"What If I Were To Threaten To Turn Up at the UN Wearing One of These?" Seventieth Year EDrrD AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrY OF MICHIGAN hen Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PuBLICATIONs BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 'DEPARTMENT OF.IGNORANCE': Dobie Digs Educator, SChools of Educatioi . FRANK DOBIE, who at 71 boasts his blue eyes are stil enough to spot a phony at five paces, recently leveled a gaze at the University of Texas' college of education and judg be "the chief department of ignorance" filled with "damned im However, the UT college of education is no worse than an he said. "They are all horrible. I don't think that what's called literature has caused nearly as much harm as courses in edu Dobie, world-famous historian and, yarn-spinner who ha most of his life in and around classrooms, added: "TAKE THE AVERAGE college catalog and you'll find mc cation courses listed than anything else. But that isn't true of t .Y, AUGUST 10, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL BURNS Election-Year Party Haggling Impedes Important Legislation EIECTION FEVER has again hit thef camps of the two parties contesting for Washington power, and the usual political tactics have been the result.- Republicans, under the leadership of Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illinois, attempted to force the Democrats to reject a controversial civil rights bill and thus exhibit the split in Demo- cratic ranks over such issues. The bill, dealing in part with discrimina- tion in federal construction projects and aid to schools complying voluntarily with desegre- gation, was for all practical purposes purely a political move to embarass the Democrats. This was even more apparent by the strict voting to table the motion. The ensuing badinage reflected no sincere' concern for the substance of the bill. Dirk- sen expected the bill to fail, despite his speech denying political intentions in his move. Dem- ocrat Richard B. Russell of Georgia, an avow- Hail, Jail! Latest contribution of the old world to the new was proposed recently by a traveling agent of the Office of Student Affairs-the Student Jail. It worked at Heidelberg, Germany, in the Student Prince days. Those incarcerated for violating regulations not only underwent a learning experience; they gained status. Their pictures, posted on the outside of the jail door, had to be covered by wire screens to pro- tect them from idolatrous scavengers. The invidious position of the Student Jail- bird could be brought up-to-date and intensi- fied by employing modern methods like peer counselling.. . With the Student Activities Building cur- rently in the throes of expansion, what could be more feasible than to build a jail in the addition? With decorator touches a la Mark- ley, -the sterile milieu of a sorority annex might easily be created. ed segregationist, avoided the question of whether he was for or against the bill and hit at the Republicans' "purely political byplay." Dirksen's sincerity is even more question- able, since he moved to table these same sec- tions in the heated battle over the civil rights bill earlier this year. PRESIDENT DWIGHT D. Eisenhower also entered the political arena, doffing his cloak of impartiality as the November deadline fast approaches. Eisenhower set the stage for the Republican move terming the sections major deletions. Democrats said the motion was made to block passage of other bills concerning medi- cal care, minimum wage and the Antarctic treaty. Perhaps the concern for these bills is genuine, as certainly the Democrats would like to add these feathers to their caps for campaign material, but more genuine is their desire to avoid passing legislation that would annoy the South or, by facing a Southern fili- buster, lose Negro votes in the North. THE BLEMISH for this action is on both sides; it cannot rest on one side alone. The importance of civil rights legislation should place it above such pettiness. It is action that is greatly needed, yet requires the utmost delicacy in wording and administration. The Republicans should realize the gravity of such bills and that adequate time msut be spent on them. The Democrats should resolve their North-South split and work for the passage of civil rights legislation in keeping with their liberal platform stands on the issue. It is most disheartening to see this type of political squabbling when the problem of civil rights is our most pressing internal problem. The verbal exchanges based on such a con- trived bill benefit neither side and fool few of the voters. If the public must be treated to similar political maneuvers, one would hope they could be confined to less delicate and less important legislation. --MICHAEL BURNS DREW PEARSON: