uth, Ambivalence M~ark Candidate Ken nec By THOMAS HAYDEN Special to The Daily LOS ANGELES-The decision to nominate John Fitzgerald Ken- nedy for the United States Presidency marks an ambiguous but deeply important juncture in American political history. Many here made their choice on the basis of political expediency. Kennedy is considered sure to help their state or local tickets sucbeed in November. Others made their choice on the basis of sound effects. Kennedy's hungry rush for the nomination, his huge headlines and ebullient campaign almost compelled one's allegiance. But for both the decision was a brave one. The convention could have chosen experience in two ways: they could have followed the advice of the old guard, Mrs. Roosevelt and Mr. Truman, Jim Farley, Sam Rayburn, and the rest; or they could have picked a Presidential candidate with greater tenure-Adlai Stevenson or Lyndon Johnson. Chose Potentials, Youth Instead, they have chosen potentials and bet on the ability of John Kennedy and the emerging generation he represents. Further, they have bet on racial and religious tolerance by accepting a strong civil rights program and a young Catholic to implement that program. As with any such decision, this one, involves great anxiety. They tell jokes here about John Kennedy's youth and religion which belie a real and legitimate worry about the man they have nominated. They do not display devotion to Kennedy in the way Adlai Steven- son's few supporters show devotion to their candidate. Stevenson's people at this convention have not been the intellectuals or the sophis- ticates. He had a core group, made up of all kinds, held together by an unyielding, child-like reverence for Adlai. Of Kennedy's people, on the other hand, many are settled in organizations held together only by confidence in their candidate's ultimate victory. Kennedy Raises Doubts So even with the nomination sealed, there exists a leitmotif of doubt in the common jubilance which emerges from any successful convention. There are still those, one suspects, who are fearful over what they have done here. It is time, then, for a look at John Kennedy. He is an ambivalent character, a man whose thinking is influ- enced bs classic liberalism, and Catholic dogma. He is a senator whose declarations are sometimes more courageous than his actions; a politician dedicated to the public greatness but at the same time calculating and opportunistic. He is fa tireless, energetic campaigner with a bad medical record; a sensitive observer but a dispassionate human being; and in his youthful urbanity, a reflection of the junior executive. Called 'Compact Candidate' Neil Staebler, Michigan Democratic chairman and a silent but powerful Kennedy supporter, says the young senator from Massa- chusetts is a "compact candidate." "Jack is young, vigorous, charming, and gives people the im- pression he understands them. He thinks things through very carefully, When he is finished, he knows his position very clearly. This is why he can be so precise, and why he may appear over-confident to some when he speaks." Stevenson has never been this way, Staebler says. "He is never quite finished thinking things out. In addition, he will not come down to the level of the people in his campaigning. Jack will." Jack Kennedy the thinker is reflected even further in his "Profiles in Courage" and "Strategy for Peace." His work is heavily deductive, resulting in an almost dry, but clear, prose style. When Kennedy argues, he brings forward not one, but many, reasons for a conclu- sion. His writing is more legalistic and analytic than emotional. His speeches are thorough, but unexciting. He does not often prefer a moral Justification for a point if there is a convincing logical argument. As a campaigner, however, his speeches have been as vigorous as his other activities. They are short, blunt, almost staccato, in their impact. They have been delivered to more delegations and caucuses than the speeches of any other candidate this year. After reading the speeches and listening to the man, the question one must eventually raise is that of Kennedy's ideological position. It has never been quite clear whether he is a "liberal" or a "con- servative." He refuses to declare himself subject to labels. See KENNEDY, Page 2 CONGO LINE: Call Lumumba 'Red Dictator' By The Associated Press Amid charges of Communism in Prime Minister Patrice Lumum- ba's Congo Republic from Belgium and Africa, between 2,500 to 3,000 African troops were assembling under the United Nations banner to stop the new nation's plunge toward anarchy. Within hours after the Security Council