife Mai intended to show their interest in the peasants. Snipers were firing and it would have worked well except that Ky and Mai arrived in matching jet- black flying suits, purple scarves, fight boots and blue flying caps. The villagers were struck dumb. 'Good God,' said a watching Ameri- can, 'they look like Captain and Mrs. Midnight'." (Feb. 18, 1966.) Ky and his wife live at the Tan Son Nhut air base. He goes to work by helicopter and tours the country in a personal plane equipped with a gold trimmed bar. POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY AND PROGRAM: Ky 0 Admires a German named Adolf Hitler (now dead). 1 * 4 0I The View From Here . . . By Robert Klivans Strange World of Grown-Mups rrir r i r... ........ - .:1 a .s . rrrirr n rr. . 'p. ty~c ' OM SOfl .... YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - The big fascination of the American press this spring has been to de- termine what the "Young Genera- tion" is really thinking. And late- ly, writers have undertaken their most serious examinations to date by cleverly infiltrating the teen and collegiate set and living among them. Very soon, Simon and Schuster will publish "I Passed as a Teen- ager," a revealing account by 36- year-old Lyn Tornabene, on her experiences while disguised as a high school junior. Her conclusion after the masquerade: adolescents now aren't much different than when she was a kid. And Life Magazine has just pub- lished an account by Gerald Moore on a stay inside a dormitory at Indiana University, discovering the shocking political apathy and materialistic way of life preferred by the New Breed at the multi- versity. ALL THIS PUBLICITY about the Young Generation has shifted the spotlight from the really im- portant group in American life- the "Grown-up Generation"-that huge bloc of nameless people over 30. I decided it was about time someone infiltrated their close- knit society and observed their hushed-up rituals, thinking and strange practices. The most difficult aspect in dis- guising yourself as Over 30 is dress. I discarded my collegiate begin that way. But this facade of indifference cannot fool the keen collegiate observer. Rejecting the marijuana and LSD of the campus scene, they instead "tune in, turn on, and drop out" on a strange liquid substance known as alcohol. Served in countless varie- ties, the substance - chemically simple - can produce hallucina- tions, wild feelings of weightless- ness and amnesia, an has been known to produce acts of viol- ence. Viciously habit-forming, the Over 30 crowd is convinced of its relative harmlessness. Its users are in the tens of millions, far ex- ceeding the innocent and with- drawn potheads on college cam- puses, and one Over 30 member confided to me that helpless ad- dicts of liquor number in the mil- lions, both behind bars and in front of them. The sexual antics of the Over 30 crowd can only bewilder an ob- server. In their normal habitat of the cocktail party, the sexes in- evitably divide, in an almost comic retrogression to grade school days when girls would line one side of the room and boys the other. Here, the men congregate to discuss mundane matters of business and sports, while the women isolate themselves to exchange facts of society, whether infidelity or high fidelity. One Over Thirtyite said that "sexual promiscuity" is about the same as it has always been, even with the introduction of The Pill. This scientific gift, so oppos- showed the colors of the Other Generation. While thousands of dissenters marched in the two great parades and hundreds of others picketed Selective Service offices, April 15 also witnessed thousands of males over 30 lined up outside Internal Revenue of- fices, virtually blocking the en- trances. These politically aware, sensitive people were demanding a de-escalation in taxes and negotia- tions with the enemy. But, faced with the same alternatives as the Younger Generation, they recog- nized that dissent was unpatriotic, and - more importantly, would land them in jail. They retreated and paid their debt to society, lit- erally. However, the most striking as- pect of the whole Over 30 gen- eration is its pathological con- cern with things young. Grand- parents can be found frequenting discotheques, wrenching their aged bones in a fashion that would frighten the most sturdy student. Matronly women can be found wearing mini-skirts, displaying areas of the upper knee that would be banned in Boston. And any- thing that strikes the fancy of the younger set is quickly grabbed by those Over 30: leading sym- phony orchestras begin adopting the Beatles in their repertoire; everyone dresses mod; psychedelic art is everywhere. IN FACT, the Other Generation tries harder thinking young than A . . 5 - .. ri t ,'"lmme ;;s411 N l