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June 23, 1960 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1960-06-23

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-'M Star Winner at Wimbledon

Tigers Lose to Yankees;
White Sox Beat Orioles

MBLEDON, England ()-
zar Mulloy laughed in the
Af Father Time yesterday by
cing into the third round of
Wimbledon Men's Singles
s Championship along with
fellow Americans.
46-year-old Miami veteran
ed Britain's top ranking
Davies 6-3, 6-3, 6-4 in a
r court battle of two tennis
loy-his crew cut hair now

a battleship gray-called on the
craft and skill gained in more
than a quarter of a century of
competition. Davies, 24 and strong
as a young lion, chased from cor-
ner to corner, strained for volleys
Just beyond the reach of his
racked and sometimes shook his
head in wonder as Mulloy sent
over a smoking drive of remark-
able power.
Brightest Spot
From an American point of

Illini's Counts Ineligible
To Play Football in '60

By The Associated Press
CHAMPAIGN - Illinois' lead-
ing halfback, Johnny Counts, yes-
terday was pronounced scholas-
tically ineligible for the 1960
football season.
Counts, as a sophomore last sea-
son, led the Illini in total yardage
with 730 yards, topped pass-re-
Court Hears
OXFORD, Miss. (P)-All Ameri-
ca fullback Charlie Flowers testi-
fled yesterday Coach Jim Lee
Howell of the New York Giants
told him the National Football
League would "spend every cent
we've got to run" the new Ameri-
can Football League out of busi-
ness. .
Flowers testified at a federal
court hearing where the Giants
are trying to prevent the Univer-
sity of Mississippi star from sign-
ing with the Los Angeles Charg-
ers of the newly-organized pro
football group.
The Giants coach also told him,
Flowers said, that a contract
Flowers signed Dec. 1 was binding.
"We're not going to let a two-
bit athlete. take something away
from us," Flowers quoted Howell
as telling him.
The Giants offered Flowers a
bonus of $3,500 and a two-year,
no-cut contract at $11,000 yearly.
The Chargers offered Flowers
a $10,000 bonus and a two-year
contract calling for $17,500 per
year with the same no-cut pro-
visions. President Barron Hilton
of the Chargers testified Tuesday
and said Flowers would be the,
highest paid man on the Chargers'
Flowers said Wellington T.
Mara, Vice-President of the
Giants, broke a promise by filing
the Dec. 1 contract with the NFL
commissioner's office, although
they told him they would not file
it until after the Sugar Bowl Game
last New Year's Day.
Flowers said Mara told him the
Giants took the action "to keep
me from signing with the Charg-

ceivers with 19 catches for 314
yards and was second in both rush-
ing and scoring.
It was the second blow in recent
weeks for Pete Elliott, who makes
his debut as Illini coach this fall.
Earlier, another top halfback
prospect, Gary Kolb, signed a
bonus contract with the St. Louis
baseball Cardinals to end his col-
legiate competition.
No Pitching Limits
NEW YORK - National and
American league pitchers will be
allowed to play in both all-star
games this year, Commissioner
Ford C. Frick announced yester-
The previous ruling confined the
hurlers to one of the games. The
new ruling reads:
"There is to be no limitation on
the use of pitchers other than they
cannot pitch more than three
innings in either of the games."
However, a pitcher in the lineup
at the end of nine innings, if the
game is tied, may continue at the
discretion of a manager.
The first game will be played at
Kansas City July 11 and the sec-'
ond at Yankee Stadium here July
* * *
Action Postponed
NEW ORLEANS - A federal
Judge yesterday delayed action on
a suit filed by the Detroit Lions to
keep Louisiana State halfback
Johnny Robinson from playing in
the rival American Football
Judge J. Skelly Wright gave
attorneys for the Lions until to-
morrow to file additional briefs.
Attorney Carl J. Schumacher,
representing the National Foot-
ball League club, described Robin-
son as "a football player of extra-
ordinary ability." He said Robin-
son signed with Detroit in a
Baton Rouge, La., hotel room on
Dec. 2 and was given $2,500 in cash
as a bonus.
The Detroit contract, Schu-
macher said, was for one year at
a $14,500 salary.
Attorney Theo Cangelosi, chair-
man of the LSU Board of Super-
visors, represented Robinson and
said Lions President Edward Rob-
inson made the trip to. Baton
Rouge because-of competition from
Dallas in the new league.