Antarctics Treaty WASH GToN0T'wo intelligent senaors whoare smart enough to know better have got themselves in a tizzy over one of our few treaties with Russia which helps preserve the peace of the world. They are: Young Clair Engle of California and grzzled Ernest Gruening of Alaska,. both with a finerrecord in the Senate, but both now seeing Russian bogey- men behind the ice-bergs in re-, gard to the Antarctic treaty now up for debate in the Senate. The Antarctic happens to be one of the - few places where the United States has had excellent cooperation with the Soviet. Ad- miral George: Dufek, former U.S., naval commander in the Antarctic, says: "There was complete har- mony, cooperation and cordiality between the Russians and the Americans. The Russians had an observer with us in Little Ameri- ca; we had an observer with them. We brought along photographic apparatus and took all the pic- tures we liked. It was the same way when they came to visit us." In negotiating the Antarctic treaty, furthermore, the United States and Russia agreed on al- most everything. The most extraordinary feature of the Antarctic treaty is the fact that Russia and the United States at long last agreed to inspection in order to prevent atomic bomb. tests in this vast unexplored waste-land where A-bomb experi- ments would be fairly easy to stage without international inspection. GOP, DEMOCRATS ANALYZED: Campaigns Shape Up MAX ERN R .. V Knock Off 7T OC WE OUGHT to find a better word for it than "vacation," which gives the feel of empti- ness. Many vacations, alas, are empty enough of both meaning and joy, usually because the daily work and life from which we take a vacation are also empty. But happily there are vacations which are genuinely replenishments, for every organism needs at times to knock off and lie fallow, and find somewhere - from without or within-the fuel to re-stoke itself. There won't be any vacation this year for the hungry men all over the world who are lucky if they can find work to keep their lives going and to whom the idea of a civilization able to afford mass leisure would be a dream fantasy. There won't be any vacation this year for a couple of other hungry men as well- the hungry candidates for the American Presi- dency, who have to keep plugging away at the extra Congressional session for the next four weeks to show the right stance for the election. I shall be knocking off during those weeks, at least from the labors and pleasures of this column. But I shall be back after Labor Day, to survey the field of carnage left by the legis- lative battles and add to the spate of commen- tary on the two decisive months of the cam- paign. EVERY YEAR about this time the big circu- lation magazines do layouts on American vacationers in Europe, usually showing an at- tractive and intelligent young couple coping with the strangeness of foreign scenes and ideas. Four million Americans go abroad In any one year, most of them for vacation pleas- ure and fun. Harlan Cleveland, who heads the Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship, at Syracuse University, tells of a questionnaire given to a thousand of these tourists on ships sailing for Europe. More than five hundred of them, filled out by young people of University level and coming from families of above-average income, were studied intensively. The results were depressing. Three out of Editorial Staff KATHLEEN MOORE, Editor MICHAEL BURNS .................. Night Editor ANDREW HAWLEY.............. Night Editor MICHAEL OLINICK............Sports Co-Editor SUSAN JONES........... .......Sorts Co-Editor four failed to name a single Italian novelist, poet or painter of the past 150 years. Half of them couldn't name a single German writer. One out of three couldn't name an important American novelist of our century, and half couldn't name an American playwright. Two out of three made wildly wrong guessesabout the number of Catholics, Jews and Negroes in America. WONDER why these youngsters went to Eu- rope at all, if they were so incurious about either European culture or their own. I suspect that a European vacatino, like a college educa- tion, has now become a mark of social status and a badge of belonging. It is a good way to pick upa number of added attitudes and poses. But if you have resisted learning much from the people around you, the chances are strong that you will resist learning much even when you have been transported a few thou- sand miles with your camera and have changed your locale. What I am suggesting is that intellectual curiosity begins at home, and knowledge of the world should start with knowledge of your culture. Stuart Gerry Brown has written a 50-page pamphlet, Memo for Overseas Ameri- cans, for the Syracuse University Press, ad- dressed both to tourists