Seventieth Year -. --_ EDrTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVE SrrY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Ar Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OP STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Wil Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. rRSDAY, JUNE 23, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS DREW PEARSON: Summit Failure Avoidable Eichmann Case: Is Revenge Justifiable? 4AX LERNER, often a clear and unemo- tional interpreter of world affairs, must somewhat on the defensive about his col- mn, which he entitles "God of Justice." His argument in Israel's favor is based on n observation that the strange chain of rc'umstances leading to Eichmann's arrest ems to indicate "a symmetry of history op- ating in human affairs," which he would ust as soon let ... take its course." Doubtless those who saw nothing of World rar II first hand find it easier to be abstractly tional about the brutalities that it begat. ut perhaps, in the long run, this is an ad- intage rather than or in spite of a blindness. IN SOME WAYS Lerner is right. The Jewish nation certainly is the one unified group that was most seriously affected by the purges, and with respect to the ancient attitude of "an eye for an eye," it has the right to dole justice out to Eichmann. The justice Lerner refers to, then, is by no means a new or unusual concept. From the beginning it has been implicit in all societies that the wronged should, if he can, revenge himself on the oppressor. One of the most difficult lessons mankind must learn in order to survive is that the con- cept of revenge must be discarded entirely. It may be an impossible lesson, but is follows necessarily the discovery that, for his own sake, man must have concern for others. Revenge breeds revenge. It seems self- evident in the light of modern psychology, but men still act on impulse far more than reason. Countless conflicts unsolved by the application of this time-honored principle, may finally serve to convince slow-learning mankind that revenge-the impulse of the moment-is sel- dom really satisfying, and, what is more im- portant, tends to reawaken or encourage the very hostile tendencies that are resented. THERE ARE two ways of approaching prob- lems like this one: through legal argu- mentation or moralizing. Most people, con- sciously or unconsciously, use both. The for- mer is often based on precedent or tradition; the latter, far more subjective, on emotion. They may coincide in individual cases, but often do not. MAX LERNER Legal justice seems to be against Israel, which had no "right" to swipe Eichmann from Argentina and probably has none to try him. Lerner's point that, while legal justice may forbid such activities, moral justice con- dones and may even require them. The Israelis, says Lerner, have "acted as the carriers of history," and now "speak for the conscience of mankind, as well as the survival of their own people." ALL THIS IS essentially meaningless, unless one looks beyond the language to Lerner's feelings, which he can neither ignore nor properly rationalize. Lerner feels that Eichmann's present situ- ation is so appropriate that no one should question it. But poetic justice should only appear in poetry. Men cannot afford to listen to their "feelings" in matters that concern the future of the race so intimately. Argentina's complaint and the other legal arguments are important, but only for the moment. When there are far-reaching conse- quences involved, the law should be ignored or changed. But Lerner wants to ignore the law for the wrong reason-in order to satisfy a personal morality-a feeling that Eichmann is "getting his." NOT ONLY THE LAW, but also personal feelings, must be ignored or given sec- ondary importance to universal morality, the morality that considers our neighbors, our "enemies," and our children. To kill Eichmann, or to allow the Israelis to kill him if they so desire, is as wrong as to kill Caryl Chessman. The members of society should concern themselves with the future of the group-its safety and its happiness. World War II re- sulted partly from the rancor of a nation that burned to trade revenge for revenge. Tho plight of the Israelis, who are not yet enough removed to think clearly and dispassionately, is that they are going to continue the tra- dition by punishing Eichmann. Revenge does not solve or erase a crime, it only adds another obstacle to mankind's in- creasingly difficult struggle to survive. -ANDREW HAWLEY WASHINGTON-There's a se- cret report in the State De- partment regarding the failure of the summit conference which Sen. Jack Kennedy of Massachusetts ought to lay his hands on. It strongly reinforces his hand against the gibes of his Democrat- ic rival, Sen. Lyndon Johnson. When Kennedy had the spunk to state, after the tragedy of Par- is, that he would have expressed his "regret" to Khrushchev over sending a U-2 spy plane,over Rus- sia on the eve of the summt con- ference, Johnson proceeded t o needle Kennedy in campaign speeches. W i t h o u t mentioning Kennedy's name he shouted at his audience: "Would you have ex- pressed your regret to Xhrush- chev? Do you want a man for President who would apologize to Khrushchev?" * * * SINCE THEN an interesting re- port on the summit failure has been written by Ambassador Ran- dolph Burgess, former undersec- retary of the treasury, now United States Ambassador to NATO in Paris. Sen. William Fulbright, who was pressured