aw SicI an Bah{y Seventieth Year -.. EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSr " OF MICHIGAN 1 Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS utb STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ; ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241 torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or' the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. A 9!'))) &T RACKHAM: Stanley Quartet: Warm Brahms, Hot Violin FROM THE FIRST notes of Mozart's Quartet, K. 428, fit was ap- parent that Stuart Canin is the hottest thing in Rackham this summer. The visiting first violinist with the Stanley Quartet is a most welcome guest. His tone is less edgy than that of Gilbert Ross, whom he replaces; it is warm, bright, full. In chordal passages he provides a top which is brilliant without being harsh and is beautifully balanced with the other instruments. In passages where he plays a solo against the others, he is fluent and cleanly phrased. And I just must mention, as one of the most beautiful // AY, JUNE 29, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW HAWLEY KN Football Contract Squabbles Tarnish Yesterday's Heroes 1) / / i Z NE OFTEN HEARS today's youth charged with a lack of basic morality. This contention has been argued and will continue to be discussed as long as youth exist on the earth. And ultimate responsibility for this condition, if it exists, cannot be placed upon one group of people exclusively. However, the youth of tomorrow learn from the conduct of the youth of today, especially the outstanding youth of today. Athletes are perhaps most subject to this hero-worship, particularly the college athletes who supposed- ly have combined physical accomplishment with higher educational achievement. And so it should gravely concern those in- terested in the future of this nation's moral. basis and also in the present state of youth's conscience to read of contract squabbles be- tween ex-college grid stars and professional football teams. Reports of payoffs under the table to col- lege football players at many institutions are always cropping up. And now for the past few years court contests between rivalling profes- sional football companies have turned these young men into legal footballs, each company fighting for the player's services and each claiming the star had a contract with its team. B UT THE DISGUSTING part of the out- comes of these court cases is that the col- lege graduate who signed agreements with more than one company comes out without a scar. He has committed an unethical if not Illl act in agreeing to play for more than one team, each believing the athlete was sign- ing in good faith. Although courts have dis- missed the less favorable contract, leaving the grid star with the best deal for his yet un- proven services, many judges tend to agree with the opinion given in the Billy Cannon case that Louisiana State All-America Can- non seemed "awfully naive for a college sen- ior.- Certainly there are pressures from the pro teams to get the star players under contract as soon as possible. They know they are mak- ing an athlete ineligible for further amateur participation when they sign the player, and if this is before the season is completed, in- eligible for further season games. MAX LERNER . ,~ QuickyHonora SETDOWN an undying item for the annals of American higher education. On the last day of his Hawaiian stay President Eisenhower got an honorary Doctor of Laws from the Uni- versity of Hawaii. But to spare him the half- hour's drive to the university, the president, re- gents and faculty of that institution of learn- Ding came to the Officer's Club at Kanehoe, "just a stone's throw from the golf links" (I quote Harrison Salisbury's New York Times re- port), and presented him with the degree at the club bar and dining room. The whole ceremony was accomplished "in the record-breaking time of two minutes thirty seconds." Just about as long, one reckons, as it would take to tee off, or perhaps to sink an im- portant putt. I do not intend this mockingly. I have never Joined in the harrying of President Eisenhow- ers golf involvement, which he may need for health. My quarrel is with the university's of- ficials for coming obsequiously to the club to confer the quickie degree, and with the con- tempt this shows for the life of the mind, on their part and the President's. Nothing in President Eisenhower's trip to Asia became him as badly as the ending of it. WH AT MAKES IT worse is that the Presi- dent was ending a trip whose crisis point was in a real sense an intellectual one. The army that iniflicted a disastrous defeat on him in Tokyo was an army of students and profes- sors. Although spurned and manipulated by Cm mnist leadership their Conscious values are intellectual, and the decisive battle in their minds will be between the image of an Ameri- can and the image of a Russian society. The weapons that Americans will have to use in their struggle for prestige in Asia are not those of the golf links and the officers club bar but those of the intellect. To clock off an honorary degree in two minutes thirty seconds, as if it were a filly running a mile, is a dis- service to intellectual values and therefore to the value of the mind. YET THE FACT remains that the athletes, are supposed to be college seniors with at least a small degree of common sense which tells them that it is impossible to play for two teams at the same time and that once a con- tract has been signed there is an obligation on the player's part to fulfill it. The actions of these sought-after athletes are inexcusable. Portraying them as innocent babes in the woods, naive to the ways of the world and the laws and ethics which govern it, certainly stretches one's