Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Vhen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth. WII Prevaf"* STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in T he Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SDAY, JULY 14, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: KATHLEEN MOORE Democratic Intellectuals Tease Tarnished Image VEN BEFORE THE Los Angeles conven- tion's colorful events began to underline he Democrats' approach to nominating a ikely candidate for President, a pattern of eaction formation began to emerge. It centers around a shift in emphasis con- erning a long-standing contrast. Since 1952, he Democrats have run a liberal intellectual --Adlai Stevenson--against former war hero nd sometime educator Dwight Eisenhower, who has proved a President whose conditioned :onservatism borders on indecision, It has been said that Eisenhower's over- rhelming popularity with the American voter .ay in his personality-the genial smile and eputation for leadership which made colum- sists predict in 1952 that whichever party rafted him, Ike would win both the nomina- ion and the election. The image that twice swept Eisenhower into ffice is notibly tarnished now. The grin on he "I Like. Ike" button looks fatuous rather han reassuring, and the public (whose un- asiness with Ike's administrative amorphous- less was reflected in increasingly solid Demo- ratic Congresses) will remember him as a nan who had difficulty getting through a tele- ision speech. ( DISCREPANCY BETWEEN a President's administrative record and his image while n office is not unusual. Truman, for instance, s regarded more favorably in retrospect than t the end of his second term. This dichotomy vill presumably operate differently in Eisen- .ower's case, however. Unearthing of Presidential feet of clay has, uriously enough, thrown a clear light of con- Ltency on Democratic platform policy-and The Democratic convention in California leans heavily to liberlism-and intellectuals. In remarks prefacing the civil rights debate with Sen. John Kennedy, golden boy of the convention to that point, Sen Lyndon Johnson introduced his opponent as "a man of out- standing character . . . and great . . ." he paused. "Personal integrity," chorused a few television spectators, anticipating the inevit- able. ". . . Intellect," finished' Johnson. Kennedy has written books, lately. His East- ern accent and social position leave him vul- nerable to the same "egghead" charges levelled at Adlai Stevenson, dark horse of the conven- tion even after two failures against Ike. But the connotations of intellectualism have shift- ed-it's now an important Democratic talking point against the current Republican admin- istration, including the pre-convention GOP favorite, Vice-President Richard Nixon. WILL THE REPUBLICANS retain confidence that the combination of charm and per- sonal diplomacy that made Ike popular for nearly two terms will work for Nixon? The public is by this time at least partly disillus- ioned by the dark side of the image. If the Republicans do indeed intend to eke out Ike's "lame duck" record besides building on his appealing aspects, time is short. Pre- convention Republican campaigning has been half-hearted since Nelson Rockefeller failed into the background. Nixon's intellectual pretensions have been wisely curtailed, but he and his party may well take a warning from the Democrats that his previous record is not sufficient grounds for election-and if the public doesn't know this, they suspect. -JEAN SPENCER "And Now the News from Moscow, Havana, Africa, Asia, Newport .. j11 - - taw- -j4A - .- / > J VK ./ w. Communist-dominated and there- fore inadmissable? DOES OBVIOUS control have to be demonstrated from without, or does obvious allegiance to and reliance upon international Com- munism become enough? Allegiance and reliance are al- ready being demonstrated. Domi- nation has not been. In a concept such as that outlined by the Presi- dent, in the specific Cuban appli- cation the trouble will come in drawing the dividing line between domination and cooperation. With Russia stepping in at every point to counter the United States, with Castro's fervent thanks filling th eair, with Nikita Khrushchev reminding what he can do to the United States with rockets, the situation already is far more con- crete than a previous one in which the United States acted directly., IN GUATEMALA there was only an underground alliance between a locally - produced government and international Communism. An underground alliance between the United