"He's Very Busy, But You Can See Him on TV" AT LYDIA MENDELSSO: 4: Seventieth Year -- EDITED AND MANAGEn BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIYERSTTY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Fre* UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Preva" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprirk. RSDAY, JULY 7, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN SPENCER .-. . ._ d C r -r ea a a y . a s f ' Amphitryon 38 Dull Come'dy MODERN FRENCH COMEDY has set in at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for what looks to be a long weekend. The play is "Amphi- tryon 38," an early (1929) effort of Jean Giraudoux, in an adaptation by S. N. Behrman that is even duller .than many of his own plays-- if that is possible. With Hugh Z. Norton directing, the speech1 department players have had to struggle to make the play at all palatable for a 1960 American audience; that they fail to do more is not entirely the fault of the actors. For Giraudoux has written a comedy that is all talk and no action, and that talk demands a certain.elegant, sophisticate delivery President's Stand on NDEA. Passive Liberalism? 'S SURPRISING that President Hatcher has committed the University to the liberal posi- tion on the NDEA loan disclaimer affidavit, considering the administration's passive re- sistance to it up to now, As his telegram to Congress stated, "Uni- versity of Michigan Regents, faculty and stu- dents have separately taken action favoring repeal" of the affidavit provision of the Na- tional Defense Education Act loan plan, but formerly support from the administration had been conspicuous by its absence. While the President's position obviously does not require that he reflect any position taken by the various elements of the University com- munity, his endorsement lends to such a posi- tion the luster of official sanction. The optional quality of administrative endorsements ren- ders them rare and appreciated. N THIS INSTANCE, the President's support in opposing "vague and discriminatory ele- ments of the present law" was doubly unex- pected, since the administration has avoided taking sides on the issue. University officials, discussing the contro- versy over the affidavit requirement (which Serixo sly. . SUMMERTIME is playtime, according to practically everybody but the studi- ous summer collegian. Even the University, whose Summer Session purportedly exists to further the ambitions of serious students, seems to concur with those who feel that summer should be nothing but FUN. Thus, one searches in vain for an open library after 9 p.m. any night and all day Sunday. Study is evidently out of the question-but then so is relaxation on these hot, sultry evenings. One of the principal installations of air conditioning, somewhat of a rarity around here, resides within the sacred walls of the safely- locked UGLI. -K. M. specifies that applicants for the loan must swear they are not affiliated with any subver- sive organizations), have fastidiously skirted the issue. It isn't a question of ethics, they declared, but of expedience - the University frankly can't afford the "disservice" which would result from refusal of NDEA funds for student loans. The moral question that the issue raises is twofold. First, as President Nathan Pusey of Harvard University has said, there is the ques- tion Congress should have asked itself upon submission of the NDEA. Is it right-or Ameri- can-to try to regulate belief? Second, a ques- tion which universities have been asking them- selves: is it justified to sacrifice benefit to up- hold principle? The University has replied that the degree of benefit which would be lost has a valid bear- ing on the second question. Naturally, since NDEA funds are correlated to the size of the institution, the University would stand to lose more than a small and/or privately en- dowed college like Swarthmore or Harvard. y E AMERICAN Association of Universities, headed by Harvard's President Pusey, of which the University is a member, was unani- mous in its condemnation of the affidavit of disbelief. This with the amount of reaction against it from students, faculty and Regents, underlines the equivocal position of the Uni- versity. If justifiable, this position is hardly enviable or admirable. , Even less admirable is its corollary conse- quence-the burden of moral choice is left to the student. The University has essentially left him with the option of submitting to what they admit is a morally objectionable and humiliating requirement if he needs the money that badly. In the light of this hypocritical position on the part of the University, one