"And Tell the UN We also Protest the Aggressive Attitude of the Democratic Party" Seventieth Year EDIED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN : :-- on Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ruth Wul Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. I 'I",q - a,, ' -i i4 f ;, TELLS KHRUSHCHEV: Eaton Emphasizes U.S. Peace Desire (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following interview with industrialist Cyrus Eaton on his talks this year with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev was made available to the Associated Press by the Cleveland Plain Dealer.) By N. R. HOWARD Contributing Editor to the Cleveland Plain Dealer LOS ANGELES--Cyrus Eaton recently disclosed, in an exclusive inter- view with the Cleveland Plain Dealer, that during his talks this year with Premier Nikita Khrushchev of Russia he has reassured the Soviet leader about the intentions and the psychology of American industry. He has told Khrushchev, he said, that the industrialists of the nation want no war and at no time would put the considerations of AY, JULY .16, 1960 NIG1T EDITOR: ANDREW HAWLEY Experimental Theatre Could Benefit University ELMER RICE'S apparent attitude, almost one of bewilderment, toward the place of ex- perimental theatre in Ann Arbor and most other college communities today, is especially note- worthy because Rice, a former guest playwright for the University, is no stranger to the aca- demic atmosphere. In his afternoon speech on Wednesday and particularly during the panel discussion with members of the University staff, Rice's view- point toward college theatre and its possibilities was in marked contrast to that of the other participants. Rice's stand was approximately this: "Why don't you college people, with your supposed LikeIt or Not. THESHRUBBERY around Ann Arbor is creeping away these days. Not only does the speech department's imminent production of "As You Like It" feature alive and moving "trees" (providing more parts for student stars), but all the greens on the Student Activities Building lawn are being methodically whisked away, roots and all. Wasting not a moment, University grounds- men brought out the spades and green thumbs early yesterday morning, hours before the Re- gents had approved the building contract for the new, probably tin-foil encrusted, wing of the SAB. At the rate the eager gardeners are going, ground will be broken within a week, and the building will be up in no time., The students wanted a central location for their activities, the Administration says, so they must want an addition to the original edifice. Therefore, a portion of the next seven years' student fees will be used to finance the $750,- 000 edifice. But times have changed since the students first complained of dislocated activities. Per- haps now they are more worried about losing professors who are more and more often drawn from the University to higher-paying, good positions elsewhere. Mathematically, that $750,- 000 could add up to a $1,000 bonus for 750 professors over the next seven years. Still, the bushes are bowing out and there's no time for an encore - yet the SAB lawn pageant isn't necessarily "As You Like It." -KM stock of youthful idealism and your public sup- port, take advantage of these things and be- come seekers and leaders for drama in this society that is so fraught with dangers for it?" "Your playwrights, actors, and other person- nel need not depend on the traditionally con- servative audiences for your livelihood. Why don't you present unknown, unusual work by struggling young writers no one ever heard of?" Worldly New Yorker Rice repeatedly posed variations of these questions to the other panel- ists and the audience, almost ignoring all other discussion topics. HE WAS ANSWERED from both the floor and the stage with what must have been discouragingly shortsighted complaints, which boiled down to this: "We want to have a big audience and make at least enough money to finance our productions. We want our young stars and starlets to have fun with their work, because fun is all they get out of it." Probably I have done an injustice to Prof. Halstead's arguments in my effort to make what I think is essentially an accurate gen- eralization, summarizing the prevalent attitude in college and other communities. Not only did Rice suggest that college theatre should work with other than post-Broadway material, but that we might even find it salu- tary to us and to theatre in general to air work that never would qualify for the 'big time.' "Plays for which there is a selective audience," as he put it, "are necessary." Prof. Halstead attributed the conformist tendencies in Ann Arbor productions to "an extremely conservative local taste." The im- plication is that local taste necessarily dictates the taste, or at least the play selection, of local theatre. What Rice kept saying is that this need not, be true, and if it need not, it should not. A completely different attitude toward the responsibility of the academic institution seems imperative here. "Instead of obeying public taste," to again quote the playwright, "you ought to lead it." The service which would be performed by a university group that almost completely ignores public sentiment by select- ing and producing material on aesthetic and intellectual rather than popular criteria, would be a vitally needed step in a direction more worthy of such a group. -ANDREW HAWLEY their enterprises in any conception As Mr. Eaton pointed out, the suspicion has been rife in Russia for years that the "capitalist in- dustrialists" of the free-enterprise countries-notably those of the United States, the largest of these -might