TUESDAY, MAY 23, 196'7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAn'1 TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY rtAflhI1 'World Diplomats Attempt ENEMY ATTACKS: U. S. Attackers.Hit Hanc 'To Avert Middle East I 'U Thant Goes On Five-=Day Peace Tri Israel Makes Offer To Withdraw Troops, If Egypt Does Same UNITED NATIONS (A)-Sec- retary-General U Thant held last- minute talks with the chief dele- gates of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France prior to departure last night on a five-day Mideast peace mission centered at Cairo. There was no word on whether Thant was seeking any definite commitments from Egyptian Pres- ident Gamal Abdel Nasser in the wake of Thant's compliance with Egypt's demands for removal of the United Nations Emergency Force from Egyptian territory. In Israel yesterday, Prime Min- ister Levi Eshkol offered to with- draw Israeli troops from the bor- der with Egypt if Egypt would do the same. In a speech to the Parliament in Jerusalem, Eshkol appealed to the United Nations and the big powers to use their influence for peace on Egypt to avoid "the danger of a conflagration in the Middle East." In Damascus, the Syrian chief of state, Nureddin el-Atassi said Syria and Egypt were ready to turn back any Israeli aggression and begin the "final liberation battle" against the Jewish state. He said Arab guerilla raids into Israel, which sparked the crisis, would go on. Atassi spoke to a meeting of leaders of the Pan-Arab Federa- tion of Labor Trade Unions at which Hashem Ali Mohsen, the group's secretary-general, threat- ened that Arabs would blow up Western oil installations in the Middle East if war broke out. He said the Arabs would also move against all Western sea and air traffic. Nasser visited an Egyptian air base in Sinai yesterday on a 2%- hour tour of Egyptian positions along the frontier with Israel. Nasser's visit was announced by his government after his return to Cairo. He was accompanied on the tour by the armed forces com- mander, Field Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer, and Defense Min- ister Shams Badran. A U.N. spokesman said Thant had no plans to visit Israel or other Arab countries in the Middle East. He will confer in Cairo with Nasser, other Egyptian officials 4 and the UNEF commander, Maj. Gen. Indar Jit Rikhye of India. rWar Washington tsks Soviet For Stability Report Johnson Says Israeli Trade Route International Water WASHINGTON (P)-Adminis- ation officials were reported >peful yesterday the Soviet Gov- nment will use its influence to crease the risk of war between rael and the Arab states. S t a t e Department officials irned yesterday against any in- rference with shipping to Israel. President Johnson was reported have reinforced U.S. diplo- atic appeals for Soviet coopera- >n with a personal message to :emier Alexei N. Kosygin in the st few days. Although White House and State epartment spokesmen refused to )nfirm the President's reported ove, diplomatic informants said ey understood Johnson had ade the request. These sources also said they lieve the Soviet government, th closeties to Egypt and other rab states, was avoiding action hich might inflame the situation trther. A State Department official said sterday the United States con- ders the sea passage through the arrow strait of Tiran, between e Gulf of Aqaba and the Red ea, an international waterway nd therefore not to be closed off. Egypt whichcontrols one side fthe strait, could block it al- ough U.S. and other Western overnments are believed to have arned Cairo against such a move. State Department press officer arl Bartch told a news confer- nee the United States has a con- nuing commitment to maintain eace and security in the Middle ast. He recalled U.S.-British-French ommitments publicly stated in 950 against tolerating aggression y any nation in the Middle East. :e said the pledge is still valid. Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY), aid yesterday that United Nations ecretary-General U Thant's deci- on to withdraw U.S. peace-keep- Zg forces from the Gaza Strip as a "most deplorable one" and ad hurt the world organization. Despite SAIGON (R) -- U.S. planes streamed over North Vietnam yes- terday and smashed at targets near Hanoi, ignoring the first day of a Communist cease-fire. Pilots said a MIG21 was downed in a dogfight. Hanoi radio claimed six U.S. planes were shot down while at- tacking "densely populated quar- ters" in the center and vicinity of the North Vietnamese capital. There was no confirmation in Sai- gon. As today began, the U.S., South Vietnamese and allied forces sus- pended all operations for 24 hours in honor of Buddha's birthday. The Communist broke their truce yesterday. They launched a heavy attack