view this victory by Mulloy was9
the brightest spot in a day which:
saw the nine first round survivors
from the United States reduced
to four. Eighteen Yanks began;
play Monday.
The American winners in ad-
dition to Mulloy:
Earl (Butch) Bucchholz of St.
Louis defeated John Cranston, a
Marine from San Marino, Calif.,
6-4, 6-3, 6-1.
Jack Frost of Monterey, Calif.,
Finland 6-3, 6-3, 6-8, 8-6.
outlasted Reino Nyyssonen of
MacKay Wins
Seconded-seeded Marry Mac-
Kay of Dayton, former Michigan
tennis team captain, eliminated
Adrian Bey of Rhodesia 6-2, 8-6,
First-seeded Neale Fraser of
Australia also had an easy ride,
beating Dutchman Willem Maris
6-2, 6-3, 6-2.
The American victories hardly
made up for these heavy losses:
Third-seeded Rod (the Rocket)
Laver of Australia swamped Her-
bie Flam of Beverly Hills, Calif.,
6-2, 6-2, 6-2. Laver never last a
service game.
Jan-Erik Lundquist, a blond
Swedish slugger, ousted Dennis
'Ralston of Bakersfield, Calif., 6-4,'
6-1, 9-7. Ralston is the ,United
States junior champion.
Big Jean Grinda of France
toyedwith Mal Fox of Baltimore
6-0, 6-1, 6-2.
McKinley Loses
Pierre Darmon of France hung
on grimly to defeat Charles Mc-
Kinley of St. Louis, 6-4, 6-2, 3-6,
4-6, 6-1. Fatigue robbed McKin-
ley of his chance in the last set.
The gloomy American picture
was relieved by Janet Hopps of
Seattle. In one of the few second
round women's matches of the
day Miss Hopps surprised Suzy
Kormoczy, a 38-year-old Buda-
pest housewife, 6-3, 3-6, 9-7.
Mrs. Kormoczy, the sixth seed,
was th6 first seeded player to fall

in either the men's or women's
Karen Hantze, of San Diego,
Calif., and Mrs. Dorothy Head
Knode, of Panama City, also
gained the third round.
..Miss Hantze, 17, required less
than 30 minutes to beat Mrs. A.
H. Thomas of Britain, 6-1, 6-2.
Mrs. Knode, formerly of New
York didn't need much more time
to eliminate Mrs. Laura Lou
Bryan of Tampa, Fla., 6-2, 6-2.
In one of the' nerve stretching
matches of the day Ramanathan
Krishnan, the seventh seed from
India, eliminated Andres Gimeno,
a brilliant Spaniard who had
rated as the dark horse of the
field. The score was 2-6, 6-3, 6-0,
2-6, 6-3.
Britain's Billy Knight came
within two points of eliminating
Denmark's Kurt Nielsen, the run-
ner-up in 1954 and 1956. The
"Great Dane" played sluggish
tennis until he reached the very,
edge of disaster and then he'
pulled it out 2-6, 6-4, 2-6, 11-9,

r' ---*--

WINS AT WIMBLEDON-Former Michigan star Barry MacKay,
second seeded at the Wimbledon Men's Tennis Tournament, de-
feated A~rian Bey of Rhodesia to mave into the third round
along with three other Americans.

