Seventieth Year
Irutt Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBL.ICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. *"Phone NO 2-3241
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Y, JUNE 24, 1960
"Remember When We Only Worried About
A Mess in Washington?".
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'Phantom' Strikes;
Chaney Chills Opera.
"THE PHANTOM of the Opera," although approximately 35.years
old, in black-and-white narrow screen, and minus any sound
whatsoever, is still a "must" for anyone with two hours to spare this
Lon Chaney, that master of the horror film, is superb as the evil
subterranean monster, Erik; the plot is typical of the situation melo-
drama so favored by the early movie-makers. A lovely young member
of the chorus in the Paris Opera suddenly rises to the position of
understudy to the prima donna, while under the tutelage of a
mysterious mentor.
There is, too, the hero-a dashing young officer, with beautifully
Register-by-Mail Plan
Threatens Student Role
N ITS OWN inimitable way, the Administra-
tion is- constantly trying to make things
asier for the student-while streamlining its
wn vast operations. The latest endeavor, and
ne that should hearten weary pen-pushers,
; the inauguration of the "registrationnaire"
s a replacement for the unweidly railroad
cket of past years.
This slim, compact little card makes the
Inger registration form look like a white
lephant and, barring major errors like spel-
'ng one's name wrong on every try, eliminates
he painful process of repeating name, ad-
ress, phone number, etc., until fingers (and
find) turn numb.
Of course, the bottlenecks in Waterman
lymnasium have not yet become a thing of
he past-even a midget "registrationnaire"
vidently still needs checking at every twist
a the barbed wire "alleys," and nothing out-
ide of a large-sized horde of highly-efficient
ank clerks could demolish the lines that form
Ltl e fees windows.
VL THE MIX-UPS and inconveniences that
are to be found once the gym is entered
em from the simple fact that between 8,000
nd 24,000 students have to shuttle through
he portals of one fairly small building in an
nbelievably short period of time. Now, if this
art of the process could be eliminated..,..
The Administration has considered this idea,
Do. They have, in fact, offered a solution. The
lan, announced this spring, would substitute
register-by-mail format, by-passinig the need
r handling unmanageable crowds, dozens of
art-time workers and stubborn students who
efuse to sign up for unpopular class selections.
All that is required of the harried student
ender this system is a list of the classes he
'ishes to take dui'ing that semester. Class
ours and sections (i.e., teachers) would be
itomatically selected by administrative work-
rs, then sent back to the student,
rE SYSTEM would undoubtedly save time
for everyone concerned and cut down the
roblems of whom to admit to limited sections
ffered at popular times or by popular instruc-
But the student's opinions, outside of his
tioice of classes, just wouldn't be considered.
In this most recent move toward simplifi-
cation of the administrative processes involved
in getting a University education, Administra-
tors made one inescusable assumption: that
both students and faculty are essentially alike.
Unfortunately, for efficiency's sake, they
As long as classes are taught by professors
rather than IBM machines, students will have
particular favorites (and particular teachers
they dislike). And, as long as student activi-
ties, part-time jobs and coffee breaks exist,
students will want to jockey class schedules
to suit their own preferences and needs.
Teaching technique varies from professor
to professor: one may be a fascinating show-
man, one a brilliant scholar. Not every stu-
dent will be stimulated by every professor, and
once the student finds his "ideal," he should
be allowed to choose not only his courses but
the best professors, for him, that teach those
Not every student lives on the same sched-
ule. One may be most alert in the mornings,
another may stay up all night and sleep til
noon. Or, he may fit a job or an activity into
his schedule. The hours at which a student
wishes to attend a class cannot be arbitrarily
handed to him; he is not an IBM card, he is
an individual,
IBM CARDS serve their purpose, and the Ad-
ministration cannot be blamed for wanting
to streamline its operations. A university of
this size, like it or not, must be run as a large
business to some extent.
But when people begin tampering with the
way in which the student taps the educational
resources best suited to him as an individual,
efficiency is no longer justifiable.
Register-by-mail is still in the planning
stages; one would hope that it will stay there,
permanently. The Administration's "registra-
tionnaire" innovation is more in keeping with
the academic spirit that should prevail here,
for it eliminates useless busywork for both
student and administrator, without threaten-
ing in the name of efficiency the student's:
jealously-guarded privilege to help mold his
own education. ,
waxed Napoleon III mustache. He
is Christine Daa, as beautiful as
her lover is handsome. They seem
made for each other, but alas!
to _ achieve her goal of becoming
permanent prima donna of the
Opera, she must forsake all ma-
terial things (i.e., Raoul) and
dedicate herself exclusively to her
CHRISTINE goes along with
the plan, until one evening her
"voice" tells her that it is about
to assume a physical shape, and
will come for her and take her
away. Under the spell of the voice,
Christine allows herself to be led
deep, deep, underground - into
the catacomb, and subterranean
chambers of the ancient building,
which were formerly used as tor-
ture chambers of one sort and
Well, of course her disappear-
ance causes some speculation and
a bit of comment, because previous
to this grand coup, the Phantom,
(as Christine's voice is known)
has perpetrated a few other mis-
deeds, such as murder, attempted
murder, and general mayhem. So
he is naturally suspect, and the
great search starts.