States and a locally-pro- duced revolutionary group did the the job. That case was much simpler. The President said the Soviet intention to use Cuba is clear, and intervention of a sort which falls under inter-American treaty obli- gation to resist outside interven- tion. If, then, the first intention to bar international Communism from the hemisphere is to be at- tempted, the time has already ar- rived. Unfortunately, it arrives at a time when the President already was under obligation to produce proposals for expansion of United States and under new organiza- tional procedure for a unified Latin American development pro- gram. * * * HIS ANNOUNCEMENT of what he expects to do puts pressure on Cuba not to be left out. But it also will be interpreted in some quar- ters as an attempt to coerce other Latin American countries into cooperating against Cuba. And there is already a division in Mex- ico over which side to take. At any rate this means months and months of negotiations, and there are no months to spare. The situation calls for, and probably will get, other action, probably through cooperation between the United States and Great Britain. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: U. Must Act i Cuba To Stop Communism By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PRESIDENT EISENHOWER has now accepted international Com- munisn4 not merely as a force at work in the world, but as an entity, a power which can be barred from the Western hemisphere even as other world powers are barred. The problem is to define this international power, recognize it, and act against it before it becomes established. In the specific application of the coacept to Cuba, as the President was doing, how far does the Castro regime have to go in Communist practice, and in cooperation with Soviet Russia, before it is considered DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 17S General Notices Fuibright Awards for University Lec- turing and Advanced Research have been announced for Europe, the Near East, the Far East, and Africa.Those applying must be U.S. citizens; for lec- turing, must have at least one year of college or- university teaching experi- ence; and for research, a doctoral de- gree, or recognized professional stand- ing, at the time of, application. Appli- cation, forms may be obtained from the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils, Committee of In- ternational Exchange of Persons, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington 25, D.C. Deadline for filing an application is Oct. 1, 1960. Further information may be obtained at the Fellowship Office is the Graduate School. - Classical Studies Coffe Hour: Thurs., July 14, East Conference Room of the Rackham Building, 4 p.m. All studenty and friends of the Classics are cordially invited., Mathematics=Education: There will be a showing of several mathematical movies designed for teachers and for collegiate instruction, Thurs., July 14. at 7:00 p.m., in room 2003 Angell Hall. Lectures Lecture: Prof. Hugh. McLean, Uni. versity of Chicago, will discuss "Zosh- chenko and the Soviet Conscience" at 4:10 p.m. in Aud. A. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for James Ar- thur Marshall, Chemistry; thesis: "Ap- proaches to the Synthesis of Pimaric Acid," Thurs., July 14. 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, R. E. Ireland, Placement Notices The following schools have listed teaching vacancies for the 1960-61 school year. Birmingham, Mich.-Sr. HS Home Ec., Shop (Wood & Metal). Cincinnati, .-Full time male coun- selor (Jr. & Sr. HS) . Detroit, Mich. (Methodist Children's Village)-Men's Phys. Educ. Dowagiac, Mich.-HS eng.; Jr. HS Math; .Elem. (5 & 6), Vocal, Sci. Drayton Plains, Mich. (Waterford Twp.)-Latin/Civics, 7th All, Subjects, Gen. Bus./Bus. Arithmetic, Math/Sc14; Spec. Educ. (Ment. Ret.). Guilford, N.Y.-Guidance Counselor. For any additional information con-, tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. (Continued on Page 3) WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Undeserved Kicks Bly DREW PEARSON STHEIR OPINION: Regents Open Meetings, Almost WE WERE ALMOST happy with the (Minne- sota) Board of Regents decision Friday on osed meetings. Almost, because the decision is ill only a half measure. Usual procedure for a Regents meeting is to ass out beforehand a docket containing promo- ions, terminations, contract applications, lists f grants, funds and other business needing egent approval. In open session the Regents go through the ocket, rubber - stamping the items on the ocket. Then