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June 25, 1960 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1960-06-25

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Seventieth Year
Tutb Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

JUNE 25, 1960


Saade'sr Withdrawal
Unfortunate for State, Party

DENVER--Even at this distance from Ann
Arbor, one is somewhat saddened by the
withdrawal of George Sallade from the pri-
mary contest for Michigan's lieutenant gover-
For sometime Sallade has criticized his col-
leagues in the state (and even national) Re-
publican Party for their sluggishness and in-
ability to identify with the modern American
voter and his needs.
On the state (Michigan) scene, he has often
broken the typical party line-by supporting
the personal income tax, road-building plans,
increased aid to universities, and social and
economic welfare programs. He has accrued,
and quite willingly, the titles "Young Turk,"
"maverick," and "irregular," plus others un-
printable. His amazing frankness, blended with
excessive scarcasm, has become a well-known
characteristic. Sallade has openly attacked the
conservative (and dominating) element of the
Michigan GOP; for example, there was the un-

Election Year

PASSAGE OF THE BILL providing medical
care to the aged by the House of Repre-
sentatives is another in a series of half-hearted
compromises that seem to appear about elec-
tion time and with which few are satisfied.
The coverage under the bill is incomplete
and is nothing more than a make-shift measure
passed as being better than nothing at all.
Although many senators favor some sort of
care for the elderly citizens of our nation, the
Ways and Means Committee was unable to
arrive at any decision that would have shown
in a positive manner that Congress does really
care about them.
The bill is not expected to pass the Senate
without numerous additions which will make
the bill stronger and thus seems doomed if
the present attitude continues to prevail in
the House. It is also interesting to note that
letters from concerned voters were instru-
mental in getting at least this inadequate
measure passed.'
It is very disheartening to see the elected
representatives of the country's citizens at-
tempt to appease one segment of that populace
with a watered-down version created out of
the uncompromising attitude of election time.
-M. B.

forgettable day he blasted Carleton Morris In
front of newsmen, legislators, and Gov. Wil-
liams in a small discussion of Michigan's fi-
THIS YEAR Sallade evidently saw an oppor-
tunity to elevate himself politically. He
announced his candidacy for the office of
lieutenant-governor and received, as usual, a
mixed reaction.
Apparently this was all the Grand Old Party
was waiting for. Although it was impossible
to clearly spell out, one could sense all the
long-breeding animosity Sallade was up against
in his newest, and most challenging, campaign.
That same animosity, from within GOP ranks,
helped to crush the soaring political ambition
of Gov. Williams during the two-year tax
crisis. The Governor had, in a sense, whipped
the Republicans too hard for the first ten
years of his tenure, and their reciprocal vin-
dictiveness broke down many promising tax
proposals in the years 1958-59. The Republi-
cans were now after Sallade, a critic within
their own ranks.
Sallade has usually been politically tough
when in a jam, and for a while this spring
there was some hope that he might be able
to reach at least the primaries. His personal
aggressiveness, combined with a slowly-devel-
oping "Progressive" movement in the GOP,
might hav made the difference.
BUT, AS LAST WEEK'S headlines indicate,
Sallade did fail. That failure is unfortu-
nate for at least two reasons.
First, despite an occasional obnoxious re-
mark, Sallade was highly knowledgeable re-
garding state government and politics, and
sensitive to the demands of a rapidly-growing
Second, it is becoming apparent that his
"progressive Republicanism" is the kind of
attitude the GOP must increasingly develop
if it is to be a potent force in modern politics.
The party has already lost out to the Dem-
ocrats in many urbanized areas. And here in
Colorado, a shift is developing that can be
seen in other Western-Midwestern states-the
farm vote seems to be slowly swinging to the
Democratic Party.
If such is the pattern, the Republicans have
a great deal to worry about. Acceptance of
the "irregulars," like Sallade and others, may
be the only means to revitalize the party.