credulity. That a college grad- uate, or most people for that matter, could believe he could sign as many contracts as he wanted and then choose the best, regard- less of the other commitments, is almost in- conceivable, THE COURT DECISIONS have reinforced maneuverings, and since their days of col- lege had already passed before it was found they had signed professional contracts, there is no action that can be taken against the athletes for that violation. The moral of these cases seems to be that a freshly shaven young college man with an air of naivete (and a smart lawyer with a tearful voice) can maneuver the laws to suit his own whims. Dishonesty and unethical conduct have been condoned. Although these individuals may have prof- ited from their legal battles in terms of money, the nation's youth have lost. For the adnmira- tion which these athletes gained in college is still present. The examples which they have set will not be questioned by their admirers. THESE COLLEGE GRADUATES are playing the rough game of life and while their actions as individuals might be criticized, this game is filled with court squabbles just as distasteful and to the credit of neither side. But these young men must also be considered representative of college athletics-the heroes and idols of many youth-and as such one can only find disgust for their unethical ac- tions. --MICHAEL BURNS ,, ___ . A - 1 r ,.- .. _t, .. t: s' I\ moments in many evenings of mu- sic, his short phrase with mute in the first movement of the Proko- fleff. Also with us for the summer is Paul Olefsky, regular 'cellist with the Detroit Symphony. He is fa- miliar to Ann Arbor residents from previous visits with the quartet. I much enjoyed his treatment of Prokofieff. THE MOZART Quartet, which opened the program, is a delight, It combines the humor usually associated with Haydn with the slightly greater touch of musician- ship which is pure Mozart. It was a hot night in Rackham, but the performers managed to confine their intonation diffi- culties to the second movement. In the fast movements they play- ed well. The incredible, gentle humor of the last one was beauti- fully projected. Next was the Quartet Opus 50 by Prokofieff. This spot on the program is usually reserved for a modern type work, as which this. piece does not serve too well. It is almost classically diatonic; well, at least romantically so; its most modern element would seem to he the use of the cyclical method of composition, following Franck. The work hangs together better than many of those of the French composer, however, perhaps be- cause instead of merely repeating an earlier theme in a later mnove- ment when running short of ma- terial, he treats each movement as a development of the main. thematic idea. THE WAY IN WHICH the quar- tet had warmed up and mellowed in the slow sections of the Pro- kofleff presaged good Brahms to end the concert. There is not much to say about the performance of Quartet Opus 51, No. 2 save that it was good, warm Brahms. What a composer! He calls the third movement "qua- si minuetto." And who else could so subtly disguise so simple a rhythm? It was a minuet in fact, but I'd hate to waltz to it. Brahms is proof that sophistica- tion can be beautiful. One should hear the quartet once this summer if possible, especially since they will be in- active next year. -J. Philip Benkard INTERPRETING: Talks Must Aid Russ ia By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE WORLD is asking why Soviet Russia~ still talking about coexistence despite her scuttling of the summit. confer- ence, chooses to cut off still an- other avenue of communication with the West through her walk- out on disarmament negotiations. One answer may be that she just wasn't getting anywhere. Despite a bad case of jitters resulting from their own fumbling, the record of the last two years shows that the Western powers have not been falling for either the blandishments or the threats of Moscow. WHEREVER the Communists have probed, against Berlin, against Formosa, against NATO through disarmament and coex- istence, the Allies have proved unyielding. President Eisenhower now virtu- ally admits the major initiative of his peace campaign has come to an end. France is preoccupied with a new attempt to settle the Algferian revolt. Prime Minister Harold Mac- millan's foreign policy, to keep probing for a means of compro- mise between East and West, has come to a dead end, at least for the time being. THUS, AT A TIME when the West seriously needs a new initia- tive to offset the Soviet charges that the United States has dealt recklessly with peace, nothing is in sight. the Communists, withr no time limit, knowing that they will not be attacked by the democracies, can just keep probing for some- thing which will encourage re- opening of negotiations in the hope of Soviet profit. And if that profit doesn't develop, they'll quit again. ,. 4s.1+deti Ts.: TODAY AND TOMORROW: Nixon's Growthmanship Game r Degree I By WALTER LIPPMANN LAST WEEK at St. Louis the Vice-President announced that "we are now engaged in what will become, before this year is out, a major national debate over the subject of economic growth." Who will be debating with whom, and about what? According to Mr. Nixon. while we are all in favor of growth, the critics of the Administration, namely Gov. Rockefeller and the leading Demo- crats, are not to be taken seriously. For they are playing "the most fashionable parlor game of our time - a game that might well be called 'growthmanship.'" Just why do these playboys spend so much time and energy on a mere parlor game? It is because they realize the great importance of our slowed down rate of growth. At our rate of growth in recent years we are unable to meet our public needs, to add