conceivably confront the possibilities of a third world war in interests of their enterprise. * * * MR. EATON declined to quote the Moscow premier, but when asked whether he considered that Khrushchevhbelieved him, said he listened with the greatest of ear- nestness to everything the Cleve- lander said. Eaton clinched his statement- which conceivably might become of historic value in the years to come-with the example of An- drew Carnegie, the greatest steel maker in the world's history and the classic founder of independent steel production for America. "Mr. Carnegie," he told Premier Khrushchev, "to the immense for- tune from his liquidation of his steel interests and used the largest part of it to establish the world's best known foundation for peace, which has been effective for peace almost beyond any other effort. "His psychology has become tra- dition for the makers of metal products in America since his day." AS A REASSURANCE concern- ing the similar psychology of in- dustrialists elsewhere in the free world, Mr. Eaton discussed with Khrushchev various talks he had had with Alfred Krupp, principal entrepreneur of the famous Ger- man steel, chemicals, banking, and munitionsdynasty. In these, the Clevelander said, Krupp declared that he prayed not to be forced ever again to become a 'producer for a war.". In the regimes of both Kaiser Wilhelm II and Adolph Hitler, Krupp recounted, the family inter- ests were given no choice but to become the largest German muni- tions p'roducers. At the present Krupp faces the possibility of still another governmental pressure to return to the munitions produc- tion, and told the Cleveland capi- talist of his dread of this eventu- ality. head of the world's need of peace. ANTI-JOHNSON: Revolt Dies In Cauc us, LOS ANGELES VP)--Sen. Lyn- don B. Johnson's nomination for Vice-President turned the Democratic convention into an emotional checkerboard, It delighted most of the party leaders, dismayed many rank and file delegates, and brought this comment from an observed who belongs to neither group: "Kennedy will lose the South and Johnson will lose the North but the ticket ought to do all right in Hawaii and Alaskca." The mixed emotions swirled hardest on the convention floor around the standards of Calif- ornia, Michigan, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia. HOURS BEFORE JOHNSON appeared, a California delegate from Berkeley began gathering signatures for a petition to-cau- cus. Exactly what action the Cal- ifornians could take, assuming they agreed to one, was never clear,. This correspondent then wrig- gled through the subway-crowd jam over to the Michigan delega- tion. "We're taking a caucus," said Gov. G. Mennen Williams. "What about?" "To see what the question is to caucus about," he said. MEANWHILE, representatives. from Wisconsin and the District of Columbia kept coming to Wil- liams. They were trying' to forge a movement to endorse someone else for the Vice-Presidency. So it went until the convention There was a roar of approving votes. But when Collins called for "those opposed," there was a roar from those against Johnson. It came mainly from the four dele- gations, plus the gallery where, of course, the vote doesn't count. t . 0 ow- c FROM THE CONVENTION: A workable Combination TODAY AND TOMORROW The Quiet Democrats By WALTER LIPPMAl'N LOS ANGELES-No occurrence in the past week has prompted quite as much speculation as the selection of Lyndon Johnson to run with John F. Kennedy in No- vember. It is likely that the true effects of the choice will not be known for some time, but at present it appears that Kennedy has done himself slightly more political good than harm. The most useful consequences for the Kennedy forces are three. First, Johnson, with his relative conservatism and self-emphasized ability to "bring men together," should help keep the South with- in the Democratic fold in Novem- ber. Second, Kennedy has now found Johnson and his political ally, Speaker of the House Sam Ray- burn, to work zealously in the critical session of Congress now approaching. Third, if the Democrats are vic- torious in November, Johnson will be replaced by a new Senate ma- jority leader of more liberal cut who would more agreeably comply with the programs and wishes of President Kennedy, *4 * *! THE DAMAGING EFFECTS are less tangible. Civil rights evangelists and la- bor leaders are unhappy with Kennedy's choice of Johnson. The Texan is the one man they have vehemently opposed in this con- vention, and his nomination in- furiated a few and upset many. Two of the more important questions about Kennedy-his courage and the liberalism- of his liberalism-will certainly be more frequently raised. And Ken- nedy will find it a more difficult chore to secure the Negro vote in Northern urban areas. * * * HOWEVER, THlE LIBERAL ir- ritation may be minimal, since normally progressive individuals like G. Mennen Williams, Adam Clayton Powell, Orville Freeman and Walter Reuther have deter- mined to work for a Kennedy- Johnson victory. They are satisfied, in particu- lar, with the strongly liberal plat- form this convention has en- dorsed. The liberals, in short, have been rankled by the naming of John- son but soothed by the declara- tions in the party platform. Kennedy has carefully applied reverse treatment to the South. Their abuse came early with the adoption of the platform, but the Johnson nomination has healed much of the party disunity. Richard Nixon, ironically enough, is quite likely to attack Kennedy as the compromiser who places political ambition above principle, and the cry will un- doubtedly be echoed by the na- tion's idealistic liberals. * * * BUT WHILE COMPROMISE is surely