REGISTRATION PLAN: A THREAT Sirp Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom ah CLOUDY / Iigh-75 Low--65 Continued cool, showers ending before noon. See Page 4 VO L=XNo. 4S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIx PA 4 , - ............... . i THE RULE OF LAW -AP Wirephoto EICHMANN DEBATE-The Security Council decided yesterday that with the abduction of Adolph Eichmann, Israel, represented by Golda Meir, violated the sovereignty of Argentina, whose delegate is Mario Amadeo. However, it was specified that the positive vote against Israel does not mean that Eichmann must be returned. May Accept Israel's Apology BUENOS AIRES () - Argen- tina's Undersecretary for Foreign Relations, Miguel Angel Centeno, indicated last night that Argen- tina might accept Israel's apol- ogies as adequate reparation in the Eichmann case. Centeno is acting head of the Foreign Office here while Foreign Minister Diogenes Taboada is in Europe with President Arturo Frondizi. Centeno said that in a few days Argentina will express its official viewpoint over the vote in the UN Security Council, but Cen- teno did not say whether ade- quate reparations meant return- ing Eichmann to Argentina. The United Nations Security Council decided yesterday Israel acted illegally in gaining custody of Adolf Eichmann, but sidestep- ped any direct call for his return. Medical Bill Clears House WASHINGTON (P) - With an eye to the old folk's vote, the House yesterday passed 380-23 a bill that would create a very lim- ited Federal-state program of health-hospital care for elderly' persons unable to pay heavy med- ical bills. The lopsided vote-244 Demo- crats and 136 Republicans were for the bill, 16 Democrats and seven Republicans against-was not considered an accurate reflec- tion of sentiment for the skeleton program itself. Rather, it indicated widespread' belief that this bill could become' the framework on which the Sen- ate might build provisions of either of two much broader and rival plans-one backed by the Eisenhower administration, the other by many Democrats and or- ganized labor, Ends Haggling The bill passed by the House was the only one on which the House Ways and Means Commit- tee could agree in eight weeks of haggling. It came to the House on a take-it-or-leave-it basis.. ' The House took it, for to have done otherwise would have killed chances for any health care leg- islation this election year-and' heavy mail reported by congres- sional offices earlier this session' was taken to mean there was widespread voter concern about the issue. As it is, the session is fast drawing to a close and there is some question whether enough time remains to shape a final bill that can clear Congress. Part Of Package The health care plan forms only part of a package bill making changes in various social security programs. As sent to the Senate, the health - medical proposal might benefit an estimated 500,000 to By a vote of eight to nothing with two abstentions the 11-na- tion council approved a mildly worded Argentine resolution aimed at soothing that country's feel- ings over the secret transfer of Eichmann to Israel to face warE crimes charges. Poland and the Soviet Union abstained. Argentina obtained per- mission not to vote since it was one of the parties involved in the dispute. Israel is not a member of the Council. Asks Reparations The resolution called on Israel to make adequate reparations for violating Argentine sovereignty. The United States and Britain made clear they did not see any mandate for Israel to return Eich- mann, as had been demanded by Amadeo in a speech to the Coun- cil Wednesday. Amadeo Challenged Both Israel and the Soviet Union challenged Amadeo to clarify his country's position on this point. Amadeo replied that once the resolution was adopted, it was up to Israel and Argentina to ex- amine it and take the necessary measures for its implementation. Most delegates took the view that the Council had disposed of the Israel-Argentine dispute, and it was now up to these two nations to settle any remaining differ- ences in private consultations. Summing Up As one leading Western diplo- mat summed it up: "Argentina got approval of her resolution and Israel gets to keep Eichmann.'" Israel readily admitted during the two-day debate that Argentine law was violated by last month's seizure of Eichmann to face charges in Israel as a top Nazi who played a leading role in the kill- ings of six million Jews during World War II. Before the vote Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge made clear the United States believes the resolution contained no call upon Israel to return Eichmann to Ar- gentina. Lodge said the United States considers that adequate repara-; tion will have been made by the expression of views in the Council and the apology given by Israeli! Foreign Minister Golda Meir for violating Argentine law. To Consider Civil Liberty The 1960 topic of the Univer- sity's new Challenge program will: be "The Challenge of American Civil Liberties." The major question will be sub- divided into three or four minor areas for a series of lectures and discussions. Possible subjects are racial dis- crimination, the censorship rights of state and national government, academic freedom, religion, labor and business, and foreign per- ception of American civil liber- ties. The program will begin the first week of school with an in- troductory talk on the history of American civil liberties. November 18, 19 and 20 have; been scheduled for major talks+ on each of the sub-topics by out- standing men in the various fields. Seminars led by members of the faculty will precede the key talks. The first of the regularly scheduled summer meetings for Challenge will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at 523 Packard. Anyone interested in the program may attend. Part III: The Executive Department (EDITOR'S NOTE: This seven-part series reports the current Law School lecture series on "Post-War Thinking about the Rule of Law") By FRED STEINGOLD Prof. Frank E. Cooper yesterday urged more effective con- trol of independent regulatory agencies such as the Federal Com- munications Commission. Addressing a Law School audience on "The Executive De- partment of Government and the Rule of Law," the administra- tive law expert outlined a program for curbing abuses such as influence peddling and excessive secrecy. Congress, he said, should: 1) Reduce the area of untrammeled administrative discre- tion by sharpening the legislative standards which guide the agencies. 