the Regents go into executive session- secret meeting-to discuss matters that, for 1e reason or another, are considered to be etter discussed privately, out of hearing of 1e public, as represented by newsmen. rHE OBJECTION to this procedure is that the Regents are transacting public business zprivate. There is no suggestion that the egents are pocketing public funds or hiding .competence. But they are keeping the public from being informed on the reasons for what is being done with the public's money. Friday's decision brings more of the closed docket items into open session, with a tendency, (Minnesota) President 0. Meredith Wilson said, "to withhold little or nothing." But that "little or nothing" includes initial discussion of problems involving staff and fac- ulty, to "protect" them. It also includes "famil- ial discussion" for information and meetings with "academic implications.'" In other words, much important business will go on as it has, with the public being in- formed after the fact, and with no real chance for public discussion of Regent action. President Wilson said Friday, "the implica- tion that anything has been withheld from the public would be a false implication." Maybe so. But until the meetings are completely open, the public has no choice but to be curious about what goes on behind those closed doors. -THE MINNESOTA DAILY LOS ANGELES-Sometimes in politics people get kicked in the shins for doing what they didn't do, and belted over the head for being what they're not. To some extent this is true of the two top candidates, Lyndon Johnson and Jack Kennedy, re- garding the two top issues facing the nation. On the question of foreign af- fairs, Kennedy has been criticized as inexperienced and uncourage- ous. On the other top problem, the race issue, Johnson has been called soft on civil rights, As I have watched these two men in the Senate, I would say that Kennedy has had great cour- age on foreign policy. I do not agree with Mrs. Roosevelt. He even lead the unpopular fight for foreign aid to the satellite coun- tries against the position taken by many of his own churchmen. Johnson, on the other hand, has generally taken the easy course on foreign affairs. He has gone along with Ike's downward skidding foreign policy, andal- most every time Ike has skidded further into a rut, Lyndon has slapped him on the back and wrapped the bi-partisan flag around his shoulders. HOWEVER, WHEN IT comes to solving the most important do- mestic problem facing the United States, it is my opinion that John- son would do a courageous, con- structive job in ironing out the bitterness that has upset the South. Many Negro leaders have been critical of Johnson. Their criti- cism isn't half as virulent as that of his own Southern friends when he bulldozed the civil rights bill through the Senate last winter. This was only the second civil rights bill in history to be adopted, and Johnson wasblargely respon- sible for passing both. This brought cries of outrage from the South.' "Lyndon Johnson becomes eye- sore in United States politics," wrote the Mobile Register. "Smart Johnson maneuver may hurt him in South," criticized the Pensa- cola Journal, while the Florida Times Union editorialized: "South grows crop of Machiavellis." . . . "The second face of Lyndon," wa§ the way the Augusta, Ga., Chron- icle described Johnson. The Ma- con, Ga., Telegraph advised "South should look about for Johnson replacement." .* . The Jackson (Miss.) News was the most vitriolic of all. Its editorial was captioned: "Lyndon Johnson, the traitor." . . The Columbia (S.C.) State called Lyndon's civil rights move a "slick trick," while the Anderson (S.C.) Independent warned: "Lyndon Johnson could outsmart himself." . . . and the Nashville Banner, putting John- son in the same category as "such highbinders as Humphrey, Doug- las, Javits, and Morse," said "to- day the South sees Johnson for what he is." WHAT'S NEEDED TO solve the racial problem is statesmanship and understanding. Johnson has both. THE ROOSEVELT family, ex- who bolted to the Republicans, has stood like a rock together be- hind the same candidates. The issue of Jack Kennedy, however, split the family wide open. The matriarch, Eleanor Roose- velt, made her opposition to Sen. Kennedy quite clear in her Sat- urday Evening Post series March 8, 1958, when she said Kennedy had dodged the issue of McCar- thyism. Later, on ABC's College Press Conference, she was even more blunt. "It has seemed to me that what you want in your next President was someone whose courage in taking stands was