by Johnson not to be critical of Eisenhower in his probe of the Paris fiasco, never took time to dig into a lot of things. So he never discoVered this report. However, the report bears out Kennedy that the summit confer- ence might well have been saved by a frank face-to-face talk be- tween Ike and Khrushchev. And if the Paris conference had been saved there would have been no humiliation in Tokyo. * * * THE REPORT reveals that when Prime Minister Macmillanc alled on Khrushchev, Sunday, May 15, in a desperate effort to salvage the conference, Khrushchev had pleaded, almost in a whining voice, that Eisenhower had made no effort to see him to explain the spy-plane incident. He was smartilng from the violated just before he was sup- -Daily-James Warneka AT LYDIA MEINDELSSOHN: HoyeElves Spark, Production of 'Annie' IRVING BERLIN'S "Annie Get Your Gun" had a performance last night as bright and amusing as a Wild West show, if somewhat uneven, as the Speech Department's first Summer Playbill production. A hoydenish Annie (Nancy Enggass) and four elfin siblings set the tone early in the first scene, tearming through "Doin' What Comes Naturally" with vigorous, true voices that let the audience see how the actors were enjoying themselves. The breezy gestures of the cast and easy progression of the action proved that energy and fun can be better entertainment than slick fact that Russian air had been posed to discuss peace in Paris. Nevertheless he indicated that things could be smoothed over if only the two men could talk pri- vately. However,, Khrushchev insisted that Eisenhower, as the man who had publicly taken responsibility for violating Russian air space, must make the first approach. He made it clear that he was not going to drive over to the Ameri- can embassy to see Eisenhower, the President would have to come to see him. Prime Minister M a c m i ll a n promptly relayed this message to Eisenhower. He also urged the President to call on Khrushchev. Ike, however, refused. . * * * THE REFUSAL made Khrush- chev indignant. Having b e e spurned regarding his willingness' to sit down with Eisenhower per- sonally, Krushchev upped his terms. He, In turn, refused to meet with Eisenhower as part of the Big Four on Monday, May 16. He delayed the conference open- ing until a plenary session could be called. By that time Eisenhower was worried, ready to make con- cessions. But it was too late. Macmillan was so upset by Ei- senhower's refusal to see Khrush- chev that he commented privately that Ike had waited too long. If he had acted in time he could have saved the conference, Mac- millan said. Learning of Macmillan's remark, Eisenhower made some 'ritical re- marks of his own-indicating that the British prime minister was an appeaser. This did not go down well. However, when Foreign Minister Selwyn Lloyd came to Washington for the SEATO conference, the President gave Macmillan a be- lated private apology. He told Lloyd he did not really mean to call the prime minister of England an appeaser. * * $ THOUGH the Mississippi River separates Tennessee and Ar- kansas, geographically those two states are parallel Southern states, both bounded on the north by the 30th degree of latitude. When it comes to politics, however, cer- tain Tennessee and Arkansas so- Ions are completely opposite. Take the recent backstage bat- tle over plugging tax loopholes. For several years Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee, east of the Mississippi River, has been ham- mering at the treasury depart- ment to ban tax deductions to corporations and lobbying groups seeking to influence Congress. The liquor industry and various other business associations have been trying to persuade Congress to pass legislation favoring them, then turning around and deduct- ing the lobbying expense from the tax bill due Uncle Sam. SENATOR KEFAUVER has long argued this was unfair to other taxpayers, and the treasury last- December finally sided with him. On the other side of. the Mis- sissippi River, however, Arkansas sent Wilbur Mills to Congress and he finally became chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Com- mittee which is supposed to plug the axloopholes. Mills has a philosophy opposite to that of his neighbor from Ten- nessee. While Kefauver has been exposing the high cost of medi- cine and the shenanigans o a food and drug doctor who collected $287,000 from drug companies on r ' 3 A /.-"f I~m5Hri SRAEL STANDS almost alone in the UN debate on the Eichmann affair, and most of the editorials have been critical of it. But I cannot in conscience join them, and I want to register a dissenting opinion. I know there is a strong case to be made against the spiriting away of Eichmann from Argentina, since international law cannot con- done the violation of sovereignty involved in such a kidnaping. There is also a strong case against Eichmann's trial by an Israe'li court instead of by the Germans or an international tribunal. It may-even be argued that an Israeli show trial is against Jewish self-interest, since it may stir anti-Jewish feeling again. YET I FIND MYSELF unmoved by these arguments. Rarely in the lifetime of a gen- eration does history come so beautifully full- circle as in Eichmann's capture and arrest by the Israelis. It would take a novelist of vaulting imagi- nation to do justice to this story: How a little circle of death-camp survivors, whose families had been incinerated by the Nazis, took an oath to track down the architects of the mur- ders; how the Americans, with all good will, let Eichmann slip away; how Peron sheltered him in Argentina, along with many other Nazis; how he tried to change his identity by plastic surgery; how he made trips back and forth between Argentina and Europe, and lived on the loot he had taken from his Jewish vic- tims; how he was tracked down implacably by the men whose families he had wiped out, ar- rested by the swift and secret agents of their people, and must now appear before the court of a state founded out of their tragedy. How can one doubt that there is a sym- metry of history operating in human affairs, and that all the wild injustices of a universe which seems to belong to the barbarous and ruthless are sometimes disciplined to a prin- ciple of order and justice? 