gave him the go-ahead, UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold received offers of contin- gents from Ghana and Tunisia. Both were reported ready to move immediately and become the vanguard of a unique peace task force. Hammarskjold was reported to have asked the United States, Britain, Russia, Italy and India to supply food and transport. He was :Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :4IaitjI# VOL. LXX, No. 18S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1960 FOUR PAGES I JOB SO SELECTED FOR P POST U.S. Blasts Khrushchev Latin Policy WASHINGTON (-The United States denounced Russia's Nikita Khrushchev in blistering language yesterday and warned him to stop trying to foist Communism on the Western Hemisphere. It accused the Soviet premier of trying to supplant with a "Bolshe- vik doctrine" the historic Monroe Doctrine which guards Latin re- publics against outside interven- tion., Reaffirm Doctrine In solemn words, approved by President Eisenhower, the State Department reaffirmed United States determination to uphold the 137-year-old Monroe declar- ation in the face of Khrushchev's rocket-rattling threats to inter- ; vene to help Cuba. "This naked menace to world' peace, brandished so callously by the Soviet leader, reveals the hy- pocrisy of his protestations in be- half of peace," the department said in a formal statement. The State Department's reply to comments Khrushchev made at [ Kremlin news conference Tues- day added up to one of the most bitting indictments leveled at him since the blow-up of the Paris summit conference in mid-May. Call Off Talks To back up what appeared to be a new tough-talk policy, the State Department called off civil aviation talks with Russia which r are due to begin here Monday. Khrushchev's newest barrage of threats and distortions, the de- partment said, has worsened the international atmosphere to the point where there is no chance for an aviation agreement. A de- partment spokesman said "a suit- able time" for rescheduling the talks would depend on Moscow's future conduct. In Moscow, the Soviet Union charged by formal note yesterday that planes of the United States and other Western powers de- liberately and frequently buzzed Soviet ships on the high seas. The notes said the incidents en- dangered the Soviet vessels and violated the rights of shipping in international waters. The notes were delivered to the United States, Britain, Denmark, France, Norway and Canada. list- ing the charges item by item. The note to the United States, in the form of a memorandum, said American planes over a period of years had been responsible for more than 200 such incidents. To Submerge Seismograph NEW YORK (4P) - An unusual1 14-foot detective missile will be dropped 31/2 miles to the Atlantic Ocean floor, it was announced yes- terday. It will carry sensitive instru- ments to listen for underwater 1 sound and for distant earthquakes and to help scientists chart the structure of the earth. The two-masted oceanographic schooner, Grace, sailed yesterday with Columbia University sci- understood also to have asked the British to permit the use of the airfield at Kano, Nigeria, as the main staging area for the UN force. This request, he said, is under consideration in London and Lagos, the Nigerian capital. Hammarskjold also named as commander of the new Congo UN emergency force Maj. Gen. Carl Von Horn of Sweden. In Elizabethville, Africa, the Ka- tanga Provincial Assembly last night ratified secession from the Congo as proclaimed by Provincial President-Premier Moise Tshombe. In breaking with the Leopold- ville regime, Tshombe declared its premier, Lumumba, and his gov-_ ernment are Communist. Tshombe's government twice prevented Lumumba and Congo President Joseph Kasavubu from landing here this week on their, air journeys around the Congo. Tshombe is relying on Belgian forces to restore and keep order and declares Katanga will not admit UN troops. The province is the richest in the Congo with re- sources of uranium, copper and other minerals and upland prairies that produce cattle. Several high Belgian govern- ment officials claimed yesterday there is growing evidence that chaos in the Congo is the result of a long planned, well organized Communist plot. They charged Congolese Pre- mier Lumumba has given his sup- port to such a plot and that it is aimed at outright dictatorship. These assertions came shortly after it was announced here that the Congolese government has broken off diplomatic relations with Belgium. They also followed a statement by Premier Gaston Eyskens in the House of Representatives that hinted strongly at