1960 THE MICHId AN DAILY 1960 HE MIHIGANDAIL ARE FOR AGED: Congress To Pass Bill on Medical Aid By ANDREW HAWLEY Congress will soon pass an im- portant piece of legislation con- cerning medical care for the aged, according to prof. Wilbur Cohen, of the school of social work. Speaking at the first of six sum- mer Sunday evening programs at the First Unitarian Church, Prof. Cohen, who discussed "Socio-Eco- nomic Problems Associated with Medical Care for the Aged," said the seriousness of the problem has only recently become publicly rec- ognized in this country. "But the present dissatisfaction is shared by young and old, and, unlike most others, it cuts across political, economic, and other groups, except for a small core of high-income people," he went on. Both absolutely and propor- tionally, the number of people over 65 in the United States is rising steadily, with a 1,000 per day net increase. The percentage of old people in our population has more than doubled since 1900. This and other points were 11- lustrated in a pamphlet summariz- ing views-on problems of the aged and aging presented to a Senate subcommittee by Prof. Cohen and other experts. A pair of graphs in this pamph- let show that life expectancy in the United States for persons over 65 has risen steadily in recent years, especially for women. The tendency for women to live longer than men, coupled with the fact that women usually marry men, older than themselves, make the average age of widowhood sur- prisingly young-"05, to be exact," Prof. Cohen said. "There are more and more widows among the aged, and they must be provided for,, since any large medical bills are likely to exhaust whatever re- sources they have to live on." Machine May Surpass Human Brain in Ability An "adam" of the machine world is theoretically possible. At least that's what Prof. John Myhill of Standford University recently told a special University class on computers. The mathematician stid a ma- MRS. MARGARET PRICE ... committee chairman Local Woman Heads Group At Convention A local woman will make Demo- evratic Party history when the national convention is held in July. Mrs. Margaret Price of Ann Arbor will report as chairman of the Rules and Order of Business Committee on the second day of the meeting. She is the first wom- an ever to head a major com- mittee at a Democratic national convention, and possibly at any national convention. Mrs. Price, who ran for the office of state auditor general twice, has been Michigan's Na- tional Committeewoman since 1952. In 1952 she second'ed the nomi- nation of Gov. G. Mennen Wil- liams for president at the national convention. National Committeeman Thomas Quimby praised Mrs. Price's selec- tion as a reflection of the Demo- cratic party's consciousness of woman's rightful role in politics. Democrats have placed 29 wom- en on their 102 - member state delegation to the national con- vention, as compared with three out of 46 for the Republicans, he said. chine that could reproduce itself, making improvements in each generation is theoretically pos- sible. The machines would be built in three parts-a builder, an in- structor and a computer. Would Build First Man would build the first in the limitless series of machines, telling it to reproduce itself and improve its offspring by making its computer faster and more efficient. The improvements would be brought about, Prof. Myhill ex- plained, through each machine's ,devising of better circuits. The machines would be limited, he said, to working with those parts made available to it at the start by man. Prof. Myhil's self-reproducing machine would also prove theor- ems, with each succeeding gener- ation capable of proving more theorems and carrying out more computations than their ances- tors. Idea Not New Although the idea of self-re- producing machines is not new, that of a self-reproducing and -improving one has never before been published, according to Uni- versity computer experts. Like other self-reproducing ma- chine theories, Prof. Myhill's as- sumes that the proper parts will be fed to his machines. They would then select the parts and assemble them correctly. Unlike other self-reproducing systems (or automata) his could theoretically continue reproduc- ing better versions of itself for- ever. Two Limitations Prof. Myhill points out two practical limitations to this; both linked to increasing size: 1) Improvement eventually would mean increased size, sug- gesting a need for greater horse- power and more motors to run the automata. 2) As the automata grows in size, more time would be needed for signals to travel from oneM component to another, But these practical engineering problems are beside the point, Prof. Myhill said, until "we have a definite physical realization" of such automata in mind. LORA BELLE AYERS Specialist in COLD WAVE Personal Coiffure Styling Hair Cut 236 Nickels Arcade NO 2-3434 10 A.M.-9 P.M. "And very few aged people have much income," he went on. "For instance, 75 to 80 per cent of the widows over 65 receive less than $75 per month from social se- curity." Married couples, who have on the average the highest retirement income, are not much better off. Thirty to thirty-five per cent of them receive less than $100 per month. On the other hand, medical costs have been rising fast; twice as fast as the cost of living, since 1947-49. Hospital bills have risen four times as fast. Since 1947-49 there has been a 100 per cent increase in hospital cost, and many more people are going to hospitals than used to. Out of every 100 persons, one spends one day a year in the hos- pital. Need More Care Finally, the older people, who can least afford it,muse two and one half times as much hospital care as the average person, Prof. Cohen said. Several solutions to the prob- lem have been offered, e con- tinued. The first is to wait; to let health insurance spread until it covers more of the population. Another is the Forand Bill, originally introduced to Congress several years ago and just recently become controversial with the sud- den rise in public concern for medical care for the aged. The Forand Bill would add a small payment to the social se- curity tax and provide for 60 days of hospital care, 60 days of certain nursing services, and surgical care. AMA Protested There was a strong protest on the part of the American Medical Association to the provision for payments for surgical care. Sena- tors Kennedy and McNamara each introduced a bill eliminating this provision. "The Eisenhower Administra- tion also has a bill, which only pro- vides for money to give the states in order to increase their welfare benefits," Prof. Cohen said. "The objection to this bill was that it is not feasible for the states to raise their