Furor Raised over Crowds

NEW YORK (VP) - The storm
about the crowd handling at Mon-
day's heavyweight title fight con-
tinued yesterday with statements
from the police commissioner, the
promoters and the boxing com-
The squabble enhanced the
chances of Los Angeles, Chicago
or Dallas as possible sites for the
third match.
Bill Fugazy, a director of Fea-
ture Sports, Inc., promoting its
first fight, estimated the actual
Polo Grounds crowd at 55,000, in-
cluding 15,000 to 20,000 gate crash-


zational meeting today in the
summer. Students and faculty

of the

Club will hold its organi-
to arrange itself for the
University are invited to

ers. The paid attendance was an-
nounced at 31,892. Fugazy repeated
earlier warnings that he would
take the third match out of town
unless Mayor Robert Wagner in-
Stephen Kennedy, New York
Police Commissioner, who was.
blasted by Fugazy, replied in a
telephone statement dictated to
his office from Miami where he is
on vacation.
Kennedy Replies
"The police of New York City
will not be used as bouncers, ticket
takers or ushers for prize fight
promoters," it read. "The police
function is to enforce public law
for the protection of all the public
and not to assist fight promoters
who chisel on expenses.
"With an estimated gate of
$4,000,000 an adequate number of
employees should have been hired
to conduct the business (this word
was underscored) of running the
fight properly. I do not intend to
strip the city of protection for the
benefit of any fight promoters or
private business enterprise."
The $4,000,000 Kennedy men-
tioned included theater-TV and
all the extras.
Fugazy claimed he had 635
guards, special police, ticket tak-
ers, gatemen, watchers, ushers and
supervisors. This included 150 pri-
vate detectives and 75 "security
representatives." He estimated the
cost "in excess of $25,000."
Gates Crashed
Fugazy claimed the biggest prob-
lem at the Polo grounds was the
crowd outside the park which
crashed the gate and scattered
out in the ringside section, lo-
located on the playing field. He
said all the trouble started when
late arriving ticket holders were
blocked from the gates.
The promoter said he had wired
Mayor Wagner on Sunday that he
had reports that several unruly
groups would cause trouble and
asked the Mayor to intercede with
Commissioner Kennedy to provide
"adequate police protection." Fu-
gazy said Roy Cohn also a direc-
tor of the promotional group,
called Kennedy and repeated the
request but was told the Police
Department was not in the en-
tertainment or fight business.
Gen. Melvin Krulewitch, chair-
man of the New York State Ath-
letic Commission, issued a lengthy
statement in which he said the
promoters had been directed to
provide adequate personnel to
handle the crowd as it was their
300 Promised
The chairman also said he had
spoken with Police Department
officials, as late as the afternoon
of the fight, and had been as-
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sured that 300 police would be on
hand outside the ball park and
that a majority of these would
move inside at 9:40 p.m. (EDT).
He also said the police advised
him they would not escort the
fighters to and from their dress-
ing rooms and that Fugazy had
assured him special police would
handle that chore.
Gen. Krulewitch said temporary
work permits had been issued to
200 ushers, 108 special policemen
and 50 ticket takers for a total of
358 in addition to previously li-
censed specials that he "under-
stood came to an additional 100."
Moore Bout
Moved Back
NEW YORK OP) - Archie
Moore's light heavyweight defense
against Germany's Erich Schoep-
pner, scheduled for Toronto July
18, has been postponed to give
the champ more time to pare
down to the 175-pound limit.
Jack Fugazy, Executive Director
of Feature Sports, Inc., which is
co-promoting the' match with
Dave Rush of Toronto, announced
the postponement after a confer-
ence with Jack Kearns, Moore's
manager. He said a new date, pos-
sibly Aug. 18, will be set within a
few days, pending further dis-
Originally, it had been planned
to stage the Moore - Schoeppner
bout and a heavyweight match
between Sonny Liston and Zora
Folley in Denver as a theater tele-
vision doubleheader. It was not
known whether the Folley-Liston
match would be held on the
scheduled date.
A closed circuit television com-
pany which was so successful with
the Ingemar Johansson - Floyd
Patterson fight Monday night, had
planned the electronic double-
header. Irving Kahn, president of
the corporation, was in Miami.
Fugazy said he hoped to set up
a new date after discussing mat-
ters with Kahn in a few days.