a Communist role in the disturbances in the newly independent Congo. The officials, who would not be named, said in a summary: "We have obtained precise in- formation that those advising and inspiring the Congo Premier, Pa- trice Lumumba, are Communist agents. Michigan Delegation Balks at Nominee Gov. G. Mennen Williams and the Michigan delegation, objecting to the selection of Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas as the Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate, yesterday attempted to lodge a formal protest on the convention floor. Surprised at the news of Johnson's selection, the delegation began caucusing in the afternoon, but could reach no accord on how to formally protest the choice before the Texan's nomination by accla- mation. In the confusion, a few of the state's delegates shouted "No, we don't want Johnson." but they were drowned out by the acclama- tion vote. The protest, however, does not mean Michigan is unwilling to back the Kennedy - Johnson Convention Cuts Roll Call Voting Kennedy Picks Texan as Mate; Cheers, Dissatisfaction Heard CONVENTION HALL, LOS ANGELES (M -D e m o c r a t s nominated Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson as their vice-presidential candidate last night to stand by the side of Sen. John F. Kennedy in the great election battle of 1960. Kennedy, the Massachusetts senator, mowed down John- son, the Texas senator, on the way to th presidential nomin- ation Wednsday night. Then he tapped his vanquished rival to team up with him on the ticket. The national convention of Democrats formally accepted this alignment without even bothering with a roll call vote. ticket. Williams, a strong Kennedy supporter, is bidding for a cabinet post and probably will not sacri- fice his chances by fighting the ticket, informed sources in Los Angeles reported. Will Campaign Both Williams and State Party Chairman Neil Staebler said yes-, terday that they will stump for the Democratic choices in the coming campaign. Caucusing resumed after John- son's nomination, and continued well into the night. No one knew what the Michigan delegates were saying, but it was pretty obvious that the labor and Negro segments of the group were worried and shocked at Kennedy's choice of a running mate. Between caucuses, Williams told newsmen at a press conference that he was publicly applying for a federal job, should Kennedy win in November. Health Secretary The Governor hinted that he would be happy to be Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. Asked if he would be receptive to the offer of a cabinet post, the retiring six - term governor said "to have a place on the new team certainly is something to which I aspire and which would give me great satisfaction." A little later he recalled that in announcing against a seventh term bid last March he expressed a desire to work in the cause of peace-hopefully in some public capacity. He said that thte importance of "brainpower" in achieving and maintaining world peace came ahead of manpower and firepower, adding: "Good work in the field of edu- cation really leads to the develop- ment of a program for peace." Names Staebler Under questioning before tele- vision cameras by a panel of Young Democrats, the midwestern chief executive plugged his right hand man for political organiza- tion as an ideal successor to Paul Butler as Democratic National Chairman. Butler is due to step down to- morrow. His place will be taken by somebody acceptable to Ken- nedy.h Williams said the appointment of Staebler "would in my mind be the very best." He called Staebler a "man with a record behind him," a reference to a long succession of Michigan election successes during Staeb- ler's 10-years as state chairman. Staebler on more than one oc- casion had said he does not want the national chairmanship. The manner in which Williams brought up his name suggested that Staebler probably would ac- cept if Kennedy expressed a de- sire for his services-at least for the remainder of the campaign year. HAPPY TEXAN-Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson, unsuccessful candidate for the No. 1 Democratic nod, beams as he was picked by Sen. John Kennedy as his November running mate. Regents To Acced-pt onstruction Bids By ANDREW HAWLEY Bids for construction of housing for the University's forthcoming high-energy cyclotron will be accepted by the Regents in their meet- ing today. The bill providing for the cyclotron has been approved by the House of Representatives and a Senate committee in Washington, but has not yet passed the Senate itself. It is expected to pass, however, SOVIET ZOSHCHENKO: Author Creates 'Self Image' By JUDITH OPPENHEIM "The writings of Mikhail Zosh- chenko provided a much-needed rectifying force in Soviet litera- ture," Prof. Hugh McLean of the University of Chicago said here yesterday in a lecture presented under the auspices of the Com- mittee on Programs in Russian Studies. Speaking on the topic "Zosh- chenko and the Rectification of the Self-Image," Prof. McLean likened certain aspects of litera- ture to the physical self-image of an individual. "By physical self-image," he said, "I mean our own idea of how we look and. how we affect, others." He added that emotional pressures produce a mental im- age of ourselves as we would wish to be, and that generally we see ourselves more in this image than in a realistic light. Rectifying Forces However, the image of ourselves as we wish to be is forced to bat- ture because, as under any totali- tarian government, criticism of the regime is not permitted. "Yea-Sayers" On the whole, then, modern Soviet writers are "yea-sayers" extoling the virtues of Commu- nism and its institutions and heroes. A few, however, have dared to criticize the Communist way of life, among them the author Zosh- chenko. He stated openly in 1922 that he was not and never would be a Communist, a statement for which he was repeatedly and se- verely criticized in later years. Zoshchenko challenged a core principle of the Communist doc- trine, the idea that human traits are completely determined by a person's economic surroundings. Human Nature He believed that human nature was much more intractible and immalleable than the Communists believed. People in his stories are not Zoshchenko also poked fun at the frequent change of street and building names in Russia, which is due to the frequent fall from favor of powerful individuals. In one famous short story, a man travelling on a steamboat leaves the boat and goes ashore for a short time. He returns and cannot find the boat because its name has been changed. A little later he goes ashore again and returns to find that the boat has again been re- named, this time for a man who had been dead for some years. At this point, the character' predicts that the boat will retain its latest name forever. "Being alive," he says, "is a great handi- cap to preserving one's reputa- tion." Spoofed Doctrines By spoof ing Communist doc- trines, Zoshchenko's w r i t i n g s served the function of restoring a more balanced view of human na- ture and he became almost a poet celebrating daily life. soon after the Senate resumes its proceedings. Steps to begin construction of the building on North Campus will begin immediately following the Regent's action, according to Prof. David Dennison, chairman of the physicsdepartment. The cyclotron itself is expected to be ready for use 20 to 24 months after construction begins, Prof. William Parkinson of tihe physics department, chairman of the pro- ject, said. The analyzing equipment which will determine the effect of the beam of particles produced by the cyclotron ought to begin operating three years after the work begins, he added. Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis will report to the Regents on behalf of the Uni- versity Committee on Discrimina- tion in off-campus housing. The committee was created to work towards eliminating discrimi- nation in off-campus housing, in accordance with a University by- law. Its proposed policy statement says, in part, "The University will not permit its services to be used in the rental or sale of housing to its students by owners who dis- criminate because of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, or ancestry." Court Rej ects Keyes Appeal LANSING (Al) - The State Su- preme Court yesterday cut short Dr. Eugene C. Keyes' fight to get a place on the Aug. 2 primary elec- tion ballot as a Democratic candi- Kfnilht Says VP Nominee Wanted Job By JOHN S. KNIGHT Publisher, Knight Newspapers The real story of this conven- tion is not that Kennedy won. This was a fairly predictable cer- tainty. What is news is the way and how of Lyndon B. Johnson for vice-president. Here's what happened. Thurs- day morning, young Bobby Ken- nedy paid a courtesy call upon Johnson in his suite at the Bilt- more. It was a good will errand for the purpose of discussing several available people to team up with Jack. TG Bobby Kennedy's amaze- ment, Johnson informed him that he and Sam Rayburn had been having a talk and had agreed that Johnson should be named for vice- president. Bobby immediately reported this astounding information to brother Jack who thought that perhaps Bobby didn't get it straight. So Jack hustled down