to our de- fenses, and at the same time to keep on increasing private invest- ment and to keep on raising the civilian standard of life. We have been producing less than we need and less than our economy is cap- able of producing. FROM 1953, WHICH marked the end of the Korea war boom, through 1959, the average rate of increase of output has been only 2.4 per cent. The average is low because in those seven years there were two recessions. The netresult was that the average rate of increase was less than the average, three per cent, from 1870 to 1930. Yet in these seven years of sluggish growth, the country has had the capacity -it has had the labor, the capital equipment, and the technical know-how -- to grow at the rate of at least four per cent,. It may not seem like a big dif- ference, to grow at an average rate of less than three per cent or to grow at an average of four #per cent. But in an economy of 500 billion, it makes an enormous dif- ference. Each percentage point of increase is about five billion dol- lars, and so the difference between our recent average fate of 2.4 per cent and the four per cent which we are quite capable of is the dif- ference between adding 12 billions a year and adding 20 billions a year to our wealth. We have a rapidly growing population. At only 12 billions in- crease, we cannot spend more on defense and on our public needs- such as education and urban re- development and scientific re- search-without reducing the im- provement in, perhaps without cutting back, the civilian stand- ard of life. But at four per cent with 20 billions, we can afford to do the things that reasonable men, Including as we shall see the Vice-President himself, think should be done. That is why concern with our growth is not a parlor game. JUDGING, BY HIS St. Louis speech, Mr. Nixon does not under- stand the problem. For after scoff- ing at the popular interest in growth, he concludes his own speech with a broad general en- dorsement of a large spending program. That, at least, is what he calls it when Gov. Rockefeller and the Democrats propose the same kind of program. Under his auspices it ceases to be a spend- ing program and it becomes "in- vestment in the public sector." He would invest in "our public education establishments, in our national transportation system, in the renewal of our run down urban IRONICALLY, the Honolulu report came on the same day as one on a conference of American educators concernet about the loss of some of America's best young intellectual tal- ents. There were some startling and saddening figures presented at the conference. Dr. John Monro, Harvard College dean, pointed out that of the academically-ables 30 per cent of Ameri- can youngsters, only half the boys and one- third of the girls finish college. The fallout is about 400,000 a year. Multiply this for a decade and you find that Americans will lose four million of their ability elite who will drop away from creative intellec- tual pursuits in the 1960's. Conceivably this could mean the difference between the survival of open societies and their death. This fallout could be as fatal for the future as the fallout of thermonuclear radiation-and could lead to it. THERE IS LITTLE agreement on the reasons for this intellectual fallout. But most people who know the American educational system would give three sets of reasons, although they would differ on emphasis. One would stress the deprivations and discriminations which keep some of the best students out of the best col- leges because of race, religion, and economic incapacity. A nation can deal with this only by changed attitudes, a changed income struc- ture, and especially a deliberate policy of uni- versity and federal scholarship aid. The second would stress the motivations of the students, and the failure of high schools and colleges to release them. This can be dealt with by experiments with new teaching tech- niques which will evoke the impulses toward continued learning. The' third is the pulls of the larger society, away from the intellectual life, and toward an early marriage and an early well-paying job before high school or college is finished. There is no social action to deal with this except a strong evxaluation set upon the intellectual life. A family, community, or society that does not deeply value the life of the mind cannot expect its young people to sacrifice immediate satisfaction for it. DEAN MONRO rightly puts a good deal of stress on the family's role. In families that areas, in the development of our natural and human resources, in providing imaginative new leader- ship for the exciting scientific and technological revolution which will dramatically change the whole character of life in America and the world in our lifetime:" He goes on to say, as if he thought he were Nelson Rockefel- ler, John F. Kennedy, and Hubert Humphrey rolled into one, that "timidity in these areas would be as detrimental to the national in- terest as timidity in private in- vestment." * * * IN THIS extraordinary passage Mr. Nixon has adopted the do- mestic program of his opponents. But there is still a difference be- tween him and the Democrats and Gov. Rockefeller. He does not say, and assuredly he does not know, how to pay for the expensive program which he now advocates, for it cannot be paid for unless there is a sub- stantialrrise in the average rate of growth except by cutting down on private investment and on private consumption. So if Mr. Nixon wants his promises to the voters to be taken seriously, he will have to learn to play the parlor game of growthmanship. THERE IS ONE other feature of the speech which calls for a few words. In a long passage Mr. Nixon talks about the Soviet rate of growth, whichrhe puts at eight per cent and our own