1 i Gtue CAN PUT my own position quite simply. When I see history moving thus, as it does so rarely, I would just as soon let it take its course. I don't see any superior claim which Argentina or West Germany may have to dis- pose of Eichmann's fate. Nor am I moved to clamor for an international tribunal to sup- plant Israel's-a tribunal of nations who have either been ineffectual about bringing the Nazi criminals to justice, or are indifferent, or -what is still true of some-are sympathetic to the principle on which the murderers op- erated. When the Allies, after the war, set up a court to try the Nazis, they did sd as the sequel of their victory, and they had every right in the signature of their blood to speak for the conscience of mankind. Since then they and others have forgotten much. The Israelis have been unable to forget. They have acted as the carriers of history, and it is their turn now to speak for the conscience of mankind, as well as for the survival of their own people. IF I SEEM to put my view oversharply and oversimply, let me say immediately that I know how complex the problem is. The prin- cipal of sovereignty is bound up with the na- tional identity of a people, and the Argen- tinians too are proud, as the Israelis are. The territorial principal of law demands that a man be tried in the country where his alleged crime was committed, by the tribunals of that country. Finally it may be argued that if Is- rael claims to speak for the Jews, and if the Jews can condemn as Jews, then they lay themselves open to being condemned, as Jews, which is a dangerous principle. I shall have occasion to pursue these probables in the ar- ticles that follow. Here I can only suggest that there are no practicable alternatives to Israel's role in the case. No one else bothered to track down Eichmann - certainly not Argentina, which now finds itself so aggrieved. As for the territorial principle of law, West Germany shrinks from getting involved in the politics of an Eichmann trial (one may argue that the offer should be made, but it would be only a rhetorical offer), and it could not pursue the case with conviction and commit- ment. East Germany might claim and take it, and use it for anti-Western propaganda. An 1nfAt n ati .nurtn wonuld hA riddleA h the professionalism. ,~ , , GREATEST APPLAUSE of the evening went consistently to Miss Enggass-her diamond-clear dic- tion and motion make her a very good actress, and she is gifted with a sense of timing and a mo- bile face. Her Annie was funny. wistful,eforceful, and largely re- sponsible for the fine audience response to the show, although her voice tired in the second act. Donald Ridley as Frank Butler had the best voice in the musical, playing a Narcissistic sharpshoot- e with only one stance: legs braced firmly, hands gripping lapels, ten-gallon hat pushed well back on his handsome if hollow head. Winnie and Tommy, the star- crossed, picked-on lovers in Wild Bill's troupe (until Annie "schemes out" their problem), were fresh and ingenuous. ONLY STANDOUT in the sup- porting cast was Anne Gee as Winnie's mean mama, Miz' Tate, quasi-villainess of the piece. Miss Gee is a vociferous, talented straight woman who quite regil- larly outplays the comedians she sets off. Allan Schreiber as Chief Sitting Bull had a great moment as he prepared to scalp Miz' Tate, hesi- tating at the last minute to ex- amine his Bowie knife and mur- mur, "Now how was it I used to do it?" His tribe of Sioux made Annie an honorary Indian for her marksmanship in an initiation number ("I'm An Indian Too") that rivalled the University's own honorary Indians and their ver- nal Tappan Oak rites for sheer entertainment value. S* * * SCENERY RANGED from neo- p r i m i t i v e in the first scene through proto-Baroque and back, and the pear-shaped statues in the ballroom scene are worth see- ing for themselves alone. Some- what more successful were the stage effects, which were difficult -they included a shooting match, a motorcycle trick and a boat scene. Although the performance var- ied from corn to class, the high points (for instance, Frank and the chorus doing "My Defenses Are Down") are most memorable and make the show worth seeing. -Jean Spencer DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. two days preced- ing publication. Thursday, June 23, 1960 VOL. LXX, No. 3S History 122s will meet in 33 Angell Hall. AT THE CAMPUS: Film Pair Display1,s. Guinness t alents DIGGING INTO its bag of old contracts, the management of the Campus Theatre has come up with two Guinness fllms-"The Swan" and "The Scapegoat." Forgive this reviewer if he inspects the former from the vantage pdint of several years. Even the best double-feature