wonders whether this telegram - sent on request of President Pusey-reflects hearty support for the liberal AAU position or only an attempt to make acceptable to liberals maintenance of the conservative position-and NDEA fund sup- port. Passive liberalism would seem an effort to have your cake and eat it too. --JEAN SPENCER l ie . X O 4vLTYA Yc*L* CALIFORNIA START: Oldsters' political Party. a la francaise that is understand- ably out of reach of young Ameri- can actors. * S** . LIKE GIRAUDOUX'S better- known play "Tiger at the Gates," "Amphitryon 38" tells what "really" happened in the events of a popular Greek legend while serving at the same time as a transparent mask for contempor- ary satire on all manner of hu- man foibles, from religion to the use of hair lotion and adjectives. "Amphityron 38" concerns Jupi- ter's problem of how to father a son (Hercules) by a woman who insists on remaining faithful to her husband. The husband is the general Amphitryon, a sort of Everyman (which includes some- thing of the stooge). His wife Alkmena is an Everywife, and Giraudoux's portrait of her is devastating (i.e., perceptive). Of all the players, Janet Rob- erts probably most nearly succeeds in her characterization of the wife, Alkmena, AS JUPITER, Carleton Berry shared the rest of the cast's 'un- easiness with the play, stumbling over words now and then and not really finding the right comic rapport with. the audience. The Amphitryon, Albert M. Katz, clumps on and off stage without making much of an impression. Some relief is found in the- clever comic acting of Russell. Brown, no stranger to Lydia Men- delssohn, who appears in the role of a servant. For a while, Janet Kosse, too, has command of a short character role. Conrad Stolzenbach, as Mer- cury, is troubled with an angular- ity of gesture that distracts; Rich- ard Levy as a trumpeter over- enunciates and fails to substan- tiate a short character role; Bruno Koch as a warrior is amusing, but his accent is puzzling. RALPH DUCKWALL'S scenery is the transparent-solid combi- nation one comes to expect of this kind of play, although the "statues' are a surlmise. His cos- tumes are the usual bright pink, dark red and violet that : every Greek wore. A prolonged third act was al- most seriously bungled last night, leading one to think the cast could be more familiar with the play, uninspiriting as it is. One actor even threw away-a line that had some contemporary signifi- cance: ". . and for a general, I'm highly articulate." -Vernon Nahrgang BEVAN : Socialism'S Spokes man By J. M,, R BERTS Associated Pres News Analyst THERE ARE undoubtedly those among the British laboring class who would tell you, that, if he could have known his beloved miners were talking strike again, Aneurin Bevan would have mai- aged somehow to stave off death . for a while. t For 45 years he never missed one of their fights. To them he was the voice of change, of im- provement and of revolution. He blamed the Conservatives, personally and collectively, for social conditions at the Welsh mine pits where he was born. He was bitter, immoderate and totally unrestrained about it. He spent considerable effort re- jecting Communism. BUT IN PREWAR 1938 he had been willing to form a coalition with the Communists to get rid of Neville Chamberlain's Conser- vative government. A great many Britishers and Americans alike accepted his non-Communist pro- testations, although often won- dering just what was the effective difference. In Britain's postwar dream of get-well-quick, Labor's brief rise to power gave Bevan one of his great aims, state-paid niedical treatment for all. But the ways in which it didn't work contri- buted much to return of the Con- servatives t power, and to the end of the Welshman's dream of the prime ministry. Bevan never did get above the rank of second man in the Labor Party. He never achieved full na- tionalization of all the means of production for which he 6trove so hard. Just two days before he died, his tongue having been stilled for six months after a cancer opera- tion, his miner friends expressed a fear that the Conservatives were promoting decentralization of mining management as a step to- ward denationalization itself. The face of Britain's labor sit- uation, and of the status of social- ism itself, is changing. A whole' block fell out of the mosaic on Wednesday. f r _, r . MAX 1 L E R 4 rE r R Doubts Kennedy EVERY FOUR YEARS Harry Truman tries to act as President-maker, raises the Demo- cratic roof, is written off as a troublemaker without power or influence-yet he persists as a force. His blast at Kennedy and his nominat- ing machine is an important event