"Thank Goodness You Got Back All Right-Now
We Can Stop Worrying"
IV "
M -
\ 4.
{ i t El - . rr

newcomer Elana Eden) meets a
Tryon). His family had settled in
Moab when there was a famine in
the family's native town of Beth-
HE CONVERTS her to believing
in Jehovah. After he is killed, she
has to flee with her mother-in-law
Naomi (Peggy Wood, of TV's
Mamma series) to Judah because,
through her conversion, Ruth has
become extremely persona non
gratis with her old temple asso-
She is also nongratis with the
people in Bethlehem because of
her Moabite background. However
through strength, prayer, and
fortitude she overcomes their
prejudices and is able to marry
her kinsman Boaz (Stuart Whit-
man) after a kind of Beatrice-
Benedick courtship and the
advances of a more closely but
extremely cloddy kinsman, Jeff
* * *
"RUTH" NEVER wanders into
the DeMille skin-flick Biblical
tradition. There is plenty of move-
ment, color and excitement but all
these elements are kept in, hand
with restraint that borders on the
austere so that the story of Ruth
can always move forward.
The acting is uniformly good,
but specal mention must go to
Miss Wood who makes Naomi a
truly wise and noble woman.
There is a shrewd humor to Miss
Wood's characterization that adds
much to the warmth and believ-
ability of the role.
Special mention must be given
to Viveca Lindfors as the head-
mistress of the temple school and
Thayer David as the high priest.
They take their rather ordinary
roles of the film's chief heavies
and make them interesting; each
one makes his role a human being
and not just a mere embodiment
of pagan evil.
Last word goes to the set and
costume designers. Never before
have I seen such authentic look-
ng and feeling Biblical costumes
and settings as in this movie.
Everything down to the smallest
detail is perfect from the re-
strained sensuality of Moab to
Bethlehem's rustic harvest cele-
-Patrick Chester

Jewish goldsmith, Mahlon (Tom
Rebels Set
For Talks
Associate Press News Analyst
AFTER NEARLY two years the
Algerian rebels have raised a
slender hope for peace by agreeing
to explore, in personal negotia-
tions, President de Gaulle's ideas
about an "Algerian Algeria."
Part of the credit must go to
the French army because of its
sector - by - sector cleanup cam-
paign which, though far from
decisive, has made an effective
show as a weapon of national
unity and eventual domination.
Part must go to de Gaulle him-
self for his advocacy of a demo-
cratic approach through national
determination after a cease-fire.
De Gaulle's idea is that, in a
period of peace, Algerians can be
brought into political agreement
and voluntary alignment with
France, similar to that of other
members of the French Com-
* * *
UNTIL NOW, the rebels, with
their so-called provisional govern-
ment, have insisted on a promise
of complete independence, to be
discussed simultaneously with the
projected cease-fire. De Gaulle
Now they have agreed to start
talking about a cease-fire, expect-
ing but not assured that the nego-
tiations will lead, into political
The rebels have recently re-
ceived firmer support from inter-
national Communism; the wave of
nationalism sweeping Africa gives
them a sense of attunement with
a far larger movement; the French
in Algeria themselves believe they
would lose everything in 'a politi-
cal showdown. All this aids the
rebel barganing position and they
may believe now that negotiation
gives them a better chance than
continued fighting which, after
six years, has not been very suc-

Biblical 'Ruth'Appears
THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE, but now Hollywood has fir
done it. They made a Biblical epic in which the moguls of filmd
have pretty much stayed within the Original Script. Of course it g
without saying that when the three and one-half pages of the 1
The Book of Ruth, .are blown up into two hours of screenplay, "
Story of Ruth," something has just got to be added.
Scriptwriter Norman Corwin has conjectured that perhaps R
the great-grandmother of David, might have been a priestess of
Moabite god, Kemash, to whom little girls were sacrificed- each spr
While preparing the latest little victim, Ruth (surprisingly gi:

