FREEDOM:s ARASH GIFT? i~~e YI r Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom Daitj CLOUDY, SHOWERS HighSO Low-GO Cooler, possibility of thunder showers. VOL. LXX, No. les ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1960 FIVE CENTS FOUR PA Hurry Legislative Action Pass Defense Bill, Seek To Close WASHINGTON () -The Sen- ate yesterday voted 683-26 to ad- journ tomorrow and the House was expected to vote soon to re-, cess until after the national con- ventions as measures were passed, vetoed and sent to the President. Congress sent a $39,996 million defense money bill to President Dwight D. Eisenhower last night. The total is $661: 6 million more than the President asked. The measure, a compromise of earlier House and Senate versions, passed the House by voice after a flurry of opposition to the Bo-' mare anti-aircraft missile pro- gram. The bill, representing approxi- mately half of the federal budget, carries money to run the defense establishment in the fiscal year which starts today. Despite the additions made by Congress, Sens. Stuart Symington (D-Mo.), a presidential aspirant, and Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa.) bit- terly attacked the bill as inade- quate. Symington said the amount represents only 7.8 per cent of the nation's gross annual income and said this is the smallest per- centage In any year since just be- fore the Korean war. Minimum Wage The House yesterday passed a scaled-down minimum wage In- crease backed by Republicans and Southern Democrats. The coalition substituted its own bill for a broader one backed by the Democratic leadership. It cut the proposed wage floor from $1.25 an hour to $1.15, and elim- inated overtime for newly cov- ered workers. The bill, introduced jointly by Reps. A. Paul Kitchin (D-N.C.) and William H. Ayres (R-Ohio), would raise the present $1-an- hour minimum to $1.15 and ex- tend coverage to an estimated 1,- x 400,000 employes of retail chain organizations operating in two or more states, Rep. James Roosevelt (D-Calif.) author of the broader bill, said loopholes in the Kitchin-Ayres substitute would cut the actual new coverage well below the esti- mated figure. Ike Veto President Eisenhower de- nounced and vetoed a bill to raise the pay of 1% million government workers a total of $764 million a year. His veto message, unusual for Its sharp language, struck at "shocking ... deplorable" lobby- ing activities he ascribed to some postal workers. "I am informed," he said, "that the enactment was attended by intensive and unconcealed polit- ical pressure exerted flagrantly Cand In concept on members of Congress by a number of postal field service employes, particular- ly their leadership .. . The House will vote today on whether to pass the bill over Es- enhower's veto. The bill originally passed the House 377-40 and the Senate 62-17, margins far more than the two-thirds that would be needed to enact the bill despite the veto. Morton Cites Rockefeller WASHINGTON (P) - The Re- publican National Chairman said yesterday Gov. Nelson A. Rocke- feller is giving the Democrats political ammunition with his at- tacks on Eisenhower Administra- tion policies. But in doing so, said GOP Chair- * an Thruston B. Morton, the Nelw York governor Is helping to solidify the Republican Party rather than doing it a disservice. Morton said Rockefeller has every right to express his views, ' but is "not speaking for the Re- publican Party or any very large segment of it" when he criticizes the Administration's defense and medical care for the aged pro- grams. The GOP Chairman, who is also a Senator from Kentucky, dis- cussed Rockefeller's activities with newsmen after conferring with President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the White House. Morton said he and Eisnehower talked about plans for the Repub- lican National Convention which opens in Chicago on July 25, and did not discuss Rockefeller. In response to reporters' ques- v ITALIAN MELEE: Communists Plan Rioting To Protest Fascist Rally GENOA, Italy ()-Fighting between police and Communist-led demonstrators broke out in two Italian cities yesterday. Police used tear gas and clubs against the sticks and stones of demonstrators. About 90 persons, half of them police, were reported injured in a two-hour clash between 500 police seaport. Another 30 persons, most o and 300 demonstrators in this f them policemen, were injured n the north industrial city of Nrin. Democrat' Victorious In Dakota FARGĀ©, ND. (M~-Freash m~n Congressman Quentin Burdick, a Democratic trailblazer in farm- belt North Dakota, yesterday ap- parently won the special North Dakota Senate race in a theatric finish. Returns from all but three of the historically Republican state's 2,313 precincts showed this unof- ficial tally in Burdick's race with GOP Gov. John Davis. Burdick-1n4,375. Davis-103,422. But Davis refused to make any concession, and the tightness of Burdick's margin-less than 1,000 Protest Convention In both cases the demonstra- tors were protesting against plans of the small Neo-Fascist Italian Social movement to hold a na- tional convention this weekend in Genoa. In Turin, police fired tear gas and charged against chanting crowds with their riot jeeps to break up the protest. In Genoa, several hundred per- sons marched to police headquar- ters and chanted "down with the Neo-Fascists" after the main demonstration was broken up. The street battle occurred when police tried to disperse a crowd of 3,000 marching toward Genoa's Central Piazza after a rally or- ganized by the Communist Party. The rally protested plans