because it brings to the surface a good deal of anti-Ken- nedy feeling which has gone largely unex- pressed. Truman expressed it. The Democratic Party has three wings-South, North and Harry Tru- man. He occupies a separate wing of the old Party house, rentfree and carefree including the belfry. He has indisputably assumed the role, vacant since Harold Ickes, of the old curmudgeon. Irascible, incalculable, cantanker- ous and explosive he carries on the old tradi- tion of smalltown, crackerbarrel politics. THRE ARE THOSE who lay his action to spite and frustration, especially at having the Democratic Party bypass him in his Presi- dent-maker role. Certainly he is passionate of conviction, quick to take the offensive, unrelenting toward the targets of his wrath. Yet beyond his per- sonal preferences and prejudices he usually manages to put his finger on the sensitive nerve of what a large number of people think and feel. This was true in the 1956 convention press conference attack on Adlaf Stevenson. While Truman couldn't stop Stevenson's nomination he pinned on him the lethal tag of a Hamlet- like inability to make decisions, and Stevenson was stuck with it. So, now, with the "are you certain that you're quite ready?" tag, addressed to Sen. Kennedy. Don't underestimate the bite of Truman's sav- agely barbed if seemingly bland question. The charge of inexperience and immaturity expressed the doubts that many besides Tru- man feel about Kennedy. It will stick and hurt, not perhaps in preventing a nomination but certainly in the Presidential campaign itself. Kennedy's reply is that many men in history were great leaders when still young, that he is the only candidate who has fought in every primary, and that he won't let Truman or any- one else deny him the fruits of his labors. To the query "are you ready?" his answer in effect is: "Ready or not, here I come." c fatC41.0ll Vt ONE OF THE THINGS Truman will accom- plish is to make the Kennedy bandwagon delegates think hard about how the man meas- ures up to the crisis occasion and the great office. Under the British system of cabinet govern- ment a Democratic victory would bring into the top office either Adlai Stevenson o Lyndon Johnson, both men of first rate ability, the former far more suited to the liberal temper of the party today. Under our own convention system both these men are waiting their turn if Kennedy as frontrunner falters. As another deadlock possibility one should add Chester Bowles, now in the Kennedy camp. The level of ability of these men is high. How then has Kennedy, perhaps the least dis- tinguished among them, come to the front? Behind his drive has been hard work, organiza- tion, timing, money, skill in political maneuver, and good advisers. BUT MOSTLY KENNEDY is where he is be- cause the early question about him was centered on his religion, and the West Virginia primary seemed effectively to dispose of that. Yet West Virginia was a turning point which failed to touch on the real difficulties Kennedy will encounter. If Kennedy gets the nomina- tion his worry will not be about the open bigots or the anti-Catholicism of the backward areas of the South. There is a quiet undercurrent of opposition to him in the labor-liberal groups, despite his recent movement leftward and the intellectuals he has gathered around him. There is real concern among Negroes, many of whom seem ready to vote Republican. Most of all, Nixon will run on his interna- tional image of a tough experienced veteran in dealing with Khrushchev. If this will be Nixon's prime strategy, is Kennedy the best equipped candidate to meet it? Truman's ques- tion about how "ready" he is was really aimed at this problem. DESPITE KENNEDY'S vulnerable points-his youth, Catholicism, lack of an interna- tional image, his money, his father's shadow, his weakness during the McCarthy era, his blunder in misgauging the effect of Gov. Pat- terson's support on the Negro-the big argu- ment for him has been that he will win the election. Having just spent a few exploratory days in California, not among the delegates but the people, I have found little enthusiasm for Kennedy, even as against the Nixon who (EDITOR'S NOTE: Not many people outside California have heard of George McLain, director of the "old folks lobby" at Sacra- mento. But the issues he represents east a long shadow on the national political scene, and his hard-fought campaigns may presage bigger things to come.) By RELMAN MORIN Associated Press News Analyst LOS ANGELES-In a newspaper editorial, the man writes, "America's elderly can elect a president!" Appearing before the Democra- tic Party platform committee, he urges