in the central high- lands, blew up a South Vietnam- ese military train, causing light casualties, and engaged in scat- tered clashes elsewhere. How successful today's cease-fire would be was problematical. Falling antiaircraft shells, frag- ments of Soviet missiles and bombs from U.S. air raiders are causing casualties and destruction in the Hanoi area, a Japanese cor- respondent in the North Vietnam- ese capital reported. Yasumasa Ohta, Kyodo News Service correspondent, said in a dispatch that, "There was no telling when and where death or injury would occur by falling anti- aircraft shells, Soviet missile frag- ments and raiders' weapons." Truce "Anti-aircraft batteries in around the city seem to have pressive firepower, but ther hardly enough time to take ci after an alarm is sounded in of the speed of attacking U.S planes," he wrote. Ohta, who entered North V nam through Communist Ch said he went through nine raid alarms in Hanoi Sunday Efforts and He said a local news ph im- rapher was reported to have e is beheaded by a sharp piece over missile. view He rushed to various spots . jet ported hit by American bomb Hanoi Sunday "under the g Viet- ance of members of the I hina, ocratic Republic of Vietnam ( air mission for Cultural Relations Y. Foreign Countries." Hong Kong Chinese Continue Disorders HONG KONG W) -Thousands of police, spearheaded by heavily armed units in trucks and ar- mored cars and aided by a curfew forced a night of peace upon Hong Kong yesterday after another day of violent Communist-led anti- British riots. Rampaging mobs of Chinese hurled acid at police from roof- tops, battled the constables in bloody clashes and tried to incite more violence with inflammatory loudspeaker broadcasts and news- paper reports. Scores were injured and more than 150 were jailed. Police said they shot one Chinese rioter who threw gasoline and lighted matches at a patrol. The -Associated Press POINTING THE WAY Dr. Wernher von Braun (left) points to rocket m odels as he explains their function to Vice Presi- dent Hubert H. Humphrey. Braun was taking the vice president on a tour of the NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center near Huntsville yesterday afternoon. ON FRAUD CHARGE: Supreme Court Orders NewU Hearing for Tieamster Boss 'Illegally Drafted' Civilian Wins Lengthy Court Battle Chinese was reported in fair con- dition in a hospital. Massed loudspeakers atop the Communist Bank of China in the heart of this British colony on Communist China's d o o r s t e p blared accusations that police had shot a Chinese to death. Police denied it and nearby government loudspeakers played Chinese music at ear-splitting volume ,to drown out the charges. Police fired hundreds of tear gas volleys and made scores of night- stick charges in the eleventh straight day of rioting or anti- British demonstrations. Govern- ment sources said the mobs were led by Communists known to be receiving instruction from Peking. The government announced a. ban on public processions, meet- ings and demonstrations without prior police approval. It said par- ticipants in unauthorized as- semblages would be subject to ar- rest. The disorders began May 11. Communists were believed aiming to stifle Chinese Nationalist activ- ity in Hong Kong and, prevent the colony from being used by Amer- ican servicemen on leave from Vietnam. Public transportation was halted during the day and scores of streets were blocked by buses and taxicabs abandoned by their driv- ers, members of a leftist union. Police rushed reinforcements to threatened areas with the help of a spotter in a helicopter. All 100, 000 police were in action or on alert and about 7,000 British troops were also alerted. WASHINGTON RA)- The Su- preme Court yesterday ordered a new hearing for Teamster Pres- ident James R. Hoffa on his 1964 federal mail fraud conviction. The hearing, the court said in an unsigned opinion, will be for pur- poses of determining if Hoffa's trial was affected by admitted gov- ernment eavesdropping on a code- fendant. The court directed a federal court in Chicago to determine whether conceded FBI eavesdrop- ping on a co-defendant figure af- fected the 1964 mail fraud con- viction of James R. Hoffa, presi- dent of the Teamsters Union. If the federal court in Chicago finds that Hoffa's conviction was tainted by the eavesdropping, the Supreme Court said, "it would then become its duty" to grant him a new trial. Hoffa drew a five-year prison sentence on the mail fraud con- viction. The court's action today has no bearing on his unrelated convic- tion for jury tampering. He is currently serving an eight-year sentence on that conviction in the federal penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pa. Black Dissents The court