Byrd Favors Tax''Loopholes


MAX L E R N E R s .>.
Quarrel Loses Bite

W HEN ARGENTINA brought its case against
Israel before the UN, much of the heavy
artillery behind it had been quieted. President
Frondizi of Argentina declared, the other day
that if Adolf Eichmann were returned he would
be available for extradition to Israel, and that
there was never any intention to send him
back for trial to Germany. In short, Argen-
tina's quarrel with Israel has become a matter
of formal procedures, not of Israel's legal or
moral right to secure Eichmann for trial.
Just as Israel blundered in the wording of
the note it sent to Argentina, so the Argen-
tines blundered by their extreme attack on
Israel. After the initial reaction of hurt nation-
al pride, the Argentine people have had sec-
ond thoughts. One opposition deputy even ac-
cused the Argentine delegate to the United
Nations of having been a Hitler follower dur-
ing World War II. There is a rising conscious-
ness of the degree to which the Peron govern-
ment, by its hospitality to former Nazis, had
involved Argentina in the Nazi guilt.
It is worth noting that the critics of Israel's,
action do not always bring clean hands to
their indictment. The Argentines would have
been wiser to put their protest on record, and
berate the Israelis behind the scenes, rather
than insist on the debate of an issue from
which they are unlikely to come off gloriously.
T HERE REMAINS the larger question of
whether Israel has a right to try Eichmann
and whether it would be wise to have a show-
case trial. I wrote earlier of the pattern of
historic justice-not revenge, but justice-
which will be rounded out by an Israeli trial of
one of the arch-murderers of the Jews.
The touchy point here is whether Israel can
claim to speak for Jewish victims of Eichmann.
My own answer would be in the form of a
question: if not Israel, then who? It is interest.
ing that the Russians and the Poles, both of
them hostile to Israel as a matter of policy,
seem content with letting an Israeli trial pro-
Their motives are clear enough. They want

reason why the democratic world should fear
it, or wish it to get entangled and strangled
with legal correctness and red tape.
Split internally as it is on this issue, West
Germany simply cannot be trusted to push
the case, even if it wished to. Nor could an
international tribunal survive the political
tensions of the cold war. The trial of Eich-
mann would become not an act of justice
but a political weapon which would be grasped
by one handle or another, depending on the
political position of each nation.
Israel has, of course, its own internal politi-
cal tensions and its own political purposes to
serve. But, as I have said earlier, Israel comes
closer than any nation to being a carrier of
historic justice in the case of the Nazi crimes.
Perhaps the Israelis cannot speak for the world
Jewish population that is alive today, but cer-
tainly they can speak for the dead. Both their
tragedy and their triumph lie in the fact that
they are spokesmen of the dead, who died be-
cause there was at that time nowhere in the
world for them to go, and no nation to speak
up for them.
WILL AN ISRAELI trial stir up ugly pas-{
sions? This is the fear of many who would
otherwise regard Israel as the appropriate site
of the trial.
Frankly, I don't see how we can calculate
in advance its psychological impact. Certalinlyj
it will rekindle some embers of hate, simply
by having the massacres recounted publicly and
dramatically. But I recall that there was a
swastika madness in 'Germany only a few
months ago, that spread its infection far
around the world, and that it happened with-
out any Eichmann trial. Silence does not cure
diseases, and the racist hatred that Hitler
left behind is a disease needing cure.
It would be best, of course, if the Germans
would take on the trial with a whole heart,
since it is in and through them that the ori-
ginal poisons were spread. But that is too much
to expect today: the best we can hope for is
that they will try some of the other murderers