involved in the decision, the amazing point about Ken- nedy's choice is its boldness. The. senator, at a point when critics are raising loud questions about his machinations, has defiantly begun his campaign with a move that will increase at volume of criticism. Three months before November, he has acted like a man already elected by making a controversial political appointment. It is geared not only to getting votes, but also, to the easier enactment of President Kennedy's legislative program next year, Vice-President Johnson would be under President Kennedy's di- rect orders and unable to be a stubborn majority leader. * * * IT MAY BE A mistake to begin JAPAN'S NEW PRIME MINISTER: Ikeda's Political Ability enacting a Presidential program before an election, and surely Kennedy has considered that pos- sibility. No one here can deny that Ken- nedy is a calculator, nor can they deny that he has taken a risk in selecting Johnson. But after watching Kennedy's operations all along, one almost has to respect his political judg- ment and assume that the Ken- nedy-Johnson ticket will be highly workable, and popular, with Ken- nedy pounding the North, John- son the South, and Henry (Scoop) Jackson-and possibly Stevenson -the West Coast. LOS ANGELES-They hailed the conqueror, and a new hero came into a political culture where hero types die hard and bring heart- break when they die, and in which a new political man is struggling to be born. Before we push the past wholly into the ob- scurity of musty files and memoirs it is worth saying that no good fight for a deeply felt cause is ever wholly wasted or lost. Lyndon Johnson fought a lusty fight, yet the notable one was that of the Stevenson cohorts. Their wished miracle was never achieved, the dream and hope on which they operated never materialized. There is a wistful sadness among the Stevenson faithful who brought to the nomination proceedings the only note of passionate caring that was sounded all day. While the outward struggle was between Johnson and Kennedy, there was a more subtle one between the Stevenson and Kennedy forces. The North-South fight was marked by genuine differences of social outlook which will form a continuing problem during the campaign. The Stevenson-Kennedy fight was not over basic issues, since both men represent the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. It was a matter of choice between two different kinds of leader- ship, two moods and temperaments whose differences are not easy to define yet are im- portant to understand. ONE WAY of putting the difference is to see it as one between a reflective man for whom action comes at the end of a complex analysis, and an action man for whom reflec- tion is a prelude to action. Perhaps the best epitaph on the Stevenson hero-type was the general post mortem comment in his camp: "We started too late"-something that could never be said of the Kennedy hero-type. There is a heady sense of triumph among the men who planned, organized, and executed the Ken- nedy victory with a precision rarely achieved in the loose and sloppy entity called the Demo- cratic Party. Adlai Stevenson was the kind of political figure who, like a great novelist or artist, creates a world that bears his unmistakable stamp. If I didn't understand this earlier I understood it when I watched the demonstra- tion at the convention. The people who took part in it-Negro and white, young and old, poor, middling, and rich -couldn't have explained their almost fanatical intensity by any position Stevenson has taken on any particular issue. All you could say was that they had about him an awareness of greatness. They were caught up in his world of intangibles, as a reader is caught up in the world a novelist weaves out of his own and the reader's sensitiveness and dreams. I was going to say that Kennedy will In time create his 'similar world, but that would miss the whole point. Kennedy as a new politi- cal figure is interested in the means by which a given end will be achieved. Weare entering an era in which political leadership, like al- most everything else in our culture, is handed over to the technicians. Give them the ends, and they will find the means. That is the kind of man this new political man is. This is Jack Kennedy. HE IS EASILY one of the most brilliant political technicians who has come on the American scene since Franklin Roosevelt. We can count on his skill, his timing, his percep- tiveness, his adroitness of maneuver. Above all, we can count on his intense will to complete whatever job he takes on, and to win. What this means is that John Kennedy will be as good as-and no better than-the frame of ends and values within which he works. He is not the sort of man who can himself create this frame. But he has the right instincts, as Harry Truman had; and he has the perceptive- ness to select from the thinking of those around him those ends that are most in tune with the nature and needs of our times. This has already been illustrated by the forth- rightness and generosity of the Democratic platform which was fashioned so largely under his influence, and presumably with his complete assent. By DAY INOSHITA Associated Press Correspondent T OKYO - "Let the people eat barley if they can't afford rice." "We can't help it if five or 10 small businessmen starve to death." These were statements made by Hayato Ikeda. Japan's new prime minister, as he pressed the meas- ures which laid the groundwork for this country's postwar eco- nomic boom. They made him no friends at the time and the latter statement cost him his job as trade minister in 1952, but bighbusiness, which fought him all the way, now re- spects and backs him. The 