2) Require agencies to make public the grounds for their de- cisions and provide for effective public participation in the rule- making process. 3) Guarantee fair procedure by separating functions within the agencies and requiring deci- sions to be based on matters of record and not on informal con- ferences with the party on one side of a controversy. 4) Judicialize the decision- making process by making hearing officers, in effect, trial judges or, in some agencies, by vesting the judicial function in a separate court. "The agencies," Prof. Cooper said, "have assumed a degree of independence beyond the effetive control of the legisla- ture and the courts." He called this development a departure from the Rule of Law under which judges exercise control over the judicial depart- ment. The professor said the departure is not a subversive attempt to overthrow our philosophical ideals of government but, rather, almost an accident-a result of a lack of careful sup- ervision, "When the procedural difficulties have been corrected, a healthy change of attitude will follow," Prof. Cooper saja. The chief procedural difficulties to which Prof. Cooper re- ferred result from the failure of administrative agencies to follow traditional judicial methods. Getting more specific, Prof. Cooper listed several disparities which, he said, "indicate a well-defined tendency on the part of the agencies to depart from the norms that characterize our Anglo-American rule of law." According to Prof. Cooper, judges are steeped in long- established traditions of impartiality whereas administrators are appointed to administer broad policies of social or economic re- form and therefore exhibit an active interest in the outcome of cases pending before them. Prof. Cooper also said that agencies tend "to emphasize (if not magnify) their stature by seeking to extend their jurisdic- tion to the furthest possible f limits. Not infrequently, theyy press further than the legisla- ture intended."a There is, according to the Laws School lecturer, a departure from the Rule of Law when at- titudes such as these are cou- pled with such innovations as secret, intra-agency memoran- da which may be the basis for "institutional decisions" Prof. Cooper noted that Con- gress originally delegated broad powers to the agencies and sug- gested that Congress therefore should supervise the agencies more closely if we are to avoid "a tendency toward government PROF. FRANK E. COOPER by men, and not by law." * , , executive in law Socialists Campaign, In Japan TOKYO OP) - The Socialist party and its leftwing allies yes- terday began a coordinated cam- paign to drive Japan's Conserva- tives from office and discredit the new security treaty with America. They denounced the pact as in- valid.] With Prime Minister Nobusuke, Kishi on the way out and leaders of his party struggling to choose a new chief, the leftists outlined a tactical plan ranging from politicalI maneuvers to the familiar huge demonstrations. 'People's Funeral' Opening gun was a "people's funeral" in downtown Hibiya Park for MiThiko Kamba, the Tokyo University coed trampled to death June 15 in the leftist student charge to the grounds of the Diet (parliament). Sponsors claimed more than 20,- 000 would turn out for the funeral, to be followed by a march on the Diet and police headquarters de- nouncing Kishi and his govern- ment as murderers of the girl, whom the leftists have made into a martyr. Today factory and shop rallies are scheduled, followed by a dem- onstration of 60,000 around the Diet tonight. On July 2 the So- cialists and their allies will try to bring out 300,000 backers, and again send them shouting toward the Diet demanding that the Con- servatives clear out and new elec- tions be held soon. Socialist Allies Allied with the Socialists in the new campaign are the giant Sohyo Labor Federation and the "Peo- ple's Council Against the New ISecurity Pact." This group takes in diverse ele- ments such as Communists, Soviet and Communist Chinese friend- ship societies, nuclear bomb op- ponents, teachers, actors, writers, and many other in a bid for sup- port from a broader and more moderate segment of the popula- tion. Many of council's members. not all of them leftists, were active in the demonstrations that forced cancellation of President Eisen- hower's visit. Pact Effected The new security pact went into effect Wednesday. Kishi then an- nounced that the major aim of his 3'-year-old government had been accomplished and he would re- sign shortly to create "a fresh public atmosphere and a change in the political atmosphere." This caught the Socialists off guard, but not for long. They claimed the treaty is invalid be- cause the Diet ratified it while Socialist deputies were boycotting the session. They called the sud- den exchange of documents, com- pleted only hours after United States Senate ratification, a "dic- tatorial" move. Picket Group Plans Action University students and other Ann Arbor residents who since March 12 have intermittently demonstrated against local stores that allegedly discriminate, met last night to survey their accom- plishments and discuss future plans. Present at the meeting were two students from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, who were among 103 arrested in the recent protests there. The group listed in its accom- plishments the amount of local support they have gained-over 300 picketers, 2,000 endorsements for their petitions against F. W. Woolworth's alleged discrimina- tory practices in the South, and' $1,000 collected to assist Southern