is apt to give him a teemporary case of locomotor ataxia, and he recalls that while "The Swan" was not without its share of charm, it was not worth seeing twice. Based on a play by Molnar, it deals with the problems of courtly love back in the days when princesses married princes and there were no court photographers. The dialogue is properly urbane, the photography properly lush. Grace Kelly, as the mixed-up Princess in the center of the triangle, is properly cool, and Guinness is properly regal. "THE SCAPEGOAT" deals with a case of mistaken, or double, identity. Guinness, the English school teacher, takes a vacation in France and there meets Guinness the killer. Of course their features are identical. Turns out that the latter Guinness has quite a few prob- lems. True, he has a handsome estate, what with the blood of royalty coursing through his veins, but he doesn't have too many francs. If he eliminates his wife, however, his problems will be solved-- don't ask me how. It's a legal, and therefore complicated matter, and has something or other to do with his having a daughter. In any event, the switch is made and the teacher finds himself living another man's life, and not without benefit. Seems the other man also had a mistress. Far-fetched? Just a little, but Guinness fans shouldn't, and prob- ably won't, object. --J. L. Forsht the side, Mills has blocked the Forand Bill for medical aid to oldsters. For four years also he has been sitting as chairman of a subcom- mittee with power to probe income tax finagling but has done noth- ing. And last week Mills slipped through a sneak amendment, sponsored by Hale Boggs of Louisi- ana, which would unplug the tax loophole for lobbyists previouaiy plugged by Senator Kefauver. * * *- W HAT MAKES the otherwise confident Kennedy camp nerv- ous these days is the fact that his fellow Catholic, Sen. Eugene Mc- Carthy of Minnesota, is reported flirting with the idea of running for Vice-President on a Lyndon Johnson ticket. McCarthy, one of the outstand- ing and most respected memiers of the Senate, comes from the farm belt and has the confidence of both farmers and labor. He studied for the priesthood, has a spotless family life, and is the idol of the liberals in both the House and the Senate. He was one of the organizers of the "Demo- cratic study group" in the House which has scored such a record in pushing through important legis- lation this year. A Johnson-McCarthy ticket, all politicians agree, would have great voter appeal. INTERPRETING: Okinawan-' Uroar By JAMES CARY Associate Press News Analyst TOKYO-The United States may have to take a new hard look at the small but effective nest of Communists in its far eastern fortress Okinawa. The rowdy, pushing,shving and catcallin demonstrations they helped organize and stage during President Eisenhower's visit Sun- day were much larger and rougher than local officials anticipated. The Council for reversion to Japan, a front of 21 groups in- cluding the Communist - lining Okinawa Peoples Party, turned out 5,000 who waved anti-Ameri- can placards and shouted 'go. home" Go home!" They rushed and broke through police lines, snake danced to chants demanding Okinawa be re- turned to Japan and forced the summoning of United States Marines to restore order. THIS IS MORE numerically and in militant intensity, than Oki- nawa's far left has .been able to muster publicly to harrass the United States in many years. In the last previous major out- burst-a 1956 "Yankee-go-home" demonstration parade by Univer- sity of the, Ryukyus students- only about 1,000 participated. The number of university and other school students involved this time indicates much more indoc- trination has been going on than authorities were inclined to be- lieve. KAMEJIRO SENAGA, gaunt, bushy haired Communist chief of the People's Party, has long been a thorn in the American side. He organized the mass movement against military requisitioning of Ryukyuan land. He was elected mayor of the capital city Naha in December 1956 after a free-wheel- ing anti-American campaign. And he had one of his lieutenants elected mayor after the military ousted him. It wasn't until America reformed its land program in 1958 and pros- perity began to seep through the island from United States aid and a dollar economy that Senaga's influence began to wane. Since then the general view has been that the Communists in Okinawa were on their way out. Sunday's performance indicates just the opposite, and it carries with it the threat of a growing student movement like Japan's Communist-fostered Zengakuren, whose violent rioting caused post- ponement oif President Eisenhow- er's trip here. This wouldn't be the first time Senaga and his cohorts have out- smarted the American adminis- tration. His political campaigns have always been better organized than those of the United States- approved Okinawa conservatives, OKINAWA historically is a pov- erty-ridden 462-square-mile out- cropping north of Formosa and 500 miles off the China coast, con- verted into a strategic billion dol- lar American base after ouster of Japan in World War II. Its central location permits quick deploy- ment of troops and planes to any area of Asia. The actual number of Commun- ists, in Okinawa is probably less than 100. But as in Japan this hard cnre constantly works "And Remember - If You Criticize, You're Unpatriotic" 'kN iRS IM- 4 +M, - 922< 1K' ."s c ,{ja LAll Editorial Staff KATHLEEN MOORE, Editor eve .- at14 WSAI j,.