of the Neo-Fascist Italian Social move- ment to hold a national conven- tion. - Burn Jeeps. Demonstrators set fire to two police battle jeeps after surround- ing and overpowering their occu- pants with clubs. It was the second street battle in Genoa in five days between police and leftist groups demon- strating against the Fascist con- vention. Sixty persons were injured in the earlier clash Saturday. The outbreaks appear-at first glance at least--to mark a re- sumption of the militant tactics of Italy's Communist Party, the largest outside the Iron Curtain. Labor Strike The Communist-sponsored Ital- ian Confederation of Labor called a half-day general strike of long- shoremen, public transportation workers and other groups in Genoa. Non - Communist labor unions did not join in the strike call but they said their members could join it if they wished. This north Italian port city was crippled by the strike from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. About 10,000 persons attended a mid-afternoon Red - sponsored rally against the convention of Italy's small Neo-Fascist Party. Then about 3,000 marched toward the Piazza de Ferrari in the cen- ter of town. They were met by police jeeps on the street leading in the Piazza. Most demonstra- tors dispersed, but about 300 staunch demonstrators formed in the streets around the Central Piazza, pried up cobblestones from the streets and hurled them at the police. The street battle raged more than two hours. The Communist demonstrations in Italy were seen by some as a part of Red-inspired riots through- out the world recently, such as occurred in Japan and Africa. The Neo-Fascist party due to its size is not considered a substan- tial threat to the Communists in Italy. Cyclotron Approved By Senate The Senate Appropriations Committee Wednesday approved an appropriations bill including the $1.8 million special purpose cyclotron for the University, The measure, which was pre- viously approved by the Houseon May 25, is part of a $2,453 million proposal for the Atomic Energy Commission. The bill, now goes to the Sen- ate floor for final passage and then must go to the President for approval. The total public works proposal passed by the Committee was more than $4 billion and included sums for the Department of the Interior, Army, AEC and Tennes- see Valley Authority projects. The total public works measure is $25.8 million more than Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower re- quested but no veto action is ex- pected. The Senate added $115 million to the House bill. United States Representative George Meader of the second dis- trict, in a special telegram to the Daily, said that he was "gratified that the Senate Appropriations Committee has taken this action. One more hurdle has been cleared to permit the University to make a real contribution to science in the study of the nuclei of the heavier elements." Meader was instrumental in pushing the cyclotron appropri- ation in the House. Meanwhile, bids on the building to house the cyclotron were taken today. The bids will be considered and the Regents will decide upon the awarding of the contracts at their July meeting. Stevenson Group Set "Students for Stevenson" will continue to collect signatures on "draft Stevenson" petitions be- tween 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. from a booth on the Diag or in the Fish- bowl, in case of rain. Harry Henshaw, '61A&D, re- ported that the student group ob- tained University permission to circulate their petitions yesterday morning, and collected some 120 signatures during the afternoon. Adlai E. Stevenson said last night he has no real objections to having his name placed in nomi- nation at the Democratic Na- tional Convention, according to the Associated Press. "On the basis of my experience so far," Stevenson replied, "I don'tathink it would make any difference." Pressed by newsmen to state definitely whether he has any ob- jections, he added, "No, I don't really." Leaders of the "Students for Stevenson" group include Steve Cain, '61, president, Henshaw, Marcella Arnow, '61, Carol Fine- lander, '61, Carolyn Henshaw, '61A&D and Judy Marckwardt, Grad. "Students for Stevenson" is as- sociated with the local municipal group, "Citizens for Stevenson," headed by Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology department. The city group has been organized for two weeks and has collected over 1,000 signatures. UNDER CUBAN CONTROL: U.S. Refinery Processing Russian Oil HAVANA (P)-The confiscated Texaco Oil Company refinery in Santiago de Cuba began proces- sing Russian crude oil yesterday. The semiofficial newspaper Revolucion hailed the action as a sign the $25-million plant is no longer foreign-owned. Probable next targets of Prime Minister Fidel Castro's campaign against the United States and "foreign monopolies" are the $26- million British-Dutch Shell Oil Co. refinery; the Esso Standard of New Jersey rennery; the Cuban Electric Co., the largest remain- ing American investment in Cuba, and the $125-million Cuban tele- phone Co. in which the United States International Telephone and Telegraph Co. owns 65 per cent of the stock. Castro officials have been in charge of Cuban Telephone since March 1959, but have not officially taken over. Follow Example Executives of Esso and Shell, who followed Texaco's example in refusing to refine Russian crude, said it appeared a matter of days - perhaps hours - before their plants also would be siezed by the Cuban Petroleum Institute. Technically, the Cuban govern- ment "intervened" the Texaco properties for