and to American work- ing and living abroad. He discusses it in "the many meanings of American civilization" and makes the point that Americans abroad cannot be ambassadors for their country unless they know something about it. I should add that this applies to a number of our foreign service officers as well. A recent evaluation test, given by the State Department, revealed a disastrous number who failed in general intelligence and in the broad specific skills needed for their tasks. These are reported to have included the chief information officers in a number of important Asian, African, and European capitals where the kind of image America projects is crucial for our world stand- ing and survival. What many Americans need, in addition to travel vacations, is one in which they will read a few seminal books. MUST ADD in fairness that a number of youngsters in the rising generation have a new and revolutionary attitude about summer vacations. A recent issue of Time ran a good round-up of cities in which a large number of high school students are spending most of their holiday in study groups, where they can gallop through a whole year's work in some By MICHAEL BURNS Daily Stagf Writer WITH THE Republican National Convention over and the cam- paign under way, the future of New York's Gov. Nelson Rocke- feller in the party is "bright" Prof. James K. Pollock, chairman of the political science depart- ment, said recently. The rift between Rockefeller and Vice-President Richard M. Nixon has been healed, with Nixon gaining Rockefeller's decisive sup- port in the fall race and Rocke- feller obtaining a fairly liberal platform. The fact that Rockefeller con- trols the largest state in the elec- toral college, combined with his dynamic personality, makes him a strong leader in the Republican party. His advice will certainly be listened to, Prof. Pollock said, al- though he felt Rockefeller would not accept a federal position. "EVERYTHING Rockefeller has done (at the convention) has strengthened the position of the party as it faces the campaign," he commented. The Republican platform is a true indication of the liberal out- look of the party, Prof. Pollock said, and not just a concession to Rockefeller. This campaign will be based largely on issues, not as much on personality as in past campaigns. Issues are being discussed more seriously than before, he noted, and of course, foreign affairs is the most prominent among them. Conduct of foreign affairs, rath- er than basic policy, will be the main issue, because the platforms are very similar on the generali- LETTER: .Introspective Staff Woofs APPARENTLY our democratic process, based on a spirit of public criticism and debate, does not function at Ann Arbor. I refer to the utter sterility of Daily re- viewing this Summer and the com- pletely impervious acquiescence of Daily readers to the bilge flowing' past their eyes in the cloak of the editorial page. Vernon Nahrgang, forminstance, did not mention the monstrous flouting of American sensibilities in "Psycho" when Janet Leigh was displayed for at least five minutes ' in her underwear. I agree with Miss Paperman, Patrick Chester's writing makes me woof. (sic.) Michael Wentworth's headline "Lost World - Lost Cause" ex- presses perfectly my feelings about him. And Thomas Brien, I hear, is so obscene they won't print half of his material. He'd obviously feel at home f eviewing stag movies. This lack of standards, moral and aesthetic, bugs me something fierce. If criticism can't move them ties. The Republicans will stand on their record, which is very sound, Prof. Pollock said, and stress their experience in dealing with the Russians, while the Dem- ocrats will promote a "new look" in foreign policy. * S * . OTHER KEY debating points will be debt and fiscal policy, old- age sickness and medical care and farm policy. Nixon's repudiation of Secre- tary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson's policies was only "na- tural," he commented. Nixon is expected "to develop the issues" and since his disagreement with Benson has been known for a long time, it was no surprise when chosen to lead the party in the campaign, he attacked the Secre- tary, Prof. Pollock characterized the Democratic party in essence as favoring liberal spending, whereas the Republicans stress a stricter- fiscal policy. The Midwest, which was shun- ned in the choosing of candidates f or national office by both parties, will certainly not be neglected. Candidates will pay great atten- tion to the area which contains such states as Ohio, Illinois, Indi- ana and Michigan with large electoral representation. THE CHOICE OF UN ambassa- dor Henry Cabot Lodge of Mas- sachusetts, for the GOP second spot, rather than a number of capable midwesterners, was an emphasis on