acted on a 7-1 vote. Dissenting Justice Hugo L. Black noted that he favored hearing arguments before the Supreme Court on the case. Justice Byron R. White, a for- mer deputy U.S. attorney general, took no part in the case. The subject of the admitted FBI eavesdropping was S. George Bur- ris, 69, a New York City accoun- tant convicted with Hoff a. FBI Eavesdropping On April 13 the Justice Depart- ment told the court FBI agents had overheard Burris discussing his "personal financial problems" with Benjamin Sigelbaum of Miami, Fla. In other action the Supreme Court hinted yesterday it may re- quire apportionment of local gov- ernmental bodies by the one man- one vote yardstick it tied to Con- gress and state legislatures. But it said the four cases be- fore it for decision-from Ala- bama, New York, Michigan and Virginia-did not have the proper ingredients for such a ruling at this time. "We reserved the question whether the apportionment of municipal or county legislative agencies is governed by Reynolds vs. Sims," Justice William O. Douglas said for a united court. But, he added, "We assume arguendo-for the sake of argu- ment-that it is." In the historic Reynolds-Sims decision in June 1964, the court held that seats in both houses of state legislatures must be ap- portioned on a population basis. FT. DIX, N.J.-Roy L. Shapiro, ordered discharged from the Army last week in an unprecedented Federal Court ruling, became a civilian again yesterday 10 months after he was drafted against his will. Shapiro, 24, of Caldwell, N.J., was processed through a Ft. Dix personnel center after orders were received from Washington yester- day. The Army honored a request that he be shielded from photog- raphers and newsmen. Shapiro was to be whisked into hiding, it was learned. Telephone service at his home was tempor- arily disconnected. The final separation was a de- nouement to a court battle which resulted in what U.S. Atty. David Satz Jr. in Newark, N.J., called an "unprecedented" decision by Federal Judge Reynier J. Worten- dyke. He ruled last Monday that Shapiro had been drafted illegally. Judge Wortendyke held that Shapiro had been denied his con- stitutional rights during an ad- ministrative hearing before Mont- clair, N.J. Selective Service Board 12. He said that a quorum was not present at the hearing when it refused Shapiro's request for re- classification from his 1-A status. A spokesman for the local board said that Shapiro will be reclassi- fied when official notification of his discharge is received. Shapiro sought reclassification on grounds that he was engaged in essential service training men- tally and physically handicapped workers in silk screen printing. U Republican Candidates Charge Bigotry in Kentucky Primary Federal Education Aid Bill Raises Church-State Issue WASHINGTON (P) -- Republi- cans seeking a new approach to federal education aid were told yesterday they are reviving a church-state controversy t h a t could end federal assistance to the schools. In turn, the Republicans accused their Democratic opponents of raising a smokescreen of church- state involvement that simply does not exist. The issue of aid to parochial schools flared up at the opening of House debate; on a bill that would continue a program begun In 1965 aimed primarily at im- proving the education of poor children. Shift Responsibility A Republican-backed amend- ment would shift major respon- sibility for the program from Washington to the states. Final action on the bill is not expected before tomorrow. In the weeks since Rep. Albert H. Quie (R-Minn) disclosed the GOP amendment, Democrats from President Johnson down have hammered at the threat of a re- vived religious controversy. Rep. Carl D. Perkins (D-Ky), floor manager for the bill, told the House: "You know and I know that the church-state issue is lurking there, ready to destroy federal aid programs, just as it frustrated all our efforts for so many years." The 1965 Elementary and Sec- ondary Education Act was the first broad program of aid to elemen-1 tary and secondary schools to skirt1 the issue successfully. It did so by declaring that the funds were for programs to help "educationally deprived" children, no matter in what schools they were enrolled. Public school officials are re- quired to include eligible children from parochial schools in the pro- gram furnished by the federal money. Perkins said that under the Quie amendment parochial school participation would be subject to the 50 state constitutions, 33 of which he said prohibit the spend- ing of public money for nonpublic purposes. "Let's not delude ourselves," said Perkins. "Abandonment of cate- gorized aid now would mean, in a relatively short time, that there would be no federal assistance to