expanded welfare programs for the aging, and warns against ". ..driving out elderly voters into a bloc, creating a new but devastatingly powerful minority group." To an interviewer, he says, "The votes of the aging people in this country are quite likely to become the balance of power between the Democrats and Republicans." In each instance, this is George McLain talking. McLain is a tall, hustling, be- spectacled Californian, just past his 58th birthday. * *. HE DIRECTS THE "old folks lobby" in the capital at Sacra- mento. He runs a state organiza- tion composed, he says, of 50,000 elderly members Andahe is presi- dent of the "national league "of senior citizens" with a claimed membership of 25,000 in 23 states. /h 3 WASHING WASHINGTON-If either of the VT two top Democratic candi- dates, Sens. Lyndon Johnson or Jack Kennedy, are elected Presi- dent, one of two historic prece- dents would be broken. Kennedy would break the prece- dent that no Catholic may serve in the White House. Johnson would break the 100-year-old precedentrthat no Southerner may serve in the White House. These two precedents are prob- ably the major political handi- caps facing both men. For despite all the public protestation that there is no religious bigotry in the United States, the real fact is that there is. Much more open and public is the opposition to a Southerner running for President usually ex- pressed on the ground that he would lose the Negro and Noith- ern liberal vote. * * * IN MY OPINION-and I have known both candidates as long as they have been in Congress- each would lean over backward to be fair to all segments of the population. Johnson, in my opin- ion, would give the Negroes a better break than any previous President, partly because he comes from the South And Kennedy would make sure He is well known in California where, he says, he has been work- ing for 20 years to put through welfare programs on behalf of the aged. But a few weeks ago, McLain cut a swath on the national polit- ical scene. He ran against California's Gov. Edmund G. (Pat) Brown in the Democratic Presidential primary in June and racked up a whopp- ing vote, just short of 650,000. Brown polled 1,330,000, "IF I'D HAD FOUR more weeks to campaign, and a little more money," says McLain, "I'd have taken him." Now what is the significance of McClain's total? Is it the emerging pattern of a "new but devastatingly powerful minority group" of elderly voters? Or were there other explanations? Assemblyman Charles E. Chap- el says the governor "antagonized George McLain's organization of senior citizens, as well as many members of the legislature , - . therefore, it is only fair to assume that a large number of Democrats who voted for McLain were 'old age pensioners' and their relatives and friends." ANOTHER ANALYST, however, minimized McLain's showing on a different basis- "In this state," he said, "you could run on a program of free trips to the moon and be sure of getting 300,000 votes, that's just California." McLain says he spent only "about $35,000" on his campaign. The money came entirely from contributions from his followers, he says. He claims 50,000 volun- teers went to work for him. "A great many older people told us they switched registration, from Republican to Democratic, so they could vote for me," says McLain, "We found also that we did very well in every town where there is an oldsters club. With more clubs, time and money, we could have made it." Now, he says, he is thinking of forming a third national political party. * * * "HERETOFORE," he explains, "we thought the best way to get legislation for the old folks was to work through individuals in the national and state legisla- tures. We keep track of voting records, and endorse those who are trying tohelp the senior citi- zens. "Before every election, the can- didates are in here romancing me and promising to help us get a better shake for the old folks.- "But the national and state leg- islatures have failed to make any sincere effort. So this thing has become a crisis now." t AT THE CAMPUS: Unidentified 'Nude' Wears Freu'dian Slip BOTH NUDE and white car make an early appearance in the film whose title they so provocatively carry. As it happens, and this is the plot, the car is Cadillac and the nude unidentified. Unidentified, at first, but quickly narrowed down by out-of-work Pierre (Robert Hossein) to only two suspects, are the sisters Eva (Marina Valady) and Helene (Odile Versois). The car belongs, more or less jointly,. to both, and the rest of the evening is spent in trying' to discover which of the car's owners is the nymphomaniac who loved and left him with equal violence