DETROIT () - Kent Hadley
slugged a pair of home runs and
Roger Maris hit his 20th of the
season last night, pacing the
streaking New York Yankees to a
7-3 bombardment of the Detroit
Tigers before 30,394 spectators.
Hadley, filling in for the injured
Bill Skowron at first base, drove
in three runs with his second and
third home runs. Maris, the Amer-
ican League's,top home run hit-
ter and run producer, hit a Hank
Aguirre 3-0 pitch into the upper
right field deck with a mate
aboard in the eighth.
For the league-leading Yan-
kees, it was the sixth victory in
a row, the 13th In 14 games and
the 15th in 17. Art Ditmar scat-
tered eight hits, including solo
home runs by Al Kaline and Rocky
Colavito, for his sixth triumph.
Ryne Duren bailed Ditmar out of
trouble in the ninth.
Finally Scores
Colavito broke Detroit's 28-in-
ning scoring famine with his 11th
home run in the second inning.
Kaline hammered his seventh in
the eighth inning. Charlie Max-
well singled across Detroit's other
run in the sixth.
Hadley's home runs came in
the second and fourth innings and
got Ditmar in front of Paul Foy-
tack 3-1. The Tigers narrowed it
to 3-2 before the Yankee dyna-
mite exploded again in the eighth.
Hector Lopez greeted Aguirre
with a triple. Mickey Mantle
doubled Lopez home and Maris
socked his two-run homer. Bob
Bruce relieved Aguirre and gave
up another run on a walk, a single
and a throwing error by second-
baseman Casey Wise.
The loss was Detroit's fourth in
a row,
Chicago 3, Baltimore 1
CHICAGO (/P) - White Sox
pitcher Early Wynn snapped his
five-game losing streak last night
with a masterful two-hit 3-1 tri-
umph over the Baltimore Orioles.
The 40-year-old Wynn gave up
a single to the first man to face
him, Mary Breeding. He did not
allow another hit until pinch hit-
ter Clint Courtney smashed a
single with one out in the eighth.
For Wynn it was his third tri-
umph agansit six losses. The loser
was starter Jack Fisher, the first
of three Baltimore hurlers.
Wynn now has won 274 major
league games-more than any ac-
tive pitcher in the game.
Wynn struck out seven and
walked four.
Score in Third
The Sox scored their three runs
in the third on three hits. Gene
Freese started with a double to
left and Jim Landis walked. Wynn
sacrificed. Freese then scored and
Landis moved to third on Luis
Aparacio's sacrifice. Nellie Fox
followed with a single scoring
Landis and Minnie Minoso sent
Fox across with the third run on
a double to center,
Baltimore got back a run i the
fourth when Wynn had trouble
with his control and issued walks
to Gene Stephens, Gene Woodling
and Jim Gentile. Stephens crossed
the plate as Gus Triandos hit
into a double play. Brooks Robin-
son ended the Inning with a fly to
Threaten Again
The White Sox threatened in
the sixth when Fox and Minoso
led off with singles. However, Roy
Sievers forced Fox at third. Joe
Ginsberg popped to Breeding and
Sievers was forced by Al Smith.
Wynn got into trouble briefly in