refusal to refine "state-owned oil." The govern- ment-controlled press made it clear intervention in this case meant confiscation. Shell's parent holding company, Shell Oil of Canada, announced that a shipment of crude oil to Cuba had been suspended for nonpayment and that Shell ex- ecutives here had beer ordered not to touch the Soviet oil Cuba obtained in a sugar-for-oil ex- change, The Canadian firm said the Cuban government has not paid Butler Hits Accusations15 LOS ANGELES VP) - "Nasty, mean, vicious rumors," snapped Democratic National Chairman Paul Butler yesterday at reports that the party's convention has been rigged for Sen. John Ken- nedy. "An absolute falsehood," said Butler of another report-that he had been offered a business con- nection with an establishment controlled by the Kennedy family. Butler, in a news conference, also expressed hope former Presi- dent Harry S. Truman would change his mind and come to the convention. . He announced that he has changed his mind and granted space at convention headquarters to backers of a draft-Adlai Stev- enson movement. Of reports the convention would be rigged for the Massachusetts senator, Butler said: "I request a bill of particulars from anyone making that charge. I have not rigged the convention." FIDEL CASTRO . . . Russian oil Shell for oil imports since may of last year and owes more than $17-million. Esso Standard said it has an even larger backlog of payment claims for oil already processed and sold in Cuba. Wednesday night's ouster, after a 13-hour cabinet session, of Communication Minister Enrique Otulski Ozacki and his replace- ment by a little known but fiery revolutionist, Raul Curbelo Mor- ales, appeared to signal a move against the $300 million Cuban Electric Co. Cuban Threat Otulski had threatened Cuban Electric with intervention for fail- ure to complete an expansion program. Company officials said the program had been curbed by a forced rate cut and poor collec- tions from government agencies and communities served by the firm, a subsidiary of the American Foreign Power Co. Sources here said the regime felt Otulski was not aggressive enough with Cuban Electric. Cuban Electric, which furnishes 90 per cent of Cuba with electric power, recently defaulted on an 18-million dollar loan from the United States Import-Export Bank. Company officials said this was because the Cuban National Bank refused to release foreign exchange to pay $600,000 on the loan and $500,000 in interest due earlier this month. The firm be- gan operations here in 1928. It has 8,500 employes, Castro's sudden spurt of activ- ity against the United States I Hatcher Names Nelson stems from his anger at the pend- ing United States Congressional bill that would allow the Presi- dent to trim Cuba's quota of sugar sales to the United States. The United States now pays Cuba; a premium above the world price of sugar of about $150 million per year. While watching developments here closely, the United States Embassy indicated any action against Cuba would come from Washington. The United States Department already has termed the Texaco confiscation "a naked seizure of property in contraven- tion of norms of conduct by re- sponsible governments." Some American experts here predicted a 'shortage of gasoline would follow Cuban seizure of the refineries. But Revolucion boasted that an adequate oil supply is no problem. It said many firms, in- cluding at least one unnamed American company, were negoti- ation to sell oil to Cuba. Cuba needs about 60,000 barrels of oil daily. May Slash Sug 'ar Quota WASHINGTON -P)-The House, heeding Administration pleas for fast action, last night voted the President authority to slash Cuba's sugar quotas. The roll call vote was 394-0. The action sent to the Senate a bill extending the Sugar Act for one year-to Dec. 31, 1961. The House vote followed angry denunciations of Castro-includ- ing a demand by one member that if necessary the United States oc- cupy the Caribbean island. Rep. L. Mendel Rivers (D-SC) also called for immediate retalia- tion for Cuban seizures of Ameri- can holdings. "We should impose immediate strong sanctions on Castro," Riv- ers shouted. The Eisenhower Administration asked authority to establish the Cuban sugar quota for the bal- ance of 1960 and for 1961 at such levels as the President finds to be in the national interest. At present, the United States is buying about 3112 million tons of sugar a year from Cuba, one of the world's major producers. This is more than half the Cuban crop. As New Vice-Presiden Reestablishes Post For Broader Duties By MICHAEL BURNS Lyle M. Nelson, former director of University relations, has been appointed to the reestablished post of vice-president for Univer- sity relations. In stepping into the sixth vice- presidency, Nelson leaves a title which he has held since 1957. University President Harlan Hatcher, in announcing the ap- pointment, said that the 'new po- sition was given to Nelson "in recognition of his outstanding work" in broadening hNs duties to include the Development Coun- cil and the Alumni Association. Niehuss Holds Post The last person to hold the of- fice which Nelson obtained was Marvin L. Niehuss who became vice-president and dean of facul- ties in September, 1951. When Niehuss left the job, he continued with some of the duties and left some to his former assistant Ar- thur Branden, who later left the University, Nelson has gradually absorbed all of the tasks for which Niehuss was formerly responsible, as the latter's other responsibilities in- creased, Completes Talks President Hatcher said