in the opening moments of the film. * * * * TRACING THE CAR to the sister's villa, decorated in a style that only the French would dream of calling "moderne," Helene proves to TON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Precedent 1reakers By DREW PEAR.SON THE METHODIST Board of Temperance used to be quite ac- tive in lobbying; while various Catholic groups are both active and powerful today. They have called on the only Catholic member of the Supreme Court, Justice William Brennan who, however, has scrupulously voted his own convictions, not those of his church. And they have been both active and suc- cessful in influencing the No. 2 member of the House of Repre- sentatives, John McCormack of Boston, Democrat, who at one time last year helped sidetrack the aid-to-education bill and has vigorously opposed any aid for teachers' salaries-a stand taken by the hierarchy of his church. Another frank torchbearer for the Catholic lobby is Congress- man John J. Rooney of Brooklyn who for the past two years has loyally inserted a $50 million ap- propriation for Spain in the ap- propriations bill, on top of other Spanish military aid. * * * LOBBYING FOR SPAIN has been one of the most consistent and successful objectives of cer- tain Catholic clerics over a period of years. And some congressmen have turned complete somersaults as a result of Catholic pressure. When 60 members of Congress serious mistake" in signing the telegram. * * * SEN. JOHN KENNEDY'S record of late has been the opposite. Though he was soft on Sen. Joe McCarthy, and though his father counseled with and contributed to Cardinal Spellman and Mc- Carthy, young Kennedy has been, strong in resisting Catholic pres- sure. Last winter, several Catholics, among them Monsignor McGowan and Bud Considine, Washington representative of the National C a t h o 11 c Welfare Conference, asked Kennedy to introduce a $75 million government loan pro- gram for the construction of pri- vate and parochial schools. Kennedy turned them down. The Catholics next approached Sens. Pat McNamara (Mich.), a Catholic, and Jennings Randolph of West Virginia, a Baptist. Both. begged off. Finally Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon was presuaded to introduce the amendment. ON THE SENATE roll call, Ken- nedy was the only Catholic who voted against the amendment. Catholics voting for it were Dodd (Conn.), Hart (Mich.), Lausche (Ohio), Mansfield (Mont.), Mc- Namara (Mich.), McCarthy (Minn.), Muskie (Maine) and Pastore (R.I.). be frighteningly chic in dresses from Balmain, and Eva to be an invalid that writes verse-neither at all the type to prowl the streets of Cannes wearing only their BB- esque hair. Invited to stay to tea, Helene offers cream, Eva counters with sugar, and the Freudian Judge- ment-of-Paris-minus-one is on. Unfortunately for everyone, the whole contest depends on the act- ing ability of the trio. Mlle. Ver- sois is neither cooly calculating enough to be hte Parisienne her clothes would have her be, nor enough of an earth goddess to reasonably bear the suspicion the plot casts on her. * S * ON THE OTHER HAND; Mlle. Vlady is quite sensual enough for anything, as close-ups of her superb face show, but couldn't for a minute convince anyone of the physical disrabilities that afflict her. Her performance has. little depth, except for a few gaping Freudian slips, but her innate charm saves the day, and her acting is not at all missed. M. Hossein (who also directed the film) is a rather weak Paris whose highly sensitive Gallic face is unfortunately used only to reg- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLET The Daily Official Bulletin i n official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. THURSDAY, JULY 7,_ 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 12 ^ General Notices College of Literature, Science and the Arts and Schols of Business Adminis- tration, Education, Music, Natural Re- sources, Nursing and , Public Health. students who received marks of I, X, or 'no report' at. the end of their last semester or summer session of attend- ance will receive a grade of "E" in the course or courses unless this work is made up. In the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and the Schools of Music and Nursing this date is by July 18. In the Schools of Business Ad- ministration, Education, Natural Re- sources, and Public Health, this date is by July 20. Students wishing an exten- sion of time beyond these dates. should file a petition with the appropriate of. ficial of their school. Astronomy Department Visitors' Night. Fri., July 8, 830 p.m., Room 203 Angell Ba. Stenrhe.v Maran will speak on "The 1 :{