the ninth when after one out,
Minoso dropped Woodling's fly
ball for an error. Gentile forced
Woodling and Wynn was out of
the jam when Triandos tapped
in front of the plate and Ginsberg
threw him out.
* * *
Cleveland 1, Washington 0
CLEVELAND(A) - Ted Bows-
field limited the Washington Sen-
ators to five hits in pitching the
Cleveland Indians to a 1-0 victory
last night.
A first-inning run on a triple
by Jim Piersall and a single by
Harvey Kuenn gave the 24-year-
old southpaw all he needed in
winning his third game of the
season. He has lost two.
The loser was starter Bill Fisch-
er, who gave up five hits, struck
out four batters and. walked none
in the seven innings he worked.
He now has a 2-3 record. Truman
Clevenger finished the mound
duties for the Senators.
Bowsfield struck out three bat-
ters and walked three. He gave rp
no more than one hit an inning
and only one of them was for
extra bases-a double by Bob Al-
Washington got a runner as far
as third base only in the sixth
inning, when with one out Bows-
field walked Billy Gardner and
Allison and the runners advanced
on a long fly to right field by Jim
Lemon. Pete Whisenant hit a fly
to Piersall in center field to end
the inning.
Hajor League
S tanding
w L Pet. GB
New ..York ..... .35 22 .614
Baltimore.......37 27 .578 1Y2
Cleveland.......32 25 .561 3
Chicago........32 29 .525 5
Detroit .........29 29 .500 6Yz
washington ....25 32 .439 10
Kansas City ....26 35 .426 11
Boston.........21 38 .356 15
New York 7, Detroit 3
Chicago 3, Baltimore. 1
Cleveland 1, washington 0
Kansas City 2, Boston 1
New York at Detroit
Baltimore at Chicago
Washington at Cleveland
Boston at Kansas City (N)
W L Pct. GB
Pittsburgh .....39 21 .650
Milwaukee ...34 23 .596 3Y2
San Francisco ..34 29 .540 61f
Cincinnati .....30 31 .492 9%
St. Louis .......29 32 .475 101
Los Angeles .. ..27 33 .450 12
Chicago.... ..23 34 .404 144/
Philadelphia ...24 37 .393 15 4
Pittsburgh 5, St. Louis 0
Philadelphia 6, Chicago 3
Milwaukee 7, San Francisco 4
Los Angeles at Cincinnati
postponed, rain
St. Louis at Pittsburgh (N)
San Francisco at Milwaukee
Los Angeles at Cincinnati (N)
Chicago at Philadelphia (N)




5-7 P.M., Friday, June 24
314 East Liberty

Sailing Club To Begin
Summer Activity Today

Persons attending mnust be 21 or over
Sponsored by the Graduate Student Council
Mark Twain's romantic rogues came to
thrilling life on the big CinemaScope screen!

A meeting for those interested
in joining the Summer session of
the University Sailing Club will
be held at 7:30 p.m. today in Rms.
3R and 3S of the Union.
The program will include a
resume of all the club's activities,
movies of past sailing weekends
and slides of the boats and
grounds. Following the movies, re-
freshments will be served.
Membership in the club is open
to any student or employe of the
University, and non-students are
encouraged to join. Most new
members are inexperienced and in-
struction is given on every phase
of sailing and seamanship. Mem-
bership in the past has been split
evenly between the sexes, with
perhaps a third being graduate
students and another fourth fac-
ulty and employes of the Univer-
The club is located on 286-acre
Base Line Lake at the foot of
Peach Mountain.
The boats are a fleet of eight
Jet 14 sloops, similar to the
famous international 14 sloop, one
Tech dinghy and a crash boat for
unlucky sailors.

Facilities also include a 200-foot
dock with 90 feet in floating sec-
tions, a swimming raft and beach,
a boat house and a workshop.
In the past, members have kept
their private boats at the lake;
last year these included two
snipes, a 505, a catamaran, two
sailfish, a none design sloop and a
sailing canoe.
Besides sailing instruction the
club also sponsors moonlight sails
for the romantic, picnics and a
once-a-week racing series. After
weekly Thursday meetings, which
are held at 7:30 p.m. in 311 West
Engineering, a "shore school" is
for the
" No Appointments Needed
" Air Conditioned
The Doscolo Barbers
Near Michigan Theatre

Daily Classifieds
Bring Results


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