unquestioned. I don't think I need repeat here what I have said about Sen. Ken- nedy a great many times." Mrs. ROOSEVELT'S third son, Franklin Jr., soon deserted his mother and came out for Ken- nedy. It's been widely reported that he will be Secretary of the Navy in the Kennedy cabinet. Later Mrs. Roosevelt's eldest son, Jimmy, also deserted. He too came out for Kennedy. Anyway, the head of the Roose- velt family is still standing pat for Stevenson. EVEN IF SOVIET RUSSIA mo- bilizes its entire tanker fleet to rush crude oil to Fidel Castro's Cuba, it will not prevent a critical shortage in the island republic. At present, Cuban petroleum needs total about 250,000 barrels a month. The most the Russians can deliever on a crash-program basis is somewhat less than 180, 000 barrels monthly. Previously, venezuela provided almost 97 per cent of Cuban oil supplies. These have now been shut off. FIDEL'S AGENTS HAVE been busily negotiating behind the scenes to obtain crude oil from Mexico and Iraq. Result of the dickers is still unknown, but un- committed surpluses of those two countries, as of June 1, added up to only about 20,000 barrels a month. A shortage of 50-70,000 barrels per month would force Castro to ration gasoline drastically. Ha- vana sources say this would mean cutting private car owners to five gallons a week or less, with even that driblet in jeopardy every timea tanker was delayed a few days en route to Cuba. * * * THE REASON WHY private autos would take the full brunt of such rationing is that Castro cannot afford to curtail the sup- ply of fuel oil, which operates nearly every industrial plant in the country. In addition, Castro's army will need heavy supplies of gasoline for its motorized forces. TODAY AND TOMORROW The Quiet Democrats [OR A DEMOCRATIC convention tl exceptionally quiet and undramati s Armageddon? Where are the i clashes, the sectional conflicts, and ional duels which have so regularly in nade the Democratic convention such show? For the old timers there is s nissing, and presumably therefore' th be something wrong, especially in vie 'act that the convention is nominatin roversial young man in a time of u urbulence. What is the explanation of this unu uzzling harmony? There are those wh t by the devil theory of politics. In1 heory everything you do not like is di dnister machinations of a hidden co e it the Communists, the Catholics, ons, the Jews, the Wall Street ban] Inited Nations, or Walter Reuther. evil theorists anything they are op nust have been plotted, paid for, anr rut by an enemy. The whole history o ie long unceasing battle with con ngineered by the devil and his agent For those who see life in this way ence of conflict at Los Angeles me nly mean, that the convention has bee hat the delegates have been bought .nd seduced by young Kennedy and his noney. The result, they say, is a preter uiet convention. 1 REJECT this view is not to forget Kennedy campaign has been rough uppose that he has collected his dele othing but polite persuasion and th werable briefing of the professors frt ard and the Massachusetts Institutec By WALTER LIPPMANN I his one is tactics when the game of politics is played to c. Where win. The Kennedy tactics do not differ from deological the tactics Nixon has used to push aside Rocke- the per- feller. It would be naive to suppose that money the past and its equivalent in the promise of favors to h a great come is not used in the game of politics. omething But these tactics have always been employed ere must when there was a real contest because the w of the succession was open. Johnson is no mean tac- g a con- tician himself, and he certainly does not lack worldwide money. The rigging theory does not explain the quiet of this convention. isual and o explain THE EXPLANATION, I venture to think, must the devil begin by recognizing that 1960 marks the ue to the passing of the old political generation and the nspiracy, appearance of the new. With Eisenhower and the Ma- Truman the generation of the war leaders is kers, the retired, and the generation of those who were For the in the war but too young to command-Ken- posed to nedy and Nixon-are taking over. d carried The harmony at Los Angeles about Kennedy f man is can best be explained by looking at the part ispiracies played by Adlai Stevenson. He is, one might say, s. a younger member of the older generation. It the ab- was his refusal to enter a combination to block ans, can Kennedy, and not the rigging of the conven- n rigged, tion, which brought about the stampede to bullied, Kennedy. father's The comparative