-Selma, Sawaya
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New Nixon Up to Old Campaign Tricks
Trouble in Jaan
W ASHINGTON - A secret cam-
paign document has now
leaked out showing how Vice-
President Richard Nixon rolled up
such big votes in the Indiana and
California primaries - supposedly
without campaigning.
The document shows howr tele-
phone squads were organized in
both states to call registered Re-
publicans in a high-powered drive
to demonstrate Nixon's popular
A copy of the instruction sheet,
issued to the telephone operators,
has now reached this column. It
casts a revealing light on Nixon's
latest campaign technique. Here
are the instructions with the same
words underlined as in the origi-
"1) Call only registered Re-
"2) Make only one call per
"3) If call is completed, mark a
check after the completed call in
"4) If anyone inquires as to
whether you are paid or for whom
you are working, say you do not
"5) This canvass is CONFIDEN-
TIAL. Do not give information to
"6) Payment will only be made
for completed calls, and your check
marks showing completed calls
will be the basis for payment. The
lists should be returned immedi-
ately after the primary election,
in good condition, and after spot
checking of the lists, payment will
be made."
TlE TELEPHONE operators
were also issued a written spiel
that they were supposed to use,
telling the voters in each state ex-
actly how to mark their ballots.
"Your help in electing Richard
Nixon our next President is need-
ed," they were instructed to say.
"Please tell your family, your
friends and neighbors to vote for
NIXON, too."
Note - In past years a Senate
committee has kept an eye on
campaign money spent in pri-
maries and elections. Today the
Senate rules committee is bogged
down with illness and age and
Sen. Lyndon Johnson won't ap-
point a new committee.
* * .*
N OW THAT the state of Maine
votes with rest of the nation,
the most important curtain-rais-
er to the Presidential election
takes place in North Dakota, June
Two top candidates are battling
it out for the Senate seat of the
late "Wild Bill" Langer - Gov.
John Davis, Republican, and Con-
gressman Quentin Burdick, Demo-
rFE CANCELLATION of the President's visit
to Japan, and his embarrassing experience
in Okinawa, stem from the refusal in Washing-
ton to look squarely at the U-2 affair and its
The capture of the U-2 and the way the
incident was handled in Washington compro-
mised gravely the whole circle of American
bases from Norway through Turkey and Pakis-
tan to Okinawa and Japan. When we confessed,
and indeed boasted, that for four years we had
been using these bases for a secret and illegal
operation against the Soviet Union, our allies
were morally and legally defenseless against
the threats of the Soviet Union. A small and
exposed nation is bound to take such threats
seriously, and although the threats may have
been blunted they were not removed by the
President's renunciation of aerial espionage.
Thus the effect of the U-2 was to undermine
our whole system of encircling bases. For it
focused attention upon the fact that the bases
had been secretly used for an operation which
exposed the country containing the base to
grave risk.
IN THE VERY DAYS when the U-2 had be-
come the occasion for Mr. Khrushchev's ac-
tions in Paris, the Kishi government was trying
to have the new Japanese-American treaty
ratified by Parliament. This treaty grants to
us the base right in Japan for at least eleven
years. A less auspicious moment for railroading
the treaty through the Parliament can hardly
be imagined than was the moment in which
the summit conference collapsed. But Mr. Kishi,
who was fighting not only for the treaty but
for his own political life, did railroad the treaty
through the Parliament in the face of a very
large volume of public disapproval by no means
confined to the Communists.
The President was then called upon to decide
whether instead of travelling to Tokyo from
Moscow, as originally planned, he would go to
Tokyo anyway and would arrive there on the
day when Mr. Kishi's coup for the treaty was
consummated. The President decided to go to
Tokyo, to go despite the fact that the U-2 and
the collapse at the summit had aroused great
popular fears about the American base.
This was a wrong decision. After the collapse
of the summit the right decision would have
been to cancel all visits, and to remain in
Washington on the grounds that the world
situation required the full attention of the
President for the purpose of strengthening the
national nsitinn This wonld have been an
IT CAN BE SAID that the wrong decision was
taken without any strong protest and criti-
cism in Congress or in the press. That is true.