elementary and secondary schools." Rep. Hugh L. Carey (D-NY), said Quie's amendment "would set up a holy war that would make the current difficulties in the Suez area look like a Sunday School picnic." Rep. William H. Ayers (R-Ohio), ranking Republican on the Edu- cation and Labor Committee, charged Perkins with putting up a smokescreen. Quie said he has included in his amendment a provision that fed- eral funds must be combined with state funds, so the same principle of direct federal benefit to chil- dren would be obtained. FRANKFORT, Ky. (M)-A tur- bulent Republican primary for governor was reported yesterday while all seemed comparatively quiet in the Democratic race. Last-minute charges of bigotry exchanged by GOP contenders Marlow Cook and Louie B. Nunn were expected to heighten voter interest in today's election. So was the endorsement of Cook by U.S. Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R-Ky), who earlier crit- icized Nunn's c a m p a ig n on grounds it stirred religious and ra- cial prejudice. And for the first time, an under- tone related to the Republican World News Roundup presidential ragehas been sounded openly. Nunn said that Cook and a "close supporter," who he did not identify, met months ago with a "financial backer" of Michigan Gov. George Romney and Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY). He said the purpose was "to make a deal to deliver the Ken- tucky delegation to the Romney- Javits ticket at the 1968 conven- tion." Help Romney Cook, a moderate, is regarded as likely to shepherd Kentucky's 24 delegates into the Romney camp. Nunn, more conservative, seem- ingly would lean toward someone like former Vice President Richard M. Nixon. The GOP, holding its first se- rious primary in 20 years, has been torn internally by an urban versus rural fight plus the question raised by Cook's Roman Catholic faith. Prejudice Tactics Cook has contended Nunn is using underhanded tactics which arouse ill feelings toward Cath- olics, Jews and Negroes. Nunn charged Cook "has releas- ed hate literature and will try to attribute it to me." Cook, 40, is Jefferson County- Louisville-judge and never has been defeated in his 10-year po- litical career. Nunn, 44, fell only 13,000 votes short of gaining the governor- ship in 1963. The Louisville area is expected to provide Cook's voting base while Nunn is relying heavily on moun- tainous southeastern Kentucky, the state's "Bible belt." The Democrats, who usually in- dulge in ferocious primaries, have been rather gentlemanly this time. Democratic Hope Gov. Edward T. Breathitt can- not succeed himself. But his fac- tion is trying to perpetuate itself for another Afour years. Its candidate is former Highway Commissioner Henry Ward, 56, a somewhat colorless candidate. Ward's main challenger appears to be former Gov. A. M. "Happy" Chandler, seeking a third term. The Republicans last elected a governor in 1943. Nominees also will be picked for eight other statewide offices, from lieutenant governor to au- ditor, and for 104 seats in the House of Representatives and 19 of those in the State Senate. KEEP AHEAD OF YOUR HAIR NO WAITING * 8 BARBERS s OPEN 6 DAYS The Dascola Barbers Near the Michigon Theatre / J. { 1i Silk .. dots go delirious for our Miss J on fortre! polyester/royon voile by i I F . 1 By The Associated Press COLUMBIA, S.C.-Army Capt. Howard B. Levy's lawyers, un- successful in an attempt to have his court-martial ended, began yesterday sifting through evidence purporting to show American Spe- cial Forces troops commit war crimes in Vietnam. The U.S. Supreme Court, with- out comment, denied pleas to Chief Justice Earl Warren to stop the court-martial and let a fed- eral court hear Levy's challenge of the code of military justice. Levy, 30, a dermatoligist from Brooklyn, N.Y., is charged with refusing to obey an order to train Special Forces medics in the treatment of skin diseases. His defense is based. on the contention that U.S. Green Beret troops are trained to exterminate Vietnamese peasants whom they can't "cure" politically. He says the order for him to help train them was unlawful. Levy also is charged with mak- ing disloyal statements and with urging Negro enlisted men not to serve in Vietnam. * * * WASHINGTON - President Johnson selected Alexander B. Trowbridge yesterday to move up from acting secretary to secretary of commerce. The move could signal, for this year at least, an end to further attempts by the administration to merge the Commerce and Labor Departments and their related functions into a new Department of Economic Affairs. Trowbridge has filled the top post in the department on an act- ing basis since Feb. 1 when the resignation of John T. Connor from the cabinet became effec- tive. I I _ t IIII I