harmony on issues, which naturally have in the past divided the party irreconcil- ably, is due, I believe, to the passage of time. The party has not settled all its issues. But it that the has outgrown them to a point where, especially 1, and to in the field of civil rights, there has been an gates by enormous change of feeling in the younger gen- e unan- eration. om Har- Above all, in place of the old issues there are of Tech- newone-rul o.r,.,,d f1,.. h. i,' f TELEPROMPTER TRIUMPHS Politicians Welcome, Electronic Wonder By ARTHUR EDSON Associated Press Feature Writer CONVENTION HALL, Los Angeles - TelePrompTer has grown up. Now it not only tells a politician what he wants to say; it also gives the score. "Eight years ago," Irving B. Kahn, ahead prompter, said yesterday, "we literally had to sneak in the back door. Iow-." Well, 4ow every speaker clings to TelePrompTer as eagerly as he embraces a cliche. He goes up to TelePrompTer headquarters in the Bilt- more Hotel and practices with the thing, complete with gestures, Seven stenographers are ready to type the scarcely immortal words. Motorcycle riders stand by, alert to race the finished product to the big sports arena. And, as if that weren't enough, during the balloting the cumulative score is flashed by TelePrompTer to the big 10 by 16 foot screen at the front of the hall. In previous years, each delegate had to figure things out for himself, which is messy, inaccurate and asking quite a bit of a delegate. CHANGING WORLD: Conventions Usher in New Era * * * By JAMES MARLOW Associated Press News Analyst L OS ANGELES-The 1960 polit- ical conventions, although they figure to be the dullest in years, are in a very real sense part of the birth pangs of a new and rev- olutionary era. It will be a double revolution: In men and events. 1) Almost everywhere around the world before the end of the 1960's a new, younger generation of men will have become the new leaders, none of whom was a dom- inant figure only 15 years ago when World War II ended, 2) The struggle between the United States and Communism has within the past few months entered a new, intense and un- through retirement or through the disability or death which is the product of old age. President Eisenhower's term ends six months from now. Time eventually will force out such others as France's President Char- les de Gaulle, West Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, Na- tionalist China's Chiang Kai- Shek, Red China's Mao Tse-Tung, India's Premier Nehru, and even Russia's Premier Nikita Khrush- chev, Even if Nixon, should he be elected President, were inclined to follow Eisenhower's conserva- tive policy at home and Eisen- hower's foreign policy, which was simply an extension of former Pr.cria .._r _,Io nv, if" .n, THERE WILL BE the task of devising some new means, hardly considered necessary until very recently, to keep the new repub- lics of Africa out of Communism; to prevent Communist from get- ting ahead in weapons; to stand off Red China which in these next 10 years will probably become powerful and aggressive in a way unimagined now. In these next 10 years, unless the signs are wrong, the world may be in a turmoil yet un- dreamed of. Actually, these past 10 years- for the Communist world-were only a decade of preparation for the decade of the 1960's. IT MAY COME as a shock that one of the greatest innovations since the invention of the campaign promise must be credited to a man rarely celebrated for his political daring, especially in Democratic circles. I refer, of course, to Herbert Hoover. In 1952 Hoover was having spectacle trouble, or was afraid he would have spectacle trouble. He heard about TelePrompTer, decided to take a chance, and Irving Kahn was on his way. It may not have occurred to you, but history was made Tuesday night in the Democratic national convention. MRS. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT came into the big hall. Loud cheers went up. Gov. Leroy Collins of Florida, valiantly trying to plow through a speech no one seemed to be listening to, hid to stop altogether. Puzzled, he peered into the bright lights, wondered what had happened. An alert spy spotted Mrs. R. down below the stage, a message was hastily written, "Mrs. Roosevelt came in." This message was flashed to the rostrum by the television Tele- PrompTer, and Collins was able to acknowledge the presence of, as he so graciously put it, "the First Lady of the world." "It's the first time it's ever happened," Kahn said proudly. * * * i ,pi' I'Un f1nI31o DITA £uTe flnU7 1, fi,. snvj 'rma .r, a o I