foreign policy. Reps. Gerald Ford of Michigan and Walter Judd of Minnesota would have made excellent choices, but. Lodge was the best because he has a national appeal rather than adding regional balance to the ticket. The nomination of Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas on the Dem- ocratic slate was a similar move since Johnson is well-known as an internationalist. This is a new trend in politics, Prof. Pollock said. The selection of Lodge, from the same state as Sen. John Kennedy, was based on his "experience, reputation and public knowledge," the political scientist pointed out. "He is an extremely able, high- class candidate," Prof. Pollock commented, and one who reflects the emphasis placed on the Vice- President in the campaign. Although personality will be less important than in previous presi- dential, battles, the image of Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower is still strong, he noted, and this should contribute to the Nixon cause. * * * AMERICAN DIPLOMATS tried for months to get Russian dele- gates to the Geneva nuclear test conference to agree to complete international inspection. In con- trast they did agree in the Ant- arctic. This is one of the most important features of the treaty which Senators Engle and Gruen- ing have got into such a tizzy about. During the Geophysical Year Antartic experiments by the USA and the USSR, the Soviet chief scientist I. E. Tolstiekov asked Admiral Dufek if he could fly over the pole to visit the U.S. base. Dufek said he would be delighted to have him come and among other things, took him to lunch at the Navy cafeteria where U.S. officers ate with the enlisted men. Later Dufek visited the Soviet base and found the Russians had transported much more luxurious living quarters to the Antarctic. bestuniversities." Reminded th UT offers a great many educatIc courses, white-crested Dobie sa "I repeat, you don't find them the very best universities. don't find them at Harvard Yale. When I was teaching Cambridge one, professor taug one course in education. That, u fortunately, was the American I fluence." Dobie admitted that he hims had taken some education cours A year of them, in fact. "And I learned was to open the wind when it was hot, and close t window when it was cold. Wj air conditioning, even that w derful knowledge is' obsolete." HE SAID, "Fifty years ago started looking for students wj first class minds who voluntar and with enthusaism and app clation took courses in educati I have found not one to this di But I've encountered many fir class students who would not into teaching because they woi have to take those stupifyl courses before they could be cer fled." Colleges of education, said, were preferred by "'du ards." A good teacher needs men discipline, a sense of huior, solid fund of ,knowledge and co mon sense. Dobie said -and ne of these are guaranteed by eti a college of education or by Ph ism. * * * "WHEN I WAS a young mi starving as an instructor at I University of Texas, I resigned manage a big ranch owned 'by i uncle JimDobie. On that ran I met a Mexican goather named Santos Cortez, a gr storyteller. He was a greater nAi ence on me than any PhD I e studied under." But whereas he would o change the PhD system, Do] would eliminate the college education. "I told Harry Ransom (upco ing president of UT), you'rea ways talking about economlzing well, throw out the education c partmient and spend the savz on really educating people." OFFICIAL.wR The Daily Oficial Bulletin is official publication of The UnvO sity of Michigan for which T1 Michigan Daily assumes no ed tonal responsibility. Notces shou be sent in TYPEWfTEN form It Room 3519 Administration Build tng, before 2 p.m. two days precec ing publication. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1960 VOL. LXX, NO. 365 General Notice, Attention August Graduates: Co l og Literature, Science, and the A School of Education, School of M1i School of Public Health, School Business Administration: Students advised not to request grades of X in August. When such grades absolutely imperative, the work x be made up in time to allow your. structor to report the make-p 8 not later than 11 a.m., August Grades received after that timeL defer the student's graduation wit later date. Recommendations for Departme Honors: Teaching departments wisi to recommend tentative August g uates. from the College "of Literat Science, and the Arts, and tGhe. Sc of Education for departmental hd (or high honors in the college L.S.