I - it -
Avenue moguls figured the
Patterson-Johansson fight would
be the last time they could invite
clients to a big boxing match and
deduct it from Uncle Sam's tax
bill as a business expense.
However, Sen. Harry Byrd of
Virginia, the millionaire apple-
grower, is going to save them. He's
also going to save the yacht
owners, the night-clubbers and
the corporation chiefs who use.
private airplanes to carry clients
to Palm Beach and Miami-all as
a deductible business expense.
Senator Byrd is going to be a
godfather to these legal tax loop-
hole beneficiaries through the
simple expedient of stacking the
Senate-House conference consid-
ering the tax bill with friends of
the big taxpayers. Byrd is chair-
man of the Senate Finance Com-
mittee, a powerful post. As such
he has made it a practice to over-
rule the entire Senate on fiscal
matters he doesn't like. It makes
no difference how the greatest
deliberative body votes. Byrd can
usually overrule it.
He does this by appointing con-
ferees who will vote with him. So
when the Senate early this week
voted to plug three tax loopholes
which benefit the big taxpayer to
the tune of $t billion yearly, Byrd
appointed the following con-
Sen. Bob Kerr of Oklahoma,
one of the biggest independent
oilmen in the world, who benefits
from tax loopholes.
Sens, John Williams and Allen
Frear of Delaware, both elected
with the support of the du Ponts
and faithful followers of their
economic doctrine,
Sen. Frank Carlson, Republi-
can of Kansas, who generally
votes conservative on fiscal mat-
Senator Byrd himself, biggest
apple-grower in the world, who
recently split with Gov. Lindsay
Almond of Virginia because Al-
mond was too moderate.
This line-up of tax-conserva-
tives aroused Louisiana's cham-
pion of the "poor folks," Russel
Long. He claimed Byrd had
stacked the committee in favor of
the millionaires. To appease him,
Byrd finally appointed Long a
member of the conference.
The house conferees, led by
Ways and Means Chairman Wil-
bur Mills of Arkansas and New
York Congressman John Taber,
are so opposed to plugging the
tax loopholes that they even
blocked the House from voting
on the amendments.
Here are the amendments
which the Senate passed but
which Byrd is now sabotaging:
1) Tightening of the law on
"swindle sheets," outlawing busi-
ness deductions for yachting trips,

night clubbing, theatregoing, and
other entertainment. Sponsored
by Pennsylvania's Sen. Joe Clark,
this will cost businessmen an esti-
mated $250 million.
2) Repeal of the four per cent
tax credit now allowed on stock
dividend income. Sponsored by
Minnesota's Sen. Gene McCarthy,
this would cost the coupon clip-
pers an estimated $350 million.
3) Revision of the law on de-
pletion allowances, restricting tax
benefits to raw minerals rather
than the finished products. Ten-
nessee's Sen. Albert Gore, the
sponsor, estimated that this loop-
hole, if not closed, would soon cost
the treasury $600 million a year.
If Byrd gets away with reopen-
ing these loopholes, the revenue
loss must be made up. Those in
the lower tax brackets will be
hardest hit; the big-bracket boys
will benefit most.
iowever, the Senate liberals
who fought to close the tax loop-
holes won't give up without a
last-ditch fight. Senators Gore
and Long have served quiet notice
on Byrd that they will challenge
the report of his conferees if they
kill all the Senate amendments.
This could hold up the tax bill
past the June 30 deadline, leav-
ing Uncle Sam temporarily bank-
ing with ill-concealed glee the
bandwagon rush to nominate
Sen. Jack Kennedy even before

the Democratic convention gets
underway in Los Angeles.
Reason for the glee is the fact
that the Kennedy putsch nullifies
one of the chief charges leveled
against the Republicans-monop-
oly. Democrats have been charg-
ing that the GOP doesn't believe
in competition, that they'll merely
meet in Chicago to give formal
blessing to the previous choice of
the party bosses-Nixon.
Now the shoe may be on the
other foot.
Though the Democrats were
originally set for a good old-
fashioned healthy free-for-all, it
now looks as if they were merely
going to ratify the choice of the
party bosses. What plays into Re-
publican hands is the manner in
which certain big-city leaders are
falling into line behind Kennedy
--most of them Catholics.
Latest report is that Gov. Pat
Brown of California, a Catholic,
will abandon his aloofness and
plunk for Kennedy shortly before
the convention. Mayor Dick Daley
of Chicago, another Catholic, will
do the same.
Only hold-out among the big
Democratic bosses is Gov. Dave
Lawrence of Pennsylvania, former
mayor of Pittsburgh, who is op-
posing Kennedy, partly because of
Kennedy's religion. Lawrence,
himself a Catholic, believes that
it hurts the Democratic Party to,
have too many Catholic politicians
in high places.
(Copyright 1960, by the Bell Syndicate)