to see John- son, who proceeded to repeat what he had said earlier to Bobby. This ultimatum put Jack Ken- nedy squarely on the spot. After gulping hard a few times, Jack told Lyndon that he would like to present this thought to a meet- ing of leaders from several key states. When Jack made this announce- ment to such men as Mayor Rich- ard Daley of Chicago, Gov. David T .uira'. nA fPAnnrv, .!na Ofr They whooped their approval,O but with some lusty dissents. Two-Thirds Needed Under the rules, it took a two- thirds vote to suspend the rules, skip a roll call, and nominate Johnson. The ayes on that were louder than the noes, but nobody will ever know whether they had a two to one edge. Gov. Leroy Collins of Florida whammed down his chairman's gavel, said it was a two-thirds vote, and the decision stuck. That was it. This sports arena roared with acclaim. Delegates toe danced in the aisles. Spectators in the gal- leries-what there were of them -hollered and waved. Beaming, waving, Johnson made a little speech. It wasn't his ac- ceptance speech, which comes to- hight. But there's no doubt he'll take the job. Proud Of Kennedy "As an American," he said, "as a Democrat, as a warm, good friend, I am proud to stand be- side and to stand behind the next President of the United States, Jack Kennedy. "I want to serve and to serve i well. I will leave it to my fellow Democrats, to my fellow Ameri- cans, to determine what will be the title on my door." Right now the title is Majority Leader of the Senate. Delegates reacted differently to the idea of a Kennedy-Johnson ticket. Most of them said it was a good one and a winning one. Some went to far as to exult that! it was a "dream ticket." But dissatisfaction rumbled out of liberal elements in the Michi- gan, California, Wisconsin and District of Columbia delegations. Gov. G. Mennen Williams of Michigan said the choice was a mistake. Vote Split The District of Columbia dele- gation voted to split its nine votes six to three between Gov. Orville Freeman of Minnesota and John- son. Freeman called them off. It was Gov. David L. Lawrence of Pannsylvania, one of the elder statesmen of the Democrats, who put Johnson's name before the convention. He proclaimed the Texan to be a man with the ex- perience, abilities and capacities, to share the leadership of a na- tion faced with "ever increasing challenges" and a "crucial strug- gle to- maintain peace in our world and to extend the frontiers of freedom." There still were the quickie seconding speeches to go through -and a Negro congressman came through with one of them for a Ikeda Gains KishiParty Leadership 62p TOKYO (M) - Hayato Ikeda, an able and respected administrator but a question mark as a diplomat, took over from Nobusuke Kishi yesterday leadership of a bitterly divided Liberal Democratic party and prepared to step in as Prime Minister, too. The transfer of command from Kishi to Ikeda, remembered for the tough anti-inflation program which laid the foundation of Ja- pan's postwar industrial boom, as- sured continuation of the basically pro-Western policies of the Japa- nese governnment. Knife Attack An attack on Kishi by a knife- wielding ultra - nationalist at a victory celebration for Ikeda shocked the nation and marred the relief with which most of the country, tired of the anti-Kishi violent riots, welcomed the change- over. Kishi was stabbed six times in the left thigh by 65-year-old Tai- suke Aramaki, who told police he only wanted to injure Kishi, not kill him. The premier was rushed to a hospital, where doctors took 30 stitches and predicted he would recover in 10 days. Demonstrations Continue Undeterred by the incident - in fact, ignoring it - the leftist opposition which engineered the riots against Kishi gave notice it would continue the same pressure against Ikeda, as it staged a parade of 50,000 persons assailing the new conservative leader as a carbon copy of Kishi and demanding that he call early general elections. Kishi, carrying out the first step of a promise made after seeing the new United States-Japan Se- curity Pact come into force last month, resigned as president of the Liberal Democratic party yes- terday morning. In a party con- vention which followed, Ikeda, 60, defeated Mitsuiiro Ishii, candidate of an anti-Ikeda coalition, on the second ballot, 302-194. To Restore Prestige In a victory statement, Ikeda told newsmen his first btask would be to restore Japan's international prestige, damaged by the riots which forced cancellation of Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's visit last month. "Wemust pursue a policy that will command the .resnppt. of' the