The opposition had been virtually silent when
the Republicans and Sen. Johnson cried out
that it was unpatriotic to inquire seriously into
the causes of the U-2 disaster.
So the President and his advisors had a free
hand to take the decision about the Far East.
Unfortunately for them and for the country,
they showed the same kind of bad judgment
which had caused them to fumble the U-2
affair. In both cases they ignored the well-
known conventions and the old wisdom of the
art of diplomacy. In both cases they judged the
immediate situation not objectively but wish-
fHUS, IN THE AFFAIR of the U-2 they
abandoned the ancient convention which
is that a government never avows responsibility
for espionage, much less attempts to justify
it. In the affair of the Tokyo visit they ignored
the conventions which protect ,a state visit.
One of these conventions is that a visit by the
head of a state is a visit to the whole nation
and not to a political head of the government
which happens to be in office. A state visit,
therefore, should never be made to a country
which is divided within itself on an issue in
which the visiting head of state has a special
interest. The very reasons which have been
advanced on behalf of the visit are compelling
arguments against it -- that the treaty would
fail if the President decided not to come to
Tokyo and that Kishi would fall. This was a
misuse of the institution of the state visit, and
if the President and his advisors had known or
had'remembered the old rules of the diplomatic
game, we would all be much better off today.
Furthermore, in their judgment of the im-
mediate situation in the Far East and especially
in Japan, they grossly under-estimated the im-
pact on Asian popular opinion of the U-2 and
the renewed quarrel with Moscow. There is no
use deluding ourselves, as Mr. Hagerty does,
that the opposition to the treaty and to the
President's visit was confined to a small minor-
ity of Communists incited and paid for by
Peiping and Moscow. The preponderant opinion
of any Asian country within the military reach
of Russia and China is bound to be neutralist.
When we urge them to be anti-neutralist, they
respond by being anti-American, and it is a
great error to act as if an anti-neutralist policy
can rally popular support. In Tokyo mighty
little has been heard recently from the alleged
majority who are supported to be for the treaty.
crat, whose father spent many
years in Congress as a liberal Re-
publican who usually voted with
the Democrats. Young Burdick is
Democrat and a live-wire member
of the House of Representatives.
The battle is important because
it will test the strength of the
anti-Benson vote in the farm belt
which usually is Republican. North
Dakota hasn't sent a Democratic
Senator to Washington for a long
time, and GOP leadersare de-
termined not to let it break this
* * *
THAT'S why Gov. Nelson Rocke-
feller took the long trip to the
northwest to campaign for Gov.
Davis.uIt's also why the Farm Bu-
reau, unfailing backer of Secre-
tary Ezra Benson, has been dis-
tributing literature against Bur-
The literature makes a big show
of listin Burdick as co-author of
the Poage Bill for stabilizing wheat
prodduction, though actually the
bill is sponsored by Rep. W. R.
Poage of Texas.
Finally, the importance of the
North Dakota race is why Vice-
President Richard Nixon has also
been campaigning in the state.
Simultaneous with his arrival, an
interesting piece of literature was
distributed to North Dakota vot-
ers. It was captioned "Quentin
Burdick and his Communist as-
This wa sstrongly reminiscent of
another senatorial campaign in
1954 when Nixon toured Wyoming,
Montana and Colorado, stumping
against Senators O'Mahoney and
Murray and Congressman John
At that time similar literature
appeared in these three states
reading: "Joseph C. O'Mahoney,
Foreign Agent 783," "Senator Mur-
ray and the Red Weapon in Con-
gress," and "How Red is John
That was in 1954 when we had
the old Nixon. This is 1964 and we
have the new Nixon, but the cam-
paign tactics appear just the same.
'nIERE'S ONE thing that stands
out clearly in the humiliation
of Tokyo. Douglas MacArthur II
ouht to be fired as ambassador to
Anyone who would let the Presi-
dent of the United States and the
American people he represents in
for the humiliation of being
snubbed and unwanted by the
people of Japan is not qualified to
hold that position. The job of am-
bassador is to avoid mistakes of,
this kind.
When there is already latent op-
position to a treaty, that opposi-
tion becomes intensified and dan-
Brous when the head of the state
which is a party to the treaty pays
a visit.
Ambassador MacArthur had an
excellent excuse to call off the
President's Far Eastern trip im-
mediately after the summit con-
ference which didn't summit.
Khrushchev had then withdrawn
his invitation to visit Russia and
since the Far Eastern trip was to
be en route home from Moscow
the entire tour could have been
* * *
A SKILLED diplomat should
have known that the loss of pres-
tie we suffered in Paris was bound
to result in more riots in Tokyo,
that the end of the Camp David
spirit was sure to unloose Com-
munist agitators hitherto held in
chack by Khrushchev.