share of the payments. The bill was virtually ignored by Congress" "On the other hand, social se- curity does not cover everybody who would need medical insur- ance. This is one of the primary objections to the Forand Bill, along with that of many doctors that it would destroy the sacred doctor- patient relationship." Asks Independence "No democratic society can allow itself to be in a position where a large number of people are de- pendent on others," Prof. Cohen said. "Unless we candevise some institutional mechanism making people independent they will seek some less-desirable political and economic alternatives," "Social cohtrol assures greater freedom in the long run," he said. "In ten to 15 years," he pre- dicted, "all medical care is going to be a public right, in some way or other, just as education is now." "The present question is, will the Senate add something to the social security bill recently passed in the House to provide for social security health coverage?" "The burden of satisfying this need is going to be on society," he warned. Aged Aid Proposals Deficient By MICHAEL HARRAH Special to The Daily BATTLE CREEK-Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (R-Owosso), who is seek- ing the United States Serfate seat presently held by Sen. Patrick V. McNamara (D-Detroit), made clear his position on what he call- ed McNamara's "only issue," medi- cal aid to the aged, at a luncheon meeting here recently. Bentley expressed concern about the problem, saying that he felt the nation's senior citizens de- served some help with their prob- lems. However, he spoke out most definitely against the plans which have been presented to considera- tion. "The Forand Bill has many glaring faults," Bentley said. "It provides that one must be in the hospital to receive aid. Our hos- pitals are already overcrowded and this would be a needless overload. Many older people who need this aid are definitely not hospital cases." Bentley went on to denounce the "even more radical" plan of sub- committee chairman McNamara as "most inadequate." When asked about the ,merits of the two Republican proposals in this area, Bentley termed the Administration's 'Medicare' as "very expensive," and Secretary Arthur Flemming's plan as "fall- ing short of the mark." Bentley acknowledged "the very real problem we have here." He said it should be handled intelli- gently, taking care not to make our older citizens "wards of the government." Bentley also presented an outline of his own plan to handle the problem, whereby the government would form an agency similar to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which would insure private insurance companies that the eld- er policy holders would keep up their health and hospitalization insurance payments. City Granted Use of Center For Defense The Civil Defense and Disaster Training Center at the University will be made available for some Ann Arbor community Civil De- fense programs and exercises, Vice-President Wilbur K. Pier- pont said. Ann Arbor Mayor Cecil O. Creal had requested that the Center be made available for identification as the city's Control Center for Civil Defense. Vice-President Pierpont replied in part that the University "would like to cooperate in making this building available for community use in carrying out Civil Defense programs and exercises as far as possible without conflict with the University building use schedule, and it seems likely that the build- ing can be made available for the kind of limited use which you have in mind, at least on an an- nual basis." Quartet Prepares Concert 'p 'U' Impartial On By-Pass In order to clarify the position of the Regents on the matter of a highway bypass around Ann Ar- bor, Regent Eugene Power of Ann Arbor yesterday issued a state- ment saying "we are concerned only with the delay in getting US-23 traffic off streets in the campus area." "This situation, which is daily becoming worse, is endangering the lives of students and creating a serious traffic problem for the University and the city." The letter, which states "What- ever method will remove this hazard in the shortest possible time will be enthusiastically sup- ported by the University," came on the heels of a report that President Harlan Hatcher sug- gested that the proposed Northbelt bypass be given priority over the Eastbelt route, and a charge by local Democratic chairman Lloyd Ives to the effect that Regent Frederic Matthael was attempting to kill the Eastbelt project alto- gether. Regent Power said he hesitated to prolong the discussion on the Regents' action. i f So YOU want to t A saw 'a , , ' ' ate a , e /' 10 know what's cooking? So subscribe to The Michigan Daily and find out!J PRESENTS CONCERT--The Stanley Quartet will present its first summer 1960 concert today at 8:30 p.m. in Rackham lecture hall. The concert will feature Mozart's "Quartet in E-flat major, K. 428," Prokofieff's "Quartet in B minor, Op. 50," and the "Quartet in A minor, Op. 51, No. 2," by Brahms. Two other concerts will be given July 12 and August 2. Personnel of the quartet for the summer includes Stuart Canin, head of the string department of the University of Iowa music school, Prof. Gustave Rosseels, of the University music school, Paul Olefsky, first cellist with the Detroit Symphony, and Prof. Robert Courte, also of the University music school. Canin and Olef- sky are replacing Gilbert Ross and Prof. Oliver Edel, who are out of town for the summer. Call N0 23241 Doctors Visil Kidney Stud Conference More than 300 doctors andi search specialists, including soi of the nation's top investigators the fleld of kidney function, beg a two-day conference Saturday the University Medical Center. Speakers Saturday morning i cluded Dr. Robert Vernier of t University of Minnesota and I Gustave Dammin, pathologist Harvard Medical School and Pe Bent Brigham Hospital, in Bostc The University conference h scheduled 21 reports by researc ers and clinicians to cover recer ly developed knowledge of kidr structure and function. Program chairman Dr. John Weller of the University Depa ment of Medicine said toda problems in kidney disease a greater than generally recogni ( Figures gatheredby. the Michig Kidney Disease Foundation in( cate that three million Amerlca suffer from various kidney d orders. Sunday's program included r ports by Dr. Karl H. ,Beyer, J Dr. John H. Laragh of Columi University, and others. Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classifieds! w + . ..v:..,:....:~d6Gr u.. : ?,. . _...,..._.. _.:'a.:.{r..:o-'."::Sr.....::::'"i::?:_i[a:. :i5 .r... :1.: ....:'::.: .': :...". i.±.r..tis.......: sv .... :,d.......,y ors :"1:.v;:Lv}r..w.:::..: Art from many lands . 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