60-year-old minister of in- ternational trade and industry trounced Mitsujiro Ishii, candi- date of a coalition rallying to the cry of "politicians against the bureaucrats," for the post of Lib- eral Democratic Party president, i WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: No Crackdown on Cuba By DREW PEARSON succeeding Premier Nobusuke Ki- shi. * * * WHAT SORT OF a prime minis- ter will Ikeda make? Few question his ability, his toughness, or his integrity as an executive. The question is Ikeda's ability as a politician. Does he have the flexibility, tact and skill to win over political enemies, to keep his party together and maintain a stable government? He has that reputation for brusqueness which got him in trouble more than once. But many politicians feel the edges now have been rounded off the Ikeda personality. They say he is now more diplomatic and considerate in his dealings with others. He may need all the ability he has to get through the coming months. The fight over the party Presidency and the Kishi succes- sion created a deep schism with oldtime party politicos. He needs their cooperation to make party machinery move smothly. * * * PARTY MEN have also ques- tioned whether Ikeda has the popular appeal to pull the liberal Democrats to a resounding victory at the upcoming general elections. They are to be called in the au- tumn in a test of strength with the Socialists, cocky from their success in blocking President Eisenhower's visit here and forc- ing Kishi to resign. Left-wing demonstrators have for the past several weeks de- nounced Ikeda inplacards and slogans, 'claiming he would be- come "another Kishi." Ikeda, born Dec. 3, 1899, once was considered the wilful playboy son of a wealthy Hiroshima sake- brewing family. He has learned a great deal, his friends say, since his days as cabinet minister under the wing of 'pro-Western states- man Shlgeru Yoshida. HE IS BEGINNING to talk more and more like a politician and less like a bureaucrat-a term in Japan synonymous with inflexi- bility, red tape and arrogance. This year, he told newsmen, "The basis of our policy is co- operation with the United States," he. said recently. "But with the new security pact confirming that basic policy, we should try to re- open our trade-with Red China." NO JOE: Some Years Are Bad COTTSBLUFF, Neb. (JP)--Terry Carpenter, of "Joe Smith" fame, went to another national political convention this year, but under different circumstances- than in 1956. Instead of being a delegate, to the Republican national conven- tion in Chicago, Carpenter was the escort of his wife, a Nebraska delegate to the Democratic na- tional convention in Los Angeles. The state senator, who nomi- nated the mythical "Joe Smith" for Vice-President at the 1956 Republican convention, lost not only his bid for' the Republican nomination for governor in the May primary but also failed to make the grade as Republican delegate. DAILY OFFICIAL BuLLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is aa official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The, Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 19S General Notices College of Literature, Science and the Arts and Schools of Business Adminis- tration, Education. Music, Natural Re- W ASHINGTON-While the Democrats were in Los An- geles wrestling with the selection of their candidate, the joint chiefs of staff in Washington was mak- ing one of the most momentous recommendations since the end of the war, It advised President Eisenhower to crack down on Cuba with mili- tary force before it's too late. They recommended the use of marines and paratroopers to take over the entire island. This would bring us back to approximately the days when we occupied Cuba after the Spanish- American war, and the state de- partment immediately objected. It informed President Eisenhower that nothing would turn Latin- American sentiment against the United States more than military intervention in Cuba. SFCRFTARY OF STATFtm_ by Raul Castro, brother of Fidel, to Czechoslovakia, Egypt and Moscow. It was strongly suspected that he was on a secret mission to sign a mutual defense pact with the Soviet. So far this has not been con- firmed, However, a mutual de- fense pact between Cuba and Russia would be equivalent to the mutual defense pacts we have signed with Iran, Turkey and other countries on the Soviet border. If they are attacked by Russia, we promise to go to their defense. * * * NOW THE SHOE IS on the other foot, with Khrushchev pledging--at least by public state- ment-to attack the United States if we intervene in Cuba. Whether Raul Castro actually signed a defense pact is not known. What is known is that he arranged with the Cechs tn shin States troops on the Soviet border. What it wants most is Russian bases close to the United States. Strategy is to use them as a bar- gaining weapon to force our with- drawal from the perimeter of the Soviet. AT ALMOST THE same time Premier Khrushchev was blasting the United States regarding Cuba, 300 Russian officials and diplo- mats called at the American Em- bassy in Moscow in honor of the A m e r i c a n Independence Day. United States Ambassador "Tom- my" Thompson was dumfounded. He hadn't expected any Rus- sians to his 4th of July reception, figured they would boycott it. But 300 came, including First Deputy Premier Frol Kozlov. Reason appeared to be twofold: I) the Russians actually want peace with the American people even thonh they attack Nixon Editorial Staff KATHLEEN MOORE, Editor CHAEL BURNS ...................... Night Editor DREW HAWLEY................... Night Editor CHAEL OLINICK .............p..Sorts Co-Editor SAN JONES ..................... Sports Co-Editor