Refugees' Protest Si

Daily Staff Writer
FOUR YEARS have passed since
the Hungarian Revolution, and
for those who were not directly
involved, the remembrance of the
protest has faded into mere his-
torical fact.
To the members of the Associa-
tion of Hungarian Students in
North America (AHSNA), who
met in Ann Arbor this week, it
has not. Their immediate objec-
tives include not only adjusting
to life in their adopted countries
of Canada and the United States,
but reminding the Free world of
the dangers of Communism, which
they experienced in a revolt-torn
*~ * *
support received from American
organizations and universities
when the Hungarian students
first arrived were only temporary
in nature, but it enabled them ,to
get through their first year,

Now they are continuing by
working their way through college
or by qualifying for other schol-
arships through their scholastic
achievements. Three of the refu-
gees are now studying under
Woodrow Wilson fellowships.
But a large number of students
arrived in the United States and
Canada after the first refugee-
scholarship quotas were filled.
These need help to take intensive
English courses and to enroll in
An important role of AHSNA is
to maintain contacts among Hun-
garian students in spite of the
great physical distances separat-
ing them and to help them in
adjusting to the new environ-
ments in their adopted country.
Although these students enjoy the
same opportunities to enroll in
universities as Americans do,
most of them have the added dif-
ficulty of not getting any finan-
cial help from their families and
the fact that job opportunities
are limited since they are not
United States citizens. The mem-
bership fees and donations to
AHSNA are used as loans and
scholarships to needy refugee
'. * *
1956 and has 1500 members. Del-

INation Seeks To Take
Place as World Leader
Daily Staff Writer
PARIS-France had made plans carefully and she had made them
big for the official state visit of Israel's Prime Minister David Ben-
Troops of French honor guards in snappy red, 'white and blue
uniforms had assembled before the Arc de Triumph's arches far in
advance of the visitor's arrival. French government officials in business
suits paced in front of the troops, as crowds of expectant Parisians
began to gather along the 12 avenues leading into the Arch. All pre-
parations were complete now, but
it was not time for the arrival of
the state visitor.
During the long wait, the skies
clouded. Then while the military
band played both national an-
thems and Ben-Gurion appeared.
with French Minister of State
One aim of AR SNAis to trans- Roger Fey, the rains began to fall.
mit the experiences acquired by The shower was not severe and
living under Communist rule and the clouds soon cleared, but it
later in a democratic country. was the only flaw in an otherwise
They wish to point out the con- perfectly planned (though per-
trast and inform the students of haps anticipated) moment of
underdeveloped countries of the pride for France.
dangers of Soviet Communism,
which they believe seems to sup-
port anti-colonialism and nation- THESE RECENT outbursts of
al movements until its own influ- gregariousness toward other na-
ence is strong enough to take over tions of the world, coupled with
the country and introduce a to- France's first atomic bomb deto-
talitarian regime, nation and her cavorting at the
The Association sent a tele- NATO conference a few months
gram to the Cuban Student Or- ago, are underscored by concur-
ganization urging them to con- rent developments at home.
sider the sad experiences of Hun- Perhaps it is simply the lan-
gary with Soviet imperialism. guage barrier compounded by the
*ry . first' rushes of the new tourist
ANOTHER AIM is to speak for season, but Americans cannot fail
their silenced native country be- to contrast the friendliness of
hind the Iron Curtain and remind other Europeans with the sneers
the world that no peace can be of French cab drivers or the
achieved without securing the downright rudeness of French
basic human rights for every na- hotel clerks.
tion--including Hungary,
Elections for officers of AHSNA WHAT DOES ALL this mean?
were democratic in procedure. Just that France under the rein
The new president of the Associ- of Premier Charles de Gaulle has
ation is Dezso Bognar-Kegl, a made terrific strides toward com-
.graduate student at Columbia pleting her rebuilding from the
University. The newly elected Second World War.
president in his inauguration With this job done, she con-
speech emphasized his intention siders herself ready to re-enter the
to preserve the political neutrality world picture-:forcibly through
of the Association from rightist blasting atomic bombs, if neces-
and leftist attempts to exert in- sary, or through summoning



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