The big welcome given Ike when
he returned from Paris may have
enthused Sam Rayburn and the
American people, but it cut no ice
in the rest of the world.
State Department officials say
MacArthur did not warn of this.
They in turn relied on MacArthur.
MacArthur, who has some of the
qualities of his uncle, the General,
is reported to have wanted the
glory of a Presidential trip.
Thus the President and the
country he represents were sub-
jected to two humiliating snubs in
the period of 30 days.
is Vicomte Raoul 'de Chegny; she
Holds Line
Associated Press News Analyst
lenging both Lenin and the
Chinese Communists over the
possibilities of coexistence, doesn't
sound much like an undermined
There is a widespread belief at
top levels in Washington and
elsewhere in the Western world
that Khrushchev's extreme tough-
ness at Paris was due at least in
part to increased opposition In
Moscow and Peiping to his
"peaceful coexistence" line and
his subordination of the world
revolution to Soviet economic de-
Khrushchev now says that Len-
in's theory of the inevitability of
war as a part of the Communist
revolution may have been all
right for Lenin's time, but that
all such things must be read in
the light of changes in the "tens
of years" since. The ends of Com-
munism may now be obtained by
othermeans during a period of
coexistence, he insists.
* * *
at the same time, have gone back
to the original Lenin stand, which
they soft-pedaled only for a brief
time in order to give lip service
to Khrushchev before the summit,
But Khrushchev as much as
said that he did not have to
kowtow to differences of opinion
either in Moscow or Peiping.
After he spoke-at a session
fromtwhich Western newsmen
were barred-there was evidence.
of extraordinarily careful hand-
ling of the speech for publication,
stamping it as a major effort.
Khrushchev was telling the
world that he intended to fight
out the battle on his line regard-
less of how long it takes or how
much opposition he encounters.
Whether he means it, or wheth-
er he is only trying to lull the
rest of the world into an entrap-
ping sense of false security agains
war, is a question that only events
can answer.
The ideological split in interna-
tional Communism which came to
a head this week has a direct
bearing on current attempts in
Washington to assess the world
situation since the summit blow-
Less vocal lower levels, espe-
cially in the Pentagon, have been
warning that Khrushchev must
not be underestimated and that
no reliance can be placed on any
possible Soviet weakening because
of differences in the Kremlin.
On this point their representa-
tive to the Rumanian Communist
Party meeting, speaking ahead of
Khrushchev and directing his re-
marks against the United States,
was very clear.
SAN DIEGO {P-The teaching
profession was warned recent-
ly that it must not build such high
walls of technical requirements
that an Einstein or a Toscannini
can be barred from the class-
Paul Woodring of the Ford
Foundation's fund for the ad-
vancement of education told an
education convention that teach-
ing must remain an open and
flexible profession. Talented per-
sons in every, field can be used,
and should be used, he said.
Critics of American educational
practices often charge that teach-
er certification requirements pro-
hibit many talented persons frdm
teaching. The standard reply,
Woodring said, is that such men
should be barred because they
would not understand adoles.
"THIS IS NOT a very good re-
ply," Woodring said. "It may be
true but we have no way of know-
ing that it is. We do know that
Harvey White (who teaches a tel-
evision class on a national net-
work) is a very able teacher of
high school physics, that Robert
IDeMille's Big Top
Not 'Greatest Show'
IF CECIL B. DeMILLE was right in calling the circus "The Greatest
Show on Earth," we must be thankful that the show is over and
the human race can settle down to less important things.
Then maybe there will be time to deplore the incredible lack of
taste that made the big top popular.
Perhaps its appearance in the movies heralded its death as a vital
form of entertainment. It is certain Hollywood has inherited the task
of bigger and better shows.
With a' running commentary to provide dramatic impact, DeMille
did his best to capture the color
nately, he made the picture be-
fore Michael Todd invented
* * *
THE MOVIE IS interminable,
and so are the circus scenes. Most
of the shots depicting audience
reaction seem intended to send
movie viewers back to the lobby
to buy popcorn or ice cream bars.
But DeMille was never subtle and
we could not have expected him
to invent subliminal advertising.
Eight years ago the accident
scene may have been stupendous,
but there have been too many
spectaculars since. Hollywood
can's blame the movie public for
being blase.
The plot is not unfamiliar.
Betty Hutton cannot decide be-
tween the dashing, daring trapeze
artist, Cornel Wilde, or the plod-
ding, good-for-every-day Charle-
ton Heston. Even if Mickey Roon-
ey had been plodding and good-
for-every-day he would have won
the lady.
Even the slow. handsome ability
and flavor of circus life. Unfortu-
Ann Arbor's Cultural Advantages
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