&A.) should recommend such dents in a letter delivered to ,the fice of Registration and Recordas, i 1513 Admin. Bldg., before August 1 The General Library will be do Saturday, August 13, and will coti to b closed Saturdays and Sun through September 18. The library be open during this period, MoRn through Friday, from 8 a m.to 5 D The Undergraduate Libray wills be closed Saturday, August 13, but7 remain closed through 'September From Monday," September 12, throe Friday, September 16, the Undergri ate Library will be open 8 a.m. t p.m. daily. Both libraries will resu regular schedules Monday, Septem .19. pivisional libraries likewise will closed Saturday, August 13. Hours the intersession will be posted on doors of each library. A few ndivid libraries will be closed during part all, of this period, and these libra as well as the Undergraduate Libi will be serviced by the Circulation partment of the General Library, days when no library hours were se tiled. All libraries will be closed Labor Monday, September 5. Students eligible to receive Educa and Training allowance under Pu Law 550 or 634 must furnish e Monthly Certification for August, a ed by their instructors at time o: nal exam, to the Dean's Office by A ust 13. Students eligible to receive Educa I FRIENDS AND ENEMIES': Adlai* Talks of Russia FRIENDS AND ENEMIES. Adlai E. Stevenson. Harper and Brothers. New York. $2.95. WITH THE possibility of Adlai Stevenson becoming an im- portant presidential advisor, and perhaps even Secretary of State, should Kennedy win in the Fall elections, his impressions acquir- ed during his recent trip to Rus- sia assume an importance they did not have back in the Summer of 1958. The articles he wrote after the trip have been collected into a slim, readable volume titled "Friends and Enemies," and is now offered with the growing assortment of election-year read- ing material. "My conclusion is that our Rus- sian competitors are much tough- er than most of us have yet re- alized -- and that this time we might get licked," Stevenson states in his introduction, and "I confess that whenever I hear talk about what we, the great, free Western democracies . . . can and cannot do or afford to do, I am reminded of the imperial Man- chus who disdained the Western barbarians for inventing steam- ships." STEVENSON WRITES that one of the biggest questions is whether "our free system of private for- eign trade" can match the con- trolled but flexible Soviet trading system. "Our Founding Fathers created He cites the predicament of In- dia, "How can India make long- range economic plans, when they may have to be changed or dis- carded at the next session of Con- gress." Meanwhile, he says, Rus- sia can buy, sell and invest where, when and how they please for political advantage. His most daring policy switch, actually just a suggestion, would be to trade with Russia. "On the assumption that well-to-do people are more passive and peaceful than the envious and poor, the liberalizing tendencies in Russia should increase as prosperity in- creases. So why not trade with them? Why not encourage the growth of material abundance and thereby make it harder to pre- serve the secrecy, ignorance and tight controls of the Soviet ,sys- tem? And especially why not - when our refusal to trade with them has not stopped them from developing the Soviet economy at a spectacular pace?" ANASTAS MIKOYAN, the lead- ing Russian authority on, trade, pointed out to Stevenson that the United States persuaded European countries that aluminum was a strategic material and told them not to sell to the: U.S.S.R. "Andi now the SoviethUnion is selling aluminum to the very countries that are forbidden to sell to the, Soviet Union," Mikoyan said. Aiding the Soviet would seem soviet, he writes, "one memory of' this trip I will always retain was the disappointment on his genial, handsome face when I said we were not competing on farm pro- duction. And then his dejection turned to incredulity when I said that in the U.S. we had too much food and fiber. But when I said we even paid farmers not to pro- duce he gave me the sly, amused wink of a politician not unfamil- iar with gullible audiences." EVEN THOUGH Russia was. conducting a hate-America prop- aganda campaign during his visit as a result of our landing in Leb- anon, Stevenson found the Rus- sians friendly, courteous and ex- tremely hospitable. He feels the Russians are distrustful of the in- formation they 'receive, and have developed a "sales-resistance" to' the continual barrage of anti- American propaganda; which is largely offset anyway, by the con- comitant catch-up-to-the-Ameri- cans economic effort. He writes that one dignatory toasted at a lunch he attended, "Believe what you see, not what you hear." Another official, in re- sponse to Stevenson's reminder that +China will have a population of 1.6 billion in the year 2000, toasted, "Which is another reason for better Soviet-American rela- tions." Stevenson adds many bits of in- formation along with his impres- sions - for instance: they have more doctors per capita than us;