movements. This summer they plan to send a periodical newsletter to mem- bers of this and other groups, in order to keep them informed on Sub-Committee Li~fts SuspensioInS_ Lubin, Hall on Probation for Year Barred from 'U' Housing, Activitie By KATHLEEN MOORE The suspension of two students for allegedly leading la April's food riot-panty raid has been lifted. Mark Hall, '63A&D, and Stanley Lubin, '63E, will be a lowed to re-enter the University in the fall, although the will be placed on probation for the entire academic year. The Faculty Sub-Committee on Discipline, which uphel in April Joint Judiciary Council's decision after considerir Hall and Lubin's petitions for re-admission. "In view of what had been apparently exemplary cor duct" on the students part since the April demonstratioi the faculty group decided "to lift the suspension so far as it impairs their academic pro- gress," Prof. John Reed, chair- man of the group, said. Barred From Housing The probationary measure In this case, he said, will bar the students from living in any type of University - approved group housing in the fall semester, hold- ing office in student activities or groups and acting in group sports and team play. Reed reiterated the sub-com- mittee's disapproval of the stu- dents' actions in instigating the demonstration that began in an East Quadrangle dining room and moved to the dormitories on the Hill. The group, he said, feels that Hall and Lubin are "not really responsible persons to le in a position of group leadeship of any kind," but hopes that their year of probation will act as a maturing influence on them. Suspension Possible Any further misconduct of any kind thatrcomes to our attention" could result in reinstigation of the suspension, Reed said. Both students expressed pleasure at the decision when contacted yesterday. Both are planning to return to the University in the fall. Hall, whose suspension would have meant a term of service in the Navy, will retain his Naval ROTC scholarship and is now eligible for the NROTC summer training cruise. Movement Backs Adlai* WASHINGTON (P)-A nation- wide movement to draft Adlai E. Stevenson for the Democratic presidential nomination was pro- claimed yesterday. The announcement came from James Doyle of Madison, Wis., a 45-year-old lawyer who used to be the Democratic Chairman in his state. Stevenson, the nominee in 1952 and 1956, has held back from an- nouncing for a third try but has made himself available. Declaration Doyle, at a news conference in the office of Sen. A. S. Monroney of Oklahoma, declared: "As England responded to Churchill, France to de Gaulle, so America is prepared today to re- spond to the leadership of Adlai Stevenson." Doyle figured there are Steven- son organizations now in more than 40 states and he is under- taking the job of welding them into a national force. Requested by Five He said he took on the job at the request of Monroney and these five other Stevenson sup- porters: Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt; former Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter; Sen. John Carroll of Colorado; former Sen. Herbert H. Lehman of New York and Mrs. Eugene Meyer, widow of the publisher of the Washington Post. Doyle, in discussing strategy, said he was convinced that neither Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massa- chusetts nor any other candidate wmilt gn intn +he conventin at PROF.VERA DUNHAM ... Soviet literature Russian.Art- Emphasizes 'Individual' By MICHAEL OLINICK "The voice of youth respecting not shelter and not peace, but respecting the dignity and poten- tiality of the individual is being heard as one of the three main positions in Soviet literature to- day," Prof. Vera Dunham, Wayne State University, said yesterday. The "Stalinists," the "Isolates," and the "Inbetweens" are the terms Prof. Dunham used to de- scribe these co-existent groups in her lecture "The New Idealist in Soviet Literature." First in a series of summer speakers brought to the Univer- sity by the Committee on Russian Studies, she chose to stress the work of the "Isolates," the "Her- mits of Russian literature." Stalinists "The Stalinists," she said, "are the extreme social order boys who appeared heavily and ponderously after the relatively liberal cen- sorship year of 1956. "The in-between group are a mishmash, a heterogeneous group. They have, however, dem- onstrated the revolution of the social order by attempting some serious analysis of this system." The people, however, who are really interested in the art of lit- erature in Russia and are not just "amplifiers or transmitters of the party line" are the "hermits." Main Problem "Their main concern," Prof. Dunham said, "is with the whole complex problem of post-Stalin youth. In perspective their big change has been a shift to the young intelligenstia and its re- volt against the supremacy of the collective and all its inherent values." , "The youth have a bitter strug- gle. They are embattled against the pressure of two generations, Their grandparents are the ones who made the Revolution and their parents are the ones. who betrayed its Marxist values." They have been asked to abandon their identity in idolatry to the state, and they have refused. She labelled their predominant theme "Fabric of new ethics." In much rof their nnetrv and fiction. CYCLOTRON, SAB, COUZENS: Construction Projects To Begin Soon The campus construction pro- gram for the summer includes three projects: housing for the University's cyclotron, the addi- tion to the Student Activities Building, and remodeling of West Couzens Hall. Bids are expected on the cyclo- tron June 30; it is expected to be finished by sometime next sum- mer, according to John G. Mc- Kevitt, assistant to the vice-presi- dent in charge of business and finance. The SAB addition, which will house such administrative depart- ments as the admissions office, the placement bureau, the veter- ans' affairs office, the office of .. APP9 F":f .. nv rr . ' . ' r ... rrt 9 i r........ .... .... .. ...... .. . . d-