the an- nouncement was made at this time because he had just comn- romotes Head of 'U' Relations REP. QUENTIN BURDICK . . . Dakota victor votes-indicated no final verdict could be made until the State Canvassing Board runs an official count. This must be within 20 days. Late reporting returns from the farm and ranch country, well- spring of Burdick's strength, buoyed the 52-year-old Fargo lawyer as the counting went down to the final precincts. It was a spectacularly close race in which Davis rolled into a 8,000 vote lead in the early city tabulation and then lost it bit by bit in the face of Burdick's stub- born strength in the country. Burdick caught up late Wednes- day, nearly 24 hours after the voting ended, and held on once he got in front. Burdick, a tall, muscular figure who carried the legacy of a fa- mous North Dakota political name, only two years ago became the first Democrat elected to the House from North Dakota. PROF. LOUISE CUYLER: Political Milieu Limits Soviet Compo Congo Gains Independence; Lumumba- Attacks Belgians LEOPOLDVILLE, Republic of Congo UP)-Premier Patrice Lum- umba yesterday accused the Belgians of inflicting "atrocious suffer- ings" on the Congolese people in their 80 years of rule over this African la, d. He delivered this parting shot at his former colonial masters as they turned over the country to its new native leaders. "We have known ironies and insults, the blows of which we have had to submit morning, noon and night because we are Negroes," " Lumumba said at independence ceremonies attended by his parlia- mentary colleagues, assembled' dignitaries of the church and dip- erslomatic crps and King Baudouin sers of Belgium. Lumumba's words provided the only acid in the otherwise friendly speechmaking that inaugurated the new republic. A few hours later Lumumba, a former postal clerk once jailed by the Belgians on charges of inciting a nationalist riot, almost reversed himself. He expressed his govern- ment's thanks to Baudouin and "the noble Belgian people" for their decision to free the Congo. He paid the tribute during an exchange of toasts with Baudouin outside the still unfinished Palais de la Nation (Parliament) build- ing and asked for "long and dur- able collaboration" with Belgium. The indignant and startled re- action among Belgian officials to his morning speech may have had' something to do with his milder LYLE M. NELSON -.- . new vice-president pleted negotiations with Nelson concerning the acceptance of the position. President Hatcher re- ceived authority at the last Re- gents' meeting to approach Nelson with the offer. The new vice-president's tasks will include continued supervision of the University Relations Ser- vices and work with the Develop- ment Council and Alumni Associ- ation. He will also serve as a gen- eral assistant in the President's office. Nelson received his bachelor's degree from the University of Oregon in 1941. After working for the United States Army Ordin- ance Department and the Bureau of Reclamation as an information specialist until 1947, he returned to the University of Oregon as assistant to the president and as- sociate professor of journalism. He assumed the post of assis- tant to the president of San Francisco State College in Calif- ornia in 1955, a position which he held until the time of his appoint- ment as public relations director and professor of journalism at the University. Group Invites Fall Speakers At the first regular summer meeting of the Challenge steering committee, a tentative schedule of fall lectures was established and invitations were sent out to several possible speakers. Prof. Arthur Schlessinger, Jr., of the history department at Har- vard University, will be asked to give the initial talk covering the broad aspects of civil liberties in Sentember. By CONNIE MAHONSKE Russian musicians must express themselves within the limits of "socialist realism," Prof. Louise E. Cuyler, chairman of the mu- sicology department, said. Prof. Cuyler, speaking yesterday on "Russian Music Since World War II," pointed out that the So- viet government financially sup- ports its artists. However, there are strings attached to this sup- port, she continued, since any composition containing "bour- geois" elements is severely con- demned. An historical example of this anti-bourgeois attitude was the Russian Association of Proletariat Musicians (RAPM) formed in Russian musicians must still create in the service of the com- munity, Prof. Cuyler said. She quoted John Gunther as saying this had made Russian music com- monplace, and the taste of the people "philistine and sentimen- tal." Russian music has become "something you can whistle," Gunther reportedly remarked. Narrow Choice Prof. Cuyler contends that the Russian composer has only a few choices of composition forms. He may: 1) Write program music where the text leaves no doubt as to his political ideas. Prof. Cuyler cited Shostakovitch's Symphony No. 10, might well have died out in the large conservatories. 4) Revert to the type of music composed by Beethoven and Bach. Artist Enviable The position of the Soviet art- ist is in one sense enviable, Prof. Cuyler said. "If a young person is talented, his future is secure." No effort is made in the public school to teach a program based on the music - for - every - child - philosophy. Musical instruction is given to the gifted, Prof. Cuyler pointed out that the high performance of Russian art- ists attests to the excellence of the conservatory system, and that in contrast to the United States, the concerts are well attended even by the poor. y