which he puts at three per cent. He then says that the opposition critics are proposing to raise the Ameri- can rate to that of the Soviet's. If the critics do that, they are exaggerating. A sustained average rate of four per cent would be ample for us. Mr. Nixon says, too, that the critics think, as Mr. K. apparently believes, that the So- viet economy will by 1970 catch up with and surpass the American. No serious American student of this subject agrees with Mr. K. What the serious critics say is that the Soviet economy is about half as big as the American and that its rate of growth has recently been at least twice that of the American. This means that the an- nual increment of new wealth -- which is available for military and civilian purposes and for private consumption - is about as large in the Soviet Union as in the United States. (Thus call the United States eco- nomy 100 and the USSR's 50. If ours grows at about three per cent, there is an increase of three. If theirs grows at six per cent, there is also an increase of three.) * * * NOW WITH EQUAL annual in- crements the Soviet Union directs1 a larger portion than we do to national purposes. To understand the significance of this Mr. Nixon need go no further than to the studies of the CIA and the testi- mony of Mr. Allen W. Dulles: "The inajor thrust of Soviet eco- nomic development and its high technological skills and resources AT THE CARILLON: ITellchamber concert Uses Trumpets, Choir NT NORTHLAND PLAYHOUSE: Sleazy, Sloppy 'Susan' Disappoints A udience FROM SLEAZY sets to sloppy acting to sappy conclusions, "Susan and God," the current offering at the Northland Playhouse in Detroit, is simply not a very good production. Despite all the management has done to make the summer tent theatre comfortable, it's what's on stage that counts most and the opening night audience was not a happy one. When the only laughter during comic scenes is on stage, the play's in trouble. FIRST OF ALL, the plot of "Susan and God" is thin at best and its moral is threadbare. Rewoven with a few implausible situations and some rather stale jokes, it concerns a self-centered woman who dis- covers God-some of the "most important people" do-and brings her own special brand of godliness home to foist on her friends. In the end, of course, all is well because the heroine transforms everyone, including herself, into nice people after all. This is poten- tially mawkish and gets worse with overacting. Some of the heavy-handedest acting ever seen graced this per- formance. Coupled with stiffness that is unusual in a professional company, the opening act was very strained. , Perhaps part of the problem lies in the acoustics which may present -r.Fn ..4i.A r 4i.,U. 4.. , in nrintin4r-I. jhA 4a dr.i n i nt e cti niannot SUNDAY EVENING'S nature and art combined to provide one of the most unique musical experi- ences Ann Arbor will have for a# long time. The program was called a bell- chamber concert for it demon- strated how the carillon could be combined with other instruments and voices. THE NUMBERS included three compositions and six arrangements by Percival Price, and a work originally a capella to which Price added an accompaniment. The program opened with the rippling tones of the Presto of the "Toc- cata for Harpsichord in G Major," which has long been called the "Bell" Toccata because its figures so admirably suggest bells. This name is well justified, for in the transcription heard, it sounded as if it had been composed for caril- lon, The duet which followed-Price's "4th Rhapsody"-led us naturally by opening in a simple 18th cen- tury style, but as the work con- tinued through four movements, the style became more modern, taking us through whole tone scales, tonehclusters and rich metallic dissonances unique to the character of bell sounds. * * * IN THE NEXT number a new tone color was introduced: the clear sound of the solo trumpet-- first the high D instrument, then the C, then the B-Flat. The sound of the trumpet from aloft is more arresting than heard on the ground; we have lost something from this instrument since it has been taken down from the battle- ments. THE NEXT NUMBER presented a mixed chorus in the tower, ac- companied by carillon. The work, Price's "The Song of the Bell," to words by Longfellow, was com- nizes the chorus with a recorded accompaniment. The artists who took part in this concert deserve mention. not only because theyperformed ex- ceedingly well, but because they did this under conditions to which no one except the carillonneur could have been accustomed. Pitched at the edge of a 100- foot drop, they had to follow their parts with ten ton bells booming around their shoulders and small- er ones screaming overhead. Still, we applaud it as a success, and look forward to hearing more concerts of this type during the summer. -Loretta Petrosky 11 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan forwhich The Michigan Daily assumes no, edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 75 General Notices University of Michigan G r a d u a t e Screening Examinations In French And German: All graduate students desiring to fulfill their foreign language re- quirement by passing the written ex- amination given by Prof. Lewis (for- merly given ,by Prof. Hootkins) must pass anhobjective screening examina- tion. The next. administration of the objective screening examination will be on Wed., June 29, from 7 pm. until 9 p.m, in Aud. C, 'Angell Hall. Withini 48 hours after the examination the names of the students wno have passed will be" posted on the, Bulletin Board outside the office of Prof. Lewis, Ex- aminer in Foreign Languages, Room 3028, Rackham Bldg. Students desiring to fulfill the Graduate School's re- h Silpgau' Dily Editorial Staff